Addressing every single LDS person...

Guest MormonGator

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Guest MormonGator

If you could, what would you say? You could make them listen this time. 

In all honesty, I'd say each and every one of my brothers and sisters is way, way more amazing, compassionate, accepting and Christlike than we think. The world owes us an apology. They are lying about us. There is literally no one more amazing than Mormons. I come from the "anti" world and I'm ashamed of the way I once thought. 


Not an insult against other religions. Would love to hear some thoughts, whether they be funny, serious, or whatever. 


We had a great priesthood session today and this question was brought up, in a roundabout way. 

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Guest MormonGator

lol. That title is misleading, huh?

No, I'm sorry.  I meant addressing every single individual LDS person. Not something on marital status.  :D

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Well, I'm single (divorced) so I'd say, I love the church.  And I guess, I suppose the people in the church.  Well, most of the people in the church.  Maybe all the people, or most of the people in my ward.  I guess all of them, mostly.

I don't know about the stake, tho'.  I'm getting the impression their are some weird people in the stake, so I'll have to reserve judgment on them.

Well, not really judgment, assessment.  My assessment, that's it.


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Brothers and Sisters,


We live in a world that desperately needs us.  

They need us to believe that God is still a God of miracles.

They need us to believe in continuing revelation.

They need us to be close to the powers of heaven.

They need us to shine our lights from the city on top of the hill.

They need us to be in the world but not of the world.

They need us to stand in holy places.

They need us to call the world to return to virtue.

They need us to show forth the true nature of the Holy Ghost and the power of the holy priesthood.

They need us to be the anchor of truth in a world of moral relativity.

They need us to be the only fully organized force for Godly power on earth.

They need us to prevent the world from being utterly wasted at the second coming.


And this above all...


They need us to teach the true nature of the atonement and how we may gain a remission of our sins to be sanctified by the blood of Christ, and bring that sanctification to them.


These are the last days.  It is not coincidence that the Lord's name for His Church includes "Latter-Day Saints".  We are here to give the world a final chance to accept the full and everlasting gospel in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times.  We are the Lord's Latter-Day Covenant people just as the Jews were His Ancient Covenant People.  The duty is ours to do as He would have us do, go where He would have us go, and be as He would have us be.


All of our brothers and sisters on this earth are depending on us to live up to the title "Saints".

Our Father in Heaven and our Eldest Brother are depending on us to be the instruments in Their hands to proclaim the full knowledge of our Savior.

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I'd say, listen to the guys who have been given stewardship over you, and quit thinking you know better than them. There is a mantle to any calling that puts other people in your care. It entitles the holder to revelation and wisdom that Brother Whoever can't get for the body of the Church. Heavenly Father is in charge; trust His anointed. 

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I'd say, listen to the guys who have been given stewardship over you, and quit thinking you know better than them. There is a mantle to any calling that puts other people in your care. It entitles the holder to revelation and wisdom that Brother Whoever can't get for the body of the Church. Heavenly Father is in charge; trust His anointed. 



One of the things I've said before is that (usually talking about local callings such as SS teacher, bishop, RS homemaking, etc.) part of sustaining means you sustain them even when they do something wrong, dumb, or stupid. We are all human and none of us (including me or those listening) are above making mistakes. Our job as a sustainer is to help and forgive. So, the next time you feel like crabbing about the dumb thing that Sis so-and-so did, remember, you've had your share of dumb things--forgive her and then find out what you can do to help her.

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