What God Thinks About Women And The Priesthood


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It is in fact eminently clear. There is no ambiguity on the matter. If God wanted women to have the priesthood enough to cause them to have the priesthood, then they would have the priesthood.

Since they don't have the priesthood, that leaves two possibilities:

1. He doesn't want them to have the priesthood.

2. He wants them to have the priesthood but choose to either do nothing about it or do so little about it that at present, they don't have it.

There is a third option actually: that God does not have the power to get what he wants.

Or, a fourth option; G-d is much like His prophets, and is less active in the governing of our affairs than we'd like to believe.

"I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves..."

There seems to be a lot within the Church and the world that G-d probably doesn't want happening, but allows nonetheless. He didn't seem to support Satan's plan too much...

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sixpacktr, I enjoy your posts and don't mean to be offensive to you. However, even if a certain issue doesn't affect me (or if I don't have a solution), that doesn't mean I can't discuss it. Polar bears don't affect me, but I just had a discussion about them in another thread.

And I know that most people believe it's true, but everyone who leaves the LDS church doesn't do so bc they were offended.

And Shanstress, I wouldn't expect you to be silent. My concern is that there are those with an axe to grind, and their posts aren't meant to have their questions answered, but rather to make snide remarks and to make it appear that our beliefs are outdated, or quaint, or outright dangerous. And then there are those that think they have to 'enlighten' us to what a sham JS was, or that Pres Hinckley actually drinks whiskey in his spare time so the church CAN'T be true! There are some that just like to argue, even if they have no dog in this fight (with apologies to Mike Vick!), and it gets tiring...

You don't do that, so I take no offense. :)

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If the PH is ever to be given to women it will be revealed to the PROPHET to do so.


Hello Sixpacktr --

The point is that a PROPHET -- ie Joseph Smith -- ALREADY GAVE women Priesthood -- and that has never been offically rescinded in any subsequent revelation. For more on that, please see the discusson (includng quotes and references) by Alphaba and myself, here:

http://www.ldstalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9832 (Post # 1)

http://www.ldstalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...=9832&st=45 (Post #56)

If you are a member, and can't understand that, then hand over your temple recommend. I think it is the 3rd question in the TR interview. If you aren't a member, why the heck does it bother you? It has nothing to do with you...


Perhaps that's your feeling, to which you're certainly entitled; but many people believe differently, as they are entitled. Haven't you ever heard the very well known quotes:

"Ask not for whom the bell tols, it tolls for thee"?

Or "No (wo)man is free, while one (wo)man is a slave?"

Or "No (wo)man is an island" ?

They all mean pretty much the same thing: What affects one person, affects us all. And many people beleive it and subscribe to it, so when they feel one person (or a few people) are being disrespected, it is a threat to the dignity of all people, and they believe that they have a responsibility to respond --

There is a famous poem that expresses this idea very well:

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

(Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came...)

Blessings --


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Or, a fourth option; G-d is much like His prophets, and is less active in the governing of our affairs than we'd like to believe.

"I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves..."

I don't buy that. I think that our HF is in our most intimate details and mindful of every little thing in our lives, and it is up to us to understand that. 'Teaching correct principles and letting them govern themselves' does not imply 'here you go, good luck, see you in a lifetime!' I think that means, much like HT and Sacrament meeting and all other instruction we receive that it is constantly before us and we have the right to listen or not. But it does not imply a 'hands off' attitude', IMO.

HF is VERY much in control of what is happening in the church and in the world.

They all mean pretty much the same thing: What affects one person, affects us all. And many people beleive it and subscribe to it, so when they feel one person (or a few people) are being disrespected, it is a threat to the dignity of all people, and they believe that they have a responsibility to respond --

Hey Gaia,

Then I will ask you the same thing I asked Jason: are you therefore writing to the gov't of Sudan telling them they are 'out of the way'? Do you get involved with the plight of the Chinese that are muzzled from any form of freedom, and tell their gov't that they'd better shape up or you will think badly of them?

All I'm saying is that if you aren't in the Church why does this bother you so? Why THIS cause? Why not the other more dangerous situations in the world? Why not start here, in this country, and ask those wastes of human flesh Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt when THEY will stop making money off of exploiting women! Let's see: women holding the PH, or two dirtbags that are evil to the core that really exploit women? :dontknow: I guess I'll attack the Mormons!

