Help A Student Please!


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Guest Yediyd

How old are you?Yes</span>

Note: <span style="color:#000099">I decided to respond to this survey of yours because I was impressed with the way you conducted yourself despite unfriendly responses to you...please forgive some of the terse responses to you...I was even offended by that "Warning, I'm a Christian" comment...we LDS have become somewhat gun-shy when it comes to Evangelicals!!!

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Let me explain some things that I hope will allow you to think with grace towards my endeavors. First, I am a male WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant). I am 28, I am a student at CIU, and there was a summer session that ended August 3rd. One thing your investigative research didn't tell you was that there was a second session that ended August 10th. I was late in finishing my assignments so I requested an extension and was granted one. Not that I feel the need to justify myself, but I will tell you that I had a busy summer. I work construction full time to support my wife and daughter. I taught Bible for a week at a camp and I preached 5 times in the last 9 weeks. We are new parents and things have just been hectic. Furthermore, I might be persuaded to agree with you that I was confrontational with CK when he was "mildly flippant." I apologize. Also, I understand your disgruntledness towards evangelicals in general, but I would like to point out that I have not attacked any LDS doctrine, nor have I criticized any of your grammar. Oh yeah, and I don't proof read my posts, so forgive me for the occasional slip of the finger. I am a masters student. I did need some information quickly, and with my Sunday schedule I knew the local meetinghouse of LDS was not an option. I'm sure this is more information than you wanted from me, but you did basically call me a liar and I believe Revelation 21:8 says all liars will burn in the lake of fire. I actually am a liar, I am the worst of sinners, but I am covered by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and I am sealed with the Holy Spirit, a deposit, guaranteeing my inheritance in the Almighty God's eternal Kingdom (Ephesians 1:14-15). Not only that, I am being transformed (Romans 12:1-2, 2 Cor. 3:18) into the likeness of Jesus Christ. I have surrendered my life to my Lord Christ and have given my future over to Him as His tool, a message bearer of the good news of the Gospel. But, I am a broken vessel and I do not claim to be the wisest or the best student among any. Oh, and this hasn't been my favorite class, I fumble the football many times when it comes to engaging those who are different than myself. Many of you have been gracious though, and I more than appreciate your time. Hope this helps a little. Forgive my grammatical errors pleese ;)

Not a bad response. I like what you are saying, but I want you to do more than just your homework, become a part of the dialogue. There is a lot of work that has to be done. I want you to know that I don't care about the way you phrased your survey (I've seen worse from Anth guys at the UofU).

What I would like you to do though is start over.

Unregister your current avatar.

Come up with a new name (Bob the Bugbear or something).

Post often on issues that are close to you.

Realize that though LDS have their own doctrine and methodology, we should not be seen as competitors but as co-workers (there is a lot of distrust-including from me).

Know also this is the internet, flaying-alive the pearls you hold close to your heart is part of the ritual and love of boards like this (though most people are quite nice) and that is the way it has to be.

Now I want to tell you about an anth student who set up a great web-based project (Ph.D. level however). This person set up a board like this targeting poets. The student would assail the site occasionally as a troll looking for particular answers. I went to the conference were she laid out what she did and the results. I know this might be more work than you are interested in and that you are not attending a major research university so you might not receive a lot of support, but if you did or at least spent your time on this site as a member (not as a troll-I think the mods would freak out and research ways to completely block you) you might learn a lot more then through the meek little survey you posted.

Last, don't worry about the spelling bit. Many of the regulars here, including myself, use poor spelling and grammar. No one should care and it would be silly if they did.

Aaron the Ogre

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How old are you?Yes</span>

Note: <span style="color:#000099">I decided to respond to this survey of yours because I was impressed with the way you conducted yourself despite unfriendly responses to you...please forgive some of the terse responses to you...I was even offended by that "Warning, I'm a Christian" comment...we LDS have become somewhat gun-shy when it comes to Evangelicals!!!

Thank you yedi, for your survey and your note!

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How old are you?


How long have you been associated to the Mormon Faith?

Going on my fourth year

Were you ever affiliated with any other type of Faith?

I have attended over a hundred different churches

Will you describe your understanding of Creation?

God began it all and utilized the process of evolution in the creation of life

How would you describe the character of God?

Loving and merciful

What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

That he is the Christ and Savior

What are your hopes for eternity?

That I will have abundant and everlasting life and that I will be united in love, with my family

Who was Joseph Smith and what role does he play in your understanding of Scripture?

He was the founder of my Church

What do you believe about the Bible? Is it on the same plane with the Book of Mormon?

The are both accepted scriptures that we can draw symbolic truths from

Do you maintain ties to your ancestors in any way?

