As a single person, D&C 132 verses 16 and 17 scare me


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I want eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom, but am single and worry about if I don't get to be married in this life because I'd wind up a ministering angel forever:

16 Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven, which angels are ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory.

 17 For these angels did not abide my law; therefore, they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity; and from henceforth are not gods, but are angels of God forever and ever.


There's no scripture that says I'll have a chance at marriage if I die single, but there is scripture that says if I die single or don't marry in the temple in this life I'll be stuck single and as a servant for the rest of eternity, never able to have eternal life.

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Doctrine and Covenants 82: 10, "I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say, when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise." Marriage, for how young you are, shouldn't be a worry. You date, ask girls out (if you are old enough to serve a mission -- it helps with the ladies in Mormondom), court a girl if you see more of an interest and compatibility.

It is not just marriage, it is being able to make sure when you both stand before God that she still wants to be with you then when God gives her the question, "Do you really want to be with him for eternity." ;)

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10 minutes ago, Zarahemla said:

It's hard. Knowing my personal conditions it looks bleak for me in this life and according to canon scripture people like me are screwed.

That's what I used to think. 

Z, listen.  You're not the only one in the world with problems -- even problems like yours.  You can overcome them.  You only feel the despair because you're listening to the voice of the devil.  The voice of the Spirit is always one of hope.

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21 minutes ago, Zarahemla said:

It's hard. Knowing my personal conditions it looks bleak for me in this life and according to canon scripture people like me are screwed.

For what it is worth, i used to feel this way.  As a teenager I was so shy I could barely find guys willing to hang out with me!  Asking a girl out seemed out of the question.  At 22, i was an RM who still had not had my first girlfriend or first kiss.  Then it happened!  Suddenly I was dating the girl I would wind up marrying.  I got my first kiss three weeks short of turning 23 (it was her first kiss as well) and got married a year later, before many of my more social friends.  So yes, there is hope for even nerds like me!

This is not true for everyone, but i have noticed a lot of men who fail to get married after 12 years in a singles ward are either consciously or subconsciously avoiding marriage.  I have known many men who refuse to commit, are holding out for some kind of perfect woman that does not exist, refuse to overcome personal sins, or do not place priority on marriage (it is worth quitting your career over and movig to Utah, if necessary).  This is not the case for everyone (and due to a gender imbalance is not as true for women in the church- there are many older women who are lds who do actually want to get married but have truly not had the chance), but is for many of the men i have known.  The good news is, if you actually put effort into getting married, it probably will happen.

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@Zarahemla,  don't feel bothered. If you keep the faith, things will work out fine!

Don't forget that Wendy Nelson, Elder Russell M. Nelson’s actual wife had never married before and she was an elderly woman when Elder Nelson married her. Imagine: she never got married (I have no idea why) and, after so many years of devoted faithfulness, she was privileged to marry an Apostle of Jesus Christ.

Everything in this life seems to be a matter of faith. Faith, as the Prophet Joseph Smith once taught, is a principle of action and power in all intelligent beings. So, if a person has faith (e.g. to have a celestial marriage), he/she acts in accordance to that perspective. Sitting there and doing nothing won’t grant anybody a celestial marriage (I’m not suggesting that’s what you’re doing). The point is: I need to make and keep covenants, and show to Heavenly Father I want to be obedient in all things and have faith He will allow me to be obedient. The Lord has His own time, which is different than ours. He knows what is best for us and sees things in a manner we can’t yet see.


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1 hour ago, Zarahemla said:

There's no scripture that says I'll have a chance at marriage if I die single, but there is scripture that says if I die single or don't marry in the temple in this life I'll be stuck single and as a servant for the rest of eternity, never able to have eternal life.

@Zarahemla, our God is a God of complete fairness.  Why do you think He'll short change you at the chance to find a spouse?

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22 minutes ago, Jane_Doe said:

@Zarahemla, our God is a God of complete fairness.  Why do you think He'll short change you at the chance to find a spouse?

Then why is D&C 132 worded like that? It's canon scripture and we have to go by scriptures.

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45 minutes ago, Zarahemla said:

It's hard. Knowing my personal conditions it looks bleak for me in this life and according to canon scripture people like me are screwed.

Do not take away the agency and adulthood of your future wife.  It's up to her to decide whether to love you and covenant to spend eternity with you.  You don't get to dictate her feelings or capacity, though you can decide whether to give her a chance - so give her a chance.  You may think you're just stating reality or sparing her or whatever.  Do not use her potential troubles as an excuse to avoid potential failure.

James E. Faust, "Eternity Lies before Us"


 Those who are single through no fault of their own, if worthy, will be given the blessings, if they wish, of an eternal family relationship.

In more than one place, prophets and apostles have taught this concept - usually directed at women.  I haven't been noting them as I come across them until recently, but there are at least 3 more than this one.

As for why D&C 132 says what it says - for the same reasons other places say the same things - people didn't understand that the covenant must be made by mortals - it's describing people who had the option but declined to live the law.  It is not describing people who lived the law in their hearts, desired more, but didn't have the option.

