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I am new to the forum and I am a student at CIU - I am pursuing my Masters in Divinity and I have a class I am taking that I need some LDS perspective on. It is a worldview/culture class with some anthropology mixed in. I have a short set of questions that are completely non-threatening and contain no "hidden" agenda. I simply have to write a paper based on what I have learned from the class as it applies to how certain people groups think. Some of my classmates are studying Hispanics, some are studying teenagers, others are studying people in prison. I chose to study the LDS. So if you are willing to read these questions and answer them either on this thread or email them to me - [email protected] - I would be very appreciative!!! Your answers can be as long or as short as you like. I am very open and honest, so if you have any questions for me feel free to ask! The more LDS that participate the better! Oh, and you don't have to answer all the questions, just whatever you can!

How old are you?

How long have you been associated to the Mormon Faith?

Were you ever affiliated with any other type of Faith?

Will you describe your understanding of Creation?

How would you describe the character of God?

What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

What are your hopes for eternity?

Who was Joseph Smith and what role does he play in your understanding of Scripture?

What do you believe about the Bible? Is it on the same plain with the Book of Mormon?

Do you maintain ties to your ancestors in any way?

What teachings do you follow concerning marriage?

What role does your faith play in your political views?

Do you support Mitt Romney?

Do you have a family doctor?

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1.) How old are you?

2.) How long have you been associated to the Mormon Faith?

3.) Were you ever affiliated with any other type of Faith?

1.) Between 10-40

2.) The Mormon Faith is the Church of Jesus Christ...I have been associated with it since the premortal existence, where I chose to follow Jesus as my Savior.

3.) Nope.

4.) Will you describe your understanding of Creation?

5.) How would you describe the character of God?

6.) What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

7.) What are your hopes for eternity?

4.) Sure.

5.) Perfect.

6.) He saves us from death and hell by his sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection.

7.) High.

8.) Who was Joseph Smith and what role does he play in your understanding of Scripture?

9.) What do you believe about the Bible? Is it on the same plain with the Book of Mormon?

8.) He was a prophet called by God to restore His Son's Church with doctrines, authority and ordinances.

9.) It's a good book with good teachings. They both contain the gospel of Christ. Bible's not as doctrinally correct in all cases.

10.) Do you maintain ties to your ancestors in any way?

11.) What teachings do you follow concerning marriage?

10.) Genetics, mostly.

11.) Do it.

12.) What role does your faith play in your political views?

13.) Do you support Mitt Romney?

14.) Do you have a family doctor?

12.) An important one.

13.) Not because he's LDS, but because he's for family, military and capitalism.

14.) Not of my brothers is in med school right now, though.

If you're disappointed with my terse answers, it's most likely because I think you should go do your own research about LDS doctrine on, and I don't think an internet site is a good place to ask people for their age or family info. Good luck.

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<div class='quotemain'>

1.) How old are you?

2.) How long have you been associated to the Mormon Faith?

3.) Were you ever affiliated with any other type of Faith?

1.) Between 10-40

2.) The Mormon Faith is the Church of Jesus Christ...I have been associated with it since the premortal existence, where I chose to follow Jesus as my Savior.

3.) Nope.

4.) Will you describe your understanding of Creation?

5.) How would you describe the character of God?

6.) What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

7.) What are your hopes for eternity?

4.) Sure.

5.) Perfect.

6.) He saves us from death and hell by his sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection.

7.) High.

8.) Who was Joseph Smith and what role does he play in your understanding of Scripture?

9.) What do you believe about the Bible? Is it on the same plain with the Book of Mormon?

8.) He was a prophet called by God to restore His Son's Church with doctrines, authority and ordinances.

9.) It's a good book with good teachings. They both contain the gospel of Christ. Bible's not as doctrinally correct in all cases.

10.) Do you maintain ties to your ancestors in any way?

11.) What teachings do you follow concerning marriage?

10.) Genetics, mostly.

11.) Do it.

12.) What role does your faith play in your political views?

13.) Do you support Mitt Romney?

14.) Do you have a family doctor?

12.) An important one.

13.) Not because he's LDS, but because he's for family, military and capitalism.

14.) Not of my brothers is in med school right now, though.

If you're disappointed with my terse answers, it's most likely because I think you should go do your own research about LDS doctrine on, and I don't think an internet site is a good place to ask people for their age or family info. Good luck.

this is what anthropology is what he is doing is very approptriate. He is not studing doctrine but your reactions to it,.