I am a part of all that I have met

What teachings do you follow concerning marriage?

I try not to rile the women folk

What role does your faith play in your political views?

I dislike it when the Church meddles in politics

Do you support Mitt Romney?


Do you have a family doctor?

Being mortal, of course!

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I might have been a little flippant in my response, because I then and now feel that these are loaded questions.

Questions designed to come up with answers that you have already drawn conclusions too, by there very nature of the question.

I have a friend who is a Pentecostal preacher, who I love dearly. I would never in a million years, ask him if the Bible was the word of God, even though each book in the Bible was decided upon by pagans who were forced to be Christians. We both believe it is the word of God.

If you will forgive me, I will pass on your questions. If you are truly are, who you say you are, I wish you success in your studies.

I also hope that your study of my religion, would expand beyond what you can find in a few pages, in this forum. Experience tells me that it will end here. But the Gospel of Jesus Christ, tells me that hope springs eternal.

My weakness in my pride, makes this response, brief. The Lord loves you and so must I. Your almost humble friend -allmosthumble

P.S. I ain't got no skills at grammar, either.

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I'm glad to see that CIU student survived his baptism in the fire of skepticism. Unfortunately, many have come before with alleged motives, and then turned around and offered rather aggressive monologual pontifications.

Again, I'm pleased this appears to be turning out different. Hopefully my theological brother will stay around for awhile, despite his hectic schedule. :-)

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I'm glad to see that CIU student survived his baptism in the fire of skepticism. Unfortunately, many have come before with alleged motives, and then turned around and offered rather aggressive monologual pontifications.

Again, I'm pleased this appears to be turning out different. Hopefully my theological brother will stay around for awhile, despite his hectic schedule. :-)

PC, thanks for the shoutout. As for the fire of skepticism, it is true what He says through the prophet Isaiah in the 43rd chapter - When you walk through the fire you'll not be burned, and the flames will not consume you, do not fear, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, your are Mine, for I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. Oh, to be justified by the redeeming blood of the Savior!

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Wow, being compared to the destroying flames. I'm honored. B)

It's always all about you, isn't it CK??? :P

my wife always tells me...its all about her

So, Paleride, in keeping with the line of this thread, does this mean YOU are comparing HER with the destroying flames???


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...I might have been a little flippant in my response, because I then and now feel that these are loaded questions. Questions designed to come up with answers that you have already drawn conclusions too, by there very nature of the question.

Really? Especially the Do you have a family doctor? one.

I have a friend who is a Pentecostal preacher, who I love dearly. I would never in a million years, ask him if the Bible was the word of God...

It looks like you have something in common with ciustudent; he didn't ask that question either. :)

I also hope that your study of my religion, would expand beyond what you can find in a few pages, in this forum. Experience tells me that it will end here. But the Gospel of Jesus Christ, tells me that hope springs eternal.

He didn't really say he was study the LDS religion. He said his questions were part of an Anthropology Survey.

Since I can't answer the question, I wanted to contribute one way or another. :P


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<div class='quotemain'>

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<div class='quotemain'>

Wow, being compared to the destroying flames. I'm honored. B)

It's always all about you, isn't it CK??? :P

my wife always tells me...its all about her

So, Paleride, in keeping with the line of this thread, does this mean YOU are comparing HER with the destroying flames???



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  • 2 weeks later...

<div class='quotemain'>

...I might have been a little flippant in my response, because I then and now feel that these are loaded questions. Questions designed to come up with answers that you have already drawn conclusions too, by there very nature of the question.

Really? Especially the Do you have a family doctor? one.

I have a friend who is a Pentecostal preacher, who I love dearly. I would never in a million years, ask him if the Bible was the word of God...

It looks like you have something in common with ciustudent; he didn't ask that question either. :)

I also hope that your study of my religion, would expand beyond what you can find in a few pages, in this forum. Experience tells me that it will end here. But the Gospel of Jesus Christ, tells me that hope springs eternal.

He didn't really say he was study the LDS religion. He said his questions were part of an Anthropology Survey.

Since I can't answer the question, I wanted to contribute one way or another. :P



I will never debate you because I know that I will lose. Even if we were debating if the sky was mostly blue in the daylight, and I was for the color blue, I wouldn't stand a chance.

Your friend, allmosthumble

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I will never debate you because I know that I will lose. Even if we were debating if the sky was mostly blue in the daylight, and I was for the color blue, I wouldn't stand a chance.

Your friend, allmosthumble

I just got the impression ah that you didn't really read the questions; so you kinda gave rote answers. No debating required, just curious about your state of mind at the time.

M. :)

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