went to my first home teaching


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So last night I went to do my very first home teaching. It was great. We visited the 2 girls in my ward know the best. My companion did most of the teaching though he says next month I'm teaching something from General Conference.

I really enjoyed it. Hopefully I can do a good job with this!

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When I was inactive (20+ years) I had the same HT/VTeachers. Husband and wife - for 20 years she sent me letters and he added the spiritual message (my then husband would beat me down if any religious people visited me). When I left him, my HT/VT helped me to move, they found me furniture, cleaned out their storage and gave me cookware, knick-knacks, etc. 


Then they started visiting me. I was ecstatic - finally I could have religious people IN MY HOME!! The only thing was, there was no more spiritual lessons. 


5 years go by, I remarry, move. For 6 years husband and I never see out HT. I got visits regularly from my VT, but we never saw a HT.


In early Nov 2010 we move back to my old town. We are assigned HT and I am assigned VT. My VT come regularly, but the HT seldom come to the house. They claim they visited - we talked with them in passing each Sunday - but they only visited the house once in 2.5 years.


Our new HT is our Branch President and his oldest son. They visit regularly - we spend a good deal of time talking about our trials and tribulations. The good and happy events. Then the last 10 minutes is hurried spiritual lesson. His son told us how he does the lawn care for the sister who lives next door to them. Our yard is a mess - so we hired him to do our lawn. At 14, he is a darn good worker! 


When they come next month - I feel comfortable enough to ask for the spiritual lesson first - then we can go over the emotional highs and lows of Hubby and my life.


My VT don't always give me a spiritual lesson - which is okay - once the time was spent listening and conversing about the emotional highs and lows of one of my VT. That was okay too - - - she is like a second mother to me, and I am always there for her to cry on my shoulder, to bounce worries off of. To hug her and to sometimes just help her to cry.


AndyPG - Before you join your companion, kneel in prayer for Father to Walk With You. Your HTeachee's will definitely feel His Spirit that will surround you.  You don't always have to give a spiritual lesson. But you do NEED to always have the Spirit walking with you. 


Oh, and my VT in the other state - she brought the conference issue with her and asked me to pick a talk - then we BOTH taught from it. I didn't want her to think I hadn't watched the conference (sometimes I didn't), so I made sure I did - and as I was watching I made note of the talk that hit me the hardest. THAT is the one WE taught to each other. 


You will do fine. Walk with His Spirit, pay attention to your teachee's, observe their surroundings and don't hesitate to act when the promptings and nudges come.

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So last night I went to do my very first home teaching. It was great. We visited the 2 girls in my ward know the best. My companion did most of the teaching though he says next month I'm teaching something from General Conference.

I really enjoyed it. Hopefully I can do a good job with this!


I think that Home Teaching is the best calling in the church and by far the funniest.  Iggy may be disappointed with me as a home teacher but giving a spiritual lesson is just about the last thing I personally care about as a home teacher.  Over the years I have gone to sporting events, recitals, school plays and a variety of other events for mostly youth in the families I get to visit.  I have fixed all kind of things, replaced roofs, helped clean up yards, held weeping hands and given blessings at emergency rooms in hospitals, attended weddings and missionary homecomings, wrote missionaries invited families to my home – especially during holidays if they were not going anywhere special.


I know we are supposed to leave a spiritual message and I will sometimes – but I enjoy everything else about home teaching tons more.  To be honest some of the most spiritual interactions with family member I home teach have happened more spontaneously and not during regular visits anyway.  Perhaps I am not a very good home teacher because visiting once a month is not a goal for me and so sometimes I miss a month.  Sometimes I miss a month or two keeping in touch with my own family that is no longer living in the same home as me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just happy to talk to other adults! My HTs just visited last week. That was the first time since joining the church. My last two, one I never met or spoke to, the other was a flake. Never met him either. But my VTs have always been great! My last ward, they kinda of didn't visit my last month there, but I was fine with that. I actually became really great friends with one and she was going through a lot at the time, so I spent time at her house letting her talk through some problems.

I think VT and HT can be a blessing for all involved in both directions!

I was super nervous the first time I visit taught. But now I look forward to the adult interaction!

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