Are Blacks Desendants Of Cain

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I must be mistaken, but I'm under the impression that the church teaches blacks are black becouse of the mark God put upon cain for killing his brother. but if so how could one make it on to the ark, his children took oaths with the devil. so I must be mistaken right?

I don't recall the church "teaching" this (ie: manuals, handbooks, etc.). The mark put on Cain, as well as the mark put on the Lamanites, was mostly for the reason of distinguishing them from everyone else. The curse was to effect those people specifically and not their decendants.
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Race is not indicative of any oath with the Devil.

It is believed that Ham (Noah's son) had a black wife named Egyptus.

Or that Canaan was blackened in the events of Genesis 9.

Some also believe that even Ham himself was black. Moses 8:12 says: 'And Noah was four hundred and fifty years old, and begat Japheth; and forty-two years afterward he begat Shem of her who was the mother of Japheth, and when he was five hundred years old he begat Ham.' Was Ham's mother different from his brothers? Had their mother passed? Was Ham's mother black?

It has further been suggested that it is possible that the 'blood of the Canaanites' mentioned in Abr 1:21-22 is not the blood of Canaan the son of Ham, but possibly an ancestor of Ham through his mother.

Regardless of the situation. The flood was not designed to cleans the earth of black people, but of overwhelming unrighteousness.

Black does NOT equal bad.

Race doesn't indicate worthiness.


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Guest bizabra

and black people weren't black in the pre existence, and asians weren't asian. one day after all is said and done and this life is over they will be made pure again, and become white again, :)

BIZ: Nice racist statement. Yes, "white and delightsome", said the original text. WHITE = PURE. Hmmmm.

And don't even get me started on the whole Noah and the Ark thing. How anyone can believe that this is a literal and historical event in today's world is beyond silly.

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Guest Yediyd
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How anyone can believe that this is a literal and historical event in today's world is beyond silly.

Color me silly. yep, add me to that silly list...

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And don't even get me started on the whole Noah and the Ark thing. How anyone can believe that this is a literal and historical event in today's world is beyond silly.

There are enough pseudo-scholars in the world who keep pronouncing that a worldwide flood could be possible that it keeps the faithful content.

Then again, I'd be very surprised if anyone on this board has done enough research to discover why they believe it's possible? (Other than the excuse that God can do anything, etc, etc.)

Anyone? :dontknow:

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How about starting here? :)

And to CK: How so? :dontknow: :)

By the way, I take the Noah's Ark and Flood story at face value and try to learn more about it based on what other things I think I also know. I've said it before and I'll say it again: metaphor is not synonymous with fiction. There are archetypes in the universe that will manifest in actual events -- it doesn't lessen either the metaphor OR the actual events.

(BTW, anybody want to say much about my 'archetype' comment, perhaps another thread . . .? (just thinking ahead) ).

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metaphor is not synonymous with fiction.

True enough.

There are archetypes in the universe that will manifest in actual events -- it doesn't lessen either the metaphor OR the actual events.

So was the flood an actual event, or a metaphor for some cosmic event? Where are you going here?

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I am of the opinion, belief, whatever that it is an actual event and that it did cover the earth. However, my ideas of Noah and the ark are a constant work in progress, and more for fun than anything, and I am highly conscious of many things I would like to realize better or fill in the holes or read between the lines or whatever.

You know, gosh, I'm going to have to dig out all my Noah's ark thoughts and stuff; I haven't done this one in a while. For example, one thing that has caught my imagination is some reading on how ancient american (mayan or whoever) consider the ages of the earth, and for some reason this had something to do with Noah's ark for me . . .

I am writing a novel with Noah and Tubal as the main characters: best friends. The technology to create spaceships existed in their society, and yet God asked Noah to build a little wooden ark; in the novel, that is why the people were laughing. Also in the novel, all the people knew a flood was coming -- that wasn't what they were laughing about; but they did believe that the answer for anything regarding the flood did NOT reside with God. No point to this . . . just sharing.

My imagination also gets caught by the idea of Noah as a new Adam. So . . . where am I going with it? LOL . . . lots of places . . .

(A Noah's ark thread is needed?)

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When I was thinking about the flood and looking at wood laying around the property and seeing it rot, it made me wonder about the wood for the ark. It took so long to build yet it did not weather/rot? That was an interesting notion for me.

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