Why Is "sin" Bad?


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Please do not just post the standard Sunday School answer. I thought I would ask this question to see what forum members are thinking. I have a definite opinion. So what is it about “Sin” that is so bad? Why does G-d not allow sin in his presents? What is the “Real” problem with sin?

The Traveler

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So what is it about “Sin” that is so bad?

I think it's mainly the odor; although the taste isn't so hot either.

Why does G-d not allow sin in his presents?

I think it's because of the extra expense of duty taxes...


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Guest Username-Removed

Please do not just post the standard Sunday School answer. I thought I would ask this question to see what forum members are thinking. I have a definite opinion. So what is it about “Sin” that is so bad? Why does G-d not allow sin in his presents? What is the “Real” problem with sin?

The Traveler

We all have sin. We try and avoid it as much as we can. But, inevetibly, we sin even after baptism. We avoid sin because we already have sins to repent of through change. Change can take time and there is work involved. Some sin is so burdonsome, that is can encompass most, if not all of our lives. For me, I already have enough work to do! I prefer to enjoy my life, and accept the challenges that are naturally in my path, rather than create extra ones for myself. In fact, self inflicted sin can deter the experiences that the Lord has placed before me in order to mold me to what he wants me to be. The Lord is better at this than I am!

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I have (at least) two thoughts. They go together and actually if looked at closely say the same thing.

The first thought is sin is anything that causes harm to a child of God. We do say that sin is anything that separates us from God, but then the question is, why do some acts separate us from God? It's just another level to delve into.

My second thought is that the universe is created a certain way and with certain properties (of matter). It is necessary to remain in the straight and narrow way. Any deviation from the straight and narrow way results ultimately (if not corrected) in the destruction of the being and of the universe. A being (a child of God) has the need to expand endlessly and to appropriate fuel to do so. Well if a being were allowed to do that willy nilly, you could see the trouble that would cause. On the other hand if you cause that that being can make no expansion and cannot receive input of energy, then you also have the death of the being. So, we all have to be together in the body of Christ where we all can expand according to our desires yet without violating the being and expansion of the other beings. It takes a little practice to do this, hence a mortal probation, where mistakes made are redeemable. But sin would be any thing that would take us outside of the bounds of the straight and narrow way, the body of Christ, and that would violate or cause the death of the child of God and his or her joy of being (eternal life).

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I have (at least) two thoughts. They go together and actually if looked at closely say the same thing.

The first thought is sin is anything that causes harm to a child of God. We do say that sin is anything that separates us from God, but then the question is, why do some acts separate us from God? It's just another level to delve into.

My second thought is that the universe is created a certain way and with certain properties (of matter). It is necessary to remain in the straight and narrow way. Any deviation from the straight and narrow way results ultimately (if not corrected) in the destruction of the being and of the universe. A being (a child of God) has the need to expand endlessly and to appropriate fuel to do so. Well if a being were allowed to do that willy nilly, you could see the trouble that would cause. On the other hand if you cause that that being can make no expansion and cannot receive input of energy, then you also have the death of the being. So, we all have to be together in the body of Christ where we all can expand according to our desires yet without violating the being and expansion of the other beings. It takes a little practice to do this, hence a mortal probation, where mistakes made are redeemable. But sin would be any thing that would take us outside of the bounds of the straight and narrow way, the body of Christ, and that would violate or cause the death of the child of God and his or her joy of being (eternal life).


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The 'Real' problem with sin is not simply that it has arbitrarily been designated as such by God. The Eternal Celestial law which God abides and is preparing us to abide is co-eternal with Him. Like unto gravity, it is 'unbreakable'.

We say: 'There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated— And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.' (D&C 130:20-21)

Indeed, the Eternal Law is no different. God cannot break the law without also enduring the consequences of having done so. This is why no 'transgression' of the law can He abide.

We, like Him, will endure the consequences of failure to abide the Celestial Law, which consequence is non-Celestial glory.


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I gotta' back up my bro a-train on this one.

God doesn't legislate morality. There are self-existant, eternal principles and laws which--when obeyed--bring a fulness of happiness and joy.

God is merely showing us how to be like Him, a being of perfect goodness, who conforms to Truth and Light.

I often think of the gospel as "eternal etiquette," our training wheels for how Celestial Beings think, act, and desire.

God doesn't want us to obey the commandments.

God wants us to become the commandments.

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Guest mamacat

I gotta' back up my bro a-train on this one.

God doesn't legislate morality. There are self-existant, eternal principles and laws which--when obeyed--bring a fulness of happiness and joy.

God is merely showing us how to be like Him, a being of perfect goodness, who conforms to Truth and Light.

I often think of the gospel as "eternal etiquette," our training wheels for how Celestial Beings think, act, and desire.

God doesn't want us to obey the commandments.

