Can We All Remember.......


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We should all remember that we are from different walks of life. That this is an internet chat board/forum?

We don't know the person sitting on the other side of the screen reading what we have to say. We don't know if that person has had a good day or a bad day.

Saying that.........

We HAVE to remember to take what is said "with a grain of salt." We need to remember that we can't hear the tone that something is written "said" and we need to stop being so thin skinned. There used to be great discussions on this forum but lately it seems as though that everyone on this forum is taking anything said as being a direct put down to them.

Stop and think about it.

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We should all remember that we are from different walks of life. That this is an internet chat board/forum?

We don't know the person sitting on the other side of the screen reading what we have to say. We don't know if that person has had a good day or a bad day.

Saying that.........

We HAVE to remember to take what is said "with a grain of salt." We need to remember that we can't hear the tone that something is written "said" and we need to stop being so thin skinned. There used to be great discussions on this forum but lately it seems as though that everyone on this forum is taking anything said as being a direct put down to them.

Stop and think about it.


It could just be because it is a direct put down directed to them. When the general jist of the remark is taken that way by several people, then the consensus is- It is a put down.

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sigh....drama...drama...sigh...What have I, the local evangelical witnessed at this site:

1. First, ironically, very little venom directed my way. Thanks.

2. Occasionally, I'll get judged simply because I'm an evangelical posting at an LDS site. HOwever, quickly, the regulars here come to my defense. Thanks.

3. Occasional attempts at humor that fall flat.

4. Occasional attempts at biting humor that have more bite than humor.

5. Occasional retorts that do resound a bit too personal.

Bottom-line: This site isn't supposed to work. It often runs 30% non-LDS, discusses many "hot" topics, from religion to "adult relationships." And yet, it does work. Mostly sincere folk stay, trolls move on fairly quickly, and, though we rub each a bit raw on occasion, we mostly learn to understand each other and ourselves better.

Kudos to Heather for being a fantastic stealth host, and to the mods for doing an often thankless, but hearty job of keeping us stable yet flexible.

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Either have thick skin or be able to delete threads, I've seen both methods employed here.

Not sure what you mean about "delete threads." There really are very few threads deleted compared to the number of posters/posts. If a thread is deleted it is after it is set to invisible or moved to the moderators forum for discussion. It is only done immediatly if it is rendered against the rules or being obscene, which is still against the rules. :lol:

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And another thing :tsktsk:

There are some :cry: here who will take offense at anything.

There are some :pirate: here who will hijack a thread into totally different directions.

There are some :duel: here who will argue just for the sake of argument.

There are some :dunce: here who make absolutely no sense with their posts.

There are some :idea: here who make intelligent conversation and debate.

There are some :cheerleader: here who make us feel good no matter what kind of day we have had.

There are some :raincloud: here who don't see anything good.

There are some :rofl: here who keep us laughing.

There are some :ahhh: here who can't believe what just came out of their keyboard (ohmigosh did i really post that?)

And sometimes, all of us are those people.

(There are also some perfect people :whistling: here who never do anything wrong. )

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And another thing :tsktsk:

There are some :cry: here who will take offense at anything.

There are some :pirate: here who will hijack a thread into totally different directions.

There are some :duel: here who will argue just for the sake of argument.

There are some :dunce: here who make absolutely no sense with their posts.

There are some :idea: here who make intelligent conversation and debate.

There are some :cheerleader: here who make us feel good no matter what kind of day we have had.

There are some :raincloud: here who don't see anything good.

There are some :rofl: here who keep us laughing.

There are some :ahhh: here who can't believe what just came out of their keyboard (ohmigosh did i really post that?)

And sometimes, all of us are those people.

(There are also some perfect people :whistling: here who never do anything wrong. )

hey hey hey....I might resemble some of those remarks......especially the last one....... B) :P:P:P:P:P
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And another thing :tsktsk:

There are some :cry: here who will take offense at anything.

There are some :pirate: here who will hijack a thread into totally different directions.

There are some :duel: here who will argue just for the sake of argument.

There are some :dunce: here who make absolutely no sense with their posts.

There are some :idea: here who make intelligent conversation and debate.

There are some :cheerleader: here who make us feel good no matter what kind of day we have had.

There are some :raincloud: here who don't see anything good.

There are some :rofl: here who keep us laughing.

There are some :ahhh: here who can't believe what just came out of their keyboard (ohmigosh did i really post that?)

And sometimes, all of us are those people.

(There are also some perfect people :whistling: here who never do anything wrong. )

GOSH!!!! :D



We should all remember that we are from different walks of life. That this is an internet chat board/forum?

We don't know the person sitting on the other side of the screen reading what we have to say. We don't know if that person has had a good day or a bad day.


