George Zimmerman Case winding down


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I really hope that the proposed civil lawsuit against Zimmerman flounders just as badly. Is it not a tremendous sucker-punch to the acquitted to immediately face a money-damages lawsuit over a matter he's already been acquitted of? I wish double-jeopardy applied.

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I have seen Memes on Facebook now that basically portray Martin as a saint like kid...committed to service, church and academic pursuits. How easy they overlook violent race based assault and drug use and racist language. Southern Poverty Law is stirring the pot as well..

Edited by bytor2112
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From Yahoo News

The decision from the jury had been expected to spark outrage from Martin family supporters who say the teen's death was ignored by police and prosecutors for weeks because of his race. Martin was black, and Zimmerman is half white and half Hispanic. But more than an hour after court was adjourned, only a handful of demonstrators were outside the courthouse and they were heavily outnumbered by members of the media trying to interview them.

How sad that the media has been unable to drum up riots and mayhem to continue their news cycle.

No really - why does anyone still watch mainstream media for anything? Look at y'all - arguing over whether people think hispanics can be portuguese can be racist, and whether Ann Coulter rubs people the wrong way or not, and other such irrelevant nonsense.

Cast off your chains of horrible news reporting. You're all smarter than this.

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From Yahoo News

How sad that the media has been unable to drum up riots and mayhem to continue their news cycle.

It's downright irresponsible: if there were any riots, I'd blame it squarely on the media and those that parroted the idea, not any particular side of the argument. The media needs to stop the hype, and people need so stop perpetuating that hype (by continuing to hype the idea of riots, or saying things like Zimmerman is going to be murdered if he doesn't leave the country, etc.) and calm the heck down. Absolutely nothing good will come out of continuing to hype up the case or continuing to make the other side look bad.

EDIT: bytor, if that meme is the same one I saw, it was made by a pro-Zimmerman facebook page as a parody.

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Black Racism Killed Trayvon ...

Trayvon Martin was the product of a broken home. He was also a victim of the corrupt civil-right leaders who peddle racism infecting the minds of young blacks. Martin’s parents (Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton) stood next to race hustlers and knowingly allowed this case to be framed as a race issue. As a result, supporters have taken to Twitter, threatening to kill Zimmerman and random white people if he gets off:

@HotTopicLys: f**k Don West. f*** George Zimmerman. I’ll kill both them n***as.

@StayFocus_Jones: ima kill a white person in self-defense if Zimmerman go free lol on everything.

@ZackSlaterExe: If they don’t kill Zimmerman Ima kill me a cracka.

@BE4L_Pervis: If Zimmerman win, I’m gonna kill a white kid by mistake


The Zimmerman Case Exposes Black Racism

Thousands of black teens have been murdered since Martin’s death, yet Liberals have chosen to fixate on Martin’s death? Black Liberals should ask themselves why they have disproportionate emotion in this case versus the thousands of others.

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One poster was so disturbing last night, I contacted the FBI. He was claiming to be setting cats on fire then posted a picture of two dead women covered in blood, who he had supposedly killed. He also threatened to hunt down a woman and rape her 3-year-old daughter.


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Give them time. Oakland was just looking for an excuse, but the NYC "rally" isn't likely to stay all that peaceful.

That rally ended up staying generally peaceful and went without much incident. Pretty surprising considering how many people on the news kept on saying it wasn't going to be peaceful. ;)

EDIT: from what I've been able to tell, the small riot in Oakland is the only thing related to this case that wasn't generally peaceful. So much for all the hype I heard about cities burning down and such.

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It's downright irresponsible: if there were any riots, I'd blame it squarely on the media and those that parroted the idea, not any particular side of the argument. The media needs to stop the hype, and people need so stop perpetuating that hype (by continuing to hype the idea of riots, or saying things like Zimmerman is going to be murdered if he doesn't leave the country, etc.) and calm the heck down. Absolutely nothing good will come out of continuing to hype up the case or continuing to make the other side look bad.

EDIT: bytor, if that meme is the same one I saw, it was made by a pro-Zimmerman facebook page as a parody.

The media often get's it wong...very wong

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That rally ended up staying generally peaceful and went without much incident. Pretty surprising considering how many people on the news kept on saying it wasn't going to be peaceful.

I guess...unless you were on the freeways that they shutdown and were being terrorized by the mob of ignorant buffoons. And I guess it is okay that tax payers have to pay so the mob think crowd can wreak havoc and cost hundreds of thousands in damage and lost revenue to businesses.

Want to see ignorance and racism in action...look at the crowds. Again, media and the race hustling crew should be held accountable.

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I guess...unless you were on the freeways that they shutdown and were being terrorized by the mob of ignorant buffoons. And I guess it is okay that tax payers have to pay so the mob think crowd can wreak havoc and cost hundreds of thousands in damage and lost revenue to businesses.

What you are referring to is part of the Oakland protest and isn't nearly as dire as how you may have heard it described:

Officials said portions of the 10 were closed from 6:20 p.m. to 6:44 p.m. but have since reopened.

Police emphasized that most of the protesters were peaceful. But there have been several splinter groups from the main protest that have been more aggressive, officials said.

