What's your calendar theme for 2016?


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Lighthouses. My mom always gives me a calendar for the next year for Christmas. It’s not Christmas if I don’t get my calendar. :lol: She knows I like lighthouses, so that’s what I usually get.

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If you like snarky, I recommend building your own...


At work I have a booklet-style one-month-covers-two-pages thing.  (Mostly cuz I don't trust the HR system to accurately track my time off, so I do it on paper.)


My fridge has two dry-erase calendars which I use mostly to track birthdays, church events, and similar (I also put those in my email system so it pops reminders for me).

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"Tropical Islands" on the fridge paper calendar. 


Either subsides the need temporarily to go to a tropical Island or on the flip-side increases it? Haven't figured out which yet.


Going to Hawaii in March now though...

Edited by NeedleinA
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Baby Animals on the wall above my computer.

Old fashioned Day Planner in my purse. I am so dependent on that planner - I have three months in it along with my address book. I keep all of the Day Planner past years, in case we need to verify appointments, happenings and when I put batteries in my hearing aides. 


Hubby uses his Kindle Fire. 

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Baby Animals on the wall above my computer.

Old fashioned Day Planner in my purse. I am so dependent on that planner - I have three months in it along with my address book. I keep all of the Day Planner past years, in case we need to verify appointments, happenings and when I put batteries in my hearing aides. 


Hubby uses his Kindle Fire. 


I'm with you.  I still carry the old fashioned day planner in my purse.  I put everything in that planner.  And it's funny.  I keep old ones too.  It's been amazing the things I've had to refer back to with those.  I think the oldest one I have is from 1992.

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I'm with you.  I still carry the old fashioned day planner in my purse.  I put everything in that planner.  And it's funny.  I keep old ones too.  It's been amazing the things I've had to refer back to with those.  I think the oldest one I have is from 1992.

It sure came in handy when the across the street neighbor threatened to kill me. I had written the encounters in my planner - noting the time of day, etc. When Hubby insisted that I press charges after a week of drugged out neighbors threats, I could go back in the planner when the ADA had me come in for my disposition. The neighbor also threatened two other of us female neighbors, but only the gal next door to me wanted to press charges against him. She used her cell phone to record what had happened to her. She actually recorded his last threat!


I kept the old ones because I recorded my blood glucose levels, when I took my insulin, what was eaten and when. On days that Hubby and I both had appointments, there just wasn't room for everything, so I bought journals that had enough pages for a year to 6 months to use as my Diabetic Journal.


Before my biannual total blood work up medical visit, I transfer all the data (not the meals) to a chart I created using Excel. Then a week before my appointment, I email this chart to my Primary Care Physician so he has time to study it.  


I keep mine in 1 gallon zip bags. In AZ there were some really icky bugs that got into my stored paper. Not the blank paper, but the written on. Think they liked the ink and pencil lead!


Some of those bugs got into the boxed food stuff too. Rice-A-Roni, Pastas, Instant Stuffing, Hamburger/Tuna Helper. After throwing away about 6 months food storage worth, I vacuumed sealed the new boxes. 


Ooops,  :threadhijacked:   :sorry:

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