Makes no sense to me...

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Then I will ask you the same thing I asked Jason: are you therefore writing to the gov't of Sudan telling them they are 'out of the way'? Do you get involved with the plight of the Chinese that are muzzled from any form of freedom, and tell their gov't that they'd better shape up or you will think badly of them?

All I'm saying is that if you aren't in the Church why does this bother you so? Why THIS cause? Why not the other more dangerous situations in the world? Why not start here, in this country, and ask those wastes of human flesh Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt when THEY will stop making money off of exploiting women! Let's see: women holding the PH, or two dirtbags that are evil to the core that really exploit women? :dontknow: I guess I'll attack the Mormons!

Makes no sense to me...

We all choose which battles to fight. We can't fight them all, and you know that. I know there are people fighting the battle in Sudan, and if I can help, I will. We're fighting where we think we can be of the most use.

I don't think that's really difficult to understand.

And SNOW, it doesn't have to be a "good" analogy to be correct. And I think we all know that a "revelation" would be forthcoming if more LDS women spoke up about it. That's really what it takes, and 1890 and 1978 are proof of that.

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<div class='quotemain'>

Or, a fourth option; G-d is much like His prophets, and is less active in the governing of our affairs than we'd like to believe.

"I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves..."

I don't buy that. I think that our HF is in our most intimate details and mindful of every little thing in our lives, and it is up to us to understand that. 'Teaching correct principles and letting them govern themselves' does not imply 'here you go, good luck, see you in a lifetime!' I think that means, much like HT and Sacrament meeting and all other instruction we receive that it is constantly before us and we have the right to listen or not. But it does not imply a 'hands off' attitude', IMO.

HF is VERY much in control of what is happening in the church and in the world.

Darius Gray (and the First Presidency which gave their “blessing” for him to give an “authorized” opinion regarding the Priesthood ban at the last FAIR conference) might disagree.

He may be in control, but He seems to have taken the back seat in regards to at least one priesthood issue in the past.

Edited to add:

But, I do agree that if any such change were to occur, it would come from the Prophet. And in the end, it has no eternal significance as no blessings are being witheld due to it.

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Thanks Six (remember that show, Blossom, from the 80's?)!

I'm assuming there is a meaning there? I never watched Blossom, but I know which show it is (same as 'The Facts of Life' etc., to me.).


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Or, a fourth option; G-d is much like His prophets, and is less active in the governing of our affairs than we'd like to believe.

"I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves..."

I don't buy that. I think that our HF is in our most intimate details and mindful of every little thing in our lives, and it is up to us to understand that. 'Teaching correct principles and letting them govern themselves' does not imply 'here you go, good luck, see you in a lifetime!' I think that means, much like HT and Sacrament meeting and all other instruction we receive that it is constantly before us and we have the right to listen or not. But it does not imply a 'hands off' attitude', IMO.

HF is VERY much in control of what is happening in the church and in the world.

Darius Gray (and the First Presidency which gave their “blessing” for him to give an “authorized” opinion regarding the Priesthood ban at the last FAIR conference) might disagree.

He may be in control, but He seems to have taken the back seat in regards to at least one priesthood issue in the past.

Edited to add:

But, I do agree that if any such change were to occur, it would come from the Prophet. And in the end, it has no eternal significance as no blessings are being witheld due to it.

I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on this. I think he is in every facet of our life, just not forcing us to do it. But I could be wrong...

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Hey Gaia,

Then I will ask you the same thing I asked Jason: are you therefore writing to the gov't of Sudan telling them they are 'out of the way'? Do you get involved with the plight of the Chinese that are muzzled from any form of freedom, and tell their gov't that they'd better shape up or you will think badly of them?

All I'm saying is that if you aren't in the Church why does this bother you so? Why THIS cause? Why not the other more dangerous situations in the world? Why not start here, in this country, and ask those wastes of human flesh Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt when THEY will stop making money off of exploiting women! Let's see: women holding the PH, or two dirtbags that are evil to the core that really exploit women? :dontknow: I guess I'll attack the Mormons!


