Marrying My X-wife


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I have a church policy question...not interested in opinions, I just want to know what the policy is:

As some of you know, I divorced 3+ years ago...left the church (not officially)and have now come back to the fold (happily I might add). This Friday I will Be remarrying my x-wife which will be a happy day for our family...Amazing how my life has come full circle...We were married in the temple orriginally and never had that "temple divorce" so to speak...just a civil divorce...our bishop is marrying us in a friends home with our kids present etc...will be awesome...but anyway, I was wondering if there is anything that needs to be done with regards to the temple sealing...its still in effect obviously, but is there some kind of policy that needs to be updated or whatever? confusing questions I know...I have taught the Gospel an aweful lot in various callings but have not had many duties in church administration, so does anyone have experience with this? We asked the bishop and he is looking into it himself having never dealt with this particular scenario...thoughts?

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<div class='quotemain'>

I wouild agree with Jason. Did I just say that? :)

While agreeing with a known apostate is not automatic excommunication, you might want to give yourself a PPI just in case. :P

AWWWW I Can Feel Da LOVE>>>>>>>>> :D

Congrads to you and your family Isaac!!!

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I have a church policy question...not interested in opinions, I just want to know what the policy is:

As some of you know, I divorced 3+ years ago...left the church (not officially)and have now come back to the fold (happily I might add). This Friday I will Be remarrying my x-wife which will be a happy day for our family...Amazing how my life has come full circle...We were married in the temple orriginally and never had that "temple divorce" so to speak...just a civil divorce...our bishop is marrying us in a friends home with our kids present etc...will be awesome...but anyway, I was wondering if there is anything that needs to be done with regards to the temple sealing...its still in effect obviously, but is there some kind of policy that needs to be updated or whatever? confusing questions I know...I have taught the Gospel an aweful lot in various callings but have not had many duties in church administration, so does anyone have experience with this? We asked the bishop and he is looking into it himself having never dealt with this particular scenario...thoughts?

If you and your wife were sealed (married) by the Holy Spirit of Promise and neither have broken the covenants you made at that sealng, and/or neither of you have requested a cancellation of that sealing, it is still in force. If your names were not removed from the rolls of the Church in SLC, you are still a member.

The best thing you can do if you are in doubt about either one is to consult with your Bishop. He is the only one who can get those answers for you. Do you remember the covenants you made concerning your wife when you received your endowment, and she regarding you? If not, I again refer you to your Bishop.

It's wonderful that a family is being restored again, and from your question I can see that you may have some reservations about some things that may have happened during the last 3 years. Again, don't just listen to what is advised here, go talk to your Bishop about it. He is the one who holds the keys in your ward as a common judge in Israel and is the only one who can advise you what to do. Don't assume anything.

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I have a church policy question...not interested in opinions, I just want to know what the policy is:

As some of you know, I divorced 3+ years ago...left the church (not officially)and have now come back to the fold (happily I might add). This Friday I will Be remarrying my x-wife which will be a happy day for our family...Amazing how my life has come full circle...We were married in the temple orriginally and never had that "temple divorce" so to speak...just a civil divorce...our bishop is marrying us in a friends home with our kids present etc...will be awesome...but anyway, I was wondering if there is anything that needs to be done with regards to the temple sealing...its still in effect obviously, but is there some kind of policy that needs to be updated or whatever? confusing questions I know...I have taught the Gospel an aweful lot in various callings but have not had many duties in church administration, so does anyone have experience with this? We asked the bishop and he is looking into it himself having never dealt with this particular scenario...thoughts?

I would leave nothing to chance. Because you had/have the Melchizedek priesthood you should make an appointment with you stake president. If there is anything to be done he will inform you and have your bishop follow up until you are prepared to have any lost blessings restored.

