bad things happen in threes?


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I need a break.  I'm so tried.  My sister said, "Well, that's three you'll get a break."  But I/we didn't get a break.


My car broke, then hurt missionary, new grandbaby back in the hospital, grandson with strep, hubby broke trust (I will not go into details), .... thanks FIVE.  I don't even want to think there might be six.




faith and prayers, faith and prayers faith and prayers .... my new/old/ongoing mantra.

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You'll have one more - to round out 2 sets of 3's... then you can take a break.


I'm just trying to have some levity in a very difficult time... big hugs and take comfort that God promised He won't give you more than you can bear...

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Sometimes I have a really hard time believing that.


I can't believe that.

If God really knows me that well, he wouldn't have allowed my childhood to happen, or my adolesance.

You think a bad situation is bearable when a young kid says he doesn't want to live anymore?

That doesn't sound bearable to me.

He may have promised he wouldnt give me more then I could bear, but he didn't keep it.

Or maybe because I don't/didn't go to church and told him I hated him all those times, who knows...

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Life has its ups and downs, and I have always felt the downs were a reminder to enjoy the ups and learn as well. You are on hard times, but you will pull through and happiness will be yours once again. Sending prayers your way.

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I need a break.  I'm so tried.  My sister said, "Well, that's three you'll get a break."  But I/we didn't get a break.


My car broke, then hurt missionary, new grandbaby back in the hospital, grandson with strep, hubby broke trust (I will not go into details), .... thanks FIVE.  I don't even want to think there might be six.




faith and prayers, faith and prayers faith and prayers .... my new/old/ongoing mantra.

Okay Apple, lets break these down okay. 

1. Your car broke. That can be put under the category of Trouble happens in threes. It is a trouble that really is yours to own. YOUR car.

2.Hurt Missionary Did you hurt the missionary? Like when the car broke, did you run into the missionary? Or in service to you (cleaning your yard, on a ladder putting in a light bulb, etc.) Is the missionary a member of your immediate family? Or did the missionary get hurt where and when you were not around? If it is the latter, then it is NOT YOUR trouble. 

3. ​Grand-baby back in hospital. Why is the baby back in the hospital? Was it due to YOU? You dropped him/her? You neglected to keep the baby safe? You neglected to feed the baby the proper food at the right time? If this is a pre-existing illness, then it is NOT YOUR trouble. It is for you to put the baby's name into the temple, and involve your/baby's parents Bishop so that the baby receives Priesthood Healing Blessings and the Parents receive Priesthood blessings also. 

4. Grand son with strep. Having strep is not a bad thing to be lumped into Trouble Comes In Threes.  If he had a cold, would you then categorize that as Trouble? 

5. Hubby broke trust. Okay - THAT is a Trouble that can go on the list. 


The first three years Hubby and I were married, we experienced a lot of immediate family drama and trauma. Now nearing our 10th Wedding Anniversary, we look back on it and realize that those three years would have been a lifetime to others.


The T & D all happened to his Alzheimer afflicted Mother, his three youngest nieces, ourselves at the hands of his 15 year younger brother and brother's 4th wife. Younger brother is a meth head, meth cooker/dealer, etc., etc. We got Mother out of his hands and away from him. For the last two years of her life, she lived a clean, quiet life with the best medical care Husband and middle brother could afford. (for us, we went without Wants to send that money to help her) The state took the children out of his and wife's hands. 


Then when husband retired, we moved 3,000 miles away from baby brother & his family, to get away from the trauma & drama. It hurts Husband to be totally disconnected from his *family*. He feels as the Eldest, he is responsible for the *Family*. It took two bishops and the Stake Patriarch (who, by the way is Husband's Mentor), to convince him that being his (literal) brother's keeper does have it's restrictions. What he was doing was in reality being his brother's  enabler. 


Our phones (land as well as cells) are unlisted. The very few family who do have the #'s, are those that want NO contact with youngest brother also. 


Before I married this husband, I went through a few years of negative happenings. While I was re-activating myself back to church, negative events kept happening to me. My muffler kept falling off of my car. My car would act up and not start or once not turn off! My estranged husband was racking up bills and leaving my name and place of employment as the person who was responsible to pay these debts. That one was annoying, BECAUSE I had a legal separation and THAT paper put an end to his debt collectors. I was hit with more colds, strep, and diagnosed illnesses than I had ever had in my life. One illness I had to have someone come live with me so that if I stopped breathing they could call for help! 


I quit one job to go work at a better job (at least I thought it was better). When my employer found out I was LDS, then my shift changed so I worked all day Sunday, and she was down right nasty to me. NOTHING that could be labeled Religious Bigotry or Hatred, but just a complete change of attitude to the nasty side. 


While I was taking the Temple Prep classes, the Trials, Tribulations and Troubles really increased. Then one wonderful Sister, who had just returned from a Senior Couple Mission in Missouri, explained that Satan was really angry about losing me. That he was bombarding me with some of his arsenal to discourage me. The close I got to Father;s plans for me, the more it angered Satan. 


She counciled me to increase my scripture reading, my daily prayers, to magnify my callings, and when it got to be like there was an anvil on my shoulders, to request Priesthood Blessings. As for the colds, and illnesses - to call on Father to Banish The Adversary from me. I did as she counciled. Within three months I and the Patriarch finally connected and I received my Patriarchal Blessing. One month later I received my Temple Endowments.One month after that I was sealed to my Parents. 


The closer I am to the principles of the church. The more I *walk with Father and the Holy Ghost*, the T&D are kept at bay. 


As for troubles happening in threes. I don't believe it or in it ~   


Apple, I recommend you request a blessing for your grandchildren and yourself. Put their names as well as your own name in to the Temple. And in your prayers, beseech Father to banish the adversary from you and your loved ones. 


You and your loved ones are in my prayers

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2.Hurt Missionary Did you hurt the missionary? Like when the car broke, did you run into the missionary? 


This probably wasn't the best example considering her nephew was one of the missionaries in a very bad auto accident in the last couple of weeks and his companion was killed.  And her nephew was hurt seriously enough that they had to arrange almost immediately to get him back to the states for medical attention.

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This probably wasn't the best example considering her nephew was one of the missionaries in a very bad auto accident and his companion was killed.  And her nephew was hurt seriously enough that they had to arrange almost immediately to get him back to the states for medical attention.

And this information was posted here on the forum? I was NOT aware of this. 


Considering what she said in her post, there is no way I or anyone else would have known that, now is there Pam?

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And this information was posted here on the forum? I was NOT aware of this. 


Considering what she said in her post, there is no way I or anyone else would have known that, now is there Pam?

There is actually 2 threads about it.

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Yes.... a new normal. :(


No, apple!  Don't give up!  Keep faith that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!  There are so many examples in nature where out of extreme pain or darkness comes beauty and light.  This too shall pass.

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No, apple!  Don't give up!  Keep faith that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!  There are so many examples in nature where out of extreme pain or darkness comes beauty and light.  This too shall pass.

anatess, yes the new normal will start to feel normal and then the next set of tests wills start.  :D

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anatess, yes the new normal will start to feel normal and then the next set of tests wills start.   :D


Or... some billionaire dude falls in love with you and showers you with a billion dollars even knowing he can't have you...



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