Rules on baptism for the dead


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1 minute ago, MormonGator said:

Glad something is heated today. The compound was at 64 degrees this morning when I woke up. Do you forget to pay the heating bill? We're going to have to move you from accounts payable back to secretarial if this keeps up. 

Poor, cold-blooded Gator. ;)  I'll send someone to check on the thermostat - it probably can't make up its mind whether to run the heat or the AC. :satanflame: I'll send someone out to buy you a nice sweater to go with your shorts...  :cold:

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Guest MormonGator
1 minute ago, zil said:

Poor, cold-blooded Gator. ;)  I'll send someone to check on the thermostat - it probably can't make up its mind whether to run the heat or the AC. :satanflame: I'll send someone out to buy you a nice sweater to go with your shorts...  :cold:

Everyone, bring out the violin. 

Poor Gator is wearing blue jeans, a long sleeved t shirt AND a sweatshirt. What's worse? I went to Publix today and had to wear a winter jacket. It took my ten minutes to find one! I had to ask LG where they were! 

Okay, violins over. 


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4 hours ago, Jane_Doe said:

The basic set of guidelines/rules for submittal (which regretfully are not always followed, but should be).  There are additional rules for dealing with famous people and Holocaust people:


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13 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Everyone, bring out the violin. 

Poor Gator is wearing blue jeans, a long sleeved t shirt AND a sweatshirt. What's worse? I went to Publix today and had to wear a winter jacket. It took my ten minutes to find one! I had to ask LG where they were! 

Okay, violins over. 


We went to visit relatives for Christmas.  It was gorgeously warm weather-- +26F!   So we went for a walk, built a fence, etc.  It was fantastic!     All the locals thought we were absolutely nuts...

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52 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

I vehemently disagree.

It's easy for us to say "Oh, if you don't believe in the religion, why get upset?"

Imagine if 6 million LDS were murdered by a psychopathic  regime. That would wipe us out completely. But a small group is left. The Catholics, out of charity and compassion, start saying masses on the behalf of the souls of the six million LDS that were killed. Of  course right now in 2017 where that didn't happen we will say "Oh, it's no big deal. I don't believe in the religion anyway, so it's just those Catholics being nice." 

I think LDS would be extremely sensitive about the issue, and with complete justification. 

Especially since in Judaism, any kind of Christian baptism is like cutting yourself off from your entire family. 

Anyone who wants to pray for my soul is most welcome! I had a health scare a while ago and, I had candles lite for me and my house smugged with basil! 

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Look at this from the link posted above:

Possible ancestors. These are individuals who
have a probable family relationship that cannot be verified because the records are inadequate. These may include individuals who had the same last name and resided in the same small geographic areas as known ancestors

so maybe I could anyone with my clan name from Glasgow Scotland? Or from my clan Seat (a small town In Northern Scotland? Not that I need anymore! I have about 200 to do. I think I may need tp leave money in my will to the local genealogy library.

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3 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

Look at this from the link posted above:

Possible ancestors. These are individuals who
have a probable family relationship that cannot be verified because the records are inadequate. These may include individuals who had the same last name and resided in the same small geographic areas as known ancestors

so maybe I could anyone with my clan name from Glasgow Scotland? Or from my clan Seat (a small town U.N. Northern Scotland? Not that I need anymore! I have about 200 to do. I think I may need tp leave money in my will to the local genealogy library.

Hey, I have a bunch of 1800's Glasgow relatives too!  

When doing family history work, you want to do your best to verify and cite all your work.  Sometimes the connections aren't 100% for sure though.  In which case, you research as much as you can, makes notes, including the "I'm not certain of this for XYZ, but ABC suggests it".  

Sometimes you got a pretty good guess based off a few facts (like when only this family has this weird last name in this remote village).  Other times it's more of a stretch.  Like I have a relative who all I know was her married name was "Mary Smith" in 1800's London.  So yeah... I'm not going around doing work for every Smith in London.


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5 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

Does anyone know of a family search listserve? The Help function refers you to your local lds family history Center but mine is staffed with the overwhelmed and crabby. Other ideas?

You can also call Salt Lake, ask for help here, there's forums on FamilySearch and Ancestry, etc.

