Meeting With A Missionary For The First Time

Guest Douglas

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Doug, I was raised in the church and strayed for several years in my late addolecence and early to mid-twenies. When I did come back to church I took the discussions. My expericnce with this, even tho it was more of a refresher for me. As I am sitting here pondering how to word what I felt, I would have to say that the spirit was there. As we were discussing Joseph Smth and the First Vision, we were out on my parents big wrap around front porch and it was a nice summer afternoon. And I could just picture Joseph and Hyrum teaching the gospel to someone 175 years ago.

I have heard from several freinds who are converts that as they were reading the BoM and hearing the discussions. That it was like they had heard it before, that they immediatly KNEW the church was true.

I'm not sure if that is what you are looking for.

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I am (finally :sparklygrin: ) meeting with missionaries next week.

What should I expect? Anything I should do? :hmmm:


I was coverted from the Catholic church many years ago. I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic schools growing up etc.. When I look back at the whole picture I find that the Catholic church (in my opinion) has this whole mysterious ritualistic idea about God. I remember always wondering about God...who is He? What is He? Does He know me? Does He hear me? And the whole thing about praying to Mary and the "saints" and chanting prayers over and over and the statues and stuff that was found nowhere in the Bible always got to me. The Catholic church was way to mysterious to me, The Catholic's idea of God the Father was too vague for me. When I found the Lord's true church my eyes were opened, so many questions were answered....God the Father became just that to me....a loving, nurturing, caring Father. And His Son Jesus Christ became my Lord and Savior who lives today. My advice to you is to keep an open mind and open heart...ask lots of questions and you will be amazed at how easy the answers come and how it all fits into the puzzle. You will know where you came from, why you are here and where you can go after this life. You will learn how to pray (talk to God) without prewritten prayers....what a joy that is! And when you are done with your first visit with the missionaries, humble yourself, get on your knees and ask God if what they taught you was true and I know Joy will fill your heart! The Lord loves you and he will not lead you astray. Godspeed on your journey my brother.

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just remember to ask alot of questions. questions that you truly want to know and maybe even make a list of things that you are really interested in. as a recent convert myself ( just about a month) i know and as jamie stated when i took the lessons and read the book of mormon that it was like i had alredy heard it all. when i had the lesson of joseph smith and the first vision that was when it all hit i was thinking that if there is nothing in this lesson that i probaly wasent going to take another one, well maybe one more but not more than 2. the spirit was soo strong that day that that i knew i had to come back and learn more. it was all down hill from there well i wont say down hill thats a bad analogy cause life just became soo much better after i had taken the lessons and this entire precess has been the best thing i have ever done. so just remember ask lots of questions and take it all with an open heart.


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just remember to ask alot of questions. questions that you truly want to know and maybe even make a list of things that you are really interested in. as a recent convert myself ( just about a month) i know and as jamie stated when i took the lessons and read the book of mormon that it was like i had alredy heard it all. when i had the lesson of joseph smith and the first vision that was when it all hit i was thinking that if there is nothing in this lesson that i probaly wasent going to take another one, well maybe one more but not more than 2. the spirit was soo strong that day that that i knew i had to come back and learn more. it was all down hill from there well i wont say down hill thats a bad analogy cause life just became soo much better after i had taken the lessons and this entire precess has been the best thing i have ever done. so just remember ask lots of questions and take it all with an open heart.


Yeah...what Andy said! You Rock Andy!

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Ocassionally, I will go to an ETWN site that features a radio program about converts to the Roman Catholic church. They seem to focus mostly on clergy, but sometimes others. Yes, some LDS have gone that way, as have some pentecostal preachers. :-) A former colleague of mine--a fellow prison chaplain, even got on the show after resigning his commission, and then his Nazarene ordination, to become Catholic.

I know these currents flow both ways, and I always find the stories interesting.

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Ocassionally, I will go to an ETWN site that features a radio program about converts to the Roman Catholic church. They seem to focus mostly on clergy, but sometimes others. Yes, some LDS have gone that way, as have some pentecostal preachers. :-) A former colleague of mine--a fellow prison chaplain, even got on the show after resigning his commission, and then his Nazarene ordination, to become Catholic.

I know these currents flow both ways, and I always find the stories interesting.