Hi again, Six --

First, you seem to be making an assumption about the membership of those with such concerns in general, and perhaps, me in particular. FYI, I was baptized on EAster Sunday a number of years ago and sealed in the Temple. My membership has never been revoked.

Secondly, we each do (and have a right to) choose the issues with which we will occupy ourselves and our time and energies, based upon a wide variety of things including our interests, energy, and other circumstances. I'm not sure you have any more right than anybody else, to tell someone what they should and should not be concerned about, anymore than anybody has a right to make such decisions for YOU :) .

Why do some people choose to criticize the LDS Church? Well, i think there are lots of reasons, some more "legitimate" than others. For example, some people feel that the LDS Church makes claims above and beyond those of other churches, and should therefore be held to a higher standard (and closer scrutiny) than those other churches -- and i am not sure they're entirely wrong about that. LDS is one of the few if any churches which claims to be "the one right true and only Church of God", led by a Living Prophet and modern revelation. Therefore they feel that its problems and flaws are more serious and problematical, and more dangerous.

If you heard that someone was going around claiming to be a prophet and displaying some convincing evidence, yet at the same time, some troubling flaws, wouldn't you be concerned? Perhaps you'd even feel some responsibility to "expose" the flaws, and protect those who might be influenced by the errors.....

I'm just saying here that there are reasons why people criticize, and not all those reasons are bogus, irrational, or easily dismissed. I think in order to answer them in any sort of meaningful, intelligent and helpful way, we need to understand them.

Blessings --


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<div class='quotemain'>

Thanks Six (remember that show, Blossom, from the 80's?)!

I'm assuming there is a meaning there? I never watched Blossom, but I know which show it is (same as 'The Facts of Life' etc., to me.).


Six was a character on that show... Blossom's best friend. No significance here, just reminded me of it. She was REALLY annoying. But you are not annoying! :)

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Six was a character on that show... Blossom's best friend. No significance here, just reminded me of it. She was REALLY annoying. But you are not annoying! :)

Well, my wife may disagree with you!

We just traveled over the weekend to see my daughter and SIL in SF and attend our grandson's blessing, and I gotta say, my wife about drove me over the edge. I probably have 600K miles under my butt flying all over the world, and my wife, while no novice, doesn't fly nearly as much as I do. And so I have a 'routine' when I fly that just helps me be relaxed during the cattle car flights that I am so frequently am on. She poked along, looked at things, was constantly asking me if I'd put an ID on the bags, etc., etc., etc. And she wanted to TALK nearly the whole time when I have a book that I was totally in to.

Can't wait to retire! :huh:

No, really, I adore the heck out of my wife. She is probably the coolest person I've ever met, and I'm lucky to have her...

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Women in the LDS Church HAVE the priesthood.

That's the opposite of what the prophets say, what the General Authorities say, what the scriptures say, what the encyclopedia of Mormonism says, etc. In order to recieve the priesthood, men must have it explicitly conferred upon them. Women do not have the priesthood. Preaching that women have the priesthood would likely disqualify you from attending the temple.

In short, every single authoritative source in the Church disagrees with you. But hey - at least one atheist who doesn't even believe there is a preisthood agrees with you.

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Seeing the Priesthood through the eyes of a child:

When my child was about six years old, he was invited to go somewhere with his buddy and his friend's father. My son said something to the effect that they were going to have to be good because his dad was a man.

I asked him "what is the difference between a mommy and a daddy?" He said "a mommy is like a kid and a daddy is all grown up."

I think that he was seeing how women are very good at short term goals and that men are very good with long term goals. I do not think it had to do with maturity.

A mother would provide for him as he needed it but his father would take him to the Celestial Kingdom.

The short term goals of women contribute to the long term goals of men.

Do my sons hold the Priesthood, yes. Do I, No. Their relationship with the Lord is much different than mine.

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Seeing the Priesthood through the eyes of a child:

When my child was about six years old, he was invited to go somewhere with his buddy and his friend's father. My son said something to the effect that they were going to have to be good because his dad was a man.

I asked him "what is the difference between a mommy and a daddy?" He said "a mommy is like a kid and a daddy is all grown up."

I think that he was seeing how women are very good at short term goals and that men are very good with long term goals. I do not think it had to do with maturity.

A mother would provide for him as he needed it but his father would take him to the Celestial Kingdom.

