Where does that Light of Christ go?!


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I find myself tortured by this news story today. Add that to the history of similar things and murders and all the evil that goes on.


I don't want this to turn into "Why does God allow such evil?" debate. But what I can't understand here is how such evil can come into being, when a man values his own "manliness" over a child's life, where a mother places a boyfriend before her own children, where murder is considered a praiseworthy thing.


If everyone is born with that innocence and potential for good, where does it go?

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From a letter written by Mormon to Moroni:

"18 O the depravity of my people! They are without order and without mercy. Behold, I am but a man, and I have but the strength of a man, and I cannot any longer enforce my commands.

19 And they have become strong in their perversion; and they are alike brutal, sparing none, neither old nor young; and they delight in everything save that which is good; and the suffering of our women and our children upon all the face of this land doth exceed everything; yea, tongue cannot tell, neither can it be written.

20 And now, my son, I dwell no longer upon this horrible scene. Behold, thou knowest the wickedness of this people; thou knowest that they are without principle, and past feeling; "

From Neal A. Maxwell:

"Do we really expect those presently “past feeling” to fashion an acceptable future? Gross sin not only dulls the feelings, it also impairs the intellect. After murdering Abel, Cain ironically boasted, “I am free”! (Moses 5:33.) Did the herd of Gadarene swine similarly console themselves, thinking that they were actually rugged individualists as they raced down the hill to their destruction?"

More and more people are "beyond feeling". It usually happens slowly with subtle, nearly imperceptible changes that clearly undermine the spiritual foundation of one's soul until all of the sudden, a complete collapse of character occurs.

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I find myself tortured by this news story today. Add that to the history of similar things and murders and all the evil that goes on.


I don't want this to turn into "Why does God allow such evil?" debate. But what I can't understand here is how such evil can come into being, when a man values his own "manliness" over a child's life, where a mother places a boyfriend before her own children, where murder is considered a praiseworthy thing.


If everyone is born with that innocence and potential for good, where does it go?

Everyone is innocent and born with the light of Christ, but we are also born with weaknesses. Joseph said, "He [God] has power to institute laws to instruct the weaker intelligences" (TPJS 398). It is these weaknesses which are exploited by the adversary through the flesh and lead to sin. We are not all on an equal playing field when we enter mortality. Some, like Christ, have progressed further than others. For that very reason he is the first born in the spirit.   

Edited by james12
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I find myself tortured by this news story today. Add that to the history of similar things and murders and all the evil that goes on.


I don't want this to turn into "Why does God allow such evil?" debate. But what I can't understand here is how such evil can come into being, when a man values his own "manliness" over a child's life, where a mother places a boyfriend before her own children, where murder is considered a praiseworthy thing.


If everyone is born with that innocence and potential for good, where does it go?


Litzy,  I have many times tried to understand your question.  I can only give you what I have come to understand - so far.


I think it is a matter of understanding good and evil and how the two oppose each other.  The light of Christ does not make us choose but give us understanding of which is which.  I have tried to understand why anyone ever chooses evil over good.  I think the answer comes in part in understanding the first step towards good or the first step towards evil.


I have come to believe the first step towards good is discipline - the discipline to sacrifice self for the benefit of another or others.  The first step towards evil is the exact opposite - that is the discarding of discipline and sacrifice of self in order to achieve the wants and desires of self.  I have discovered that I tend to think others evil that are less disciplined than my self and I tend to think of others as righteous if they are more disciplined and able to sacrifice self more than I.


But I believe the truth is not so much of where or who we are but our trend towards discipline or indulgence.  I have found for me that the more disciplined I am and am willing to make self sacrifices as to a Sabbath, or scripture study or exercising mercy - the better I feel about the light of Christ in me.  Because of such experience, I am convinced that anyone can achieve greater joy by discipline and self sacrifice.  And the misery I have suffer by being self indulgent has convinced me that other will only achieve increasing misery by being undisciplined and self indulgent.

Edited by Traveler
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It's a fallen world of mortal trials.

In this case, we have met addicts plus from what I understand from other sources a case of anger management trouble from the boyfriend.

The world and it's perfections can drive goodness away.

The story makes me sick. What I struggle with is feeling mercy here.

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