Single for eternity?

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I think you all scared off AussieMatt in the process. So much for the horsen and the fast boats.


He isn't scared off! You forgot about the sheep. And the night train from California. He still isn't out of the race. And if the cowboy will have some problems with  lame horsen, the Aussi will knock on your door tonight before the Texan will arrive. Only God knows what will happen then...  hippie4.gif


PS... And let's all pray the Texan left his old .44 at home, as I've adviced him. But we all know what the Texans are like... h0307.gif


Oooh, we all see the shape of things to come...! Dark clouds over Missouri...!  smiley-shocked011.gif



To be continued.

Edited by JimmiGerman
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Be the person you would want your daughter to marry (in all things).  Ask the Lord for this blessing.  Remember, it might be that as a part of your life's mission and your own growth, this is what you are suppose to do.  You are NOT old by any means.. so follow the Spirit, get out more, travel and your spouse is waiting for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Try harder. You need to make sacrafice at this point in your life Matt. Most of the top tier women are taken already, thus your search is expontentially harder. Move to Utah or Idaho and you"ll find a wife. At 31 you should open your mind to marry a divorce mom with perhaps a child or two. Many top tier women married selfish men in their early and mid 20's and became divorced so there are many extradorinary divorced women available. You just need to decided if you're open to dating a single mom. Warning> dating single moms has its risks, but life is about taking certain risks.


May the odds be ever in your favor.

Edited by ActiveLDSDadandFather
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Guest MormonGator

Wow, I sure feel encouraged and hopeful about my future now, being a single 27 year old LDS woman! Good to know I'm the equivalent of a second class woman!

You raise a troubling, sad point. It's tragic people would look at you this way just because you choose to be single. 


Too many people get married too young and don't have time to discover themselves, much less who they are and their needs in a relationship. I'm surprised more marriages don't end in divorce. 


Stay strong and be happy. If being single is your calling, than live in up and enjoy it! You are just as much of our church as anyone else! 

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  • 2 months later...

 should I simply wait for the Lord to bless me with a wife?


Definitely.  I was single in my mid thirties and one day the doorbell rang and there was a sister in a wedding dress standing on my porch.  She had a note that said "Please accept your help meet.  Sincerely, the Lord"


That's how it works if you just keep waiting.

Edited by garryw
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I've heard lots and lots of cases of people giving up looking for 'the one', and just going about living their life without scoping out each new member of the opposite sex they meet and sizing them up for spousal potential, then suddenly falling in love and getting married.  Nobody want to feel like they are targeted and if you try too hard, people will sense it and back off.  


If you want to get married and are not trying to avoid it, God is your ally, he wants you to get married too.  Trust in his timing.  The only people who will be single for eternity will be those who do not live a life that will allow them to be in the CK, and those (if any) in the CK who choose to be single.

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Wow, I sure feel encouraged and hopeful about my future now, being a single 27 year old LDS woman! Good to know I'm the equivalent of a second class woman!


You are not second class or lower tier, you are a pearl of great price, an uncommon treasure and few men have what it takes to be worthy of you.

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Definitely.  I was single in my mid thirties and one day the doorbell rang and there was a sister in a wedding dress standing on my porch.  She had a note that said "Please accept your help meet.  Sincerely, the Lord"


That's how it works if you just keep waiting.

WOw! And then what happened? This sounds like a great story, and if you start to tell it, you need to finish it!

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Matt, if you're still reading this, talk to Anatess. This is what she said about her cousins:


I've said it before and I'll say it again....


I have lots of cousins....


.... and they all need visas.


If her cousins are anything like her, you will be on a good track. 

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Matt, if you're still reading this, talk to Anatess. This is what she said about her cousins:


I've said it before and I'll say it again....


I have lots of cousins....


.... and they all need visas.


If her cousins are anything like her, you will be on a good track.

LOL!!! That's right!

Australian visas just as good as the American one! :D

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I can tell you a little story about Mom and Dad.


Mom was a Registered Nurse her whole life until about 26 years ago when her knees gave out on her and she couldn't stand for any length of time. Was a super smart single woman... about 57 or so years old. Divorced.


Dad... a widower for many years has the mentality of a 12 year old. He is mentality challenged. Dysfunctional in many ways. Has no idea about money... can't count change. If you told him to go buy a pair of socks, he would ask for $100 to buy them...but he would ask for $25 to go buy a car. (That's an extreme...but, it's pretty much how he is) But, ask him for directions and he will tell you exactly where something is using north, south, east, west type directions.


One Sunday, Mom was being lazy and decided she wasn't going to church. But, the spirit kept prompting her to she got up and went.


While there, she saw an old friend that she had not seen in a long while. This old friend came up to her and said, "I want you to meet someone". That "someone" was dad. So, that's how dad and mom got introduced.


Had mom not followed the spirit, she would not have been in church that day to see her long lost friend who introduced her to dad.


Now... here's the other part of the story. Remember above I said that Mom is a super smart woman and dad has the mentality of a 12 year old? Why in the world would Mom be interested in a man that was mentality challenged when she was such a smart woman... it wasn't his looks, because he's not really a handsome man?


Because the Lord knew that years later Mom would be the one that needed care giving, but would still have her full brain function. He also knew that Dad...even though he was mentality challenged would be the caregiver and be willing to do all the daily living chores that she cannot do.


Dad ended out being the one that would hold the house together for Mom and him. He cooks, cleans, shops, gets up at least 3 times a night to give her the care she needs. He's done it by himself for many years until the last 5 years when we had to move in to take over most of the care.


Mom is completely bedridden now...but, dad still shops, cleans, cooks, and gets up at night with her. But, now he can only minimally take care of her which is why we moved in to help. But, mom still has her brains intact and she handles all the banking, bill paying, and even holds a calling from her bed. She does those things that dad could never do because he doesn't understand how to do them.


So... I guess what I am saying is... try harder and don't throw away anything that the Lord may put in front of you. This family has seen miracles in our lives because of  Mom and Dad being together.


Listen to the spirit. Let the spirit guide you...but, YOU need to get out there and do the work. You need to be open to even the possibilities that the person you see that may not be beautiful... may not be smart, but...could actually be "the one".


Hope you found her already.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am 31 years old, single and seem to not be able to find someone to marry.  Is it a case of trying harder, or, should I simply wait for the Lord to bless me with a wife?


I appreciate what Eowyn said in post #18 and what Jiymmigerman said in post #19. If you and I were driving along the highway together talking about this, I think I would ask what you're trying before I answer whether to do it harder.  While I think it's good to think of one's (wife or husband) as a blessing from the Lord, I also think the Lord "blessed" me to become acquainted with scores of his daughters.  Any of them would have been blessings to marry.  But the Lord allowed me to choose one.  What I'm trying to say is that I don't believe in a "one-and-only" as much as I believe in the "two-who-chose-one-another".  

Edited by UT.starscoper
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