I work for Catholic hospital system. Our COO was telling the story of how the daughter of someone in the company had gone away to school and had come back home with what was horrible news, a parents' nightmare... a nice protestant girl was converting to Catholicism. That made me laugh - I thought he was going to say Mormonism.

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Just keep an open mind. Like others have said...ask lots of questions. That's what they are there for. I wish you the best of luck with your discussions. And yes as Snow said...keep us updated as to how things are going.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After unexpected delays (Elder lost my number and I didn't have his) we finally connected and 1st meeting to take place on Monday at 3:45!

Keep me in your prayers.

Sure will Douglas. Let us know how that first meeting went.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Douglas

Dear Friends,

Well, I finally did it! All praise to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!

September 24th was a beautiful late summer day here in New York. The air was warm and dry, a slight breeze blew. I waited in front of my house as I saw the Elders walk confidently down my street.

We greeted with joy and then walked to a nice spot in the park across the street from my house and we just talked and talked...about our histories, about Joseph Smith and living prophets, about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, our brother. I spoke about my years of emptiness and missing pieces about spiritual opportunities lost. I spoke about graces received, the gift my wife and children are to me and how fortunate I am to have them. I spoke of hopes and aspirations to be a better person, a better Christian. Elders McGill and Bedwell shared scripture, their own experiences and testimony, and quite a bit of encouragement.

The Lord blest me today with flesh and blood brothers in the faith. My path is becoming more clear. We have planned on formal instruction and teachings to begin within a week.

I want to thank you dear friends for your continued advice, encouragement and prayers. You played a larger part in this process than you could ever know.

With great affection,


P.S. The second meeting took place on Monday, October 1st.....more on that later.

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Guest Douglas

This meeting took place this past Monday

Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

Am I just lucky or is it possible to be this blest?

For this meeting I went over to my local ward (Olmstead - Bronx, NY). A very nice two story buiding exactly 1.5 miles from my house. I was met by Elders McGill and Bedwell and they asked if it was ok if we were joined by an older married couple. I am not exactly sure what their role in the ward was but they were very nice and welcoming. They asked me a few questions about myself and shared some of their testimony. They remained while the elders gave me a lesson on the "Message of the Restoration." I have read and reflected on so much that it was more of a sharing than an actual "teaching" The teachings we discussed felt so right that at times I felt my heart would burst with joy. To be with faithful people, christians with true solid, and honest belief confirmed that I was in the right place at the right time.

Before I knew it an hour and a half had passed! I was then given a tour of the church buiding.

Thank you for your continued is appreciated....

Until next time....

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Before I knew it an hour and a half had passed! I was then given a tour of the church buiding.

Thank you for your continued is appreciated....

Until next time....


As one who was in his thirties, had a wife and three kids when the missionaries called, I want to welcome you also. I had never heard of the "Mormon" church before I received a phone call from the missionaries. They were making random calls from the phone book.

I invited them to come to our house. This was in about 1959. I was astounded when I heard some of the things they had to say. Some of these things I had believed all my life, but had never heard them discussed by others. Never the less, they rang true to me. Evidently they are ringing true to you also.

My wife and I were baptised. That was many years ago now. We have learned and grown in the gospel a little at a time, and we have received a testimony of what we have learned, just as you will. May the Lord bless you and your family both spiritually and temporally.

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Guest Douglas

<div class='quotemain'> Before I knew it an hour and a half had passed! I was then given a tour of the church buiding.

Thank you for your continued is appreciated....

Until next time....


As one who was in his thirties, had a wife and three kids when the missionaries called, I want to welcome you also. I had never heard of the "Mormon" church before I received a phone call from the missionaries. They were making random calls from the phone book.

I invited them to come to our house. This was in about 1959. I was astounded when I heard some of the things they had to say. Some of these things I had believed all my life, but had never heard them discussed by others. Never the less, they rang true to me. Evidently they are ringing true to you also.

My wife and I were baptised. That was many years ago now. We have learned and grown in the gospel a little at a time, and we have received a testimony of what we have learned, just as you will. May the Lord bless you and your family both spiritually and temporally.

Thank you for your kind words and support. That's nice your wife converted with you. I have to go this alone.

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Guest Douglas


Friday, October 5th

Yesterday, Friday, was a summer like day here in NY. I made my way over to the church right after work and met with the elders. We were joined this time by an elder who is attending the SUNY Maritime College here in the Bronx. We shared some small talk about work, had a laugh or two, and set out to begin my next "lesson".

