Are Trials Bad?


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When we have trials we are told to bear them with patience. Trials are Heavenly Fathers way of testing our faith here on earth. They bring us feelings that are bad, give us a bad day and sometimes a bad year. They can make us sad, even depressed. In my study this morning something came to me that made me think a bit different. When Jesus suffered he experienced all of the feelings only way more intense. Maybe us having a "bad" feeling or bad day is a way for us to come closer to our Savior, probably better than any other way.

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I think trials are important to us. An example would be: My father has Alzheimers. Of course seems more of a trial for him than for me but it affects everyone. I could let it get me completely down. I'm losing the father I have known for 50 years a little more every day. But I have learned alot about the disease that I possibly would not have known. I've learned to be more patient with my dad. I've learned more about compassion than I ever thought I had. I've learned to defend those with this horrible disease when people make jokes. I've learned to get more involved with the community.

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I think that trials are the way we are refined and prepared for the work of the eternities. The short span of this earth life seems long when viewed from a mortal vantage but is only a blink of an eye when we consider the eternal perspective. I look at this life as a school to prepare us for a greater work. It is very important that we pass the lessons of life in order to graduate to the greater work God has in store for us his children.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are children of our heavenly father. As children we have very important lessons to learn. It is not just a test. If it was just a test then there would be very little point to it as our father in heaven knows is each induvidually. It is also an oppurtunity to learn when some thing bad happens. Through trials we can become better people with more experience and knowladge. This pleases our heavenly father greatly I am sure. (like how we feel pleased when a child learns to do somthing for the better good)! It is sad to hear about your grandfather Pam. I myself suffer with mental health problems. Some times I have really bad days and some days I don't really know why but I ignore people (not delibratly). This is a huge trial for me. However it has also taught me to be greateful for the life I have and it has also showed me the value of the scriptures and prayer. (without these things my mental health issues seem to worsen). I also think in general when people are weak they tend to need their heavenly father more and those are the times when our heavenly father can help us the most.

In short trials are a burden but they are also a learning curve and yes they are a test as well. I would say they arn't nice and they arn't "good" in the sense that they don't make you feel great. Living in the shadow of mental health problems doesn't make me feel terribly wonderful. However they teach us things we wouldn't have known before and in that sense they are not "bad".

A thought about our saviors atonement too, think about that huge burden he had to carry, all the sins of the world. He was a perfect man and such corruption would have been unimaginably painful for him. That is like one trial of ours times a million. So really are our trials so bad? :)

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I think that trials are the way we are refined and prepared for the work of the eternities. The short span of this earth life seems long when viewed from a mortal vantage but is only a blink of an eye when we consider the eternal perspective. I look at this life as a school to prepare us for a greater work. It is very important that we pass the lessons of life in order to graduate to the greater work God has in store for us his children.

This stuff scares the heck out of me; refined any to prepare for what a greater trial?

Don't get me wrong I have heard of this before and have heard it followed by "you will never be given any trial you can't endure"

Lately I have heard that the trials are all about the enduring to the end. :hmmm:

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I tend to see trials as learning experiences, of course this is hind sight. If we colapse under even the slightest pressure, how on earth are we going to be able to handle what might be in our future. As we continue to grow and learn, so does our ability to handle trials. 5 years ago when I was going through a whole bunch of different trials, I was sure that I was at "rock bottom". If I hadn't gone through those perticular trials, I'm sure I would not be able to do my current job. Right now I help to design gas plants and if the design is wrong or something doesn't line up, it costs the company millions of dollars, or maybe even a life later on. My point is that even though trials seem bad when you are mired in them, we can come out of them a better person than before.

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When we have trials we are told to bear them with patience. Trials are Heavenly Fathers way of testing our faith here on earth. They bring us feelings that are bad, give us a bad day and sometimes a bad year. They can make us sad, even depressed. In my study this morning something came to me that made me think a bit different. When Jesus suffered he experienced all of the feelings only way more intense. Maybe us having a "bad" feeling or bad day is a way for us to come closer to our Savior, probably better than any other way.

Trials are like taking exams in school - they can be a good experience for those that have prepared, they can have disastrous consequences for those that are unprepared.

The Traveler

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Trials are definitely a great thing. Yes they are extremely hard and sometimes seem impossible to overcome. We should always be grateful for our trials. For without them, we do not grow and do not learn.

“A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.”- Chinese Proverb

As the Chinese Proverb says, our character, our life is shaped by trials. Its not done by sitting around eating noodles and watching reruns of Survivor :D. Its because of these trials that we are who are at present time.

Just Remember that we are never given something more than what we can handle. Therein lies our potential.


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Society and the human view, limit our perspective regarding the purpose of life. Our vision is nearsighted as we only focus on that short interval between birth and the grave. We seem to gauge our actions and plan our lives within only this short span of time. We view our life as merely a mortal existence, seldom seeking or having spiritual experiences.