The Traveler

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I have a church policy question...not interested in opinions, I just want to know what the policy is:

As some of you know, I divorced 3+ years ago...left the church (not officially)and have now come back to the fold (happily I might add). This Friday I will Be remarrying my x-wife which will be a happy day for our family...Amazing how my life has come full circle...We were married in the temple orriginally and never had that "temple divorce" so to speak...just a civil divorce...our bishop is marrying us in a friends home with our kids present etc...will be awesome...but anyway, I was wondering if there is anything that needs to be done with regards to the temple sealing...its still in effect obviously, but is there some kind of policy that needs to be updated or whatever? confusing questions I know...I have taught the Gospel an aweful lot in various callings but have not had many duties in church administration, so does anyone have experience with this? We asked the bishop and he is looking into it himself having never dealt with this particular scenario...thoughts?

now this makes no sense to me....first line says you have a policy question, and not interested in opinions.

at the end you ask "thoughts"?

If what you want is policy, then you want a quote from the Church Handbook or some other such document. Asking for thoughts is to ask an opinion, not ask for facts.

oh, and congrats to you!!!!

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I have a church policy question...not interested in opinions, I just want to know what the policy is:

As some of you know, I divorced 3+ years ago...left the church (not officially)and have now come back to the fold (happily I might add). This Friday I will Be remarrying my x-wife which will be a happy day for our family...Amazing how my life has come full circle...We were married in the temple orriginally and never had that "temple divorce" so to speak...just a civil divorce...our bishop is marrying us in a friends home with our kids present etc...will be awesome...but anyway, I was wondering if there is anything that needs to be done with regards to the temple sealing...its still in effect obviously, but is there some kind of policy that needs to be updated or whatever? confusing questions I know...I have taught the Gospel an aweful lot in various callings but have not had many duties in church administration, so does anyone have experience with this? We asked the bishop and he is looking into it himself having never dealt with this particular scenario...thoughts?

Hearty congratulations Isaac!!!

My thoughts re: your question...

You should talk to your Stake President.

My bro is a Stake Pres. down here in Oz.

He tells me that the Melchizedek Priesthood holders in his Stake are his responsibility.

The Bishops are apparently responsible for the Aaronic Priesthood holders and the Sisters in their Wards.

This is the protocol with disciplinary processes.

I'm assuming you are a Melchizedek Priesthood holder as I think I recall you have mentioned that previously.

So, probably best you should talk to your Stake President.

Dunno if that helps.

All the best for Friday!!!


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<div class='quotemain'>

I'd like to be rebaptized...


me too a-train, me too

To what end? Was there something wrong with you first baptismal covenant? Would you explain?

The Traveler

Taking the sacrament in the right spirit would accomplish the same end. A renewal of the baptismal covenants. You can do that every week.

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Hey now, don't go ruinin' my fun. The saints got to do it back in the late 19th century when they arrived in Utah, I would just like to have another go too.

I guess its just time for me to get back to the temple and do some more Baptisms. I haven't done so my last several visits to the temple and I'm over-do for my monthly trek to Winter Quarters anyway.


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<div class='quotemain'> I have a church policy question...not interested in opinions, I just want to know what the policy is:

As some of you know, I divorced 3+ years ago...left the church (not officially)and have now come back to the fold (happily I might add). This Friday I will Be remarrying my x-wife which will be a happy day for our family...Amazing how my life has come full circle...We were married in the temple orriginally and never had that "temple divorce" so to speak...just a civil divorce...our bishop is marrying us in a friends home with our kids present etc...will be awesome...but anyway, I was wondering if there is anything that needs to be done with regards to the temple sealing...its still in effect obviously, but is there some kind of policy that needs to be updated or whatever? confusing questions I know...I have taught the Gospel an aweful lot in various callings but have not had many duties in church administration, so does anyone have experience with this? We asked the bishop and he is looking into it himself having never dealt with this particular scenario...thoughts?

If you and your wife were sealed (married) by the Holy Spirit of Promise and neither have broken the covenants you made at that sealng, and/or neither of you have requested a cancellation of that sealing, it is still in force. If your names were not removed from the rolls of the Church in SLC, you are still a member.

The best thing you can do if you are in doubt about either one is to consult with your Bishop. He is the only one who can get those answers for you. Do you remember the covenants you made concerning your wife when you received your endowment, and she regarding you? If not, I again refer you to your Bishop.