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How old are you?

How long have you been associated to the Mormon Faith?

Were you ever affiliated with any other type of Faith?



yes - As I travel I love to visit religious places through out the world. I have meditated with Budhest monks, spoken at Islamac services and prayed with many Christians groups. I will go where ever I am accepted and learn what I can from everybody.

Will you describe your understanding of Creation?

How would you describe the character of God?

What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

What are your hopes for eternity?

G-d created all things as a great act of divine service and man is beginning to understand what a undertaking it was and is.

G-d's character

1. He will not do for us what we can do for ourselves

2. He will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

3. He will not do anything to man that is not of eternal benefit.

4. He will do anything for man that is of eternal benefit.

5. He will only do for us that to which we concur.

Jesus is the son of G-d the Father - he proved that a man (which was what he was) is intended to become a G-d that he is.

I intend to serve G-d and my fellow man for eternity.

Who was Joseph Smith and what role does he play in your understanding of Scripture?

What do you believe about the Bible? Is it on the same plain with the Book of Mormon?

Joseph was a prophet of G-d and was treated by the religious establishment in the same manner that Jesus was treated by the religious establishment.

The Bible has hidden in it's pages the word of G-d that for the most of the last 2000 years has been misunderstood and misused by socities. Those that do not understand the truths in the Bible will not understand the same truths given as a 2nd witness in the Book of Mormon

Do you maintain ties to your ancestors in any way?

What teachings do you follow concerning marriage?

I am tied to my ancestors with an eternal covenant. My name and the names of my children are from my ancestors

I am married to the one woman of my dreams and youth in a covenant with G-d for eternity.

What role does your faith play in your political views?

Do you support Mitt Romney?

Do you have a family doctor?

I believe that my faith is my politics.

I do not support Mit Romney nor do I support any of the Democrats. The persons I would support are not currently running or will not run.

I have a family doctor and he is a close and personal friend. I try not to let such things stand in the way of friendship.

The Traveler

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I'm not disappointed in your "terse" answers, but I am disappointed in the love of Christ that you did not show. There is no place for sarcasm in Christendom. Secondly, I know LDS doctrine. That is not what I'm looking for. I wanted to get a survey from real individuals, what better place than this to get an Anthropology survey. As far as asking questions of age and family, none of the questions were required and there was an email address available to send discrete responses. Responses like yours shed a poor light on the LDS and the prophets therein. Your defensiveness is not recognized as strength, but rather weakness. Please forgive my confrontation, but I think there is a time when people really need to know what they sound like to others.

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I'm not disappointed in your "terse" answers, but I am disappointed in the love of Christ that you did not show. There is no place for sarcasm in Christendom. Secondly, I know LDS doctrine. That is not what I'm looking for. I wanted to get a survey from real individuals, what better place than this to get an Anthropology survey. As far as asking questions of age and family, none of the questions were required and there was an email address available to send discrete responses. Responses like yours shed a poor light on the LDS and the prophets therein. Your defensiveness is not recognized as strength, but rather weakness. Please forgive my confrontation, but I think there is a time when people really need to know what they sound like to others.

For a post-graduate student, I find you lack sufficient communication skills with which to phrase questions which would evoke the informative responses you desire.

It might behoove you to seek your answers in the parking lot of a Church Meetinghouse in Columbia, rather than here. I'm sure you would receive a more accurate sampling of random LDS members for your purposes. It would also put you outdoors where you will be exposed to sunshine, allowing your body to properly convert Vitamin D, rather than being cooped up indoors on such a nice day.

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Brevity is not a bad thing. The purposes of the survey were to remain broad. I do regret that you think I am stupid, but I cannot help that. As for the lazy implication, I work construction all day, I get plenty of sunshine there B) I figured the anonymity online would allow most people to be more open than they would normally be face to face. I think that assumption about things said online pretty much holds true. I hope you are having a wonderful day outside since you obviously have wireless internet access and you are most certainly rubbing in more sunscreen as I type.

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How old are you? -39

How long have you been associated to the Mormon Faith? -39 yrs (born in the church)

Were you ever affiliated with any other type of Faith? -Tequila, MLB, The Utah Jazz, and David Brin

Will you describe your understanding of Creation? -G-d did it. Since the scriptures do not describe a process, I believe we are free to accept what science has concocted (I do think evolution is a little too reductionary and shallow and also the final chapter in a process that began with the big-bang and locally included photostar synthesis) or to deny it waiting for G-d to let us know later on.