The topic was "The Plan of Salvation". And, as you all know, what a wonderful plan it is! To think that we have been with Heavenly Father and were able to choose the side of righteousness! And then at at particular point in time were sent here to

to begin our probationary period to learn the ways of right and wrong so that we would be able to return to Heavenly Father!

There were other points we covered over the course of an hour and a half. I discussed that as former roman catholic the "conversion" needed to accept the Gospel involves a very real mental and spiritual paradigm shift. And while some would see this shift as totally impossible or even ridiculous the journey of learninng and sincere prayer to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ makes it crystal clear, beyond all doubt, that this Gospel is TRUE.

The Elders then suggested we continue to meet twice a week. Then the bombshell: they asked me to consider being baptised on Saturday October 27th and confirmed on the 28th. I was somewhat surprised. I consider membership in the Church of Jesus Christ a great gift. I do not take this committment likely. I know it will be life changing and I want to be ready....can one ever be fully ready?

And so a date is set. I will contine to read and more importantly pray. If this is my time, I will ask God to give me as much strength and confidence to know it.

Until next time....

God Bless You All,

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Friday, October 5th

Yesterday, Friday, was a summer like day here in NY. I made my way over to the church right after work and met with the elders. We were joined this time by an elder who is attending the SUNY Maritime College here in the Bronx. We shared some small talk about work, had a laugh or two, and set out to begin my next "lesson".

The topic was "The Plan of Salvation". And, as you all know, what a wonderful plan it is! To think that we have been with Heavenly Father and were able to choose the side of righteousness! And then at at particular point in time were sent here to

to begin our probationary period to learn the ways of right and wrong so that we would be able to return to Heavenly Father!

There were other points we covered over the course of an hour and a half. I discussed that as former roman catholic the "conversion" needed to accept the Gospel involves a very real mental and spiritual paradigm shift. And while some would see this shift as totally impossible or even ridiculous the journey of learninng and sincere prayer to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ makes it crystal clear, beyond all doubt, that this Gospel is TRUE.

The Elders then suggested we continue to meet twice a week. Then the bombshell: they asked me to consider being baptised on Saturday October 27th and confirmed on the 28th. I was somewhat surprised. I consider membership in the Church of Jesus Christ a great gift. I do not take this committment likely. I know it will be life changing and I want to be ready....can one ever be fully ready?

And so a date is set. I will contine to read and more importantly pray. If this is my time, I will ask God to give me as much strength and confidence to know it.

Until next time....

God Bless You All,

That's wonderful Doug. I think with prayer you will know that this is your time. If you pray with a sincere heart to know that what the missionaries are teaching you is true. Good luck to you. Keep us updated.

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Friday, October 5th

Yesterday, Friday, was a summer like day here in NY. I made my way over to the church right after work and met with the elders. We were joined this time by an elder who is attending the SUNY Maritime College here in the Bronx. We shared some small talk about work, had a laugh or two, and set out to begin my next "lesson".

The topic was "The Plan of Salvation". And, as you all know, what a wonderful plan it is! To think that we have been with Heavenly Father and were able to choose the side of righteousness! And then at at particular point in time were sent here to

to begin our probationary period to learn the ways of right and wrong so that we would be able to return to Heavenly Father!

There were other points we covered over the course of an hour and a half. I discussed that as former roman catholic the "conversion" needed to accept the Gospel involves a very real mental and spiritual paradigm shift. And while some would see this shift as totally impossible or even ridiculous the journey of learninng and sincere prayer to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ makes it crystal clear, beyond all doubt, that this Gospel is TRUE.

The Elders then suggested we continue to meet twice a week. Then the bombshell: they asked me to consider being baptised on Saturday October 27th and confirmed on the 28th. I was somewhat surprised. I consider membership in the Church of Jesus Christ a great gift. I do not take this committment likely. I know it will be life changing and I want to be ready....can one ever be fully ready?

And so a date is set. I will contine to read and more importantly pray. If this is my time, I will ask God to give me as much strength and confidence to know it.

Until next time....

God Bless You All,

I have seen this gospel change people for the can happen to you.....good luck....keep praying and reading....
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Guest Douglas

Good Luck Douglas. I hope you find in Mormonism what I have found in Catholicism.

Thank you....I think......As a former catholic (and seminarian) I don't even want to image what you've "found".

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