Sister missionaries or not??


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I know this is probably a long shot, but does anyone know which missions sisters are NOT being called to? I want to eliminate from my mind some of the scary places my daughter could get called to this week. :o

I'm thrilled for her but nervous about certain places in the world. Hopefully she'll follow her big brothers and go stateside.

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I know this is probably a long shot, but does anyone know which missions sisters are NOT being called to? I want to eliminate from my mind some of the scary places my daughter could get called to this week. :o

I'm thrilled for her but nervous about certain places in the world. Hopefully she'll follow her big brothers and go stateside.

Don't worry. The Church closed the Iran Tehran Mission many years ago.


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I served in Salinas, CA 11 years ago. At the time, it had the highest murder rate per capita in the country. That I know of, there are not any missions that sisters do not get called to at all. Usually there may be areas within a mission that are less safe for sisters to serve in, particularly during winter months with less daylight -- East Cleveland, South DC, New Orleans, for example. In my case, our mission president sent us to Salinas because we asked him to (no, really).

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Right now you could probably count out the Ukraine and Venezuela. I think they are only allowing those from that area to serve at the present time until the areas cool down.

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I was under the impression they don't send sisters to certain areas of South Africa. but that may or may not be true.

I have a female friend who served in the Durban, South Africa mission about 11 years ago (she and I were out at the same time), but that may be true in other parts of the country.

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Do they send kids to their own state- different mission? That would be really odd and too close to home for her and us. My son went one state away. Even that was a little too close.

Many, if not the majority of missionaries from the UK get called elsewhere within the UK. As you can pretty much drive from one end of the UK to the other within 6 or 7 hours, there isn't a lot of choice but to have them serving close to home.

My brother served all of two hours away from his home. 1.5 hours on a good traffic day.

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Many, if not the majority of missionaries from the UK get called elsewhere within the UK. As you can pretty much drive from one end of the UK to the other within 6 or 7 hours, there isn't a lot of choice but to have them serving close to home.

My brother served all of two hours away from his home. 1.5 hours on a good traffic day.

Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Sorry to be so US-centric on this thread. I guess there are lots of native citizens of many countries serving close to home.

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Wow! That would be tough. Were there special circumstances that required him to be close to home?

I just talked to my son who went to Oregon-Spanish speaking. One of his companions was from Vancouver WA. The situation there was that this young man was in the states illegally and they couldn't fly him anywhere. In fact he never even went to the MTC. Just went straight from home to the mission 2 hrs away.

Now that opens another can of worms that doesn't have anything to do with my OP but oye! I've got opinions about it and I can't talk to my son about it for fear of offending the people he grew to love so much (Spanish speaking folks in Oregon) some who obviously weren't in the country legally. Another topic for another thread.

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I hope they send her to south florida!!!! We need more sister missionarys!!!! Sister missionarys rock!!! ok the elders rock too haha. :) Carlimac its an exciting time for you and your family. Where ever she is sent it will be wonderful!!! Thank you and all who sends our children out into the mission field. Now that is love..........

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Do they send kids to their own state- different mission? That would be really odd and too close to home for her and us. My son went one state away. Even that was a little too close.

I grew up in Anaheim, CA. When I was 14, I moved to a suburb of Portland, OR. I was called to serve in San Jose, CA. The southern tip of my first area was less than an hour from where my grandmother lived.

I dated a guy who lived his whole life in the suburb of Portland, and was called to serve in Roseville, CA...there was one geographic mission in between his home and his assigned mission. He told me once that he was tempted to ride his bike home from the field -- it would have taken him one whole days, he said -- just because he could. Apparently his last area was as far north as he could be while still being within the mission boundaries.

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I'm not sending her. This is her own choice! (But I know what you mean.) I'm still dealing a little with the old stereotype of the "unwanted" women going on missions.. I was one of those who didn't go on a mission till I was 23 1/2 and it was only after my bishop approached me and asked if I'd thought of it. This was 6 months after breaking up with my boyfriend who was also in the ward. I got home at 25 and finally got married at 26. As much as I enjoyed some aspects of my mission, they were very difficult and painful years. The mama bear in me wants to protect my girls from pain and hardship, even though I know it's good for their growth and experience. So I have not encouraged my daughters to go at all, but I haven't discouraged them either. I know that stereotype isn't true anymore. Many of the best and brightest and most attractive women are going on missions. My daughter is one of those. She has SO much enthusiasm and is so fun and cute. She'll be a great missionary!

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