As a single person, D&C 132 verses 16 and 17 scare me


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16 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

Right but you can't do sealing ceremonies for dead people who were single because we don't know who to seal them to.

Zarahemla, what about all the children who died?  They weren't married, yet they are said to be alive in Christ.  Will he deny them eternal marriage just because they died as children?  Never mind that there were male children and female children in this state - they're just out of luck?  No, this does not match the love, mercy, and logic of the ways of God.  In the millennium, I feel quite confident that mortals will perform sealings for those who never had the chance to be sealed themselves, but who then desire it and are worthy of it.  (I sometimes wonder if this isn't what the other two "levels" of the celestial glory are for - those who are worthy, but who have yet to be sealed to someone.  There are all kinds of flaws to this and I'm not even certain there are three "levels" of the celestial glory, but I do wonder about this.)

All that said, why worry about it when it's not too late for you to go and find a wife?  (PS: It's too late when you quit breathing and not before.)  As has been observed, there are plenty of unmarried women in the church.  If you've decided for some reason that you don't want to put yourself out there, or make that commitment, or risk rejection; or that (based on observation alone) none of them are good (looking) enough for you, then that will be all on you - you will have chosen not to live the celestial law - and you may well be out of luck for eternity.  But I can think of no reason for any of that.  Go and meet these women.  At least one of them is right for you and has the emotional stamina to deal with your problems so long as you deal with each others' problems together.

In other words, stop creating problems that don't exist and go make progress with the life you've been given.

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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, zil said:


In other words, stop creating problems that don't exist and go make progress with the life you've been given.

@Zarahemla all of us here care about you and we've all grown to like you. But this is perhaps the best advice I've read on the forums in a long time. 

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17 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

But are they just speaking as men or as prophets? It's not in scripture.

I feel sorry that your out look is that bleak,   I know Heavenly Father loves me,  I'm trying so hard to do what he wants me to do because I love him.  I would do anything for my Children and as I'm Gods Child,  in the afterlife I'm sure the arrangements will be wonderful. 


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18 hours ago, An Investigator said:

Apostles have promised nothing will be denied those that remain faithful,  as I'm married to a non member I believe that Heavenly Father knows what is the heart and if we are trying to obay him and do his will it will all work out.   

I applaud your husband then for supporting you in being baptized. Congrats to him!

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3 hours ago, zil said:

Zarahemla, what about all the children who died?  They weren't married, yet they are said to be alive in Christ.  Will he deny them eternal marriage just because they died as children?  Never mind that there were male children and female children in this state - they're just out of luck?  No, this does not match the love, mercy, and logic of the ways of God.  In the millennium, I feel quite confident that mortals will perform sealings for those who never had the chance to be sealed themselves, but who then desire it and are worthy of it.  (I sometimes wonder if this isn't what the other two "levels" of the celestial glory are for - those who are worthy, but who have yet to be sealed to someone.  There are all kinds of flaws to this and I'm not even certain there are three "levels" of the celestial glory, but I do wonder about this.)

All that said, why worry about it when it's not too late for you to go and find a wife?  (PS: It's too late when you quit breathing and not before.)  As has been observed, there are plenty of unmarried women in the church.  If you've decided for some reason that you don't want to put yourself out there, or make that commitment, or risk rejection; or that (based on observation alone) none of them are good (looking) enough for you, then that will be all on you - you will have chosen not to live the celestial law - and you may well be out of luck for eternity.  But I can think of no reason for any of that.  Go and meet these women.  At least one of them is right for you and has the emotional stamina to deal with your problems so long as you deal with each others' problems together.

In other words, stop creating problems that don't exist and go make progress with the life you've been given.

Great advice I'll try to use it.

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5 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

I applaud your husband then for supporting you in being baptized. Congrats to him!

And the kids have been blessed and are being brought up in the Church and we feed the Elders and he comes to ward events... Maybe eventually he might join, not up to me ? 

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On 12/17/2016 at 5:27 AM, Zarahemla said:

I want eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom, but am single and worry about if I don't get to be married in this life because I'd wind up a ministering angel forever:

16 Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven, which angels are ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory.

 17 For these angels did not abide my law; therefore, they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity; and from henceforth are not gods, but are angels of God forever and ever.


There's no scripture that says I'll have a chance at marriage if I die single, but there is scripture that says if I die single or don't marry in the temple in this life I'll be stuck single and as a servant for the rest of eternity, never able to have eternal life.

You seem to be concerned about the possibility of becoming a ministering angel and spending eternity serving God. Is that such a bad thing? Perhaps it might be helpful to change your attitude towards service. 

(New Testament | Matthew 20:25 - 28)
25  But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.
26  But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
27  And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:
28  Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

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I never thought I'd say this but perhaps you should ask gator for advice. I believe he has acquired and maintains quite a large harem, although for some reason he calls it a compound. (Perhaps because having more than one wife simply compounds your problems) :) 

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