People are people and should be treated as we would want others to treat our child or other loved one. :D

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Could be but people need to stop taking everything written to heart. This is the internet. Anyone can be whomever they wish to be and most often say what they want to.

I think people need to get tougher skin that is all.


Since when does a Pro-LDS site require the members to develop thick skins? That is a rather hurtful thing to say- If I wanted to develop a thick skin I would frequent an Anti-LDS site.

Since when do LDS members treat others harshly, critically, rudely, abusively? These forums should be an extension of Church. All of the members here should treat each other with the same compassion that Christ showed to everyone.

Marsha, do you shuck your LDSness when you come to post on this forum? Do you do that when you step outside of the meetinghouse on Sunday? I sure don't. At least I do everything I can not to. Do you think that the men on this forum should shuck their LDSness/priesthood when they come to post on this forum? Yet more often than not they do. With their caustic, rude, biting and hurtful retorts they do. Where is the light of Christ in their responses? It sure hasn't been around lately.

I live my religion 24/7- I eat, breathe, sleep, think, cry, laugh, learn,live my religion 24/7. Obviously there are those on this forum who do not, otherwise there would be no complaint - I am not the only one who sees this - Instead of telling us, the members to get a thick skin - tell the offenders to lighten up- put them on Moderator time out (oh wait, they ARE the moderators) - ban then without an explanation.

You said that we can write what we want, well that is not true for everyone. I got banned and never once did I write a post that went against the rules of this forum, yet no one has yet had the decency to tell me why I was banned. Jason continues to be extremely disrespectful of the LDS Church and of the LDS Prophets. Yet he never gets banned.

I reported a post that Snow made that I felt was way over the top and then the next day when I tried to sign on, I had been banned. So, tell me that didn't get me banned.

I dislike the trolls just as much as the rest of you - but if you don't feed them, In Other Words don't answer them and they go away. So don't blame the trolls for the rude, caustic remarks being made to members - that just won't wash.

So Marsha, No - I am not going to get a thicker skin. I am going to continue to demand that ALL of the posters post with respect and compassion- I will do so by clicking on the "report" button and by private pm's to the mods, for whatever good that will do.

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Could be but people need to stop taking everything written to heart. This is the internet. Anyone can be whomever they wish to be and most often say what they want to.

I think people need to get tougher skin that is all.


Since when does a Pro-LDS site require the members to develop thick skins? That is a rather hurtful thing to say- If I wanted to develop a thick skin I would frequent an Anti-LDS site.

Since when do LDS members treat others harshly, critically, rudely, abusively? These forums should be an extension of Church. All of the members here should treat each other with the same compassion that Christ showed to everyone.

Marsha, do you shuck your LDSness when you come to post on this forum? Do you do that when you step outside of the meetinghouse on Sunday? I sure don't. At least I do everything I can not to. Do you think that the men on this forum should shuck their LDSness/priesthood when they come to post on this forum? Yet more often than not they do. With their caustic, rude, biting and hurtful retorts they do. Where is the light of Christ in their responses? It sure hasn't been around lately.

I live my religion 24/7- I eat, breathe, sleep, think, cry, laugh, learn,live my religion 24/7. Obviously there are those on this forum who do not, otherwise there would be no complaint - I am not the only one who sees this - Instead of telling us, the members to get a thick skin - tell the offenders to lighten up- put them on Moderator time out (oh wait, they ARE the moderators) - ban then without an explanation.

You said that we can write what we want, well that is not true for everyone. I got banned and never once did I write a post that went against the rules of this forum, yet no one has yet had the decency to tell me why I was banned. Jason continues to be extremely disrespectful of the LDS Church and of the LDS Prophets. Yet he never gets banned.

I reported a post that Snow made that I felt was way over the top and then the next day when I tried to sign on, I had been banned. So, tell me that didn't get me banned.

I dislike the trolls just as much as the rest of you - but if you don't feed them, In Other Words don't answer them and they go away. So don't blame the trolls for the rude, caustic remarks being made to members - that just won't wash.

So Marsha, No - I am not going to get a thicker skin. I am going to continue to demand that ALL of the posters post with respect and compassion- I will do so by clicking on the "report" button and by private pm's to the mods, for whatever good that will do. Hey...I have found a place that needs no thick skin...the gangs all congragating at: come check us out!!!!

I like the atmosphere over there!!! So contention....hope it last... :huh:

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Could be but people need to stop taking everything written to heart. This is the internet. Anyone can be whomever they wish to be and most often say what they want to.

I think people need to get tougher skin that is all.


Since when does a Pro-LDS site require the members to develop thick skins? That is a rather hurtful thing to say- If I wanted to develop a thick skin I would frequent an Anti-LDS site.

Since when do LDS members treat others harshly, critically, rudely, abusively? These forums should be an extension of Church. All of the members here should treat each other with the same compassion that Christ showed to everyone.

