What movie are you seeing on Christmas Day?


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I know some of you do this annually with your family. So what movie are you gearing up to go see? If it's a long movie, exceeding two hours, do you select aisle seats so you can get up and use the restroom at some point? Or do you get the seats smack in the middle, and crawl over everyone when the kiddo (or you lol) has to go...

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We're planning on 3 movies that day: Walter Smitty, Ronin, and Grudge Match

We always stop by the restroom before each movie and we always sit smack dab in the middle 3 rows up. We should just buy those seats and etch our names on it the many times we go to the same theater. We rarely have to leave in the middle of a show. If we have to, we crawl over everybody.

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Christmas has always felt holy like the Sabbath to us, and we treat it as such. We don't do anything that contributes to someone having to work on that day.

I always look at this in 2 ways. The Sabbath is, of course the Sabbath. I honor the Sabbath because of my covenant but I do not hinder anybody else to do what they want to do who do not have the same covenants. So, I don't say I do not shop on the Sabbath so people won't have to work on the Sabbath. In the USA, people who don't have covenants will choose to work on the Sabbath to feed their families. If they do not want to or if they can afford not to, they won't. If I did not covenant to keep the Sabbath holy, I will shop on the Sabbath and go to movies on the Sabbath or have waiters serve me on the Sabbath which allows them to feed their families. But instead, I don't do that, not because I want to stop them from not keeping the Sabbath holy but because I want to keep the Sabbath holy.

Christmas, of course if it doesn't fall on the Sabbath, is one of those days. It's not the Sabbath and the least I can do for those people needing to pay their Christmas debts is to avail of their services so they can make money. If they don't want to or if they can afford not to, in the USA, they won't work on Christmas.

But that's just me.

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Christmas, of course if it doesn't fall on the Sabbath, is one of those days. It's not the Sabbath and the least I can do for those people needing to pay their Christmas debts is to avail of their services so they can make money. If they don't want to or if they can afford not to, in the USA, they won't work on Christmas.

But that's just me.

I wish that were true about people having choices. This is the first year in 4 years that I will not have to work on Christmas. My last job required it of me every Christmas. I would have preferred spending the entire day at home.

Edited by pam
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I would hate to work on Christmas and have always hated working Christmas Eve, so its not fair for me to demand that of other people.

Its a huge stretch to offer the theory that someone is doing someone a favour by generously donating their time and money to a business on Christmas day, or any other day for that matter. I kind of picture pity money for the service that they are selling. Its as if you are doing more of a service than they are, by giving them money. I am scratching my head.

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I've worked quite a few holidays over the years. I've probably had about half the last 16 Christmas/Christmas Eve's off. Sometimes one, sometimes both. I've had 2 of the last 16 New Years Eve off (last year and the previous year), I've had Thanksgiving off for about 5 years now. Fortunately I seem to be the only one who likes Halloween off and have been able to get most of them off.

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I worked every weekend and most holidays when I worked in nursing. You didn't moan or groan about it, you just knew that it was part of the deal in the health care field, especially if you didn't have seniority. This could be argued, but I would say most cinema employees are teens or young kids, who are not solely relied upon to support a family - as in a life or death matter. So if working weekends or certain holidays is that big of a deal, no one is forcing them to keep working there, they can be replaced by someone who needs the extra money. And not to veer too far off topic but where do we draw the line on this? Do you not travel to visit family on weekends or holidays because ultimately you're requiring that a gas station, bus terminal, airport, or hotel be available and accessible? All those people have family too.

At any rate, the family has a good idea of what we want to see but it's up in the air as to whereabouts we'll sit inside the cinema.

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I wish that were true about people having choices. This is the first year in 4 years that I will not have to work on Christmas. My last job required it of me every Christmas. I would have preferred spending the entire day at home.

This dialogue from Dangerous Minds is one of my very favorite movie dialogues:

(Set up: New language teacher tries to get kids involved in the classroom, even going to their houses to talk to their parents. Kids are upset thinking the teacher is ratting on them to their parents. Teacher asks them if they'd rather spend class time talking about the issue or learning the poem that she had planned for the day... )

Students: Whatever floats your boat. We don't have no choices in this room.

Teacher: Well, if you all feel that strongly about it, leave the room. Hey, listen. Nobody's forcing you to be here. You have a choice. You can stay, or you can leave.

Students: Lady, why are you playin' this game? We don't have a choice.

Teacher: You don't have a choice? You don't have a choice on whether or not you're here?

Students: No. lf we leave, we don't get to graduate. lf we stay, we gotta put up with you.

Teacher: Well, that's a choice, isn't it? You have a choice. You either don't graduate or you have to put up with me. lt may not be a choice you like, but it is a choice.

Students: Man, you don't understand nothing. l mean, you don't come from where we live. You-You're not bussed here.

Teacher: Do you have a choice to get on that bus?

Student: Man, you come and live in my neighbourhood for one week and then you tell me if you got a choice.

Teacher: There are a lot of people who live in your neighbourhood who choose not to get on that bus. What do they choose to do? They choose to go out and sell drugs. They choose to go out and kill people. They choose to do a lot of other things. But they choose not to get on that bus. The people who choose to get on that bus, which are you, are the people who are saying, "l will not carry myself down to die / When I go to my grave / My head will be high". That is a choice. There are no victims in this classroom!


There are three parties here with choices: The movie theater - to open or close on Christmas. The worker - to work or not on Christmas. The customer - to watch or not on Christmas.

