Every Republican Presidential Candidate is Hitler


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I think the big reason the left and establishment Republicans, at least, hate Trump is because he calls a spade a spade.  He doesn't use all the politically correct niceties and calls out the massive hypocrisy of the Democrats and establishment Republicans. 

I can't speak to those other voters who claim to be non-main stream conservative who don't like Trump, but I suspect he scares them because he's too aggressive in many areas.  I could be wrong on that, though.

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38 minutes ago, Jojo Bags said:

hate Trump is because he calls a spade a spade

This has become so cliche, and I have yet to see someone say it and have it actually mean anything. Can you say which spade he is calling a spade, exactly? Is it that:

*Mexico sends their worst: their criminals and rapists

*"We're going to beat Isis" (How??)

*"I'm the toughest guy." (Are we in kindergarten?"

*Muslims all hate us and want to kill us

*All immigrants need to be (fill in any number of unrealistic, not to mention bigoted things)

*His wife is hotter than Cruz's wife (even if this is true, so? Are we in junior high?)

*Women he doesn't like are " fat pigs’, ‘dogs’, ‘slobs’, and ‘disgusting animals"

*“You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of <expletive>.” — from an interview with Esquire, 1991

*He makes fun of disabled people

*He regularly uses juvenile name-calling, mostly to attack people's appearances

*He is a hypocrite (see above)

*He's rich (duh. And?)

*He finds his daughter very attractive

*His small hands don't reflect anything else about his physique


So we have offensive, we have insulting, and we have irrelevant. Which of these "spades" is a nugget of truth that everyone is afraid of, but the country needs so badly?

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3 hours ago, Eowyn said:

So we have offensive, we have insulting, and we have irrelevant. Which of these "spades" is a nugget of truth that everyone is afraid of, but the country needs so badly?

You've been listening to the propaganda of the mainstream media too much.  How about these spades.

“Public funding of abortion providers is an insult to people of conscience at the least and an affront to good governance at best.”

“As has been stated continuously in the press, people are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants. This must be stopped and it must be stopped now.”

“The right of self-defense doesn't stop at the end of your driveway. That's why I have a concealed carry permit and why tens of millions of Americans do too. That permit should be valid in all 50 states.”

“I will...quickly and decisively bomb the h*** out of ISIS, will rebuild our military and make it so strong no one -- and I mean, no one -- will mess with us.”

“We will bring a lot of additional companies in because our tax rates are going way down.”

“We're going to repeal and replace the horror known as Obamacare, it is a horror.

“I will bring jobs back from China, I will bring jobs back from Japan. I will bring jobs back from Mexico.”

“Snowing in Texas and Louisiana, record setting freezing temperatures throughout the country and beyond. Global warming is an expensive hoax!”

“I'm a tremendous believer in education, but education has to be at a local level. We cannot have the bureaucrats in Washington telling you how to manage your child's education.”

“Thanks to McCain and his Senate colleague Bernie Sanders, their legislation to cover up the VA scandal, in which 1,000+ veterans died waiting for medical care, made sure no one has been punished, charged, jailed, fined or held responsible. McCain has abandoned our veterans. I will fight for them.”

“Energy independence is a requirement if America is to become great again.”

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6 hours ago, Eowyn said:

This has become so cliche, and I have yet to see someone say it and have it actually mean anything. Can you say which spade he is calling a spade, exactly? Is it that:

*Mexico sends their worst: their criminals and rapists

*"We're going to beat Isis" (How??)

*"I'm the toughest guy." (Are we in kindergarten?"

*Muslims all hate us and want to kill us

*All immigrants need to be (fill in any number of unrealistic, not to mention bigoted things)

*His wife is hotter than Cruz's wife (even if this is true, so? Are we in junior high?)

*Women he doesn't like are " fat pigs’, ‘dogs’, ‘slobs’, and ‘disgusting animals"

*“You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of <expletive>.” — from an interview with Esquire, 1991

*He makes fun of disabled people

*He regularly uses juvenile name-calling, mostly to attack people's appearances

*He is a hypocrite (see above)

*He's rich (duh. And?)

*He finds his daughter very attractive

*His small hands don't reflect anything else about his physique


So we have offensive, we have insulting, and we have irrelevant. Which of these "spades" is a nugget of truth that everyone is afraid of, but the country needs so badly?

unfortunately he's peddling the spades that many folks were tossing around on the internet long before he entered the race :(.

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Are you guys paying attention to Trump's campaign manager being brought up on charges?

If you are, I consider that evidence that Trump knows what he's doing and would make an effective president.  Effective at what, I'm not too sure.  But he can sure make the media dance to his tune when he wants.  And yesterday, he wanted America to be thinking about his campaign manager.  

Does anyone know why?  


