for you of the US, what are your 4th of July activities?


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We want a quiet and relaxing July 4. If we get around to it, we'll checkout the parade this evening and catch fireworks at 9. Otherwise, totally chillin' and doin' NOTHING :) It'll be so nice and peaceful!

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I usually watch "1776" but haven't gotten around to it yet today. My husband is working all day today. I wish I could say we had real traditions for this holiday, it deserves them almost as much as Christmas does. But I hate the summer heat and big crowds, so it's usually just an extra low-key day. 

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We took time for each other today Been remodeling the house...and needed the break. Thought about the meaning of the day. Went out to a movie then home for husband to BBQ steak and crab. Watch fireworks on tv... only because they had fireworks in our town last night.


It was a wonderful day. Will have the family over tomorrow to celebrate and have our own fireworks.

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Especially in drought years. ;)  This year we've had plenty of rain so they had to try even harder, so I was expecting a really big show and wasn't disappointed!  :D



Sounds like my 4th.


It is DRY here.  All sorts of fire warnings and restrictions.  But I was up until at least 2:00 a.m. just in case I had to run for my life if the moronic new neighbors managed to set my roof or yard on fire with their illegal fireworks.   I'll look the other way on your illegal fireworks - maybe even enjoy them from afar - but when you are setting them off over my house and property and not your own, and I am going to be the one to lose my life or my home and possessions, and not you, due to your carelessness and inconsideration.....I am not thinking kind thoughts about you.


And knowing how things are here, I will probably have to do the same tonight.

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We still have people setting off fireworks in my area since we are allowed to 3 days before and 3 days after the 4th.


Then it starts all over again later this month to celebrate July 24th.


We do, too.


Not sure of the rules and am not bothered by how many days in a row fireworks are permitted, but a bit annoyed when it's 11 o'clock or later and some people continue to blast off fireworks, I think it's insensitive, especially when you've got babies or young children trying to sleep and daddies/mamas that have to get up early the next day for work. We never could locate where those thoughtless fireworks were coming from but if they were visibly down the street - I would have fussed about it - or maybe I would have called the cops, assuming the 10 o'clock noise limit stands, not sure how it applies on certain holidays.

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Problem is, times just aren't watched, and I think a lot of neighbourhoods deal with it. Like I said, I don't care if fireworks were permitted everyday (other than the environment would suffer) but come on - let's be sensitive to other families and not blast them off after the designated time for them.

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Problem is, times just aren't watched, and I think a lot of neighbourhoods deal with it. Like I said, I don't care if fireworks were permitted everyday (other than the environment would suffer) but come on - let's be sensitive to other families and not blast them off after the designated time for them.


Fireworks went off here until after 1:00 a.m.   And since Oregonians love their illegal fireworks, we are talking LOUD, fly all over the place fireworks.  You expect the noise, but yeah, it would be nice if people were respectful about the time.


Again, Oregonians are all about their illegal (we are talking about a serious level of stupidity with some people's choices) fireworks, but this year the amount and the noise level seemed even greater than usual.  And this was with extremely dry conditions and high fire danger!  Since pot just became legal here and people were lined up by the thousands to get their free pot (I haven't followed closely and don't really understand how it works, but you can't yet legally buy it, so it's being given away for free.  So if you combine free and pot...well, it is Oregon!) so I have this certain visual in my head regarding the excessive fireworks this year.....


The heightened level wasn't just my imagination, either.  They had a special hot-line this year to report illegal fireworks, so that people wouldn't use 911 or overwhelm the non-emergency police lines.  But the line was overwhelmed and there was at least an hour wait for any kind of response.


People also seem to be unaware of the effect that the noise can have on vets with PTSD.

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The weird thing is, last year for July 4 we heard zero fireworks in our area, but others were definitely getting an earful elsewhere. Not sure why this year it was different, could be that we're starting to get families in the neighbourhood, not sure.

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Problem is, times just aren't watched, and I think a lot of neighbourhoods deal with it. Like I said, I don't care if fireworks were permitted everyday (other than the environment would suffer) but come on - let's be sensitive to other families and not blast them off after the designated time for them.


Our curfew for fireworks was 11. So I took in Daughter for bed at that time. Of course, the people across the street must have misunderstood the policy because that's when they started setting off some really good ones that I have to say made for a nice show. So not only was I bothered by the breaking of the rules, I also thought "Really? You couldn't have done the good show at the right time and had to do it after I put my kid to bed instead of giving her a chance to watch them?"

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I'm not in city limits so there are no rules. The folks on the other side of the creek probably fire off as many rounds as they do set off fireworks but last night was pretty quiet so I think its pretty much over now,..and July 24th means nothing to folks out here, that's a western thing. 

Edited by Average Joe
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