It's wonderful that a family is being restored again, and from your question I can see that you may have some reservations about some things that may have happened during the last 3 years. Again, don't just listen to what is advised here, go talk to your Bishop about it. He is the one who holds the keys in your ward as a common judge in Israel and is the only one who can advise you what to do. Don't assume anything.

Hey Tex,

I think you may have missed my comments on the thread where we talked about reasons for being x'd i would not expect you to know my circumstances...I shared that after my initial divorce (emphasis on after) I really went off the deep end and did a lot of things I am not proud of...I experienced the best and worst of what the"Great and Spacious Building" has to offer and even left the church and started eventually attending a "non-dnominational" church...At one point before going to that church, if you had asked me if I believed in God, I would have told you "Yes. But he does not deserve my devotion!" I was that angry and felt abandoned by God, even though it was me that had turned away...anyway, that little church changed my perspective on that...eventually through a series of events being bruised and battered in the world I decided I needed to go to the Mormon church...when I walked in the building it felt as though i had walked out of the desert...literally...the second I walked throuhg the door...I just felt a wash of comfort and was nearly driven to tears...i was that starved and immaciated for things of the Spirit...The Spirit was that strong...quite a contrast to where I had been...I loved everything abou that day...It was fast and testimony meeting which used to annoy me...even "that guy" that seems to inhabit every ward (haha) that walks up to you and introduces himself and wants to know everything about you didn't annoy me...i was happy he was there!...anyway I met with the bishop that day and dropped the bomb so to speak...he asked if it was ok to speak to Stake Prez etc...met with him too a week later...had a church disciplinary council 3 weeks later (which was an amazing experience by the way...:)) and I was disfellowshipped...could have been x'd probably, but I had the right attitude...was greatful for the council i received there...from that day forward I have not looked life, friends, activities, attitudes, faith, everything has completely changed...I have not missed a Sunday since April (the first day i walked in) and have experienced a tremendous ammount of healing as I have been repenting and fortifying myself once again...

I had about as bitter and nasty a divorce as one can have, (mostly because of me and what i started doing after the divorce) and for a year I could not even talk to my x-wife without screaming at her...we finally got to a congenial, cooperative level last October and where even able to have some friendly talks and participated in the kids activities at school etc...well when I started going back to church she saw the change immedietly and began to be very supportive etc...long story, but in short, we found that we still love eachother very much...met with the Stake Prez together and have been going to counciling etc...we are ready to do it right this time...:)

Anyway, thanks to everyone for your kind comments...can't wait until tomorrow...I think the bishop will probably confirm the answers you have all given on the subject...he was going to check on it for us...I will continue to meet with the Bishop and Stake Prez until atleast April or May and then another council will be held, and if all goes well, I will be accepted in full fellowship again...In the meantime, I love the Church, Gospel, and Jesus, and love to talk about them all, so I am glad to have a forum to do that...

Blessings to you all!

<div class='quotemain'>

I have a church policy question...not interested in opinions, I just want to know what the policy is:

As some of you know, I divorced 3+ years ago...left the church (not officially)and have now come back to the fold (happily I might add). This Friday I will Be remarrying my x-wife which will be a happy day for our family...Amazing how my life has come full circle...We were married in the temple orriginally and never had that "temple divorce" so to speak...just a civil divorce...our bishop is marrying us in a friends home with our kids present etc...will be awesome...but anyway, I was wondering if there is anything that needs to be done with regards to the temple sealing...its still in effect obviously, but is there some kind of policy that needs to be updated or whatever? confusing questions I know...I have taught the Gospel an aweful lot in various callings but have not had many duties in church administration, so does anyone have experience with this? We asked the bishop and he is looking into it himself having never dealt with this particular scenario...thoughts?

now this makes no sense to me....first line says you have a policy question, and not interested in opinions.

at the end you ask "thoughts"?