How would you describe the character of God? -The Nicea narcissists got it wrong. G-d has passions, body, and a love of Hamburgers.

What do you believe about Jesus Christ? -What a great guy. Died on the cross for all of us an saved us from the hell of eternal death.

What are your hopes for eternity? -Exhalation and better feet so I can run and play football again without a lot of pain.

Who was Joseph Smith and what role does he play in your understanding of Scripture? -Fabulous prophet and it is insights, translations, instruction, and revelation that has led to my understanding of the scriptures.

What do you believe about the Bible? -One of the greatest examples of literature in the world. It is also scripture and as such is to be used to achieve exaltation. Is it on the same plain with the Book of Mormon? -Yes, so long as it is translated correctly.

Do you maintain ties to your ancestors in any way? -My parents and grandparents that are still alive? Yes. The dead ones? No.

What teachings do you follow concerning marriage? -1) It's a good thing to do (I've been divorced so long that I can say being single is for the birds-there is of course stronger language, but I'll leave you to be creative). 2) It is to be between a man and a woman--cut and dry, simple, and to the point. 3) Marriages not in the temple are temporary, so why bother.

What role does your faith play in your political views? -It depends on the issue. Sometimes my faith influences me to a liberal position and sometimes to a conservative one. For example: I am pro-environment, pro-women's issues, anti-smoking, anti-alcohol, skeptical on large government, war, real-estate speculation, and excessive taxation.

Do you support Mitt Romney? -I do not support any LDS or Mormon in politics.

Do you have a family doctor? -Yes.

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<div class='quotemain'>

How old are you? -39

How long have you been associated to the Mormon Faith? -39 yrs (born in the church)

Were you ever affiliated with any other type of Faith? -Tequila, MLB, The Utah Jazz, and David Brin

Will you describe your understanding of Creation? -G-d did it. Since the scriptures do not describe a process, I believe we are free to accept what science has concocted (I do think evolution is a little too reductionary and shallow and also the final chapter in a process that began with the big-bang and locally included photostar synthesis) or to deny it waiting for G-d to let us know later on.

How would you describe the character of God? -The Nicea narcissists got it wrong. G-d has passions, body, and a love of Hamburgers.

What do you believe about Jesus Christ? -What a great guy. Died on the cross for all of us an saved us from the hell of eternal death.

What are your hopes for eternity? -Exhalation and better feet so I can run and play football again without a lot of pain.

Who was Joseph Smith and what role does he play in your understanding of Scripture? -Fabulous prophet and it is insights, translations, instruction, and revelation that has led to my understanding of the scriptures.

What do you believe about the Bible? -One of the greatest examples of literature in the world. It is also scripture and as such is to be used to achieve exaltation. Is it on the same plain with the Book of Mormon? -Yes, so long as it is translated correctly.

Do you maintain ties to your ancestors in any way? -My parents and grandparents that are still alive? Yes. The dead ones? No.

What teachings do you follow concerning marriage? -1) It's a good thing to do (I've been divorced so long that I can say being single is for the birds-there is of course stronger language, but I'll leave you to be creative). 2) It is to be between a man and a woman--cut and dry, simple, and to the point. 3) Marriages not in the temple are temporary, so why bother.

What role does your faith play in your political views? -It depends on the issue. Sometimes my faith influences me to a liberal position and sometimes to a conservative one. For example: I am pro-environment, pro-women's issues, anti-smoking, anti-alcohol, skeptical on large government, war, real-estate speculation, and excessive taxation.

Do you support Mitt Romney? -I do not support any LDS or Mormon in politics.

Do you have a family doctor? -Yes.

perfect! Thanks a bunch!

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I am disappointed in the love of Christ that you did not show.

I was unaware I was un-Christlike in my responses. I meant every word I said. :hmmm:

There is no place for sarcasm in Christendom.

I wasn't being sarcastic. I answered your questions truthfully, even the bit about my brother being in med school. :huh:

Responses like yours shed a poor light on the LDS and the prophets therein.

How so?

Your defensiveness is not recognized as strength, but rather weakness.

So you took my response as defensive, huh? That's one way to look at it. :lol:

Please forgive my confrontation, but I think there is a time when people really need to know what they sound like to others.

Dude, there's nothing to forgive. If you interpreted my words as defensive, un-Christlike, unbecoming an LDS member and useless in your survery...that's your right. It's your point of view.