The movie theater - will not open on Christmas if they don't need the profit regardless of how many people want to watch a movie on Christmas.

The worker - will not work on Christmas (or for the theater who opens on Christmas) if they don't need the money provided by that movie theater regardless of whether the movie theater wants them to work on Christmas or not.

The customer - will not watch a movie on Christmas if it doesn't benefit them in some way to watch a movie on Christmas.

Now each of those parties have consequences/different outcomes if they choose a different option. For me as a customer - it benefits my family to watch movies on Christmas. Movies is what our family loves to do the most and Christmas is completely a family day. My kids will be 40 years old with their own surly teen-agers and I can completely imagine their teen-agers telling their friends they can't go hanging out with them because the family, including grandma and grandpa, is watching a movie on Christmas...

Edited by anatess
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Your cinema's are open on Christmas Day :eek: Outside of Hospitals and the odd small corner shop or petrol station, everything is closed on Christmas Day in the UK!

I know! Isn't that wild? Everything except Walmart is closed on Christmas Day... except the movies! And the theater we go to is usually packed!

In the Philippines, everybody is asleep on Christmas Day... they've been waking up at 3AM to catch the 4AM mass at the Catholic Church everyday for 9 days before Christmas and then staying up all night on Christmas Eve to catch the midnight mass and light fireworks until morning that Christmas Day is a snooze fest...

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At the risk of looking ridiculous I'll tell you ours: "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" - the one with Mickey Rooney as Kris Kringle and Fred Astaire as the postman.

There are 2 parts I specially like: firstly when Jessica, who eventually becomes Mrs. Claus, realizes that her future lies with Kris and she sings "My World Begins Today" (against some rather "acid house" visuals which remind me somewhat of The Beatles' "Yellow Submarine").

The other is when the Winter Warlock (voiced by Keenan Wynn) repents of his evil ways, but is unsure whether he really can maintain his good intentions; Kris suggests to him (in song, of course) that ne need only "put one foot in front of the other".

It's exactly like the great Master Splinter said: "A journey of a thousand miles..." :)

Edited by Jamie123
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Movie? I will be eating like CRAZY!

OOOHH!!! I gotta tell you... there's this movie theater north of Houston that serves dinner in the theater! Yes! the chairs are designed like school desks that has this folding table. The waiters come around before the previews to get your order and deliver your meal and then the previews start and the theater goes dark but you have a soft-glow light on the table so you can see your food. It was very intersting to say the least.

There's also one in downtown Orlando where each chair is this ginormous plush leather that you just sink into and there's a table area in between each of the chairs. They don't have waiters though. You buy dinner from the concession (not just burger or hotdog either) and bring it into the theater.

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OOOHH!!! I gotta tell you... there's this movie theater north of Houston that serves dinner in the theater! Yes! the chairs are designed like school desks that has this folding table. The waiters come around before the previews to get your order and deliver your meal and then the previews start and the theater goes dark but you have a soft-glow light on the table so you can see your food. It was very intersting to say the least.

There's also one in downtown Orlando where each chair is this ginormous plush leather that you just sink into and there's a table area in between each of the chairs. They don't have waiters though. You buy dinner from the concession (not just burger or hotdog either) and bring it into the theater.

I have seen these but I'm such a germ freak, it's hard enough to sit in a regular cinema without feeling a bit icky, I can only imagine what one with constant food inside would be like... I know, I think on the micro-level and it drives my husband nuts!

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The movie theater - will not open on Christmas if they don't needor actually WANT the profit regardless of how many people want to watch a movie on Christmas.

The worker - will not work on Christmas (or for the theater who opens on Christmas) if they don't need the money provided by that movie theater regardless of whether the movie theater wants them to work on Christmas or not. Or perhaps they like the job even if they hate working on Christmas

The customer - will not watch a movie on Christmas if it doesn't benefit them in some way to watch a movie on Christmas. or were bored or selfishly believe that their wants are more important than other peoples wants

I made a couple of corrections (I capitalized/bolded ONLY to show what was my input and NOT to 'yell')

I've gone to a show a number of Christmas Days too, but I just couldn't let misconceptions about reasons for doing something stand.

Edited by mnn727
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I made a couple of corrections (I capitalized/bolded ONLY to show what was my input and NOT to 'yell')

I've gone to a show a number of Christmas Days too, but I just couldn't let misconceptions about reasons for doing something stand.

Bolded doesn't make sense.

First, on the bolded itself:

On "a business wants". A business is a profit/loss ledger. It doesn't need/want like people need/want donuts. Its reason for existence is to maximize profits within an established set of principles therefore there is no distinction between need and want. A business owned by single proprietorship would be the same except that the proprietor's set of principles is the business' and can change without prior notice.

An employee liking the job and hating working on Christmas follows the same logic as needing the money. It is still a matter of choice with differing consequences that is getting weighed.

A person going to the movies because they are bored is benefitted by the movie.

Now, why your bolded statements doesn't make sense especially the one about a person's selfishness: It doesn't change the outcome that the correlation between the employee and the customer in the Movie on Christmas (or even Sundays) is so closely tied to qualify the statement: "I am not going to watch the movie so that employees don't have to work on Christmas". Because the fact remains that the people having made the covenant (to God or a personal conviction) are a consumer minority. But, the statement, "I am not going to watch a movie on Sunday/Christmas because of my personal covenant with God/my principles" qualifies completely. It doesn't presume that others hold the same covenant/convictions or even want it.

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