It's football time again!!


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22 minutes ago, pam said:

I've read quite a few articles during the pre-season games with information from inside sources that Spanos is kind of freaking out right now.  The stadium they are currently renting only holds 32K and they haven't been able to sell more than 21K tickets for pre-season games.  1/4 of those tickets sold are from the opposing team.  Whereas in San Diego they used to sell 40-45K tickets a game for pre-season.

I believe it.  Chargers hasn't been playing too good lately and a soccer stadium is hardly a good place to attract viewers.  The TV would be more comfortable.  At least the Rams - which sucked more than the Chargers - has a nicer, more historic stadium.  So, until that Disneyworld of a stadium is finished, I'm thinking fans will continue to get entertained elsewhere.  I could be wrong, of course.

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31 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

I believe it.  Chargers hasn't been playing too good lately and a soccer stadium is hardly a good place to attract viewers.  The TV would be more comfortable.  At least the Rams - which sucked more than the Chargers - has a nicer, more historic stadium.  So, until that Disneyworld of a stadium is finished, I'm thinking fans will continue to get entertained elsewhere.  I could be wrong, of course.

Coming from someone who really has no idea the history behind this for several years nor knows the history of Spanos. :)

Soccer stadium?

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4 minutes ago, pam said:

Coming from someone who really has no idea the history behind this for several years nor knows the history of Spanos. :)

Soccer stadium?

And no idea of NFL history.  I'm not a football fan.  I'm only married to one. :)

But I do know my soccer... StubHub where the Chargers are currently playing is home to the LA Galaxy.  And for the non-soccer fans, you'd probably know David Beckham.  He played for the LA Galaxy.

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1 minute ago, anatess2 said:

And no idea of NFL history.  I'm not a football fan.  I'm only married to one. :)

But I do know my soccer... StubHub where the Chargers are currently playing is home to the LA Galaxy.  And for the non-soccer fans, you'd probably know David Beckham.  He played for the LA Galaxy.

Ahhh I understand the soccer stadium now.  I had forgotten it was a used for that purpose.

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On 9/5/2017 at 0:50 PM, anatess2 said:

Hello... the team where your lovely Tim Tebow came from.



On 9/5/2017 at 1:25 PM, anatess2 said:

.....And for the non-soccer fans, you'd probably know David Beckham.  He played for the LA Galaxy.

The only reason I know who David Beckham is: my two grown daughters educated their "pathetic" mother on who is what.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, but I'm sorry to retract my fan support for the Broncos. The disrespect for our flag and country shown today went over the line. It hurts my heart, but I didn't watch the Marines bury my friend who gave his life while fighting for these overpaid, unappreciative for all they have.....    uh athletes.

I guess I'll root for the Dallas Cowboys this year......  a first time for me. They were told they would show respect for our flag or find another team to play on. 


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Guest LiterateParakeet
3 hours ago, Lindy said:

test, test, test....

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Hmmm, technical difficulties! I can't delete my post entirely....and now that I deleted the words, I can't type anything to replace them. I can' only enter type here in the edit box or in the quote box. Ugh!
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10 hours ago, Lindy said:

OK, but I'm sorry to retract my fan support for the Broncos. The disrespect for our flag and country shown today went over the line. It hurts my heart, but I didn't watch the Marines bury my friend who gave his life while fighting for these overpaid, unappreciative for all they have.....    uh athletes.

I guess I'll root for the Dallas Cowboys this year......  a first time for me. They were told they would show respect for our flag or find another team to play on. 


Yeah.  International embarrassment for the Ravens and some Jaguars fans kneeling down for the American National Anthem and standing up for God Save the Queen.  Ignorant fools the lot of them.

Meanwhile, in the Philippines, some Filipino celebrity who is currently residing in California is in the process of losing her Filipino citizenship after she posted a YouTube video of herself singing the Philippine National Anthem while holding her crotch.  I'm sure she can apply for US citizenship without much of a fuss.

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12 hours ago, Lindy said:

I guess I'll root for the Dallas Cowboys this year......  a first time for me. They were told they would show respect for our flag or find another team to play on. 

Because gestures of patriotism forced through threats and intimidation are what America is all about. Wait...

I say "gestures" because I personally find a great deal of patriotism in the actions of the players. They're using their platform to raise awareness to the injustices that they see in this country. Patriotism isn't about a flag or a song. It's about fighting for the ideas that the flag and song are supposed to represent. Many people of color feel that their nation has turned its back on them, and that's why they kneel. They're not doing it to disrespect the flag, our country, or veterans like me. They're doing it because they know we can be better than this, and they want the rest of us to see that. 

