Wheat and Tares and Other Gospel Verses


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This thread is the result of a conversation with Rob, and his request in how these verses are/can be interpreted through modern revelation. I will begin with the following verse and then others shared.



@Rob Osborn

Just a quick quiz- read section 101 verses-

65 Therefore, I must gather together my people, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial glory, when I shall come in the kingdom of my Father to reward every man according as his work shall be;
            66 While the tares shall be bound in bundles, and their bands made strong, that they may be burned with unquenchable fire.

What is your interpretation here of who the wheat are? What they receive? And, who the tares are? What they receive? And, is there anyone else that got left out?


Fortunately, I will answer according to the knowledge I have at this moment, but I am not to worried about any quiz that is subjective to your interpretation of scripture. ;)

From this verse of scripture we can gather the following:

1) The wheat are those secured to have eternal life (exaltation) as given that they will enjoy Celestial glory.
2) The tares are those that are bound and experience a burning an unquenchable fire.

As to anyone being left out is irrelevant to the parable. The parable simply discusses two types of people: wheat and tares. This doesn't negate what has been revealed pertaining to Telestial and Terrestial glory. All scripture must be understood according to all the doctrine that has been revealed. We know through modern revelation there is more than simply a wheat and a tare. The parable in and of itself and what it pertains to is true. I understand you have your opinion and interpretation.

If I were to give my opinion as to who could also be wheat I would say Terrestiral glory are still wheat as they will be able to still be visited by the master -- Jesus Christ. Tares would be anyone who is Telestial glory and Outer Darkness. That though would be my opinion on the matter.

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I carry my thoughts in the direction the Lord speaks. Does he not have only two hands? The righteous on the right and the wicked on the left? Is there not but just the sheep he keeps or the goats he cast aside? Is it false there be just wheat who inherit Celestial glory or tares to be burned in everlasting fire? All of these are teachings by Jesus Christ. I am not the author, He is.

Now, in relevance to the topic at hand, Joseph saw his brother Alvin in heaven. He was told that God will judge those who didn't have the opportunity to accept by the desire of their hearts. In the Book of Mormon we read of those who depart into spirit prison at death-

13 And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of the wicked, yea, who are evil—for behold, they have no part nor portion of the Spirit of the Lord; for behold, they chose evil works rather than good; therefore the spirit of the devil did enter into them, and take possession of their house—and these shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and this because of their own iniquity, being led captive by the will of the devil.
            14 Now this is the state of the souls of the wicked, yea, in darkness, and a state of awful, fearful looking for the fiery indignation of the wrath of God upon them; thus they remain in this state, as well as the righteous in paradise, until the time of their resurrection. (Alma 40:13-14)

So I ask- Did Alvin fit this criteria of those who go to hell after death?

1. Evil and wicked

2. Have no part nor portion of the Spirit of the Lord

3.Chose evil works rather than good

4.Spirit of the devil entered in and took possession of their soul

5. Because of their iniquity were led down captive by the devil

6. In a state of awful fear looking for the wrath and fiery indignation of God upon them.

This is the criteria for those who are to be sent to hell at death. So, was Alvin sent here? Did he fit the criteria?

I understand that you are carrying your thoughts according to a portion of what the Lord has said, not the whole. How many hands the Lord has is irrelevant, except in light of the parables the lord teaches. Examples would be the Savior is on his right hand and the Devil on his left, as pertaining to presidencies (Godhead) the Savior is on his right hand and the Holy Ghost is on his left hand, the sheep are on the right hand and the goats are on his left hand, and we have the wheat and tares.

In light of this we have Spirit Prison and Paradise, and we have the three degrees of Glory. Let's review where Alvin is according to revealed word regarding Spirit Prison that for some reason you aren't accepting, not sure why, but that is your choice.


Spirit prison is a temporary state in which spirits will be taught the gospel and have the opportunity to repent and accept ordinances of salvation that are performed for them in temples (see D&C 138:30–35). Those who accept the gospel may dwell in paradise until the Resurrection. After they are resurrected and judged, they will receive the degree of glory of which they are worthy. Those who choose not to repent but who are not sons of perdition will remain in spirit prison until the end of the Millennium, when they will be freed from hell and punishment and be resurrected to a telestial glory (see D&C 76:81–85).