Marsha, do you shuck your LDSness when you come to post on this forum? Do you do that when you step outside of the meetinghouse on Sunday? I sure don't. At least I do everything I can not to. Do you think that the men on this forum should shuck their LDSness/priesthood when they come to post on this forum? Yet more often than not they do. With their caustic, rude, biting and hurtful retorts they do. Where is the light of Christ in their responses? It sure hasn't been around lately.

I live my religion 24/7- I eat, breathe, sleep, think, cry, laugh, learn,live my religion 24/7. Obviously there are those on this forum who do not, otherwise there would be no complaint - I am not the only one who sees this - Instead of telling us, the members to get a thick skin - tell the offenders to lighten up- put them on Moderator time out (oh wait, they ARE the moderators) - ban then without an explanation.

You said that we can write what we want, well that is not true for everyone. I got banned and never once did I write a post that went against the rules of this forum, yet no one has yet had the decency to tell me why I was banned. Jason continues to be extremely disrespectful of the LDS Church and of the LDS Prophets. Yet he never gets banned.

I reported a post that Snow made that I felt was way over the top and then the next day when I tried to sign on, I had been banned. So, tell me that didn't get me banned.

I dislike the trolls just as much as the rest of you - but if you don't feed them, In Other Words don't answer them and they go away. So don't blame the trolls for the rude, caustic remarks being made to members - that just won't wash.

So Marsha, No - I am not going to get a thicker skin. I am going to continue to demand that ALL of the posters post with respect and compassion- I will do so by clicking on the "report" button and by private pm's to the mods, for whatever good that will do.


I don't "shuck" anything. I also understand that this site is made up of LDS and NON-LDS and that there are varying opinions.... and most do not offend me. Now, I know that they do offend some and that is why there is a "report" button on the threads.

If you take everything at face value then you will be hurt or have hurt feelings often. If you don't like the site or have multiple problems with it then start one of your own.

The moderators do the best job that they can here. The "position" is not paid and most often a thankless one.

Why were you banned? Guess you will have to ask whoever banned you because I don't have that answer. Even if I did I am sure that it wouldn't be to your liking or satisifaction.

I don't/ haven't posted in a while, not as much as I used to but maybe I should. I am tired of people whining and complaining that their feelings are hurt. People open themselves up to quite a bit by not keeping their private life private and posting all over the forums the problems that others, quite frankly, have no business knowing.

So if you don't want to "get a tougher skin" or "take things on the internet with a grain of salt" don't complain if you don't like someones response. Simple, eh?

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...A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.... I have reported offencive post...but unfortunately, when the offencive post was by a moderator...nothing is done about it...I am not willing to open up that can of worms, now though...I "made nice with Snow and I plan to do my best to get alone with him...he is human with feelings too after all... :)

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Not sure that everyone knows but there is also a "moderators" forum that only admin and moderators can see/access. Just because you don't see a "public" reprimand or discussion between all of us doesn't mean that reports go unnoticed or not acted on.

Please don't be too quick to judge whether your reported posts have been taken care of or not.


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...A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.... I have reported offencive post...but unfortunately, when the offencive post was by a moderator...nothing is done about it...I am not willing to open up that can of worms, now though...I "made nice with Snow and I plan to do my best to get alone with him...he is human with feelings too after all... :)


Good for you in seeing this as it is. :) Wait! You want to get ALONE with him? hehe

People of LDS Talk, try to realize that this is a privately owned website with 12 listed moderators.;CODE=leaders

Not one of us can make a decision without the support of two or more moderators so it is a bit difficult to just jump on a problem.

When the report this post button has been pressed all of the mods get a PM. We are not all here at the same time etc. Yes Yed is right we are all human with real lives.

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...A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.... I have reported offencive post...but unfortunately, when the offencive post was by a moderator...nothing is done about it...I am not willing to open up that can of worms, now though...I "made nice with Snow and I plan to do my best to get alone with him...he is human with feelings too after all... :)


Good for you in seeing this as it is. :) Wait! You want to get ALONE with him? hehe

People of LDS Talk, try to realize that this is a privately owned website with 12 listed moderators.;CODE=leaders

Not one of us can make a decision without the support of two or more moderators so it is a bit difficult to just jump on a problem.

When the report this post button has been pressed all of the mods get a PM. We are not all here at the same time etc. Yes Yed is right we are all human with real lives.

Even with that said...some decisions can be made only by Heather the site owner.

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I've visited places like ldsforums, ldscity, ldsdiscourse, and even fairlds. I have no criticism to offer. However, they generally do not see the volume nor the diversity of discussion this site offers.

I like this site. It seems like every few months we go through these tense stretches where people get their feelings hurt, and then the trust level is shot for a few weeks. These patches work themselves out, and the place returns to its dynamic equalibrium.

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