1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

Yeah.  International embarrassment for the Ravens and some Jaguars fans kneeling down for the American National Anthem and standing up for God Save the Queen. 

I imagine they probably have no beef with England. It's America that keeps telling them to shut up and stick to sports. It's the American president who said that they should be fired for exercising their Constitutional rights. 

1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

Meanwhile, in the Philippines, some Filipino celebrity who is currently residing in California is in the process of losing her Filipino citizenship after she posted a YouTube video of herself singing the Philippine National Anthem while holding her crotch.  I'm sure she can apply for US citizenship without much of a fuss.

Yep, that's what seperates us from the Philippines, freedom of expression. Just one of many rights covered in the Constitution that I swore to protect when I wore our nation's uniform. 

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20 minutes ago, Godless said:

Because gestures of patriotism forced through threats and intimidation are what America is all about. Wait...

I say "gestures" because I personally find a great deal of patriotism in the actions of the players. They're using their platform to raise awareness to the injustices that they see in this country. Patriotism isn't about a flag or a song. It's about fighting for the ideas that the flag and song are supposed to represent. Many people of color feel that their nation has turned its back on them, and that's why they kneel. They're not doing it to disrespect the flag, our country, or veterans like me. They're doing it because they know we can be better than this, and they want the rest of us to see that. 

I imagine they probably have no beef with England. It's America that keeps telling them to shut up and stick to sports. It's the American president who said that they should be fired for exercising their Constitutional rights. 

Yep, that's what seperates us from the Philippines, freedom of expression. Just one of many rights covered in the Constitution that I swore to protect when I wore our nation's uniform. 

That is hilarious actually.

The ONLY thing that protects Americans' freedoms is the US Constitution symbolized by the American Flag and its anthem.  To kneel on that Flag is to put yourself ON THE OTHER SIDE of that protection.  And that's why in the Philippines - where freedom of speech is just as much protected as in the USA - when you disrespect THE VERY THING that gave you protection, you lose that protection.

So, this is what the players are doing - they disrespect the US Flag because muh racism.  They take down the Confederate Flag because muh racism.  Do they even know which flag flew to squash racism???

In any case, an American outside of America takes on the symbol of his country through its Flag.  American items - whether it be military or sports or mail or relief goods - carry that symbol to identify itself as American.  You go to London and sit down for the American Flag and stand up for the British Flag makes you identify as not-an-American but British.  Americans should be Americans FIRST and NFL players second.  Being AMERICAN is what unites all of you together.  It is STUPID to disrespect the one single thing that unites all of you.  And for you to support that abhorrent display makes you Liberal First American second.

You know liberals have gone off the deep end when their prominent spokespeople defend the Rocket Man over America.  All sense has gone out the window.

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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, Godless said:

Just one of many rights covered in the Constitution that I swore to protect when I wore our nation's uniform. 

I agree @Godless. I'm an old school liberal on this issue. "I may not agree with what they say, but I'll defend to the death their right to say it." They have every right 100% to protest, jump up and down, kneel, do whatever they want in a peaceful manner. 

My personal view is not to feel an once of sympathy for whiny brats making millions who pat themselves on the back to show how sensitive they are. They aren't Muhammad Ali giving up three years in his prime to protest the Vietnam War. I also think that the media is manipulating both sides-the pro anthem people and those who support the kneeling players. It's a joke. It's a three ring circus. A pox on all their houses. 

The unfortunate truth is that the players can't choose the consequences of their actions. They can't force people to keep watching and attending games. I personally don't think that enough fans will "boycott" the NFL so that it'll make an impact on the bottom line, but if it does-that's the price they'll pay. 

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Guest LiterateParakeet
1 hour ago, Godless said:

Because gestures of patriotism forced through threats and intimidation are what America is all about. Wait...

I say "gestures" because I personally find a great deal of patriotism in the actions of the players. They're using their platform to raise awareness to the injustices that they see in this country. Patriotism isn't about a flag or a song. It's about fighting for the ideas that the flag and song are supposed to represent. Many people of color feel that their nation has turned its back on them, and that's why they kneel. They're not doing it to disrespect the flag, our country, or veterans like me. They're doing it because they know we can be better than this, and they want the rest of us to see that. 

I imagine they probably have no beef with England. It's America that keeps telling them to shut up and stick to sports. It's the American president who said that they should be fired for exercising their Constitutional rights. 