About 150 protesters remained late Sunday at the intersection of Crenshaw Boulevard and Coliseum Street, occasionally disrupting traffic. Dozens of police in riot gear stood nearby as demonstrators chanted “Justice for Trayvon!”

Then shortly after 9 p.m., police cleared out to cheers from the crowd, and about 40 people swarmed onto Crenshaw Boulevard to block traffic. Police immediately returned to the scene.

Police are also monitoring about 150 protesters who are marching north on Western Avenue into Hollywood. Another group was marching up La Brea Avenue beyond Melrose Street. So far only one arrest has been made.

After about 10 minutes, the demonstrators let the officers drive through the crowd. All of the police eventually left the scene and the demonstration continued peacefully.

The only reference I could find about "hundreds of thousands in damage and lost revenue to businesses" was the fact that Times Square was nonoperational during the protests yesterday, but the protests were generally peaceful and business appears to be back to normal today. There are still protesters near Times Square but last I heard their numbers are much less than last night.

Want to see ignorance and racism in action...look at the crowds. Again, media and the race hustling crew should be held accountable.

We're obviously looking at different crowds. If the media should be held accountable for anything, it's hyping up stories of riots and making the protesters look far worse than they really are.

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No...same crowds. When people block traffic and scare motorists...I would say that is ignorance and lawlessness and should not be tolerated. California and New York are along way from Florida and condoning this kind of trumped up non sense is ridiculous. The media doesn't make the protestors look bad...they make themselves look bad and too bad the media doesn't portray them and the story for what it really is........

And while I rant....Obama and his DOJ have done nothing to calm the situation. They instead fan the flames and no one on the left calls out Sharpton and the other usual suspects. Maybe someone should be honest and tell the protestors to get a job and that Trayvon lost his life because of poor choices in his life. Had he not had racist tendencies and not acted like a violent thug...he would be live today.

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No...same crowds. When people block traffic and scare motorists...I would say that is ignorance and lawlessness and should not be tolerated. California and New York are along way from Florida and condoning this kind of trumped up non sense is ridiculous.

Maybe we just have different expectations? I kept on hearing from facebook friends and other sources that this was going to be worse than the Rodney King riots and that there would be mass lawlessness. I got email forwards (such as this one) proclaiming such doom as entire cities burning down and declarations of martial law. Now, I may have been only 3 years old or so when the Rodney King riots took place, but I'm pretty sure they were worse than this. Maybe you can correct me on that assumption.

Now, in no way am I condoning violence or riots, I'm just trying to have a proper perspective on what little violence (relatively) there was.

The media doesn't make the protestors look bad...they make themselves look bad and too bad the media doesn't portray them and the story for what it really is........

Maybe it depends on where you're getting your news from, but what I kept on hearing from the media is headlines like "(insert city here) gripped by rioting fury" and other sensational headlines. It's like Loudmouth_Mormon said earlier, the media has tried (and ultimately failed) to drum up riots and mayhem to continue their news cycle. So, yes, the media isn't portraying the story for what it really is but it's really the exact opposite from what you're assuming. Check my links in my last post if you don't believe me.

And while I rant....Obama and his DOJ have done nothing to calm the situation. They instead fan the flames and no one on the left calls out Sharpton and the other usual suspects.

Don't you at least see how the media is primarily responsible for fanning the flames on this one? Don't fall for the hype. I'll say the same thing I said before, it's downright irresponsible to try to drum up reports of riots.

EDIT: I'd also like to suggest locking this thread in a day or so. Maybe there's a productive conversation to be had about the merits of Stand Your Ground laws, but nothing good will come out of trying to prove "racist" this or "thug" that.

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Don't you at least see how the media is primarily responsible for fanning the flames on this one? Don't fall for the hype. I'll say the same thing I said before, it's downright irresponsible to try to drum up reports of riots.

I am sure the media is quite disappointed that LA isn't burning and Obama as well, the longer this story drags on the less people will remember Benghazi, spying and the IRS. While the media is obviously culpable, Obama fanned the flames long ago and more recently Holder with his they do not get a pass. Sensationalizing headlines attracts readers and if you live in one of the cities where protests were might agree with the headlines. There has been vandalism and acts of violence and while it has been relatively low, it is still all unacceptable.

As for "stand your ground" laws...I am all for shooting someone that chooses to violently assault me. I am guessing that had Martin punched and knocked Zimmerman down and then backed off, he would still be alive. The continued assault led to the shooting and frankly Zimmerman wasn't standing his ground, he was being beat into it.

A portion of Holders comments:

Moreover, I want to assure you that the Department will continue to act in a manner that is consistent with the facts and the law. We are committed to standing with the people of Sanford, with the individuals and families affected by this incident, and with our state and local partners in order to alleviate tensions, address community concerns, and promote healing. We are determined to meet division and confusion with understanding and compassion – and also with truth. We are resolved, as you are, to combat violence involving or directed at young people, to prevent future tragedies and to deal with the underlying attitudes, mistaken beliefs and stereotypes that serve as the basis for these too common incidents. And we will never stop working to ensure that – in every case, in every circumstance, and in every community – justice must be done.

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If anyone ever beats me up, I'll make sure to stop them for a second and ask, "Hey, I need to know. Are you going to a. Beat me to death b. Whoop my ___ or c. Open a can of whoop ___ on me?"

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