The short term goals of women contribute to the long term goals of men.

Do my sons hold the Priesthood, yes. Do I, No. Their relationship with the Lord is much different than mine.


When you said that your child said, "a mommy is like a kid and a daddy is all grown up." I was with you because I could see my children saying the same thing at a young age but not for the same reasons you stated.

In our home the mommy is/was always the one to play with them and to make sure their short term goals were met. I consider my self lucky though because I was a stay at home mom. The daddy in our home is the grown up because he is a pretty serious guy and takes them places and gives them things. He is the breadwinner and as such is given the highest ranking in our children’s minds especially when they were young.

If they were asked who would get them to the celestial kingdom I think I would at least have a 50/50 chance being the one they would choose. I am a woman; therefore I have a very special place in the Lords eyes. My relationship with my Father in Heaven is solid and I don’t need the priesthood for that. In this life, I stand an equal to my husband as his helpmate and he blesses my family and I with the priesthood.

This whole thing about women not currently holding the priesthood has me baffled. As a woman in the last days my plate is pretty full, I do not need to also carry the responsibilities of the priesthood. I think of it this way.... My husband is required to harken unto the word of the Lord. I am required to follow him as he chooses righteously.

With blessings comes much responsibility.

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This whole thing about women not currently holding the priesthood has me baffled. As a woman in the last days my plate is pretty full, I do not need to also carry the responsibilities of the priesthood. I think of it this way.... My husband is required to harken unto the word of the Lord. I am required to follow him as he chooses righteously.

With blessings comes much responsibility.

So if a man chooses to stay at home while his wife goes off to work, should she be ordained instead of him, because his "plate is full"?

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That's the opposite of what the prophets say, what the General Authorities say, what the scriptures say, what the encyclopedia of Mormonism says, etc. In order to recieve the priesthood, men must have it explicitly conferred upon them. Women do not have the priesthood. Preaching that women have the priesthood would likely disqualify you from attending the temple.

In short, every single authoritative source in the Church disagrees with you. But hey - at least one atheist agrees with you.

I'm assuming you're talking about this atheist, and my reply is, "No, I do not. I don't know enough to have an opinion on it one way or the other."

It would be so nice if you would actually read what I write. I realize it's usually long. Is that the problem? Would it help if, in the future, I broke it up into 10 posts so you could stop and take a half hour in between posts to force your brain to actually comprehend what you've just read?

Because I am weary of you putting words in my mouth when you never actually read what I wrote. If you had, you would understand I do not know enough about the issue to have an opinion about whether modern women do or do not hold the priesthood.

The only thing I can think of that may have given you the wrong impression is the title of one of the articles I cited states something to the effect that women have held the priesthood since 1843. However, if you had actually read what I wrote, I never quoted the article beyond the 1840s. This was purposeful on my part, because the beginning of the article discussed "The Quorum of the Anointing," which was the only subject of my thread.

I even mentioned somewhere in the thread that I don't have an opinion on women holding the priesthood today, as I haven't studied it. So it is obvious you did not read everything I wrote, despite your claims to the contrary.

If someone wanted an opinion from me right now, on the spot, I would say no, women do not have the Priesthood today.


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<div class='quotemain'>

This whole thing about women not currently holding the priesthood has me baffled. As a woman in the last days my plate is pretty full, I do not need to also carry the responsibilities of the priesthood. I think of it this way.... My husband is required to harken unto the word of the Lord. I am required to follow him as he chooses righteously.

With blessings comes much responsibility.

So if a man chooses to stay at home while his wife goes off to work, should she be ordained instead of him, because his "plate is full"?

No silly. Men can have it.

As a mother I play a different role and I like it. :D

I would never want to be a man okay. :P

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One thing is indisputably true.

If God wanted women to have the priesthood enough to do something about it, then women would have the priesthood.

God's current position is eminently clear.

Maybe. Some Christians groups do include women in the priesthood. So, God's current position is only eminently clear if we know which groups God most agrees with. :sparklygrin:

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That's the opposite of what the prophets say, what the General Authorities say, what the scriptures say, what the encyclopedia of Mormonism says, etc. ....


Hello Snow --

Let's be a bit more specific:

First: Yes, it is certainly "opposite" what CURRENT church leaders say.