In the end, I didn't call you names, you didn't call me names...I think we broke even despite misunderstanding each other's intent. B)

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Brevity is not a bad thing. The purposes of the survey were to remain broad. I do regret that you think I am stupid, but I cannot help that. As for the lazy implication, I work construction all day, I get plenty of sunshine there B) I figured the anonymity online would allow most people to be more open than they would normally be face to face. I think that assumption about things said online pretty much holds true. I hope you are having a wonderful day outside since you obviously have wireless internet access and you are most certainly rubbing in more sunscreen as I type.

I certainly do not think you are stupid. You do need to work on your communication skills.

Neither did I imply that you are lazy. I merely offered you an alternative site wherein to complete your assignment.

I am glad to hear that you work a construction job; I am very glad to hear that you are employed, and obviously working your way through school. I find that admirable.

I responded to your "survey" via private email; and have yet to receive acknowledgement.

Edited to add: I am sorry if you have taken offense.

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I am new to the forum and I am a student at CIU - I am pursuing my Masters in Divinity and I have a class I am taking that I need some LDS perspective on. It is a worldview/culture class with some anthropology mixed in. I have a short set of questions that are completely non-threatening and contain no "hidden" agenda. I simply have to write a paper based on what I have learned from the class as it applies to how certain people groups think. Some of my classmates are studying Hispanics, some are studying teenagers, others are studying people in prison. I chose to study the LDS. So if you are willing to read these questions and answer them either on this thread or email them to me - [email protected] - I would be very appreciative!!! Your answers can be as long or as short as you like. I am very open and honest, so if you have any questions for me feel free to ask! The more LDS that participate the better! Oh, and you don't have to answer all the questions, just whatever you can!

Let's see... you are a Masters student and you think that a valid way to collect information from a specific demographic group is to ask questions of anonymous posters on the internet?

Sure you are (a graduate student).... and I am the Queen of Sheeba. Pleased to meet you.

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I'm not disappointed in your "terse" answers, but I am disappointed in the love of Christ that you did not show. There is no place for sarcasm in Christendom. Secondly, I know LDS doctrine. That is not what I'm looking for. I wanted to get a survey from real individuals, what better place than this to get an Anthropology survey. As far as asking questions of age and family, none of the questions were required and there was an email address available to send discrete responses. Responses like yours shed a poor light on the LDS and the prophets therein. Your defensiveness is not recognized as strength, but rather weakness. Please forgive my confrontation, but I think there is a time when people really need to know what they sound like to others.

Ahhh... self-righteous condescension.

If I may... in what way exactly do you suppose that is going to help your cause, which obviously is not what you claimed it was in the OP? Seriously - your grammar and writing skills are worse than mine. Do you really think that someone will mistake you for a graduate student?

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Seriously - your grammar and writing skills are worse than mine. Do you really think that someone will mistake you for a graduate student?

It does make me question the literacy standards for university graduation! :)

(I do realize there are lots of nice people who simply cannot spell, for whatever reason.)

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<div class='quotemain'>

Seriously - your grammar and writing skills are worse than mine. Do you really think that someone will mistake you for a graduate student?

It does make me question the literacy standards for university graduation! :)

(I do realize there are lots of nice people who simply cannot spell, for whatever reason.)

It's not just that. Summer classes at CIU ended August 3rd and Fall classes do not start until next week. No classes are currently in session:

Next, you would think that someone trying to elicit information from others would be somewhat gracious and friendly. Instead, in her second post ciustudent jumps CK's case for being weak and not showing the love of Christ - all because he was mildly and benignly flippant.

Then, I can't imagine any legitimate graduate professor instructing students to do random research on the internet with no control or knowledge over who is responding. The data collected would be totally useless unless you were specifically studying internet poster dynamics - but that's not what ciustudent claim she was doing. It's definately not a graduate level endeavor.

It's a not uncommon, but certainly a clumsy, technique - ask some questions under the guise of conducting research and then use that as ammo on this or some other board.

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Bullseye Snow.

Ditto that was my thoughts exactly. I would think some kind of demographics would be required for something like this. Not random takings on a forum board.

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I am new to the forum and I am a student at CIU - I am pursuing my Masters in Divinity and I have a class I am taking that I need some LDS perspective on. It is a worldview/culture class with some anthropology mixed in. I have a short set of questions that are completely non-threatening and contain no "hidden" agenda. I simply have to write a paper based on what I have learned from the class as it applies to how certain people groups think. Some of my classmates are studying Hispanics, some are studying teenagers, others are studying people in prison. I chose to study the LDS. So if you are willing to read these questions and answer them either on this thread or email them to me - [email protected] - I would be very appreciative!!! Your answers can be as long or as short as you like. I am very open and honest, so if you have any questions for me feel free to ask! The more LDS that participate the better! Oh, and you don't have to answer all the questions, just whatever you can!