If what you want is policy, then you want a quote from the Church Handbook or some other such document. Asking for thoughts is to ask an opinion, not ask for facts.

oh, and congrats to you!!!! "opinions" I meant that I did not want to have people start debating on whether or not I should have to do something, or whether or not the churches policy is correct etc...I just wanted to know what the policy was or if they new of a the handbook i the meantime my bishop was checking on it, but I have been eager for an answer...I just didn't want to spark a debate between folks favorably disposed towards the church and it's marriage policies etc, and those who are not so disposed...:)

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I think you may have missed my comments on the thread where we talked about reasons for being x'd i would not expect you to know my circumstances...I shared that after my initial divorce (emphasis on after) I really went off the deep end and did a lot of things I am not proud of...I experienced the best and worst of what the"Great and Spacious Building" has to offer and even left the church and started eventually attending a "non-dnominational" church...At one point before going to that church, if you had asked me if I believed in God, I would have told you "Yes. But he does not deserve my devotion!" I was that angry and felt abandoned by God, even though it was me that had turned away...anyway, that little church changed my perspective on that...eventually through a series of events being bruised and battered in the world I decided I needed to go to the Mormon church...when I walked in the building it felt as though i had walked out of the desert...literally...the second I walked throuhg the door...I just felt a wash of comfort and was nearly driven to tears...i was that starved and immaciated for things of the Spirit...The Spirit was that strong...quite a contrast to where I had been...I loved everything abou that day...It was fast and testimony meeting which used to annoy me...even "that guy" that seems to inhabit every ward (haha) that walks up to you and introduces himself and wants to know everything about you didn't annoy me...i was happy he was there!...anyway I met with the bishop that day and dropped the bomb so to speak...he asked if it was ok to speak to Stake Prez etc...met with him too a week later...had a church disciplinary council 3 weeks later (which was an amazing experience by the way...:)) and I was disfellowshipped...could have been x'd probably, but I had the right attitude...was greatful for the council i received there...from that day forward I have not looked life, friends, activities, attitudes, faith, everything has completely changed...I have not missed a Sunday since April (the first day i walked in) and have experienced a tremendous ammount of healing as I have been repenting and fortifying myself once again...

I had about as bitter and nasty a divorce as one can have, (mostly because of me and what i started doing after the divorce) and for a year I could not even talk to my x-wife without screaming at her...we finally got to a congenial, cooperative level last October and where even able to have some friendly talks and participated in the kids activities at school etc...well when I started going back to church she saw the change immedietly and began to be very supportive etc...long story, but in short, we found that we still love eachother very much...met with the Stake Prez together and have been going to counciling etc...we are ready to do it right this time...:)

Anyway, thanks to everyone for your kind comments...can't wait until tomorrow...I think the bishop will probably confirm the answers you have all given on the subject...he was going to check on it for us...I will continue to meet with the Bishop and Stake Prez until atleast April or May and then another council will be held, and if all goes well, I will be accepted in full fellowship again...In the meantime, I love the Church, Gospel, and Jesus, and love to talk about them all, so I am glad to have a forum to do that...

Blessings to you all!

That's an amazing story Issac. WOW. Good Luck to you and your new wife (ex-ex-wife is too hard to say).


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(From Isaac)

Hey Tex,

I think you may have missed my comments on the thread where we talked about reasons for being x'd i would not expect you to know my circumstances...I shared that after my initial divorce (emphasis on after) I really went off the deep end and did a lot of things I am not proud of...I experienced the best and worst of what the"Great and Spacious Building" has to offer and even left the church and started eventually attending a "non-dnominational" church...At one point before going to that church, if you had asked me if I believed in God, I would have told you "Yes. But he does not deserve my devotion!" I was that angry and felt abandoned by God, even though it was me that had turned away...anyway, that little church changed my perspective on that...eventually through a series of events being bruised and battered in the world I decided I needed to go to the Mormon church...when I walked in the building it felt as though i had walked out of the desert...literally...the second I walked throuhg the door...I just felt a wash of comfort and was nearly driven to tears...i was that starved and immaciated for things of the Spirit...The Spirit was that strong...quite a contrast to where I had been...I loved everything abou that day...It was fast and testimony meeting which used to annoy me...even "that guy" that seems to inhabit every ward (haha) that walks up to you and introduces himself and wants to know everything about you didn't annoy me...i was happy he was there!...anyway I met with the bishop that day and dropped the bomb so to speak...he asked if it was ok to speak to Stake Prez etc...met with him too a week later...had a church disciplinary council 3 weeks later (which was an amazing experience by the way... :) ) and I was disfellowshipped...could have been x'd probably, but I had the right attitude...was greatful for the council i received there...from that day forward I have not looked life, friends, activities, attitudes, faith, everything has completely changed...I have not missed a Sunday since April (the first day i walked in) and have experienced a tremendous ammount of healing as I have been repenting and fortifying myself once again...