From this paragraph we are able to determine the following regarding Spirit Prison:

1) It is a type of Hell, but not the Hell where Satan dwells (outer darkness),
2) It is a "temporary" state, not a permanent state where people are taught the gospel,
3) If they accept the gospel they "may" then dwell in paradise until the Resurrection,
4) After resurrection we are judged and we received our degree of glory (i.e. Terrestrial, or Celestial),
5) Those who choose not to "who are not the "sons of perdition" will remain in Spirit Prison (Tares for sure) until the end of the millenium, are freed from hell and are resurrected to a Telestial glory.

In light of this, Alvin would have been received into spirit prison. My grandmother, a methodist, would also have been received into spirit prison. As this is a place where people who did not have the gospel (were not baptized) will be taught and will have the opportunity to receive the gospel. If they receive we can see from #3 they are then accepted into paradise; although this says they "may" dwell in paradise until the resurrection. This means anyone over the age of eight years old who dies without the gospel, who needs to be taught the gospel, will be in spirit prison. Here is further teaching that supports:


First, it is another name for spirit prison, a temporary place in the postmortal world for those who died without a knowledge of the truth or those who were disobedient in mortality.

Spirit prison is for those who "died without a knowledge of truth" (this includes Alvin and anyone who died over the years of accountability), and those who were disobedient. The scriptures you share above as trying to confirm Alvin was not in prison (which contradicts the first definition of spirit prison) associates with the "disobedient." Alvin would be within those who died without a knowledge of the truth, especially in light of the new book "Saints" as put out by the Church. Alvin was definitely a spirit of the just who died without knowledge of the truth, entered spirit prison (a temporary state) until the gospel was preached to him.

If anyone teaches anything outside of this we can accept they are teaching their own opinion. If they begin to preach anything other than this and specify it is doctrine, we can know for sure they are teaching false doctrine and their doctrine, not Chirst's, can be shunned.

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18 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

This thread is the result of a conversation with Rob, and his request in how these verses are/can be interpreted through modern revelation. I will begin with the following verse and then others shared.

Fortunately, I will answer according to the knowledge I have at this moment, but I am not to worried about any quiz that is subjective to your interpretation of scripture. ;)

From this verse of scripture we can gather the following:

1) The wheat are those secured to have eternal life (exaltation) as given that they will enjoy Celestial glory.
2) The tares are those that are bound and experience a burning an unquenchable fire.

As to anyone being left out is irrelevant to the parable. The parable simply discusses two types of people: wheat and tares. This doesn't negate what has been revealed pertaining to Telestial and Terrestial glory. All scripture must be understood according to all the doctrine that has been revealed. We know through modern revelation there is more than simply a wheat and a tare. The parable in and of itself and what it pertains to is true. I understand you have your opinion and interpretation.

In the parable it speaks of all people who enter the earth, not just a portion at either extreme. In Matthew it says-

38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one.

We either end up being wheat or tares in the end. I have had many say it doesn't cover all God's children. But, they can't provide any supporting scripture. There is only wheat or tares. There isn't a third group. Just like when God says he will gather all people and separate them- the righteous all on his right hand and the wicked all on his left hand. There isn't a third or fourth or fifth hand. The challenge for you is to prove that in the parable God left out innumerable groups of people.

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4 minutes ago, Rob Osborn said:

In the parable it speaks of all people who enter the earth, not just a portion at either extreme. In Matthew it says-

38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one.

We either end up being wheat or tares in the end. I have had many say it doesn't cover all God's children. But, they can't provide any supporting scripture. There is only wheat or tares. There isn't a third group. Just like when God says he will gather all people and separate them- the righteous all on his right hand and the wicked all on his left hand. There isn't a third or fourth or fifth hand. The challenge for you is to prove that in the parable God left out innumerable groups of people.