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Guest Godless
5 hours ago, Jojo Bags said:

You've been listening to the propaganda of the mainstream media too much.

No, she's been listening to the words coming from Trump's mouth. The reason the media loves Trump so much is because they don't need to put any spin on the things he says. He basically does their job for them.

“The right of self-defense doesn't stop at the end of your driveway. That's why I have a concealed carry permit and why tens of millions of Americans do too. That permit should be valid in all 50 states.”

So he wants to take gun control legislation out of the hands of the states and make it a federal matter? And Republicans are okay with this???

“I will...quickly and decisively bomb the h*** out of ISIS,

Haven't we already been doing that?

“We're going to repeal and replace the horror known as Obamacare

That is the biggest lie told by any Republican candidate (and several have said it). Republicans hold a majority of seats in Congress, but not enough of a majority to overcome a filibuster should a repeal bill be proposed. And besides, millions of Americans now have insurance thanks to Obamacare, and you're just going to take that away? I can see reforms being made under a Republican presidency, but not a full repeal. 

“I will bring jobs back from China, I will bring jobs back from Japan. I will bring jobs back from Mexico.”


“Snowing in Texas and Louisiana, record setting freezing temperatures throughout the country and beyond. Global warming is an expensive hoax!”

Actually, we just had our warmest winter on record here in Texas.

“I'm a tremendous believer in education, but education has to be at a local level. We cannot have the bureaucrats in Washington telling you how to manage your child's education.”

Isn't education mostly a state-run affair already?

“Thanks to McCain and his Senate colleague Bernie Sanders, their legislation to cover up the VA scandal, in which 1,000+ veterans died waiting for medical care, made sure no one has been punished, charged, jailed, fined or held responsible. McCain has abandoned our veterans. I will fight for them.”

Congressional Republicans have a very long history of neglecting veteran issues. If Trump has a plan to change that, I'd love to hear it, because he won't be able to get much done without them

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Calling a spade a spade means:

He doesn't have a team of Campaign and/or Political analysts, advisers, speech writers, debate preppers, image makers, image rehabbers, and all the other slew of people a Campaign hires to scrub, polish, groom, and filter a politician's actions/speeches.

For example:

Hillary Clinton does not go out in Public without having been prepped by her team on what to say in the next 24 hours.  When she walks into a seemingly random restaurant, that restaurant has been prepped, filtered, and "sanitized" so that the risk of her actually having to answer a question she has no prepared answers for is minimized.  She, therefore, doesn't say anything that she hasn't practiced before with keywords and catch phrases carefully prepped by her team including cadence and pitch.  The press has also been prepped for her.  They are given a list of topics that is okay to ask and if they ask anything else that is not on that list, they will not be invited again or Hillary will not appear on their show again.  There's a reason Hillary very rarely appears on Fox.  All of this is done so that Hillary will have a very small chance of, if not never, say anything that will alienate specific voters.

You might think this is just Hillary.  It is not.  It is ALL candidates except for the smattering of outsiders and 3rd party runners.  Bush, Rubio, Cruz, Kasich, et. al., has their own vast team of campaign handlers/analysts/whathaveyous.  The ones that have been doing this for a long time are familiar with the game now that they don't need as much scrubbing.  The newbies who are not lawyers - like Sara Palin who needed a ginormous whole lot of prepping and scrubbing while running for VP, so much so that she was given lines to memorize and deliver in debates so that she doesn't say anything that the handlers will have to figure out how to damage-control the next day - gets hounded for every single off-remark she makes and every single seemingly out-of-place word plastered on the next day's news to be sullied and dirtied and made fun of.

This is the epitome of Political Correctness so much so that if a candidate goes off-script (like Biden is famous of doing - but he gets a pass because the left-leaning media protects him and brushes it off as "It's just Joe..."), he/she gets immediately attacked for whatever offense they have made.  This has gotten so bad that you can't call a specific woman ugly anymore without it being applied as a statement against all women and made a paragon of sexism.  You can't even call your daughter pretty without getting painted as a pervert.  You can't say "I got so mad I could punch someone in the face" without it being made a paragon of hatred and violence.  You can't say, "What do you mean black lives matter?  All lives matter!" or "I support Law Enforcement Officers" without it being paraded as racism.  This is what you have been used to in the last 50 years.  If you read the debates on the floor of Congress in the days of your Founding Fathers, you will not see today's version of "civil discourse".  Rather, you will see Congress at each other's throats calling the other names... and then going home to cool off, have some ale with their opponents, and go back at it again the next day.  The ones imbued with a natural gift of wit gets to be admired for having skewered the other with the magnificent use of language without getting his hands dirty and gets to be respected more.  Yet the amount of wit a man has holds no bearing on the kind of policies he actually stands for...