Yep, that's what seperates us from the Philippines, freedom of expression. Just one of many rights covered in the Constitution that I swore to protect when I wore our nation's uniform. 

I love this. All of it. Thsnks for putting my thoughts into words for me. 

I'm proud to be a Seahawks fan! 

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1 hour ago, MormonGator said:

My personal view is not to feel an once of sympathy for whiny brats making millions who pat themselves on the back to show how sensitive they are. They aren't Muhammad Ali giving up three years in his prime to protest the Vietnam War. I also think that the media is manipulating both sides-the pro anthem people and those who support the kneeling players. It's a joke. It's a three ring circus. A pox on all their houses. 

I think people tend to forget that most of these guys, especially the black athletes, aren't born with silver spoons in their mouths. Many of them come from low-income families and communities. They haven't forgotten where they come from or the people they left behind. 

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2 hours ago, anatess2 said:

That is hilarious actually.

The ONLY thing that protects Americans' freedoms is the US Constitution symbolized by the American Flag and its anthem.  To kneel on that Flag is to put yourself ON THE OTHER SIDE of that protection.

The flag is not the Consititution. The anthem is not the Constitution. They are symbols of our country, which is supposed to reflect the values outlined Constitution. Right now there are segments of our society who feel that our country has strayed from its Consitutional path. That is why they kneel.  Patriotism isn't forcing people to honor a flag or other symbol. Patriotism is making our country a place where they want to. Pride in country can't be forced or coerced. It has to be earned. And pride is different from love. These people love their country, they're just not particularly proud of it at the moment. 

 And that's why in the Philippines - where freedom of speech is just as much protected as in the USA - when you disrespect THE VERY THING that gave you protection, you lose that protection.

Then it sounds like freedom of speech is not protected as much there as it is here. 

In any case, an American outside of America takes on the symbol of his country through its Flag.  American items - whether it be military or sports or mail or relief goods - carry that symbol to identify itself as American.  You go to London and sit down for the American Flag and stand up for the British Flag makes you identify as not-an-American but British.  Americans should be Americans FIRST and NFL players second.  Being AMERICAN is what unites all of you together.  It is STUPID to disrespect the one single thing that unites all of you.  And for you to support that abhorrent display makes you Liberal First American second.

Counter-terrorism 101: Don't wear clothing or emblems that identify you as an American when traveling outside the country. During my time in the military, I sat through countless Powerpoint presentations trying to drill that into our heads. I still used my issued camo backpack as a carry-on because I like to live dangerously (but mostly because it was a free backpack). 

In all seriousness though, we don't need symbols to affirm our identity. Our convictions are enough. I love my country. I'm proud to have spent 10 years serving it in uniform. I would have gladly laid down my life (and very nearly did once or twice) to protect the Constitutional rights that Americans enjoy. And yes, that includes the right to protest against our goverment and our flag. I may not always agree with the protests, but the beauty of America is that we are free to disagree with our government, our president, and each other. 

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Guest LiterateParakeet
1 hour ago, Godless said:

I think people tend to forget that most of these guys, especially the black athletes, aren't born with silver spoons in their mouths. Many of them come from low-income families and communities. They haven't forgotten where they come from or the people they left behind. 

This!  Well said!

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4 hours ago, Godless said:

The flag is not the Consititution. The anthem is not the Constitution. They are symbols of our country, which is supposed to reflect the values outlined Constitution. Right now there are segments of our society who feel that our country has strayed from its Consitutional path. That is why they kneel.  Patriotism isn't forcing people to honor a flag or other symbol. Patriotism is making our country a place where they want to. Pride in country can't be forced or coerced. It has to be earned. And pride is different from love. These people love their country, they're just not particularly proud of it at the moment. 

Incorrect.  If the flag is simply a symbol separate from the Constitution - which governs a country - then you wouldn't be flying said flag into battle.


4 hours ago, Godless said:

Then it sounds like freedom of speech is not protected as much there as it is here. 

Incorrect.  The Philippines ousted a dictator through a peaceful protest.  Not a single military artillery fired at the masses.  No national flags burned, no national anthems disrespected, no historical  artifacts defiled.  You can't say the same for yourselves.

4 hours ago, Godless said:

Counter-terrorism 101: Don't wear clothing or emblems that identify you as an American when traveling outside the country. During my time in the military, I sat through countless Powerpoint presentations trying to drill that into our heads. I still used my issued camo backpack as a carry-on because I like to live dangerously (but mostly because it was a free backpack). 