God wants us to become the commandments.

oh my gosh, i was thinkin along these very lines today. thanks for expressing this so eloquently. you've crystallized these ideas so well. :thumbsup:

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I like what Xhenli was saying. My wife and I were talking of this very thing yesterday after church. In order for God to be God the elements themselves have to submit their will to him. They do this because they know that while he is ultimately merciful, he is also ultimately just and fair. If there was any chance of God "showing favorites" so to speak, he would "cease to be God" because the very elements would rebel. That is why the atonement had to take place. Without it, God could not be merciful and still be God. Someone had to pay the price.

So to me sin is anything contrary to the will of God, contrary to our becoming like him. Sin is not being obedient to the laws that are revealed to us at that time.

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Now I do now want to upset anyone but to be honest I think for the most part sin is not understood. You see most people think of sin in terms of the damage it causes or that G-d just does not like having sin around or that he could not be G-d if sin was going on around him.

Fixing the damage caused by sin is no problem for G-d. I am quite convinced that with all his knowledge and power he can more than fix any damage caused by sin. That is with one exception and this is why sin is so rotten and bad - it is why G-d is so adamant that we do not sin.

It is the damage and destruction that sin brings to the heart and soul of the sinner that is the problem. This may come as a shock to some of you in forum-land but I have tried sin myself a few times (but I did not inhale). Even the littlest of sin is so ##$%$ addictive. I have come to the conclusion because of my experiments in sin that sin really is not all that bad. In fact it can be fun – sort of. It is sort of like eating a real sticky cinnamon bun. The real problem is in the clean up. That is where the hassle really is. It is so bad G-d cannot fix your sinful heart – he is not powerful enough – he has to have your help and full cooperation in order to undo what sin has done to you.

Repenting from sin can make strong men and women very very humble. Of all things that stand in the way of members of mankind becoming like G-d – Repentance of sin is the #1 hardest of them all. It is the one thing that most intelligent, smart and best of man will always struggle with the most in being a saint of G-d. I am convinced that those that say repentance is easy – just do not know any thing they are talking about.

The Traveler

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Please do not just post the standard Sunday School answer. I thought I would ask this question to see what forum members are thinking. I have a definite opinion. So what is it about “Sin” that is so bad? Why does G-d not allow sin in his presents? What is the “Real” problem with sin?

The Traveler

Now I do now want to upset anyone but to be honest I think for the most part sin is not understood. You see most people think of sin in terms of the damage it causes or that G-d just does not like having sin around or that he could not be G-d if sin was going on around him.

Fixing the damage caused by sin is no problem for G-d. I am quite convinced that with all his knowledge and power he can more than fix any damage caused by sin. That is with one exception and this is why sin is so rotten and bad - it is why G-d is so adamant that we do not sin.

It is the damage and destruction that sin brings to the heart and soul of the sinner that is the problem. This may come as a shock to some of you in forum-land but I have tried sin myself a few times (but I did not inhale). Even the littlest of sin is so ##$%$ addictive. I have come to the conclusion because of my experiments in sin that sin really is not all that bad. In fact it can be fun – sort of. It is sort of like eating a real sticky cinnamon bun. The real problem is in the clean up. That is where the hassle really is. It is so bad G-d cannot fix your sinful heart – he is not powerful enough – he has to have your help and full cooperation in order to undo what sin has done to you.

Repenting from sin can make strong men and women very very humble. Of all things that stand in the way of members of mankind becoming like G-d – Repentance of sin is the #1 hardest of them all. It is the one thing that most intelligent, smart and best of man will always struggle with the most in being a saint of G-d. I am convinced that those that say repentance is easy – just do not know any thing they are talking about.

The Traveler

I think Sin is bad because it takes away our innocence. In the pre-mortal Existance we were innocent and we were with Heavenly Father. Sin removes use from being like him as much as possible.

Like you said it hurts us

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Please do not just post the standard Sunday School answer. I thought I would ask this question to see what forum members are thinking. I have a definite opinion. So what is it about “Sin” that is so bad? Why does G-d not allow sin in his presents? What is the “Real” problem with sin?

The Traveler

Sin has its purpose without knowledge of evil we cannot know good - ever read Perelandra? its the middle book of CS Lewis' Mars Trilogy very interesting book about a world where the fall didn't occur instead a man from Earth (his name is Ransom) is sent to her to teach her about bad - even without sin their world could not continue without a knowledge of it.

Sin and repentance bring about growth - however sin is bad for a very simple reason and this is probably a very Sunday School answer, because Heavenly Father says so. We are mortal - He is immortal and can see the big picture concerning our lives. Sometimes with my daughter I need her to just do without an explanation, the same goes for Heavenly Father by obeying his commandments and listening to him we are exercising our faith


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It isn't sinning that gets us in trouble with God.

Refusing to repent gets us in trouble with God.


