What's REALLY dangerous...


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21 hours ago, Vort said:

Yes, there are people in the Church who say that a human fetus is not alive, not human, certainly not deserving of protection. Yes, there are people in the Church who maintain that homosexuality is not a perversion, but is instead a beautiful reflection of God himself. Yes, there are people in the Church who say that the apostles are leading us astray, that the authority of God does not rest with his Church, and that the Church is not at all the "kingdom of God", but merely a collection of foolish, blind guides and hypocrites.

But the REALLY dangerous thing is people in the Church who believe the apostles and take their words at face value. That's what's REALLY dangerous. BEWARE OF BELIEVING TOO MUCH!

Be cynical and self-satisfied. In this, there is safety; in this, there is peace.


I am convinced that the greatest danger, the worst threat and most serious problem anyone will ever face in all eternity – is themselves.


The Traveler

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6 hours ago, mordorbund said:


"Dear" @zil

Let this be a lesson to you in how to properly take care of your gloves. You should have known that Carb, as Deputy Munitions officer of the Glove Preservation Society, and with his well known propensity to shoot off missiles 


at the slightest provocation, was not going to react well to this: 

slaps carb with glove:: 

Please look after your gloves more carefully in future.


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It just occurred to me:

10 hours ago, zil said:


9 hours ago, Fether said:

I got your back @Carborendum, you can borrow mine. It’s not quite done but still works.


These were the same death star.

@Fether,  I'm afraid Zil already blew yours up.

That means she didn't blow MINE up!  HAH! So...


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OK, I gave up when they got vulgar.  Meanwhile, you seem to have forgotten that I swallowed up the whole universe in a black hole:

10 hours ago, zil said:


Pretty sure that included your Death Star(s).  But don't worry, they'll get spit back out eventually and you can try again.

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