Except the fact, from what has already been shared, how the Telestial glory sons and daughters of God will be removed from "Hell" (Outer Darkness) after a 1000 years. The Telestial glory is separated from outer darkness and Telestial glory is separated from Terrestiral and Celestial glory. Given here:


Those who choose not to "who are not the "sons of perdition" will remain in Spirit Prison (Tares for sure) until the end of the millenium, are freed from hell and are resurrected to a Telestial glory.

Anything outside of this can be stated as an opinion, if someone states this as doctrine that Outer Darkness and Telestial glory are the same, then I know it can be shunned as false doctrine.

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2 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

Except the fact, from what has already been shared, how the Telestial glory sons and daughters of God will be removed from "Hell" (Outer Darkness) after a 1000 years. The Telestial glory is separated from outer darkness and Telestial glory is separated from Terrestiral and Celestial glory.

Anything outside of this can be stated as an opinion, if someone states this as doctrine that Outer Darkness and Telestial glory are the same, then I know it can be shunned as false doctrine.

So, in the parable of the wheat and the tares, in your opinion, are the Telestial heirs wheat or tares?

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5 minutes ago, Rob Osborn said:

In the parable it speaks of all people who enter the earth, not just a portion at either extreme. In Matthew it says-

38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one.

We either end up being wheat or tares in the end. I have had many say it doesn't cover all God's children. But, they can't provide any supporting scripture. There is only wheat or tares. There isn't a third group. Just like when God says he will gather all people and separate them- the righteous all on his right hand and the wicked all on his left hand. There isn't a third or fourth or fifth hand. The challenge for you is to prove that in the parable God left out innumerable groups of people.

I would ask a simple and straight forward question:

Who are the Children of the Kingdom?  And when was this determined?  Were not the spirit offspring of G-d so separated in the pre-existence?  Was it not there that it was decided who would follow Satan?


The Traveler

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20 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

I understand that you are carrying your thoughts according to a portion of what the Lord has said, not the whole. How many hands the Lord has is irrelevant, except in light of the parables the lord teaches. Examples would be the Savior is on his right hand and the Devil on his left, as pertaining to presidencies (Godhead) the Savior is on his right hand and the Holy Ghost is on his left hand, the sheep are on the right hand and the goats are on his left hand, and we have the wheat and tares.

In light of this we have Spirit Prison and Paradise, and we have the three degrees of Glory. Let's review where Alvin is according to revealed word regarding Spirit Prison that for some reason you aren't accepting, not sure why, but that is your choice.

From this paragraph we are able to determine the following regarding Spirit Prison:

1) It is a type of Hell, but not the Hell where Satan dwells (outer darkness),
2) It is a "temporary" state, not a permanent state where people are taught the gospel,
3) If they accept the gospel they "may" then dwell in paradise until the Resurrection,
4) After resurrection we are judged and we received our degree of glory (i.e. Terrestrial, or Celestial),
5) Those who choose not to "who are not the "sons of perdition" will remain in Spirit Prison (Tares for sure) until the end of the millenium, are freed from hell and are resurrected to a Telestial glory.

In light of this, Alvin would have been received into spirit prison. My grandmother, a methodist, would also have been received into spirit prison. As this is a place where people who did not have the gospel (were not baptized) will be taught and will have the opportunity to receive the gospel. If they receive we can see from #3 they are then accepted into paradise; although this says they "may" dwell in paradise until the resurrection. This means anyone over the age of eight years old who dies without the gospel, who needs to be taught the gospel, will be in spirit prison. Here is further teaching that supports:

Spirit prison is for those who "died without a knowledge of truth" (this includes Alvin and anyone who died over the years of accountability), and those who were disobedient. The scriptures you share above as trying to confirm Alvin was not in prison (which contradicts the first definition of spirit prison) associates with the "disobedient." Alvin would be within those who died without a knowledge of the truth, especially in light of the new book "Saints" as put out by the Church. Alvin was definitely a spirit of the just who died without knowledge of the truth, entered spirit prison (a temporary state) until the gospel was preached to him.

If anyone teaches anything outside of this we can accept they are teaching their own opinion. If they begin to preach anything other than this and specify it is doctrine, we can know for sure they are teaching false doctrine and their doctrine, not Chirst's, can be shunned.

