
Dr T

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Thanks Doc and Strawberry...My look has altered quite a bit over the last couple of years...until February this year my hair just grew longer and longer and it didn't really suit me at all..my sister said I reminded her of Big Chief Sitting Bull, lol. What a compliment eh?

I do feel better having my hair shorter again, and coloured so that it's more like my natural brown before the grey set in...I'm hoping that as I lose weight, slowly, I might get more improved piccys that I feel happy with...but I do like this one, lol..the others are really weird!!

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High: A Solicitor came to the door and gave me a bid to lift my driveway where it has settled over time. I am very excited bc I thought we might need to replace it.

Low: Teaching my daughter about plants between her complaining of helping me plant about eight new plants. I did however quiz her before she wanted to leave to go with friends...she learned a lot. :D

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High/Low for 5/16/07

High: We (wife and children) went to a home of some other Christians tonight. We'll see if that is something we want to continue going to.

Low: I've been overly busy at work, have a zillion notes to sign, and I'm starting to get a little burt out from nonstop work.

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High/Low for 5/16/07

High: We (wife and children) went to a home of some other Christians tonight. We'll see if that is something we want to continue going to.

Low: I've been overly busy at work, have a zillion notes to sign, and I'm starting to get a little burt out from nonstop work.

Being busy in your line of work is good and bad. Good that there are trained professionals but bad that there is so much happening in the world that we need this type of service. I have wondered what is the most common thing you deal with.... :hmmm:

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Presenting issues are broad and diverse. However, mood and anxiety disorders appear to be the most common, family issues, child abuse/domestic violence, behavior problems, are the most prevenlent. I also of psych evals for Juvenile Hall/Jail and CPS, among other presenting issues.

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Interesting stuff Doc.

Would you say that mood and anxiety disorders have taken a front steep over behavior?

I seems that years ago kids were being dx with ADD and put on Ritalin.

Now they seems to be a dx with something more inward the outward... This may not make any sense. Making I mean before it was more acting out and now kids are more likely to shut down?

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My 'low' point today was how hard it was to get up early this morning. The 'high' point was when my boss bought us pizza for for lunch to make up for having made us get up early for no reason (the project 'fell through' (i.e. my boss decided he didn't want to do it after all!)).

heh heh


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Good question Berry. The complexity of what's going on both internally and externally often are two sides of the same coin.

High/Low for May 17, 2007.

Low: I was up until 3 A.M. (couldn’t sleep) and had to wake up at 6.

High: Accomplished a lot at work today and submitted a nice bill for work provided.

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High: Spending some time with my dad. He is such a great man. :)

Low: Missing my mom.

Hey Strawberry-

Your high and low could have been my high/low from last Saturday.

I love spending time with my dad, but always hate leaving him as now in his old age and loneliness, he cries when I have to go home, which makes it so heartbreaking for me to leave him.

It will be 10 years this year that my mom passed away and I still miss her, sometimes as often as everyday!

Actually - on Saturday (my day off) I am going to hunt down a nice Thank You card and send it to Jim (the needle man) and Kazz(the man who ran the machine that monitored my heart) and the gal (I'll have to call and ask her name) who did the heart ultrasound on me. They were all great - and went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and at ease.

That is so awesome Mrs S!!! It will totally make their day to get a Thank You note from you....those are few and far between in the medical field. You are very sweet to think of them!

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Guest MrsS

My High this week: Getting a rather nice bonus check from my Boss.

My High this week: Spending nearly half of my nice bonus check today on clothes (nice, lightweight, mostly cotton tops and capri's) for Me, Me, Me, & Me. Bought myself a SanDisk Sansa Mp3 player. Am listening to it right now!!! Bought two plants for my office at work- real plants, foilage,(hope they like it there and stay alive). Bought some things for Dear Husband too.

My Low this week: Forgot to make entries in this meal diary the Dr gave me. Now I have to start all over and make sure I do it EVERY DAY!

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No Lows this weekend so far

HIghs: It was Armed Forces day and a lot of places in town had free activities for the family to do. We went to the museum, Imaginarium & Alaska Native Heritage Center for free and then came home and did yard work under sunny skies. A beautiful Alaskan day!

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High/Low for 5/20/07

Low: My son walked in the house today with a fur ball and said, "Look what I found dad." It was another kitten! :wow: This kitten looks like it has two eye infections with a lot of inflammation. I went and got some antibiotics eye drops. <_< We are NOT keeping it :angry: (but I want to teach my children compassion)

High: I had to go get some Teriyaki sauce from the store today. I took my son with me and he asked, "What are we getting?" I told him and he said, "Why do we need yucky sauce?"

That is a high because I laughed. :)

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High/Low for 5/20/07

Low: My son walked in the house today with a fur ball and said, "Look what I found dad." It was another kitten! :wow: This kitten looks like it has two eye infections with a lot of inflammation. I went and got some antibiotics eye drops. <_< We are NOT keeping it :angry: (but I want to teach my children compassion)

High: I had to go get some Teriyaki sauce from the store today. I took my son with me and he asked, "What are we getting?" I told him and he said, "Why do we need yucky sauce?"

That is a high because I laughed. :)

Aww Dr. T you just gotta keep that cute little ball of fluff!!! :D

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Guest MrsS

:diablo: Nope. I will give it a place to sleep and give it the eye drops then it's on its own.

Better put a big sign in your yard that says:

own </span> you.

Dr.T, is there a Pet Clinic in your area? One where they don't charge near as much as the vet's? You would be wise to find one, since you are now in the <span style="color:#3333FF">"Adopt Sick and Ailing Fur Balls" business!Posted Image

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I've said it before, I'll say it again.... Me thinks thou doest protest too much! If you already took the time to buy and administer the eye drops, you are now the proud (even if in denial) owner of a second kitty. Are you going to have another Name MY kitty contest?

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