It's great your library is busy!  My local one... suffice it to say I would commonly work the entire day's shift and not see anyone else.

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9 minutes ago, Jane_Doe said:

You can also call Salt Lake, ask for help here, there's forums on FamilySearch and Ancestry, etc.

It's great your library is busy!  My local one... suffice it to say I would commonly work the entire day's shift and not see anyone else.

Woo! Your library is deserted? Maybe I should go Wyoming! We have a local chapter of the Ontario Genelogical Society that works out of our Family History Center. We have people who belong to both organizations. 

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Just now, Sunday21 said:

Woo! Your library is deserted? Maybe I should go Wyoming! We have a local chapter of the Ontario Genelogical Society that works out of our Family History Center. We have people who belong to both organizations. 

We're open for like 20 hours a week (split 4 days), and there's someone there like 3 of the 4 days.  Most of the time that someone is a regular who knows exactly what to do and doesn't need my help at all.  It's great you guys work so much with your local city Society.  My city's in friendly and share's a lot of people/resources, but not that close.

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9 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

@zil ? Zil? What is going on in that compound? That is too ecumenical for me!

How is this any worse than getting one's "house smugged with basil"?  (Whatever the heck that means.)  At least my suggestion is amusingly futile.  If you don't like that one, you can try one of the others (warning, some of them are vulgar and should just be skipped over).

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4 hours ago, MormonGator said:

You don't understand why a Jewish person would get angry over their relative being baptized without their permission? 

Well, it's an odd thing.  We had someone come onto this forum just a few months ago getting into a huff because her step-mom wanted the deceased wife to be baptized and sealed to her (the poster's) father.  I pointed out that it made no sense since, if what we're doing is valid, then you'd certainly want to do that.  If it is not valid, then all we're doing is wishing someone well and rearranging some electrons on a computer.  Why is that offensive?  I dunno.

On the other hand, one of our Catholic members of this forum indicated a Mormon reacting similarly when a Catholic mentioned that they had said some prayers for the soul of Pres. Hinckley.  I don't see why any Mormon would get into a huff about this.  I dunno.  People are strange.


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Personally, I don't get any of the emotional distress. I found out while on my mission that my Grandpa, great grandpa, was Jewish. My Jewish last name, genealogy, is Saltiel. I don't inhibit other religions from practicing their faith. I don't believe it right that any other religion inhibits another religion to practice their faith. It comes down to the following argument, "I don't like you can't do this."

Individuals have passed on. A baptism for the dead doesn't change anything in this life. If another religion baptized for the dead and they baptized my dad (if he were dead), even though I am still living, I wouldn't care. Now, if someone were trying to baptize a living person, via proxy, now that would be odd, but hey, they still have every right to practice their faith. Doesn't change anything for my father -- dead or alive -- as all things pertain to choice.

It would be nice if all religions practiced Article of Faith #11, but unfortunately this doesn't happen. The irony is how many of these people who are waiting to be baptized, but can't because their earthly posterity are preventing it? But as things stand, it is wise for all members to follow the guidelines provided. If a person is a relative, direct line, then they should have every right to practice their faith, without anyone getting emotional about it. One thing stands common, you can't please everyone, and if you try to please everyone you will never become as God intended you to become.

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5 hours ago, MormonGator said:

Glad something is heated today. The compound was at 64 degrees this morning when I woke up. Do you forget to pay the heating bill? We're going to have to move you from accounts payable back to secretarial if this keeps up. 

Dead or alive, I'm sure allowing @MormonGator to be baptised must have broken some rules :P

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Guest MormonGator
17 minutes ago, askandanswer said:

Dead or alive, I'm sure allowing @MormonGator to be baptised must have broken some rules :P

The only time they got irritated was when I handed out champagne at my baptism party. You think that's bad, @Midwest LDS tried to spike the punch! 

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18 minutes ago, askandanswer said:

Dead or alive, I'm sure allowing @MormonGator to be baptised must have broken some rules :P

If they'd left it on the original schedule - Saturday morning at 9am - it would have been baptizing the dead.  Instead, they made a special exception and held it in the afternoon.

(Just teasing, MG.)

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