Spirit prison is the very hell where Satan dwells. That is 100% correct. This spirit prison which is the "hell" spoken of in scripture is a place where only the wicked go. Alvin was not wicked and did not go to hell at death. He was firm in his conviction of the Savior and the gospel being restored through his brother. He was recieved into Paradise.

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1 minute ago, Traveler said:

I would ask a simple and straight forward question:

Who are the Children of the Kingdom?  And when was this determined?  Were not the spirit offspring of G-d so separated in the pre-existence?  Was it not there that it was decided who would follow Satan?


The Traveler

In the end, all of God's children will either claim God as their father or Satan as their father. Thus all will be either a son of God or a son of the devil. There isn't any other outcome.

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8 minutes ago, Rob Osborn said:

So, in the parable of the wheat and the tares, in your opinion, are the Telestial heirs wheat or tares?

This is a good question, although this enters into the realm of speculation and opinion as the Telestial kingdom is not mentioned in this parable, so now we are stepping into what I would call "theory."

I have two theories pertaining to this according to what has been revealed. I have not had a spiritual witness one way or the other. So, obviously this is my own opinion on the matter:

1) Wheat = Celestial and Telestial glories.

Why? We already know that the Celestial glory has been mentioned for the wheat (Here - " that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial glory"). We also know the wheat are Christ's, on his right hand and I would say those who called him Lord. The Terrestrial Kingdom will be visited by Christ (but not the Father). In this sense, in theory, I can see them as "wheat" also as they will still be able to be with Christ.

2) Wheat = Anyone that is not in Outer Darkness. This means Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial glories.

In my first theory Telestial heirs are tares as they are not able to be visited by the Son, nor the Father, they are ministered to by the Father's messengers.

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3 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

This is a good question, although this enters into the realm of speculation and opinion as the Telestial kingdom is not mentioned in this parable, so now we are stepping into what I would call "theory."

I have two theories pertaining to this according to what has been revealed. I have not had a spiritual witness one way or the other. So, obviously this is my own opinion on the matter:

1) Wheat = Celestial and Telestial glories.

Why? We already know that the Celestial glory has been mentioned for the wheat (Here - " that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial glory"). We also know the wheat are Christ's, on his right hand and I would say those who called him Lord. The Terrestrial Kingdom will be visited by Christ (but not the Father). In this sense, in theory, I can see them as "wheat" also as they will still be able to be with Christ.

2) Wheat = Anyone that is not in Outer Darkness. This means Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial glories.

In my first theory Telestial heirs are tares as they are not able to be visited by the Son, nor the Father, they are ministered to by the Father's messengers.

Hum..yeah, that's opinion alright. We are at least in the same boat in being able to offer opinions. The difference though is that in the scriptures the "wheat" all get crowned with Celestial glory. Anything left is burned. This means they are cast into outer darkness.

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12 minutes ago, Rob Osborn said:

Spirit prison is the very hell where Satan dwells. That is 100% correct. This spirit prison which is the "hell" spoken of in scripture is a place where only the wicked go. Alvin was not wicked and did not go to hell at death. He was firm in his conviction of the Savior and the gospel being restored through his brother. He was relieved into Paradise.

As pertaining to the provided information. Anyone who teaches a principle as truth, doctrine, that is not inline with the revealed interpretation as given by the Lord's servants, I can fully shun. The statement above I can shun as false doctrine.

Spirit Prison is a "temporary" state by which two types of people are received:

1) Those who did not have knowledge of the truth -- Alvin

2) Those who were disobedient (i.e. examples given are always those at the time of the flood)

Here is actual teachings as revealed by latter-day revelation:


Latter-day revelations speak of hell in at least two ways. First, it is another name for spirit prison, a temporary place in the postmortal world for those who died without a knowledge of the truth or those who were disobedient in mortality. Second, it is the permanent location of Satan and his followers and the sons of perdition, who are not redeemed by the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

As to your given interpretation with Alvin, I can fully see you are not recognizing, or accepting, latter-day revelation pertaining to spirit prison. This is your choice. This is your doctrine.

Alvin went to spirit prison upon death. Spirit prison being a temporary state of "hell" where those are received who did not have a knowledge of the truth as Alvin.

