Happy Winter, Er... I Mean Fall!


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This is probably a good indication that I should start bringing out the warmer clothes. Oh yeah, it's going to be in the upper 80's and is already 86F. But tomorrow it could be in the lower 60F's.

Maybe one side of the closet can be shorts and T's and the other jackets and thermals. I just hate getting caught on a snowy day in my shirt sleeves.

We almost beat a heat record from 1902 the other day. But we are far from beating the cold temps back in the 1970's.

Hope you enjoyed your snow day. :)

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I'm jealous, Jason... I love snow and we hardly ever get any. Last year we barely got enough to sled on once (1"), and it was gone in 2 hours. I had to take a day off work so we could go sledding because I knew it would probably be my only chance for the year! The year before that we didn't even get flurries.

Back in 2000 though, we got 21 inches! The whole city shut down for days as we're just not equipped to handle it.

I'm grew up with lots of snow, having grown up in the mountains.

But I do love fall as well. It's my favorite by far!

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I'm jealous, Jason... I love snow and we hardly ever get any. Last year we barely got enough to sled on once (1"), and it was gone in 2 hours. I had to take a day off work so we could go sledding because I knew it would probably be my only chance for the year! The year before that we didn't even get flurries.

Back in 2000 though, we got 21 inches! The whole city shut down for days as we're just not equipped to handle it.

I'm grew up with lots of snow, having grown up in the mountains.

But I do love fall as well. It's my favorite by far!

Shanstress, would you like me to send you a snowball this winter? I'll pack it in a jiffy bag so that it won't get damaged during the flight! :D

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<div class='quotemain'>

I'm jealous, Jason... I love snow and we hardly ever get any. Last year we barely got enough to sled on once (1"), and it was gone in 2 hours. I had to take a day off work so we could go sledding because I knew it would probably be my only chance for the year! The year before that we didn't even get flurries.

Back in 2000 though, we got 21 inches! The whole city shut down for days as we're just not equipped to handle it.

I'm grew up with lots of snow, having grown up in the mountains.

But I do love fall as well. It's my favorite by far!

Shanstress, would you like me to send you a snowball this winter? I'll pack it in a jiffy bag so that it won't get damaged during the flight! :D

I would love it, Pushka!

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<div class='quotemain'> I'm North West of you, and we havn't got snow yet. We had some frost this morning, but it's supposed to be around 15 degrees Celcius later. :dontknow:

I hate it when someone gives temperature in Celcius. I never know whether to add or subtract 32. :unsure:

you have to add 32, divide by 9/5, subract the net weight of a chicken, and sipin in 3 circles and smash the calculator

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<div class='quotemain'>

i am so glad to be out of wyoming....land of 2 seasons..........winter and August!!

You've been gone too long. It isn't "winter and August", it's "Winter and Road Construction"! :blink:

Jason you seem to be describing Utah as well.

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