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I wasn't sure where to post this so hope it is all right here. If not your wecome to move it.

We had Testimony Meeting yesterday because our Ward Conference is scheduled for Jan 6th. One sister stood up and told of an experience she had at work. She works at a doctors office as an assistant who calls patients in when the Dr. will see them. When she stepped out to invite the next patient in, the lobby TV had a televalgelist on talking about the Mormon Church. She listened for a moment before she called the patient because the minister was bashing the LDS Church. She told us that he said that not only were Mormons a cult but did not believe that Jesus Christ was Devine. She spoke up and said that that minister was a lier and she was tired of all the falshoods being spread about The Church. She then said that if anyone really wanted to know about the LDS Church thay should ask a Mormon and not a critic. Everyone in the waiting room was staring at her. She called the patient back and the staff was gathered to see what the commotion was about. She thought she was going to be fired but she didn't care. She was then asked a lot of questions about The Church by the staff.

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I wasn't sure where to post this so hope it is all right here. If not your wecome to move it.

We had Testimony Meeting yesterday because our Ward Conference is scheduled for Jan 6th. One sister stood up and told of an experience she had at work. She works at a doctors office as an assistant who calls patients in when the Dr. will see them. When she stepped out to invite the next patient in, the lobby TV had a televalgelist on talking about the Mormon Church. She listened for a moment before she called the patient because the minister was bashing the LDS Church. She told us that he said that not only were Mormons a cult but did not believe that Jesus Christ was Devine. She spoke up and said that that minister was a lier and she was tired of all the falshoods being spread about The Church. She then said that if anyone really wanted to know about the LDS Church thay should ask a Mormon and not a critic. Everyone in the waiting room was staring at her. She called the patient back and the staff was gathered to see what the commotion was about. She thought she was going to be fired but she didn't care. She was then asked a lot of questions about The Church by the staff.

good for gets tiresome to hear people talk about the church in a negative way....especially when they don't have a clue what they are talking about......
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  • 3 weeks later...

The claim LDS deny the true status of the Deity of Jesus is a sincere concern of Evangelical's. Anybody who does not in their mind hold that Jesus is Deity as part of the same creedal idea of God denies his true Deity.

The cult label is just a sensational way of calling LDS a heretical pseudo-Christian group.

I am Community of Christ/RLDS. For reason's of self defense i took quite a bit of witnessing to LDS study. I have tried to understand Evangelical's, but i do not agree with them. I am certain they do not see themselve's as lying, so i try and not get upset with them. FAIR and it's FAIR Wiki is a good personal study source on such issue's. LDS FAIR Apologetics Homepage

I tend to survive incident's where people tried to witness to me in conversation. I just pondered so much of the basic Anti-LDS trivia that i found answer's that satisfied me. So when these incident's happen answers pop into my head. And i know where to find answer's if i need them.

The stuff had the effect on helping me to like the Book of Mormon better. I do not agree that having a different view of the Godhead is denying Jesus Deity. I liked Joseph Smith and most of his idea's better. I know LDS are not a cult and very Christian. The Anti-LDS witnessing trivia those minister's use might impress them enough for them to repeat, but it kept me out of Evangelicalism.

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In my humble opinion, one of the reasons people refer to Mormonism as a cult is because of the secret nature of the temple. Yes, I know... "Sacred, not secret" but people outside of the church don't see it that way.

Thats very true. Although if they were that curious everything that happens in the temple ( as boring as it may be lol) is on file in the library of congress. Imagine having the Lords Supper behind closed doors and only "qualified "people could partake, it would drive people nuts to know what was going on and to cry "conspiracy" or "cult" every chance they could. That is a big reason, but not the only one ;)

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In my humble opinion, one of the reasons people refer to Mormonism as a cult is because of the secret nature of the temple. Yes, I know... "Sacred, not secret" but people outside of the church don't see it that way.

We're not responsible for how people see things. The Lord isn't going to change his doctrine to please people. That's what the world does, which is why there are thousands of churches and religions today. True doctrine remains true for eternity. We don't have to apologize for someone outside the church not understanding the purpose of the temple.
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It's true that LDS have a non-disclosure covenant not to discuss the detail's of temple content. I think it's both sacred and secret in some respect's. The sacred not secret explanation never helped me not think it was not also secret.

I know publishing the content to non-LDS would not help them accept temple practice. Some would say it's no longer secret, but that they sure do not like what goes on in there. And they would whine that they kept it secret for year's though. You can't win if a person is predecided to be prejudiced against what LDS member's do in the temple.

Us RLDS rejected the need for Temple practice. I read Ex-LDS transcript's and saw limited re-enactments in anti-LDS film's. Out of respect for LDS i tell people i do not discuss what they cannot. My response to people who have concern's is just to state my opinion that i think the temple content is beautiful.