I had about as bitter and nasty a divorce as one can have, (mostly because of me and what i started doing after the divorce) and for a year I could not even talk to my x-wife without screaming at her...we finally got to a congenial, cooperative level last October and where even able to have some friendly talks and participated in the kids activities at school etc...well when I started going back to church she saw the change immedietly and began to be very supportive etc...long story, but in short, we found that we still love eachother very much...met with the Stake Prez together and have been going to counciling etc...we are ready to do it right this time... :)

Anyway, thanks to everyone for your kind comments...can't wait until tomorrow...I think the bishop will probably confirm the answers you have all given on the subject...he was going to check on it for us...I will continue to meet with the Bishop and Stake Prez until atleast April or May and then another council will be held, and if all goes well, I will be accepted in full fellowship again...In the meantime, I love the Church, Gospel, and Jesus, and love to talk about them all, so I am glad to have a forum to do that...

Blessings to you all


Yes, I'm new here and did not know any details. Thanks. As a member of the Bishopric in my Ward, I have participated in a number of disciplianary councils, and before that, as the Ward Clerk, I attended and recorded the "minutes" and filled out all the forms that are necessary. Of course those involving a MP holder would get referred to the Stake President, as in your case. I found that I had to make sure that there was a box of Kleenx available because by the end of the council everyone was crying and hugging. In such cases one realizes the real value of the Atonement of Christ in all of our lives.

Some think these councils are to "punish" the member, but the Lord, in His wisdom, has incorporated them to help one to get through the repentence process and back on the path to happiness and salvation. Your disfellowshipment gives you time to reajust your thinking and get a good grip on the "iron rod" again so that your view of the "great and spacious building" will be from the outside again. Only the Savior can forgive one's transgressions, but if one comes before Him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, forgiveness will come.

My best wishes for you and your wife.

Old Tex

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(From Isaac)

Hey Tex,

I think you may have missed my comments on the thread where we talked about reasons for being x'd i would not expect you to know my circumstances...I shared that after my initial divorce (emphasis on after) I really went off the deep end and did a lot of things I am not proud of...I experienced the best and worst of what the"Great and Spacious Building" has to offer and even left the church and started eventually attending a "non-dnominational" church...At one point before going to that church, if you had asked me if I believed in God, I would have told you "Yes. But he does not deserve my devotion!" I was that angry and felt abandoned by God, even though it was me that had turned away...anyway, that little church changed my perspective on that...eventually through a series of events being bruised and battered in the world I decided I needed to go to the Mormon church...when I walked in the building it felt as though i had walked out of the desert...literally...the second I walked throuhg the door...I just felt a wash of comfort and was nearly driven to tears...i was that starved and immaciated for things of the Spirit...The Spirit was that strong...quite a contrast to where I had been...I loved everything abou that day...It was fast and testimony meeting which used to annoy me...even "that guy" that seems to inhabit every ward (haha) that walks up to you and introduces himself and wants to know everything about you didn't annoy me...i was happy he was there!...anyway I met with the bishop that day and dropped the bomb so to speak...he asked if it was ok to speak to Stake Prez etc...met with him too a week later...had a church disciplinary council 3 weeks later (which was an amazing experience by the way... :) ) and I was disfellowshipped...could have been x'd probably, but I had the right attitude...was greatful for the council i received there...from that day forward I have not looked life, friends, activities, attitudes, faith, everything has completely changed...I have not missed a Sunday since April (the first day i walked in) and have experienced a tremendous ammount of healing as I have been repenting and fortifying myself once again...

