Some Irony


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Sunday's priesthood lesson in my quorum was about divorce. During the lesson the question popped into my mind, "which of our presidential candidates have been divorced?" When I realized that the Democratic frontrunners have a much better marital track record than the Republican frontrunners (with the exception of Romney), I thought how ironic it is that the Republicans claim to be THE one-and-only family values party.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that people who have been divorced are bad or don't have family values, or anything like that--I married a divorcee, after all--just that this election is ironic given the Republicans tooting their "family values" horn so much.


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I'm an absolute political junkie, I think most people know this. Though I would say politics is probably about the last thing on my mind at sacrament meeting on Sunday. To each their own I guess..

On the the meat of your point though..

I don't think it will really matter. Divorce is so common now that most people don't think anything of it.

I have yet to see people make much an issue over divorces or specifically with Fred Thompson that his current wife is 25 years younger then him.

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I don't typically spend my Church meetings thinking about politics, either--this is just a thought that popped into my head during Priesthood Meeting.

Nor do I worry about candidates' current or past marital status when deciding who to vote for. However, I am tired of Republicans claiming and defining the values debate when, as far as I can tell, they have no more authority in the matter than the rest of us.


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I'm an absolute political junkie, I think most people know this. Though I would say politics is probably about the last thing on my mind at sacrament meeting on Sunday. To each their own I guess..

On the the meat of your point though..

I don't think it will really matter. Divorce is so common now that most people don't think anything of it.

I have yet to see people make much an issue over divorces or specifically with Fred Thompson that his current wife is 25 years younger then him.

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I wonder if that's because no one has seen her for months? Or, maybe that's the same picture I've seen over and over and over. Or maybe not. I really can't tell, and I'm not being mean.

However, when she does start to come out in public she had better be wearing professional looking clothes. We've got enough credibility problems already without having a potential First Lady who looks the same in every single photo she takes.


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Those Hollywood folk do get the babes, do they not? Maybe its time for a hot first lady. Think of the White House parties on Entertainment Tonight!

Yeah, that Family Values stuff is a meaningless catch phrase. I bet Mitt's handlers will have him uttering it at many campaign whistle stops.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sunday's priesthood lesson in my quorum was about divorce. During the lesson the question popped into my mind, "which of our presidential candidates have been divorced?" When I realized that the Democratic frontrunners have a much better marital track record than the Republican frontrunners (with the exception of Romney), I thought how ironic it is that the Republicans claim to be THE one-and-only family values party.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that people who have been divorced are bad or don't have family values, or anything like that--I married a divorcee, after all--just that this election is ironic given the Republicans tooting their "family values" horn so much.


We'll see if it's ironic or not. I'm voting for Romney! :)

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Sunday's priesthood lesson in my quorum was about divorce. During the lesson the question popped into my mind, "which of our presidential candidates have been divorced?" When I realized that the Democratic frontrunners have a much better marital track record than the Republican frontrunners (with the exception of Romney), I thought how ironic it is that the Republicans claim to be THE one-and-only family values party.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that people who have been divorced are bad or don't have family values, or anything like that--I married a divorcee, after all--just that this election is ironic given the Republicans tooting their "family values" horn so much.


We'll see if it's ironic or not. I'm voting for Romney! :)

Me too!!!!

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pam! you better tell me you love me after that... :sparklygrin:

I'm with Frank...I don't think people pay much attention to candidates marital track records. While it may say something good about them that they've been able to keep a marriage together, I don't think that makes them necessairily better able to run this country.

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