So yes, whenever you use racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobe, etc... that's the Left's Playbook.  That's how they've ended Republican careers.  Have you ever wondered how it came about that it doesn't matter how many black/latinos are running in the Republican race, Republicans are still going to be racists?  And all black Republican political leaders are Uncle Toms?  That's the success of Political Correctness being used as an assault rifle by the Left with the help of the Left-leaning media to character-assassinate Republicans.  And guess what... REPUBLICANS ARE USING THE SAME PLAYBOOK TO SKEWER THEIR OWN FRONT-RUNNER.

Think about that.

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Making a bunch of lofty promises that he can't/won't ever follow through on doesn't negate the horrible things he's said, nor the fact that he would be an enormous embarrassment to us as a country if we ever elected him as POTUS.

Besides, Jojo, I'm surprised that a conspiracy theorist such as yourself hasn't picked up that he's a total shill for the left. You can't convince me that he isn't firmly in the Clintons' pockets.

43 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Think about that.

Yes, because if I don't agree with you, it must mean I'm not thinking.

Watering down things he says to make them look better does his side no favors. For instance, he didn't call his daughter pretty, he said she has a nice body. More than once. I don't think he's incestuous, but it does show how he has no qualms about even painting his own daughter as an object. He objectifies women, even his own child.

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1 hour ago, Eowyn said:

Watering down things he says to make them look better does his side no favors. For instance, he didn't call his daughter pretty, he said she has a nice body. More than once. I don't think he's incestuous, but it does show how he has no qualms about even painting his own daughter as an object. He objectifies women, even his own child.

You do know that Ivanka was a model right?  And you do know what models use for their trade right?  I mean - they don't become models because they're smart (although, she's that too).  So a guy talking about her assets in her career of choice can't say anything about her body that is the reason she would get chosen for the job (instead of her Trump name)...... okay.


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Objectifying your daughter is okay if she's a model? Maybe it's different for your culture of origin, but my husband wouldn't be telling people that our daughter has a nice body for any reason whatsoever. At any rate, here are direct quotes:


After I met Ivanka and praised her to her father, he said, “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father . .


Trump was asked how he would feel if Ivanka posed for Playboy. “It would be really disappointing — not really — but it would depend on what’s inside the magazine. I don’t think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”


:“You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body. " 

Justifying it with praising her modeling career or whatever... it's weird. It's not normal. I can't imagine any man I know saying such things about his daughter for any reason whatsoever. It says a lot about him and his (lack of) respect for even the women in his family.

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3 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

Are you guys paying attention to Trump's campaign manager being brought up on charges?

If you are, I consider that evidence that Trump knows what he's doing and would make an effective president.  Effective at what, I'm not too sure.  But he can sure make the media dance to his tune when he wants.  And yesterday, he wanted America to be thinking about his campaign manager.  

Does anyone know why?  


the more i see of this guy, the more i'm thinking that crazy fan theory that Jar Jar is a sith lord makes sense

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Guest MormonGator
54 minutes ago, Eowyn said:

Objectifying your daughter is okay if she's a model? Maybe it's different for your culture of origin, but my husband wouldn't be telling people that our daughter has a nice body for any reason whatsoever. At any rate, here are direct quotes:

Justifying it with praising her modeling career or whatever... it's weird. It's not normal. I can't imagine any man I know saying such things about his daughter for any reason whatsoever. It says a lot about him and his (lack of) respect for even the women in his family.

Exactly. It's creepy.   

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4 hours ago, anatess2 said:

You do know that Ivanka was a model right?  And you do know what models use for their trade right?  I mean - they don't become models because they're smart (although, she's that too).  So a guy talking about her assets in her career of choice can't say anything about her body that is the reason she would get chosen for the job (instead of her Trump name)...... okay.


Speaking about one's own child, regardless of her career or looks, as being a great date, is boorish, at best.  It's low class.  The decline in American manners, etiquette and civility is disheartening. That the front-runner for my party is cheer-leading this descent, gleefully, is beyond sad. 

Many conservatives are angry that liberals have forced traditional values and perspectives outside the range of discussion, by declaring them un-PC.  I am one of them.  Mr. Trump is not the antidote.  He may be the poster child that motivates the liberal Facists.

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30 minutes ago, prisonchaplain said:

Speaking about one's own child, regardless of her career or looks, as being a great date, is boorish, at best. 

Well, and coming a little back to the notion that the media would crucify any Republican for the most innocuous remark--the thing is, while I can give Trump the benefit of the doubt over his initial run-in with Megyn Kelly, and I actually don't wholly disagree with the notion of shutting down immigration for a little while--this was an entirely unforced error.  So was the ignominious brouhaha over the respective size of candidates' hands and--er--other parts.  That's not media spin; that's just us catching a glimpse of a part of Trump that isn't very nice.