Alvin did not go to Hell as the "permanent" state of Spirit Prison as that doesn't occur until after the resurrection and us all have been assigned to a glory, unless we are the sons of perdition who have no glory and are in outer darkness. This is true.


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3 minutes ago, Rob Osborn said:

Hum..yeah, that's opinion alright. We are at least in the same boat in being able to offer opinions. The difference though is that in the scriptures the "wheat" all get crowned with Celestial glory. Anything left is burned. This means they are cast into outer darkness.

Hum..yeah, that's opinion alright.

Yes, of course, I made this very clear it was my opinion, theory on the matter in relation to what has been revealed.

The difference though is that in the scriptures the "wheat" all get crowned with Celestial glory. Anything left is burned. This means they are cast into outer darkness.

According to the parable, true, and yet you still leave out Telestial and Terrestrial glory as already stated. Telestial glory do not receive Celestial glory, nor are they in Hell. So it appears there is more. The parable itself and what it highlights is true.

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4 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

Hum..yeah, that's opinion alright.

Yes, of course, I made this very clear it was my opinion, theory on the matter in relation to what has been revealed.

The difference though is that in the scriptures the "wheat" all get crowned with Celestial glory. Anything left is burned. This means they are cast into outer darkness.

According to the parable, true, and yet you still leave out Telestial and Terrestrial glory as already stated. Telestial glory do not receive Celestial glory, nor are they in Hell. So it appears there is more. The parable itself and what it highlights is true.

The reason they aren't mentioned is because at that point, at the end of the millennium, there is only Celestial glory or outer darkness.

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10 minutes ago, Rob Osborn said:

The reason they aren't mentioned is because at that point, at the end of the millennium, there is only Celestial glory or outer darkness.

To reiterate, anything outside of scripture and modern revelation, if it contradicts, I can fully shun and accept as false doctrine. This is what modern revelation has revealed through Christ's servants the prophets:


Those who choose not to repent but who are not sons of perdition will remain in spirit prison until the end of the Millennium, when they will be freed from hell and punishment and be resurrected to a telestial glory (see D&C 76:81–85).

Revealed word tells us that "after" the Millennium those who remained in spirit prison but were not the sons of perdition will be freed from "hell" and be resurrected to a Telestial glory, not a Celestial glory. This gives evidence that there is more than Celestial glory and outer darkness after the Millennium.

In light of this, and my prior statement, I can fully shun this theory/opinion as false doctrine, as I can see there is more than just Celestial glory and outer darkness where the sons and daughters are resurrected to.

Scripture given:

And again, we saw the glory of the telestial, which glory is that of the lesser, even as the glory of the stars differs from that of the glory of the moon in the firmament.

82 These are they who received not the gospel of Christ, neither the testimony of Jesus.

83 These are they who deny not the Holy Spirit.

84 These are they who are thrust down to hell.

85 These are they who shall not be redeemed from the devil until the last resurrection, until the Lord, even Christ the Lamb, shall have finished his work.


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1 hour ago, Anddenex said:

1) The wheat are those secured to have eternal life (exaltation) as given that they will enjoy Celestial glory.


If I were to give my opinion as to who could also be wheat I would say Terrestiral glory are still wheat as they will be able to still be visited by the master -- Jesus Christ. Tares would be anyone who is Telestial glory and Outer Darkness. That though would be my opinion on the matter.

Your opinion conflicts with point 1.

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8 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

Your opinion conflicts with point 1.

Agreed, as to parable. As to parable Telestial and Terrestrial glory do not fit, so I am providing "opinion" as to Celestial kingdom. If the three degrees of glory in the Celestial Kingomd are Telestial, Terretrial, Celestial glory, then it might fit.

Thus theory, knowing there are some things that don't fit, thus trying to understand. :)

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19 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

To reiterate, anything outside of scripture and modern revelation, if it contradicts, I can fully shun and accept as false doctrine. This is what modern revelation has revealed through Christ's servants the prophets:

Revealed word tells us that "after" the Millennium those who remained in spirit prison but were not the sons of perdition will be freed from "hell" and be resurrected to a Telestial glory, not a Celestial glory. This gives evidence that there is more than Celestial glory and outer darkness after the Millennium.

