It is legal to work someone 8.5 hours without a break


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A week has passed and I have to say I saw a miracle during this passing time.  The workload was very light this Tuesday thru Friday.  I also realized I had an enormous amount of anger and stress built up inside me caused by my experiences at this place.  I keep praying that I can hold out until I get into another place of employment.  

Pray for me that I can pass my Security + exam the first time I take it.  It costs $385 to have two chances to pass the exam.  I have been studying for this exam for over month and I take it in several days.

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I took the Security + exam today and passed with a score of 774 points (or 86%).  Scoring this high on the test I feel was a miracle as the exam is difficult.

I will be able to work for a Federal Air Force Base doing Information Technology technical support with a Security + certification and a Secret clearance.  I am hoping to eventually become a Desk Side Technician.

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  • 1 month later...

I just thought I would give an update.  It is February 15th and I am still employed at the same place.  I am still waiting on a Federal Government Security clearance.  Hopefully it will be soon as I am ready to move on to another opportunity.

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7 hours ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

I am still waiting on a Federal Government Security clearance.

You're sort of in the clear.  If there were no problems, the'd have given you clearance already.  If they found something truly bad (red flags) you'd be rejected already.  This longer period without any news means they found some yellow flags and they're just going through the process.  It will probably take another two months or so to finally get approved.

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, mirkwood said:

I work 12 hour shifts with no breaks or lunch hour provided.

@mirkwood-do they allow you guys to drink a bottle of Pepsi or eat a burger while on the job? Not trying to be funny, honest question. 

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7 hours ago, Carborendum said:

You're sort of in the clear.  If there were no problems, the'd have given you clearance already.  If they found something truly bad (red flags) you'd be rejected already.  This longer period without any news means they found some yellow flags and they're just going through the process.  It will probably take another two months or so to finally get approved.

I started the "Secret Clearance" process in early December 2016.  From what I have heard it can take up to 3 months to get the clearance done.

Mirkwood I hope you do not have a supervisor that looks over your shoulder all the time.  Good supervisors step in when asked and needed and they do not ask their people to do things they are not willing to do.  They want our average handle time around 9 minutes (and that includes all the documentation we are required to do too).  If I am in "not ready" for phone calls for four or five minutes they are wondering what I am doing.  It's like I am a child or something and need to be constantly tended to or I will put something in my mouth and choke to death.  It gets old.  I called in today and told them I was not showing up for my shift.

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33 minutes ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

They want our average handle time around 9 minutes (and that includes all the documentation we are required to do too).  If I am in "not ready" for phone calls for four or five minutes they are wondering what I am doing.  It's like I am a child or something and need to be constantly tended to or I will put something in my mouth and choke to death.

Unfortunately, the standards for call centers are low enough that there are almost certainly employees there who would be licking the windows if not constantly watched.  As ffor figuring out which those are and leaving the rest alone, well, that would assume that the supervisors aren't among the window lickers.

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34 minutes ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

I started the "Secret Clearance" process in early December 2016.  From what I have heard it can take up to 3 months to get the clearance done.

A lot of my buddies got theirs within a month.  They had no yellow flags.  You apparently had something.  There's nothing wrong with that.  I got a couple yellow flags on mine.  That's why I was the only one in my group that couldn't go to certain meetngs. After three months (like clockwork) I was given my clearance and we moved on.

But if there is a reason you might have a red flag, then you might not get it. 

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3 hours ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

Mirkwood I hope you do not have a supervisor that looks over your shoulder all the time.

I have good supervisors.  When they are off I am the shift supervisor and I am about as far from a micro manager as you can get.


@MormonGator, when I'm not dispatched on anything, I can do whatever I feel like, so I get to eat etc. pretty much whenever I want.  I just have no scheduled breaks or meals.

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5 hours ago, Carborendum said:

A lot of my buddies got theirs within a month.  They had no yellow flags.  You apparently had something.  There's nothing wrong with that.  I got a couple yellow flags on mine.  That's why I was the only one in my group that couldn't go to certain meetngs. After three months (like clockwork) I was given my clearance and we moved on.

But if there is a reason you might have a red flag, then you might not get it. 

I got a Class III Gaming License when I worked as a security officer at a casino in the past.  The background check was as intense as the Secret Clearance I believe.  I dealt with large sums of money while working at the casino so they wanted an in depth background check on all officers.  My mind does not doubt that my current background check will get approved eventually.  Here is to hoping it is done soon as I am ready to move on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yesterday I resigned from my position work.  As I went to resign at work I was listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio.  He said paraphrased: "Winners know when to stop doing something because it is hopeless and move their efforts in another direction."   This felt it was confirmation that I was making the right decision to leave my old job. 

I went in after hours e-mailed my resignation, sent a few good bye electronic mails and turned in my security badge.  I worked there a little over five and a half years.

Pray for me that I start a good new line of work soon.  It would be nice to have a week break and then get back on the horse but I realize it may be sixty days or longer.

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Just when I think it is over now I find my old employer is doing something illegal.  Utah law states if an employee quits final paychecks must be issued to the employee by the next pay day.  They mailed me my final check today finally with all my vacation pay but my paycheck before that has not been sent to me yet which is about another $1,000 net pay.  Pay day was the 10th of March.  I am not happy about this.

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13 hours ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

Just when I think it is over now I find my old employer is doing something illegal.  Utah law states if an employee quits final paychecks must be issued to the employee by the next pay day.  They mailed me my final check today finally with all my vacation pay but my paycheck before that has not been sent to me yet which is about another $1,000 net pay.  Pay day was the 10th of March.  I am not happy about this.

Print out the statute that states this.  Point out the paydays and ask him to provide you the money owed or you'll file charges against him.

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I have tried to contact payroll but got no call back.  Human Resources has been e-mailed but I shall electronic mail them again.  I also have sent an electronic mail to the Utah Labor Commission.  Previously my pay check was mailed out and I would have already received it.  Either they are being neglectful or they are trying to get back at me for quitting.

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8 minutes ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

I have tried to contact payroll but got no call back.  Human Resources has been e-mailed but I shall electronic mail them again.  I also have sent an electronic mail to the Utah Labor Commission.  Previously my pay check was mailed out and I would have already received it.  Either they are being neglectful or they are trying to get back at me for quitting.

"no call back".  Have you threatened them with legal action?

If they really are as bad as you're saying, there are some people who simply do not respond to anything short of threats.

Further, you'd better check and double check your last payment to be SURE they didn't include everything already.  It would be bad to get egg on your face if you file such a lawsuit.

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They e-mailed me back.  We checked my paychecks again.  It appears they did pay me everything.  It is good and I am glad to get what I worked for.  They also said they are going to issue me another small check for a bonus.  I am glad it is over with that place and to move on to better things.

Pray for me that I start my new job soon.  All I need is my Secret clearance to go through.  It was nice to have off ten days but I am ready to go to work again for another place.

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It looks as if I start my new Information Technology job on the 22nd of March 2017.  Anyone that prayed for me thanks!  I had been fasting and praying that my clearance would be processed.  The two week vacation break off from work was very nice.

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