I had about as bitter and nasty a divorce as one can have, (mostly because of me and what i started doing after the divorce) and for a year I could not even talk to my x-wife without screaming at her...we finally got to a congenial, cooperative level last October and where even able to have some friendly talks and participated in the kids activities at school etc...well when I started going back to church she saw the change immedietly and began to be very supportive etc...long story, but in short, we found that we still love eachother very much...met with the Stake Prez together and have been going to counciling etc...we are ready to do it right this time... :)

Anyway, thanks to everyone for your kind comments...can't wait until tomorrow...I think the bishop will probably confirm the answers you have all given on the subject...he was going to check on it for us...I will continue to meet with the Bishop and Stake Prez until atleast April or May and then another council will be held, and if all goes well, I will be accepted in full fellowship again...In the meantime, I love the Church, Gospel, and Jesus, and love to talk about them all, so I am glad to have a forum to do that...

Blessings to you all


Yes, I'm new here and did not know any details. Thanks. As a member of the Bishopric in my Ward, I have participated in a number of disciplianary councils, and before that, as the Ward Clerk, I attended and recorded the "minutes" and filled out all the forms that are necessary. Of course those involving a MP holder would get referred to the Stake President, as in your case. I found that I had to make sure that there was a box of Kleenx available because by the end of the council everyone was crying and hugging. In such cases one realizes the real value of the Atonement of Christ in all of our lives.

Some think these councils are to "punish" the member, but the Lord, in His wisdom, has incorporated them to help one to get through the repentence process and back on the path to happiness and salvation. Your disfellowshipment gives you time to reajust your thinking and get a good grip on the "iron rod" again so that your view of the "great and spacious building" will be from the outside again. Only the Savior can forgive one's transgressions, but if one comes before Him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, forgiveness will come.

My best wishes for you and your wife.

Old Tex


Yes, the disciplinary council concept is definitely inspired and it was a very good experience for me...difficult to spill my guts so to speak, but all of the men present were so respectful and loving...gave excellent council and encouragement...This is the eperience that most people have who go with the right attitude...people with the wrong attitude generally come away with a bad impression...example:Apostates...For me it was awesome...

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I too have felt the power of forgiveness and the atonement, not quite on the same level (stake president ect..). I had only recieved the Aaroinic priesthood and i went inactive about 17 years old. I had not yet been through the temple, but I had been baptised and did proxty baptisms, ect....

I spent 5 years totally inactive in the church, I did many many things of which i am not proud of. I even met my wonderful wife at a nightclub. then when we moved in together, we were getting pizza for dinner, and the missionaries for our ward were walking by and i had to ask them where the church house was, I never lost my testimony, i knew it to be true, i was just ashamed to go back and take responsibility. My wife is Catholic, but she supported me in my decision to go back to church and get my life straight. I talked with the bshop, and this sunday after general conference i will be able to partake of the sacrament again. I am so thankful i was no X'd and was only disfellowshipped. My wife has been a blessing to me through all of this, supporting me in what i'm doing. She's actualyl investigating the church now and loves going to relief society. I see her getting baptised here real soon, and she's even told me she wants our kids raised in the LDS church because of what she sees and the difference it has made in our life together. and she feels the spirit in only 3 places, Our house, her parent's house, and in the LDS church.

So, Isaac, I know at least a portion of what you are feeling, the great accomplishement, the feeling is expressed perfectly by Alma the Younger when he comes out of his coma after the angel appears to him and his friends. the feeling of guilt swept away, as if those things never happened. the feeling of knowing you have turned your life around, It's amazing knowing that you can forget all those things and look forward holding to the iron Rod Walkign uprightly before the Lord, I did not feel that untill a recent Church meeting, where this great feeling as though i could stand before Heavenly Father and not feel ashamed because i forsake my old self and chose to walk the better path.

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