However, their position is OPPOSITE the teachings of the Head of the Dispensation, (who GAVE WOMEN PRIESTHOOD) and those who were taught about Priesthood by him. You have not addressed that and seem to have ignored all the evidence (quotes and references) presented on it (Please see the two links i provided previously).

If you had read any of that material, you would know that MANY "authoritative source in the Church" disagree with you.

Please actually read the material.

Blessings --


Seeing the Priesthood through the eyes of a child:

When my child was about six years old, he was invited to go somewhere with his buddy and his friend's father. My son said something to the effect that they were going to have to be good because his dad was a man.

I asked him "what is the difference between a mommy and a daddy?" He said "a mommy is like a kid and a daddy is all grown up."

I think that he was seeing how women are very good at short term goals and that men are very good with long term goals. I do not think it had to do with maturity.


Hm, that might be one way of interpreting his statement, but with all due respect, there may be others.

For example, he may have been referring to the difference in power and authority, self-determination, or a number of other things....

It's too bad he can't clarify what HE meant.


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Just an example of women in Priesthood in a Jewish Synagogue.

My neighbor who was a Rabbi said that four men and six women attended the dawn prayer service and that 10 men made the quorum whole. So it was not an official prayer service.

When women were brought into the Priesthood, four men showed up for the prayer service and no women.

In most religions where women have been given the authority, only a few have been ordained through the theology seminarys.

The "Big Picture" of women dominating the Priesthood never unfolded except for a few who choose to make it a career.

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It all comes down to what we mean by 'having the priesthood'. Do women serve as Aaronic priests, do they take upon themselves the oath and covenant of the Melchizedek priesthood and serve as Elders, are they set apart to perform Baptisms, etc.?

Of course not, that is not their role. So we many times say 'they don't hold the Priesthood'.

But this is not to say that 'they don't have any priesthood'. This statement of 'having the priesthood' can be ambiguous. We say that a young man does not yet 'have the priesthood' before his ordination thereto, but doesn't he having been baptized and confirmed by the proper authority possess the gift of the Holy Ghost and the power of revelation? Cannot he serve in a capacity that requires such revelation? Is he not expected to bear witness of Christ and pray in his name? Even the unbaptized have authority to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Do not our women prophesy of Christ in His name every fast Sunday? And did we not enact this practice long before the mainstream allowed their women to do so?

Any authority to act in the name of Jesus Christ whatsoever is not only Priesthood, but can only come through the proper channels of the Priesthood.

Further, as endowed wives of Melchizedek Priesthood holders in the new and everlasting covenant of marriage, the LDS women certainly 'have the priesthood'. They posses the rights and priviliges associated with that covenant and together with their husband partake of the blessings thereof.

We say the women therefore 'have the priesthood in their home or in their life.' No, they do NOT hold keys to officiate as a Bishop, or in Priesthood ordinances such as baptism. But this is different from saying they 'don't have the priesthood at all'.

Women are set apart by the laying on of hands of those in authority to perform works in the name of Jesus Christ regularly in this Church. How is it then that they possessing by the laying of hands the rights and privileges associated with acting in the name of the LORD in their appointed stewardship still have no authority to act in the name of Christ?


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I wonder if this has anything to do with why men have the Priesthood and women don't:

The Gendered Brain

From the website:

"What does this have to do with the gendered brain? Well, men and women tend to play the trust game pretty differently. When men were contemplating whether or not to trust a stranger with their "investment," an area called the medial cingulate sulcus became active. Like the caudate, the cingulate sulcus is normally associated with the processing of potential rewards. However, once men made their decision - regardless of what their decision was - both the caudate and the sulcus turned themselves off. Their mind went silent.

"Female brains acted very differently. The reward areas of their brain remained extremely active until they knew how the investor reacted to their decision. Camerer believes that this is because women are much more attuned to the social consequences of their decisions. "The difference in brain activity in the two genders is like the kind of behavior you might see after a couple gets home from a potluck dinner and rehashes the event," Camerer writes. "The man wants to turn on the TV and catch some sports scores (his cingulate is turned off). The woman is more likely to rehash the events of the evening, and worry about whether she said the right thing and whether the hostess was happy with the dish she brought, and whether plans for having lunch later in the week are genuine."