Our belief in the Supreme Creator of man helps us develop a much broader view of life. With this larger perspective we see the real scope of our life as being much more expansive. Mortality becomes a brief outfitting, schooling and training interval in our eternal journey. Being created in His Image we are indeed spiritual beings having a mortal experience.

This belief gives meaning to life, brings joy and fulfillment to our righteous moral choices. He has given us the tools for the journey and outlines our course so we can make this voyage safely through the troubled waters of life. We can have a full assurance as we follow HIS course and not our own that we can return safely home. This gives us hope of a joyous reunion and crowning reward from a loving Father in Heaven.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When we have trials we are told to bear them with patience. Trials are Heavenly Fathers way of testing our faith here on earth. They bring us feelings that are bad, give us a bad day and sometimes a bad year. They can make us sad, even depressed. In my study this morning something came to me that made me think a bit different. When Jesus suffered he experienced all of the feelings only way more intense. Maybe us having a "bad" feeling or bad day is a way for us to come closer to our Savior, probably better than any other way.

I believe it human nature to become depressed when bad things happen. As others have said, trials are for a purpose and ultimately help to shape us into a better person. We need to prepare for these trials so that they don't make us depressed. (The first presidency is constantly telling us to get a one year food supply. I wonder if it is possible for a spiritual one year supply?)

I think the ultimate goal is to learn to take trials in stride. remember that the savior suffered all that we have suffered. all our pains and depressiona and everything, all so that he can truly understand how we feel. I think if we try not to let ourselves get into such a depressed state (i know this cant always be controlled), it will in some way be helping the saviour, just as a sin not committed is one less than the saviour had to atone for. I dont know if that made much sense, but my point is to try to see the bright side even if it may be difficult. Heavenly Father just wants for us to be happy after all.

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I was thinking about trials and your post and I thought a lot about my calling as an emergency coordinator. Then I thought a lot of the trials that we will and are go through before the 2nd coming. Trials, at least in that respect, help us to be humble and teachable before he arrives.

Ether 12:26

"And when I had said this, the Lord spake unto me, "Fools mock, but they shall mourn; and my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness.

And if men come unto me I will show unto them thier weakness, I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themsleves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

Alma 37:45

"And now I say is there not a type in this thing: For just as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the promised land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise."

Trials are difficult, but they are needed at times. I personally have found trials a bonus, after I've gone through them. The hard part is seeing beyond the pain of the moment, and having patience for the outcome.

Merry Christmas ..


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When we have trials we are told to bear them with patience. Trials are Heavenly Fathers way of testing our faith here on earth. They bring us feelings that are bad, give us a bad day and sometimes a bad year. They can make us sad, even depressed. In my study this morning something came to me that made me think a bit different. When Jesus suffered he experienced all of the feelings only way more intense. Maybe us having a "bad" feeling or bad day is a way for us to come closer to our Savior, probably better than any other way.

Trials are good for both, for personal growth and for spiritual growth.

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Sometimes trials are given to us, for the benefit of others around us.

Did we in our premortal existence volunteer for some of these trials in order to help others progress? What comes to mind is an Ensign article from years ago, written by the father of a severely handicapped child. Emphasizing that this is NOT doctrine, but a personal feeling, he sensed that this child volunteered for this life of severely limited capabilities, and in so doing, taught others about compassion, unconditional love, etc.

Which, since reading that article, brings me pause whenever I receive a new "trial/blessing". Is my mortal life my mission? Did I knowingly volunteer for this mission, or specifically, this difficult part of this mission? If that is true --- What was I thinking? LOL! Then, seriously try to figure out what is it I am supposed to be learning from it, or teaching others through it.

I don't know that it really matters whether we believe that we will not be given more than we can endure. We all have our "breaking points". And I break a lot. What matters is getting out the glue to put the pieces back together. Sometimes we find the glue in our own pocket. Sometimes others bring us the glue. Sometimes only spiritual glue will help, and nobody else can provide that - we have to go searching for it with an earnest and sincere heart.

(This is not to imply that broken things can be "fixed", perfectly fitting back together the way they were before breaking. They are changed.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trials certainly feel bad. This summer my friend was 34 weeks pregnant when she found out her mom had cancer. It took her in just over 2 months. When my friend was overdue, she was told her mom would probably live only 3 days, so she asked for a c-section the next day. They were in the same hospital and she was able to take her baby downstairs to visit and they took a picture of her holding the baby. It was such a painful time for them in so many ways. She ended up living two weeks longer and my friend drenched her baby's head with her tears at the funeral. It was so sad. I was amazed as I thought about how our Savior felt her pain, her mom's pain, her dad's pain, her sister's pain, etc. and how that seems unbearable to me with just that one family. I can't imagine what He went through times billions of people. I had one experience last year where I was so upset, I didn't eat for 5 days and I felt so devastated. I don't know how He could handle everyone's afflictions at once.

I know I have learned from all of my trials, but I still dread going through more.

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