
Dr T

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Guest Yediyd

High: I was able to get the rest of the 10"X24" shelves, longer bolts, personal shower (the other one broke), two more plants for my office w/beautiful pots to sit in. Got my book shelves up in our home 'Puter room.

Got three boxes of books put up and the huge stack of books that was leaning against the book case.

Low-Low-Low: Husbands youngest brother who is a Meth addict is in the hospital. His wife and his daughters called here demanding that I call his brother (my husband) at work, and tell him. I asked S.I.L. what did she expect older brother to do? She called me a derogatory name, so I hung up. Let me back up here 3 years, when I came into this family. Youngest son was living with Mom, with his wife, his three daughters and wifes son. The kids were in their early teens then. Youngest son has been a drug addict since he was 13 years old. His latest drug of choice has been meth.

He prostituted out his teen daughters so he could get money for his meth. His wife is the one who suggested it - put them to work, let them "earn" their keep. He also taught them all how to pick pockets, steal credit & debit cards, and to take credit card mail out of others mail boxes. He had the girls do the dirty work, because they are minors. He also introduced them to Meth, now they are hooked on it too!

Mother-in-law has Alzheimers - to date she is in the severe stages of it. Wears a diaper, thinks she is a teenager, can not remember how to cut up her food, or even what utensil to use with ice cream, pudding, etc. If you put a knife, fork and spoon next to her plate, she is confused over which to use. Thus she is given only one appropriate utensil.

Youngest son and wife knew this - and took advantage of it. He stole her SSA# and sold it, he applied for credit cards in her name and with her good credit and racked up $1,000's of dollars. In just a 1 1/2 year time frame from M.I.L.'s checking account - he has stolen over $80K!! He took anything and everything of value that was in her home and sold it! EVERYTHING including her wedding ring, and her late husbands - his father- wedding ring!

Husband takes me to meet his mother and we are both alarmed at the condition of the house - hasn't been cleaned in years. Mice, dog and cat crap all over every where. The stench is almost unbearable. M.I.L. hasn't bathed in months- nor has the clothes she is wearing been laundered. She is barefoot and her toenails are so long they are curling under and over the other toes! She has no sheets or blankets - her mattress is dog poop brown and stinks. Really stinks!

After about a year, we finally take M.I.L. to the Dr. Her Alzheimers is way worse than when the Dr last saw her 4 years earlier, she is suffering from malnutrition, scabies, head & body lice, fleas, she has SEVERE fungus on her feet and toes. Dr tells us that if we return her to her home, he will have our hides. (he is LDS)

We take her home and promptly call middle brother in a different state - oldest and middle brother form a plan. We keep M.I.L. for two weeks, in which I clean her up, purchase her some thrift store clothes, and then we fly her to middle brother, way out of state - far, far away from youngest son.

It takes us 1 year to get youngest son, wife and tribe out of M.I.L.'s home. In the meantime, there is no water and no gas. We do pay the electric so they won't have to use candles and possibly burn the house down.

Youngest brother has had numerous run ins with the law. Driving uninsured, no registration, no drivers license. He spent 32 days in jail for possession. He is 50 years old and he looks older than his 85 year old mother. He has no teeth - just black infected gums.

He is in the hospital, unconscious, on life support. His drugged out/drugged up family now want Brother/Uncle to make it all better.

Why can't they just dry up and blow away???? They are such leeches on us, and society.

I am meeting my Husband at the gas station right off of the interstate so that WE can go to the Hospital together tonight when he gets off work at 11pm. I will not let him go through this alone.

What I really want to do is against the law, and it is against Gods law - but I want to just pull the plug on the little bustard and let it all end!!!

Heaven help my soul and the little bustards too!

WOW! What a trip! Don't believe I will be doing any complaining any time soon after reading that! God help his soul...and those poor girls!!! :wacko:

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High/Low 6/6/07

Low: My son, Ethan, had blood in his urine today. I'm praying that it is from a bladder infection at the worst.

High: Kissing all my children.

Dr. T. I had a urine test last week and had the same, blood in it for no apparent reason. I'm hoping the same as you are, tho I haven't had any obvious symptoms of any infection...Oh well, I'm sure it's just my body trying to get me worried about another health problem and then it's gonna turn round and say 'Haha, worrying again, the old hypochondriac!' :P

At least I hope that's what's gonna be the result...nothing! :sparklygrin:

Good Luck Doc.!

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Thank you. He started screaming in pain. My wife went to check on him and saw blood. He started complaining that's how we knew.

Might also be kidney stones, (very painful). Hope all is back to normal with him very soon!

For 06/06/07

High: FINALLY got two more positions at work approved for our overworked department!

SUPER HIGH: GREAT nephew number 28 made a spectacular entrance into this life after only 20 minutes of labor on his mother's part!

LOW: Due to the incredible highs of today, the lows have been cancelled!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great news Berry. See to it that the family gets involved in aftercare too. Don't allow things to be exactly the same as when he went in.

My High/Low for today (as many of you already know):

Low: Lost some money :huh:

High: Found that money :)

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Great news Berry. See to it that the family gets involved in aftercare too. Don't allow things to be exactly the same as when he went in.

Thanks Dr. T. I did this three years ago with my then 17 year old son who has a brain injury. Rehab helped bring him back to me. It's a great place.

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