I was just sitting in a meeting thinking about your statement and it really hit home. How many of us sit back on a daily basis and think we really have nothing to repent of? Did nothing really bad today. Didn't kill anyone. Didn't cheat on my spouse. Didn't smoke pot today, or go on an all night drunk. Did my HT this month, paid my tithing, attended my meetings: why heck, that Pharisee praying in the street wasn't that bad of a fellow!

I realized then that we do repent of the major things, but our pride and laziness prevents most of us from repenting of the small things that really make up the difference (at least to me) btw Terre Kingdom (not valiant in the testimony of Christ) and the CK (church of the firstborn).

Thanks for that CK!

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The promise we have from our Savior is that if we come unto him, he will show us our weakness.

It is only through overcoming our weakness that we can come to know Christ.

SixpackTR said it well.

I am a living witness that our Savior shows us our weakness. Little by little, here a little, there a little. Then it is up to us to see it and repent. That is where the choice lies. I count weakness as things like;

-desiring honors of men

-spirit of competition

-unrighteous dominion (towards spouse and children...women use it too)

-withholding love

-the victim mentality (taking the good guy stance in a difficult situation...ie not teachable)

-needing to be right (self righteous)

-being unforgiving

-being judgmental


-not sensitive to others needs


-not being able to admit we are wrong.

-giving undo precedence to financial means

- thinking we are better than others.

-not controlling our appetites

When the big things happen, it is usually a result of one of the above not being fixed.

they can all be boiled down into pride/fear cant they?

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Well let's look back. There are different things. The word of wisdom was given when ther was no knowledge of drinking and smoking causing any harm to you. Now we know it causes harm and is addictive.

Sin is something that wil make our lives worse no matter wich way we think of it. Sex before marriage can cause some ugly scares (I.E. no college, a new baby, a nasty disease, un-healthy sex life with future wife, etc. etc.)

Pornography is an evil addiction we all know why. If you cant stop something immediately it's most likely bad.

Sin really has temporal and spiritual outcomes on us and they are all bad. It's mainly that we need to learn to take cntrol of ourselves or else we wont make very good celestial beings.

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The promise we have from our Savior is that if we come unto him, he will show us our weakness.

It is only through overcoming our weakness that we can come to know Christ.

SixpackTR said it well.

I am a living witness that our Savior shows us our weakness. Little by little, here a little, there a little. Then it is up to us to see it and repent. That is where the choice lies. I count weakness as things like;

-desiring honors of men

-spirit of competition

-unrighteous dominion (towards spouse and children...women use it too)

-withholding love

-the victim mentality (taking the good guy stance in a difficult situation...ie not teachable)

-needing to be right (self righteous)

-being unforgiving

-being judgmental


-not sensitive to others needs


-not being able to admit we are wrong.

-giving undo precedence to financial means

- thinking we are better than others.

-not controlling our appetites

When the big things happen, it is usually a result of one of the above not being fixed.

they can all be boiled down into pride/fear cant they?

Dang, Tiancum

After reading your list, I haven't got a chance!

I guess that is why the Savior said the way was strait and narrow.

It's a wonder I can ever get off my knees and do anything else!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I understand it, sin is an action which begins the alienation and separation process of one from their true Self as Pure Being, revealed to us through our own inner exploration of Self and Identity and through the 'outer revelation' of our Heavenly progenitor Father reminding of us of this Truth; the Truth being that we are not only 'immanent' with a 'geneological history of creation' tied to the Celestial realms- but also Transcendent and beyond all of it at the same time. What does this mean? It means that simply by manifesting through a form in creation (our immanence), we are exposed to the possibility of identifying with 'the world' we find ourselves within and forgetting who and what we are (even if there are no real words to describe this 'ultimate identity'), thus, we begin to be drawn into 'non Being' and 'the world'. Sin might be described, with this in mind, as spiritual entropy. For humans here on this planet, it's very easy to be drawn into such actions - and when we do commit 'sin', we end up appearing as nothing more than animals with 'more evolved brains' - or less evolved depending on your view. I've heard some describe all of this as a battle between 'matter and spirit', as if spirit were without a material form of some kind and matter being 'evil'. However, I would say that this battle is between two 'poles' of spiritual inclination - sin arising from the natural reality that we are both immanent and transcendent; and as free beings, we are always going to make choices - some 'good' (reflecting Being) - and some 'bad' (reflecting non Being). It would seem to me that this is why the 'outer revelation' of 'salvation' is so important -- because even though it is primarily an internal process of awakening to the salvific Truth we have within us -- we tend to forget easily in the forms we now live through and have to have both an 'inner' and 'outer' dimension for 'salvation' reference. Going further, even in the Celestial realms of existence - if and when we reach them - we still will be manifesting within a 'level' of creation and will have to make choices 'there' as well, hence the 'preparation' and conscious exposure to sin in this life.

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