I could have told them that!


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No silly. Men can have it.

As a mother I play a different role and I like it. :D

I would never want to be a man okay. :P


Hi There, Strawberry -- (yum, i love Strawberries! *g*)

Several points:

1. Neither would I wish to be a man, nor would most other women i've ever known.

There is a vast difference between having and exercising the Priesthood, and "wanting to be a man".

2. But (unless i misunderstood you, which is entirely possible!) you seem to have avoided an important question: You said "your plate is full, you don't need to also carry the PH." What about men whose "plate(s) are full" -- Should they also forego PH ? And if not, WHY not?

3. But besides all that, there is a perhaps even more basic, essential and personally relevant question:

Scriptures and Latter-day revelation say those who are Exalted, will one day be "Queens and Priestesses" -- See for example Revelation 1:6, 5:10, D&C 76:56, and the following modern LDS quotes:

"That higher state, promised in the eternal marriage covenant, is called becoming kings and queens, priests and priestesses unto the most high God.

(As Women of Faith: Talks Selected from the BYU Women's Conferences [salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1989], 117.)

Nyman and Tate:

"The Holy Priesthood after the order of the Son of God is from eternity to eternity, from everlasting to everlasting, meaning from one existence to the next. It was in operation in the first estate, it blesses lives and seals souls to eternal life in mortality, and it will continue into the world of spirits and beyond, on into the kingdoms of glory wherein dwell kings and queens, priests and priestesses."

(Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., eds., Alma, the Testimony of the Word [Provo: BYU Religious Studies Center, 1992], 70.)

Sister Chieko Okazaki:

"Esther was a queen, but all of us have the potential of being kings and queens, priests and priestesses, gods and goddesses. Like Esther we are called to live with faith and with service. We, too, whatever our circumstances, must meet those circumstances as queens and kings who are called and challenged to be here in this hour."

(Chieko N. Okazaki, Aloha! [salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1995], 126.)

Apostle Joseph Fielding Smith:

"The main purpose for our mortal existence is that we might obtain tabernacles of flesh and bones for our spirits that we might advance after the resurrection to the fulness of the blessings which the Lord has promised to those who are faithful. They have been promised that they shall become sons and daughters of God, joint heirs with Jesus Christ, and if they have been true to the commandments and covenants the Lord has given us, to be kings and priests and queens and priestesses, possessing the fulness of the blessings of the celestial kingdom."

(Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 5 vols. [salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1957-1966], 4: 61.)

RS President Eliza R Snow Smith:

"Inasmuch as we continue faithful, we shall be those that will be crowned in the presence of God and the lamb. You, my sisters, if you are faithful, will become Queens of Queens, and Priestesses unto the Most High God. These are your callings. We have only to discharge our duties."

(Eliza R. Snow and the Woman Question by Jill C. Mulvay Fn, BYU Studies, vol. 16 (1975-1976), Number 2 - Winter 1976 264.)

"Judging from such indications as the floor plan of the Nauvoo Temple fn and public statements made about its ordinances, one can conclude that this temple offered a model for understanding eternal human existence that taught and embraced, among other things, the following elements: ... a promise that all righteous men and women may become kings and priests, queens and priestesses, to rule eternally and become like God."

(Doctrine and the Temple in Nauvoo by Larry C. Porter and Milton V. Backman, Jr. Fn, BYU Studies, vol. 32 (1992), Num. 1 and 2 - Winter and Spring 1992 45.)

"We are priestesses and queens, who have received of his fulness, and of his glory";

(Chieko N. Okazaki, Disciples [salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1998], 23.)

"...But, the central purpose of the holy endowment as it relates to the temple program is to build a patriarchal family, and to give those who have been anointed to become kings and priests, and queens and priestesses, the higher ordinances of the priesthood through which they can become patriarchs and matriarchs, or fathers and mothers, spiritually."

(Hyrum L. Andrus, The Divine Patriarchal Order [1972], 13.)

-End quotes.

So, If this is the ultimate design of the Gospel (and it certainly seems to be) --

Does your lack of desire for priesthood now, mean that you would not wish to be Exalted, nor have the responsibilities that go with it, which include being a "Queen and Priestess"?

Sincerely --


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