In all seriousness though, we don't need symbols to affirm our identity. Our convictions are enough. I love my country. I'm proud to have spent 10 years serving it in uniform. I would have gladly laid down my life (and very nearly did once or twice) to protect the Constitutional rights that Americans enjoy. And yes, that includes the right to protest against our goverment and our flag. I may not always agree with the protests, but the beauty of America is that we are free to disagree with our government, our president, and each other. 

In the Philippines, military training is required for all citizens - men or women.  This is because every single Filipino citizen is expected to go into battle to defend the country from within and from without.  When you defile the flag or the anthem,  there is nothing that separates you from the enemy.  We are currently fighting a war within our borders.  The enemy of the state fly the ISIS flag.  We know who they are.  The people fighting against them are flying the Philippine flag.  We know who they are.  You get to choose a side.

You can protest all you want.  But when your protest makes you unrecognizable from those who wage war against the Filipino people, you get to be treated the same as they are.

This is citizenship 101.  It's sad that Americans don't even realize who they are anymore that people flying the Mexican flag while burning the American one are called "undocumented workers".  It's like calling a druglord "unlicensed pharmacists".  And people disrespecting the anthem and the flag "feel that our country has strayed from its Constitutional path".  The same flag that flew to end the oppression of the British.  The same flag that flew to end slavery.  The same flag that flew to free the world from the Nazis.  You are lost.


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Guest MormonGator
4 hours ago, Godless said:

In all seriousness though, we don't need symbols to affirm our identity. Our convictions are enough. I love my country. I'm proud to have spent 10 years serving it in uniform. I would have gladly laid down my life (and very nearly did once or twice) to protect the Constitutional rights that Americans enjoy. And yes, that includes the right to protest against our goverment and our flag. I may not always agree with the protests, but the beauty of America is that we are free to disagree with our government, our president, and each other. 

I trust @Godless completely. I think even he would say that he fought to protect the rights of EVERYONE. Not just people he agrees with. Dude is totally awesome.  

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On 9/25/2017 at 12:24 AM, Lindy said:

OK, but I'm sorry to retract my fan support for the Broncos. The disrespect for our flag and country shown today went over the line. It hurts my heart, but I didn't watch the Marines bury my friend who gave his life while fighting for these overpaid, unappreciative for all they have.....    uh athletes.

I guess I'll root for the Dallas Cowboys this year......  a first time for me. They were told they would show respect for our flag or find another team to play on. 


The Cowboys, including Jerry Jones, knelt right before the anthem was played.  Then they all stood for the anthem and locked arms.  Dunno what that actually meant.  I think the Cowboys, like a lot of NFL, are just pulling their hair out trying to figure out what to do with all this goopla.  I'd like to say it's NFL death throes.  But my die-hard football fan husband thinks this too will pass and it wouldn't be as bad as what happened to baseball after the strike.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/25/2017 at 12:06 PM, MormonGator said:

 The unfortunate truth is that the players can't choose the consequences of their actions. They can't force people to keep watching and attending games. I personally don't think that enough fans will "boycott" the NFL so that it'll make an impact on the bottom line, but if it does-that's the price they'll pay. 

I so agree.

How often have we been told that we have the ability to make a choice, good or bad, but with the choice(s) made- you face the consequences - good or bad.


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On 9/27/2017 at 8:40 AM, anatess2 said:

The Cowboys, including Jerry Jones, knelt right before the anthem was played.  Then they all stood for the anthem and locked arms.  Dunno what that actually meant.  I think the Cowboys, like a lot of NFL, are just pulling their hair out trying to figure out what to do with all this goopla.  I'd like to say it's NFL death throes.  But my die-hard football fan husband thinks this too will pass and it wouldn't be as bad as what happened to baseball after the strike.

From what I understand- the kneel before the anthem was for their brother players in other teams to show solidarity of some sort.

I had to laugh.... cause my die hard football fan husband is the same way. When we disagree on what game to watch....... I usually retreat to the bedroom and watch a hockey game. It's all good.

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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, Lindy said:

From what I understand- the kneel before the anthem was for their brother players in other teams to show solidarity of some sort.

I had to laugh.... cause my die hard football fan husband is the same way. When we disagree on what game to watch....... I usually retreat to the bedroom and watch a hockey game. It's all good.

The beautiful @LadyGator is a huge hockey fan. Get this-she likes the Bruins and I like the Canadiens. We grew up in different states and were fans of different cities/sports teams. 

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