That "girl" was a "boy" last year...


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I teach 2nd grade. I can't imagine the vast majority of 2nd graders needing this type of in-depth discussion. I still have a couple who can't even wander across the hall to the bathroom without getting lost, let alone worry about gender identity. That being said, 2nd graders are smarter than many give them credit for. Should these things be discussed? Sure, but age appropriateness is a thing and a thing that should be considered.

What bothers me is the notion of going beyond answering a few questions or proactively presenting this information for age-appropriateness. Words are powerful. No, talking to your kid about gender identity probably won't make them change genders willy-nilly, in and of itself. But there is a culture that encourages this acceptance and even champions it far beyond the exceptions in unusual, critical cases.

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On 2/28/2016 at 9:02 PM, Backroads said:


This is off-topic and intellectually I realize I shouldn't, but I'm starting to take these conversations rather personally.

It isn't meant to be.

My jaded view of public education comes largely from a couple of friends of mine who are teachers in the public school system in this area.  I'll go into details at another time, but I just wanted to mention here that I do acknowledge that the level to which education becomes indoctrination varies depending on where you are and the political leanings of teh community.

Back on topic:  to echo a little of what you said previously... some 2nd Graders are ready for more info than others.  I approach it the same way I have always approached "the talk" with my kids... When they're ready to know, they'll ask questions, and those questions should be asked as directly but as simply as possible. 

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On 2/26/2016 at 8:58 AM, LiterateParakeet said:

I didn't talk to [my two sons] about Transgender issues when they were young because it was [not?] a topic back then but I did talk to them about any other contoversial topics that came up. 

The fact that they are now "topics" only shows (at least to me) that they are pseudo issues: people just make this stuff up to some degree because it's fashionable, chic, or whatever the current fad word is.

I can accept that a tiny minority of people have DNA and some part of their psyches mismatched, but it's a tiny fraction, not nearly the proportion who assert their cases. By far, the majority of these people (or their parents in the cases of children) want the publicity (being ignored is more painful than the process). In the cases of parent(s), it seems to be a sort of Munchhausen by Proxy.

This modern, widespread sexual misorientation (whether homosexuality or transgender or bisexuality, or whichever of the 25 or so "genders") is little more than another satanic assault on God's plan.


Edited by LeSellers
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What's worse still is that we aren't allowed to question anyone's assertion that they're trans-whatevered.  Last year OSHA came out with some suggested guidelines for businesses that have mens' and womens' bathrooms and how to deal with these things.  Basically, if a person who is obviously a man chooses to use the womens' restroom on the grounds that he's a "transgendered female"  then he should be allowed to do so.  Furthermore, "she" should not be asked to prove "her" status and should be taken at "her" word. 

So essentially if a creepy guy wants to get the kinky thrill of using the ladies' restroom while women are in there, all he has to do is claim to be a trans and no questions are to be asked. 


“Restricting employees to using only restrooms that are not consistent with their gender identity, or segregating them from other workers by requiring them to use gender-neutral or other specific restrooms, singles those employees out and may make them fear for their physical safety,” the guidance says. “Bathroom restrictions can result in employees avoiding using restrooms entirely while at work, which can lead to potentially serious physical injury or illness.”

So, basically the only factor that matters is the emotional comfort and feeling of safety of the tiny minority of people, and the price?  Fully half of our population is no longer able to feel fully safe in public ladies' rooms because they don't know who's going in there with them. 

Makes me afraid to let my daughters use public restrooms.

Of course, that can go both ways, but I suspect men will feel less threatened and more weirded out when a woman claiming to be a man goes in there...  But then again... most mens' public bathrooms are pretty disgusting so I'm not sure why anyone would go in there by choice.  ;)

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21 minutes ago, unixknight said:

Of course, that can go both ways, but I suspect men will feel less threatened and more weirded out when a woman claiming to be a man goes in there...  But then again... most mens' public bathrooms are pretty disgusting so I'm not sure why anyone would go in there by choice.  ;)

Maybe it's just because I'm a guy, but I can't imagine that women are as visually interested in what men generally expose in the bathroom as men are in what women expose in there.  Ours ain't built for looks.

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On 3/3/2016 at 7:08 AM, NightSG said:

Maybe it's just because I'm a guy, but I can't imagine that women are as visually interested in what men generally expose in the bathroom as men are in what women expose in there.  Ours ain't built for looks.

This is untrue. Male genitalia are as much "for looks" as femaie.

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Guest LiterateParakeet
59 minutes ago, Vort said:

This is untrue. Male genitalia are as much "for looks" as femaie.

Debating whether I should "go there"...

I'll just say that I for me and all the women I know, NightSG is right.

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30 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

As we think about where to go with these notions, please keep this in mind.  Probably a goodly portion of people reading this thread, are our youth.  (Goodly = a bit more than a skosh, maybe less than a plethora.)



Who started those threads? Yikes... my bad! I'll do better on my threads:embarrassed:

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