How old are you?

How long have you been associated to the Mormon Faith?

Were you ever affiliated with any other type of Faith?

Will you describe your understanding of Creation?

How would you describe the character of God?

What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

What are your hopes for eternity?

Who was Joseph Smith and what role does he play in your understanding of Scripture?

What do you believe about the Bible? Is it on the same plain with the Book of Mormon?

Do you maintain ties to your ancestors in any way?

What teachings do you follow concerning marriage?

What role does your faith play in your political views?

Do you support Mitt Romney?

Do you have a family doctor?

I like the "do you have a family doctor", question. The answer is yes. And a dentist, but I don't have a gynecologists, because I don't believe in the them........................because, I'm male and never had the need of one.

Now there was no "hidden" sarcasm in that answer, is there?

He/She did ask a good question. "What do you believe about the Bible? Is it on the same plain with the Book of Mormon?"

In our Sunday School, we rotate, studying The Book of Mormon, Church history/The Doctrine and Covenants, the Old Testament and the New Testament. That means we study the Bible, two out of fours years and the Book of Mormon, only one out of four. And yet, we know that the scriptures in the Book of Mormon, were saved for our day.

Once again, I thank you for reading, my ramblings - allmosthumble

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Seriously - your grammar and writing skills are worse than mine. Do you really think that someone will mistake you for a graduate student?

It does make me question the literacy standards for university graduation! :)

(I do realize there are lots of nice people who simply cannot spell, for whatever reason.)

It's not just that. Summer classes at CIU ended August 3rd and Fall classes do not start until next week. No classes are currently in session:

Next, you would think that someone trying to elicit information from others would be somewhat gracious and friendly. Instead, in her second post ciustudent jumps CK's case for being weak and not showing the love of Christ - all because he was mildly and benignly flippant.

Then, I can't imagine any legitimate graduate professor instructing students to do random research on the internet with no control or knowledge over who is responding. The data collected would be totally useless unless you were specifically studying internet poster dynamics - but that's not what ciustudent claim she was doing. It's definately not a graduate level endeavor.

It's a not uncommon, but certainly a clumsy, technique - ask some questions under the guise of conducting research and then use that as ammo on this or some other board.

Let me explain some things that I hope will allow you to think with grace towards my endeavors. First, I am a male WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant). I am 28, I am a student at CIU, and there was a summer session that ended August 3rd. One thing your investigative research didn't tell you was that there was a second session that ended August 10th. I was late in finishing my assignments so I requested an extension and was granted one. Not that I feel the need to justify myself, but I will tell you that I had a busy summer. I work construction full time to support my wife and daughter. I taught Bible for a week at a camp and I preached 5 times in the last 9 weeks. We are new parents and things have just been hectic. Furthermore, I might be persuaded to agree with you that I was confrontational with CK when he was "mildly flippant." I apologize. Also, I understand your disgruntledness towards evangelicals in general, but I would like to point out that I have not attacked any LDS doctrine, nor have I criticized any of your grammar. Oh yeah, and I don't proof read my posts, so forgive me for the occasional slip of the finger. I am a masters student. I did need some information quickly, and with my Sunday schedule I knew the local meetinghouse of LDS was not an option. I'm sure this is more information than you wanted from me, but you did basically call me a liar and I believe Revelation 21:8 says all liars will burn in the lake of fire. I actually am a liar, I am the worst of sinners, but I am covered by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and I am sealed with the Holy Spirit, a deposit, guaranteeing my inheritance in the Almighty God's eternal Kingdom (Ephesians 1:14-15). Not only that, I am being transformed (Romans 12:1-2, 2 Cor. 3:18) into the likeness of Jesus Christ. I have surrendered my life to my Lord Christ and have given my future over to Him as His tool, a message bearer of the good news of the Gospel. But, I am a broken vessel and I do not claim to be the wisest or the best student among any. Oh, and this hasn't been my favorite class, I fumble the football many times when it comes to engaging those who are different than myself. Many of you have been gracious though, and I more than appreciate your time. Hope this helps a little. Forgive my grammatical errors pleese ;)

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