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One sister stood up and told of an experience she had at work.<snip>She was then asked a lot of questions about The Church by the staff,

Wow! You just told one of my favorite stories, sans about twenty-five years ago! So, there you have it. I am totally self-absorbed, competitive, always want to come in first. I love it when people ask me about the Church, because they know I will tell them the truth, and most of the time that truth is very reasonable. *

For example, people seem to get all upset over the fact that Joseph has pepper spray guns with him when he was murdered. I say so what? That doesn't mean anything, in my opinion. Of course he'd try to defend himsef. Who wouldn't? This is an issue the whole world is going to use against Joseph? Please.

Anyway, you have now discovered my weakness, for which I am just fine with. I may be bonkers, but baby, I'm here!



*Darrell, I am not saying you are self-absorbed, competitive, or always like to come in first. I was only referring to me. :cool:

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FAIR has an article with a title Joseph Smith Martyr or Murderer i think. I may have gotten the title wrong. But the critic's point you can't call a man who defend's himself and other's a martyr is wrong. But his critic's use a restricted definition of martyr so they can try and say Joseph was not a martyr because martyr's can't fight back.

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FAIR has an article with a title Joseph Smith Martyr or Murderer i think. I may have gotten the title wrong. But the critic's point you can't call a man who defend's himself and other's a martyr is wrong. But his critic's use a restricted definition of martyr so they can try and say Joseph was not a martyr because martyr's can't fight back.

LOL..thats rediculous. I won't even comment. Not a martyr cause he had a cap gun! bwahahahaaaa lol ROFL. Allahu Akbar !

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I used to think myself that the objection had merit. I thought myself they had a persuasive argument for the defintion of martyr they were using. I found the FAIR response, and another i ran into responding to the objection more persuasive though. I can't blame someone unaware of the answer for finding the critic's argument on the topic persuasive.

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The closest example i could find was Paul. I guess when he faced such a mob he used his Roman citizen for protection instead of just submitting to death. (Acts 22:22-25) Paul was still a martyr though. Of he course he did not fight back with a weapon. I credit W. John Walsh for his Was Joseph Smith a Martyr article for my comment.

The FAIR Topical Guide had a link to his article along with other articles. I enjoy prining out Lance Starr's, Was Joseph Smith a Martyr or a Muderer? article from FAIR. FAIR Topical Guide: Martyrdom of Joseph & Hyrum

Unless i missed it i could not see any example's of anyone fighting back. But i do not think if anyone did fight back that it would necessarily be recorded. It would be natural instinct for someone to try and protect themselve's if they could.

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Thats very true. Although if they were that curious everything that happens in the temple ( as boring as it may be lol) is on file in the library of congress. Imagine having the Lords Supper behind closed doors and only "qualified "people could partake, it would drive people nuts to know what was going on and to cry "conspiracy" or "cult" every chance they could. That is a big reason, but not the only one ;)

That's interesting. I suppose the church legally had to make it available somewhere public?

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Anti-LDS have been publishing the temple content for year's. I recall tape recording of person's that snuck into LDS temple's played on radio show's. I never went to the temple, but know the content from such source's. I have no desire to discuss the content and keep my knowledge to myself. I did not find anything i watched as far as re-enactment's by Anti-LDS goe's boring, or anything i read for that matter. I rather enjoyed learning about what went on.

I thought the re-enactment in the Godmaker's film interesting. But Ed Decker's eery music, and making LDS look brainwashed was a bit much. I recall erry music unless i imagined that detail. I have a copy of the film on DVD and need to watch all my Anti-Mormon film's again. I have a Foot Locker's shoe box filled with Anti-Mormon DVD's.

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I have a copy of the film on DVD and need to watch all my Anti-Mormon film's again. I have a Foot Locker's shoe box filled with Anti-Mormon DVD's.

If you haven't figured out yet, those anti-mormon films distort the truth a lot. They're not even worthy of consideration.

After trying to look into it a little more, I think it's probably just a rumor that the temple ceremony is available at the library of congress.

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If you haven't figured out yet, those anti-mormon films distort the truth a lot. They're not even worthy of consideration.

After trying to look into it a little more, I think it's probably just a rumor that the temple ceremony is available at the library of congress.

That part is true, it is in the Library of Congress.
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If you haven't figured out yet, those anti-mormon films distort the truth a lot. They're not even worthy of consideration.

After trying to look into it a little more, I think it's probably just a rumor that the temple ceremony is available at the library of congress.

I do not trust the way the film's present information. I have had a number of year's experience with Anti-Mormon material and am well inoculated against the content. I do not think the critic's message worthy of consideration myself.

I watch the film's to practice my defense of my faith skill. As a habit i dialogue with myself as i watch the film's. I try and improve my answer's. If a difficult subject that i am uncertain about i tend to look up the answer in my LDS resource's primarily FAIR. Since i am Community of Christ/RLDS i have some of our apologetic stuff also. My study has been a blessing in conversation with Evangelical's as answer's pop into my head.

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