In light of this, and my prior statement, I can fully shun this theory/opinion as false doctrine, as I can see there is more than just Celestial glory and outer darkness where the sons and daughters are resurrected to.

Scripture given:

And again, we saw the glory of the telestial, which glory is that of the lesser, even as the glory of the stars differs from that of the glory of the moon in the firmament.

82 These are they who received not the gospel of Christ, neither the testimony of Jesus.

83 These are they who deny not the Holy Spirit.

84 These are they who are thrust down to hell.

85 These are they who shall not be redeemed from the devil until the last resurrection, until the Lord, even Christ the Lamb, shall have finished his work.


Read Revelations. Why is it that in the end there are all those permitted into the Celestial kingdom (holy city) whereas without are the devil and his angels.-

7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
            8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Why is it that this group is in the lake of fire and brimstone? 

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3 minutes ago, Fether said:

Why are we treating this parable as if it were a conclusive and complete explanation of final judgement?

I am not, from what I can tell from Rob's post, he is. Modern revelation has given us more knowledge pertaining to final judgement. Thus my previous statements that all scripture is interwoven that speaks on the same subject and must be interpreted through what has been revealed.

So, "we" would be incorrect.

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20 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

As to parable Telestial and Terrestrial glory do not fit, so I am providing "opinion" as to Celestial kingdom.

My take (and I haven't read the thread through and don't really plan on it either...so if other's have said the same....) The tares are those growing among the wheat. Wolves in sheeps' clothing, lazy saints, those who won't serve and give, etc. In theory Terrestrial beings are not tares. But they aren't wheat either. The parable simply isn't talking about everyone. It's talking about the church.

So I agree that the tares don't include Telestial most likely (maybe fringe...who knows)...but the wheat is the wheat...Celestial glory. It cannot mean Terrestrial because it means Celestial. ;)

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6 minutes ago, Fether said:

Why are we treating this parable as if it were a conclusive and complete explanation of final judgement?

Because the Lord is speaking, he doesn't lie. Also, this the portion of this parable is given after Section 76 and 88 and prior to the end of end. When coupled together we see a pattern of revelation and how Christ's gospel really is a strict dichotomy.

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3 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

My take (and I haven't read the thread through and don't really plan on it either...so if other's have said the same....) The tares are those growing among the wheat. Wolves in sheeps' clothing, lazy saints, those who won't serve and give, etc. In theory Terrestrial beings are not tares. But they aren't wheat either. The parable simply isn't talking about everyone. It's talking about the church.

So I agree that the tares don't include telestial mostly likely (maybe fringe...who knows)...but the wheat is the wheat...Celestial glory. It cannot mean Terrestrial because it means Celestial. ;)

Excellent. That is more inline with modern revelation and scripture thus bears more weight toward truth.


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9 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

My take (and I haven't read the thread through and don't really plan on it either...so if other's have said the same....) The tares are those growing among the wheat. Wolves in sheeps' clothing, lazy saints, those who won't serve and give, etc. In theory Terrestrial beings are not tares. But they aren't wheat either. The parable simply isn't talking about everyone. It's talking about the church.

So I agree that the tares don't include telestial mostly likely (maybe fringe...who knows)...but the wheat is the wheat...Celestial glory. It cannot mean Terrestrial because it means Celestial. ;)

Okay, so, in these verses are there other groups or just these two-


27 And the righteous shall be gathered on my right hand unto eternal life; and the wicked on my left hand will I be ashamed to own before the Father;
            28 Wherefore I will say unto them—Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.

I can show you this same pattern hundreds of time in scripture. Are they all wrong?

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1 minute ago, Rob Osborn said:

Okay, so, in these verses are there other groups or just these two-


27 And the righteous shall be gathered on my right hand unto eternal life; and the wicked on my left hand will I be ashamed to own before the Father;
            28 Wherefore I will say unto them—Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. I can show you this same pattern hundreds of time in scripture. Are they all wrong?

Excuse me, I'm having a conversation with @Anddenex.

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