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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, prisonchaplain said:

Speaking about one's own child, regardless of her career or looks, as being a great date, is boorish, at best.  It's low class.  The decline in American manners, etiquette and civility is disheartening.

 That's why I love being back in the south. No one looks at me funny when I say "Sir" and "Ma'am". Or use these radical things called "basic manners" 

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Guest Godless
30 minutes ago, prisonchaplain said:

Since I'm on the Left coast, I'd probably be deep into Mexico before I encountered the kind of southern culture you are referring to.  :::sigh:::

Or you could come East a bit to Texas. The southern hospitality down here legitimately freaked me out when I moved here a decade ago.

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23 minutes ago, Godless said:

come East a bit to Texas

I hear the best things about Texas. I'd move there in  a second of my roots here weren't so deep, and all our family here. 

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12 hours ago, Eowyn said:

Making a bunch of lofty promises that he can't/won't ever follow through on doesn't negate the horrible things he's said, nor the fact that he would be an enormous embarrassment to us as a country if we ever elected him as POTUS.

Besides, Jojo, I'm surprised that a conspiracy theorist such as yourself hasn't picked up that he's a total shill for the left. You can't convince me that he isn't firmly in the Clintons' pockets.

Yes, because if I don't agree with you, it must mean I'm not thinking.

Watering down things he says to make them look better does his side no favors. For instance, he didn't call his daughter pretty, he said she has a nice body. More than once. I don't think he's incestuous, but it does show how he has no qualms about even painting his own daughter as an object. He objectifies women, even his own child.

The vast majority of the Republican party is just as bad as the Democrats.  What evidence do you have that Trump is in Clinton's pockets?  Other than conjecture, innuendo, what you heard on MSNBC, or your own theories?  I didn't water anything down. What I did not do was take the taken-out-of-context version the mainstream media uses to twist Trump's words and make him look bad.  What I did do was go to the original source to find out what was really said, not what some slimy reporter with an agenda twists what was actually said.  I accept what you say about his objectifying women, and this is one thing I detest.  However, that does not negate what he does say.  The problem is discerning if he truly means what he says.

Have you noticed the mainstream media doesn't do to Hillary what they do to Trump?  Notice they don't even mention a word about her criminal conduct when it comes to violating the Espionage Act?  If anyone other than Hillary did that, he would be hung out to dry.  Reporters tell Hillary ahead of time what they will question her about. http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/03/07/msnbc-journalist-feeds-hillary-clinton-aide-questions-ahead-of-interview/  They don't do that for Trump.  Notice reporters don't mention anything about how everything she says is right out of the Communist Party, USA playbook?  Have you ever even looked at the Communist Party, USA website? 

The mainstream media is controlled by just six corporations:  Disney, Comcast, Viacom, News Corp., CBS, and Time Warner.  All but News Corp. are left leaning and only News Corp. is supposedly conservative.  All of them have their own agenda and axe to grind.  Do you really think you have much of a choice in news?  Go to the alternative media.  I prefer Breitbart.com and WND.com. but I don't always trust them either.

One thing I do is never take another person's word for things.  I check everything out myself and go back to the original source that was quoted because I don't trust people to get things right.  I have found numerous mistakes because, quite often, words are left out, or the quote was cherry picked, or after reading the entire statement, I find the context was quite different from the cherry picked version.  I have a criminal justice degree and a paralegal degree, and one of my strengths is investigating the facts.  I often find things in my research that are overlooked, because I am very dogged in my approach.  I look for facts that will either support or refute a position.  True facts don't lie.

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13 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

Are you guys paying attention to Trump's campaign manager being brought up on charges?

If you are, I consider that evidence that Trump knows what he's doing and would make an effective president.  Effective at what, I'm not too sure.  But he can sure make the media dance to his tune when he wants.  And yesterday, he wanted America to be thinking about his campaign manager.  

Does anyone know why?  


There are two sides to every story.  The Secret Service has a different version of the incident.  The former Breitbart reporter, Michele Fields, was warned twice by the Secret Service to not touch Trump.  Allegedly, Lewandowski intercepted Fields before she could touch Trump.  The mainstream media is hyping this up because they hate Trump. 

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16 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

Well, and coming a little back to the notion that the media would crucify any Republican for the most innocuous remark--the thing is, while I can give Trump the benefit of the doubt over his initial run-in with Megyn Kelly, and I actually don't wholly disagree with the notion of shutting down immigration for a little while--this was an entirely unforced error.  So was the ignominious brouhaha over the respective size of candidates' hands and--er--other parts.  That's not media spin; that's just us catching a glimpse of a part of Trump that isn't very nice.

Except that the remark was made ages ago before he ran for the Presidency.  So, I don't know how that could have been an unforced error.  I'm sure each of us have our own "I can't believe I just said that" moments... the difference is, we don't have cameras following our every move ever since we were in our early 20's.

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