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19 minutes ago, Zarahemla said:

Then why is D&C 132 worded like that? It's canon scripture and we have to go by scriptures.

That's not what she said.  She was saying that no shortcoming you've been given will prevent you from getting a wife.  It will be up to you to do BOTH of the following:

1) Do your best to overcome your weaknesses to the best of your ability.  That will include getting help and counseling where available.
2) Do your best to be the best you that you can be to find the wife that the Lord has prepared for you.

Prince, thou are sad.  Get thee a wife.  GET THEE A WIFE!!


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2 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

I want eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom, but am single and worry about if I don't get to be married in this life because I'd wind up a ministering angel forever:

16 Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven, which angels are ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory.

 17 For these angels did not abide my law; therefore, they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity; and from henceforth are not gods, but are angels of God forever and ever.


There's no scripture that says I'll have a chance at marriage if I die single, but there is scripture that says if I die single or don't marry in the temple in this life I'll be stuck single and as a servant for the rest of eternity, never able to have eternal life.

The various ordinances of the temple are described in the D&C, and section 128 forms the basis for all other temple work conducted in behalf of the dead. This is seen in section 138, where we see that "vicarious baptism for the remission of sins, the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, And all other principles of the gospel…" qualify them to "live according to God in the spirit," which explains why “among the righteous there was peace…”

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43 minutes ago, CV75 said:

The various ordinances of the temple are described in the D&C, and section 128 forms the basis for all other temple work conducted in behalf of the dead. This is seen in section 138, where we see that "vicarious baptism for the remission of sins, the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, And all other principles of the gospel…" qualify them to "live according to God in the spirit," which explains why “among the righteous there was peace…”

Right but you can't do sealing ceremonies for dead people who were single because we don't know who to seal them to.

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When are you going to stop missing the forest for the trees?

Study the teachings of Christ. Pray to Heavenly Father. Get to know Them. Study your covenants. Go to the temple. Cultivate a testimony of the Atonement, God's love, and the purpose of covenants. 

You will always, always, always find things to fuss and obsess over as long as you skip over that part. 

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2 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

Then why is D&C 132 worded like that? It's canon scripture and we have to go by scriptures.

You're acting like D&C 132 says that they have to be married before death.  It doesn't.   

Remember, the resurrection and 1000 years of the Millennium all come before the Final Judgment and any Kingdom of Glory.  There is time, there is opportunity. 

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54 minutes ago, An Investigator said:

Apostles have promised nothing will be denied those that remain faithful,  as I'm married to a non member I believe that Heavenly Father knows what is the heart and if we are trying to obay him and do his will it will all work out.   

But are they just speaking as men or as prophets? It's not in scripture.

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44 minutes ago, Zarahemla said:

But are they just speaking as men or as prophets? It's not in scripture.

Zarahemla, STOP IT!

If you're just bound and determined to find something to get depressed over, there's nothing we can do about it.  But if you can, first, stop reading all the crap on anti-Mormon sites and, second, start recognizing the beauty of your life, you may actually find out just how blessed you really are and how glorious a future you could have.

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50 minutes ago, Zarahemla said:

But are they just speaking as men or as prophets? It's not in scripture.

Not everything is written in scripture. In fact, very little is written in scripture.  

While teaching New Testament in Institute this year, it struck me how little Jesus spoke about the afterlife. He was really only concerned with mortality as the vehicle to gaining eternal life. His core principle, glorify God to the best that your abilities and station permit. 

Self doubt over not fitting into the LDS pigeon-hole is anathema to his teachings.

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1 hour ago, Zarahemla said:

But are they just speaking as men or as prophets? It's not in scripture.

The sum total of Mormonism is that you can go to God and ask Him for yourself.

Priesthood authority--and scripture--exists to make sure that we don't get deceived into doctrines and/or practices that are spiritually toxic.  Within those bounds, you can (and should) be seeking your own revelation.

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4 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

Right but you can't do sealing ceremonies for dead people who were single because we don't know who to seal them to.

But we do (or can, or will) know who to seal together as couples. See (which is about D&C 132), where the righteous in heaven communicate with the righteous on earth. This is especially so in the Millennium: see D&C88:100, where "above" is Zion in heaven and "beneath" is Zion on earth. The Lord certainly knows all His children, and as demonstrated with Adam and Eve, is the perfect matchmaker.

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Z, many modern prophets have said no blessing will be denied the faithful.  We are to view their words equal to scripture.  The Ensign is modern scripture though not canonized.  This question has been definitely settled.  Whether it is settled in your mind is entirely up to you.  You can be at peace, or you can be troubled.  We cannot do that for you.  I hope you do find peace.

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Wow, it was about two decades before I met the woman I took to the temple and sealed to her.  I just didn't worry about it, I knew Heavenly Father would introduce me to the woman I would seal to in his own time. In between, I did my thing, took myself to the temple for my endowments, lived my life, did my thing, met my sweet temple sealed wife now, the rest is history.

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