They are literally child groomers. Literally.


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“Someone’s got to teach them not to hate.”

This line is so disturbing.

Hate is such a tool of the Devil.

We have to be aware and defend the innocent from these predators without hate.

While they hatefully plot to destroy our sacred choices with song and smiles.


Sometimes, I wish that the end would come and that the Lord could just arrive with his flamethrower and clean house.

This war of lies and deceit.  


AND  Andrew Tate.  What a nightmare.

Edited by mikbone
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10 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

ON the above statement...why can't it be both.  Just as David was a type and a Shadow, but also a real person...why couldn't it also be signifying both?

Two viewpoints to consider: Doctrinal and textual.

Doctrinally, I agree. There is no reason to choose "either A or B". In computer science terms, it's not an XOR.

Textually, it seems clear to me that Christ brought a child among his disciples to act as an example and a model. In context, he is clearly not talking about child molestation or child slavery or child beating or anything else of the sort. He is talking about those who follow him becoming as a little child; meek, humble, submissive to God. In this context, when he speaks of "these little ones", he is obviously talking about his Saints.

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5 minutes ago, Vort said:

Hmmm? What about Andrew Tate?

Glad someone asked. The right wants to fight against sex trafficking-and they should-but their own house has some dirty laundry too.

He’s the hero of couch potatoes who punch dry wall and think girls break up with them because they are “too nice” 

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4 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

Glad someone asked. The right wants to fight against sex trafficking-and they should-but their own house has some dirty laundry too.

He’s the hero of couch potatoes who punch dry wall and think girls break up with them because they are “too nice” 

I do not trust Rolling Stone. They are liars. Anything they write is tainted by association with them.

That said, if there is truth to these allegations, this looks like evil personified. (Which is pretty much what I think of Rolling Stone, too.)

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Just now, Vort said:

I do not trust Rolling Stone. They are liars. Anything they write is tainted by association with them.

That said, if there is truth to these allegations, this looks like evil personified. (Which is pretty much what I think of Rolling Stone, too.)

Oh okay. Just google his name with “sex trafficking.” You’ll have to swallow a bitter pill because even though the allegations are terrible, conservative media won’t report it because they agree with Tate on the issues. 

If the right wants to be taken seriously, they’ll have to clean their house before they lecture others about theirs.

Interestingly, this is exactly why everyone hates Hollywood for screaming at us about climate change from their learjets. Same kind of hypocrisy, different side. 

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2 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

You’ll have to swallow a bitter pill because even though the allegations are terrible, conservative media won’t report it because they agree with Tate on the issues.

What makes you think anything having to do with Andrew Tate might constitute a "bitter pill" for me?

2 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

If the right wants to be taken seriously, they’ll have to clean their house before they lecture others about theirs.

Not sure this is true. It certainly hasn't worked that way for the left.

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2 hours ago, LDSGator said:

Just so that I’m clear with my own biases, my favorite baseball team has a guy who would be caught by Chris Hansen. I threw out his jersey a few days ago.

I remember throwing out our copy of Bill Cosby's Fatherhood.   Humans are human.  You can be a mixed bag of good things and bad things.  People who have done great deeds to the benefit of all, are heirs to the natural man and the fallen world.

My local mega-church hosted Ted Haggard.  Wildly popular preacher, had much success in the area, grew his church a lot.  Well, then he got convicted of snorting cocaine off of male hooker's bellies.  Like, for years.  Whoops.

Absolute most spiritually in tune bishop I ever had:  Worked miracles on people's souls.  Activated and energized youth testimonies.  Helped more than one victim of sexual assault heal from their traumas.    After he got released he moved away, and a few years later was behind bars for molesting a niece.  Dude was probably responsible for motivating half a dozen youth to go on missions, and his mug shot looks like any other mug shot of a repeat offender.  

This is why I only allow myself one mortal hero - Fred Rogers.  

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2 hours ago, LDSGator said:

Oh okay. Just google his name with “sex trafficking.” You’ll have to swallow a bitter pill because even though the allegations are terrible, conservative media won’t report it because they agree with Tate on the issues. 

If the right wants to be taken seriously, they’ll have to clean their house before they lecture others about theirs.

Interestingly, this is exactly why everyone hates Hollywood for screaming at us about climate change from their learjets. Same kind of hypocrisy, different side. 

Tate is actually rather widely mocked, even by people who themselves are opposed to the culture coming out of Hollywood and elsewhere. 

He's regarded as representing the other side of the pendulum. 

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Just now, NeuroTypical said:

remember throwing out our copy of Bill Cosby's Fatherhood.   Humans are human.  You can be a mixed bag of good things and bad things.  People who have done great deeds to the benefit of all, are heirs to the natural man and the fallen world.

Oh boy. @NeuroTypicalI’m in your corner here. But I have to be clear-some of my happiest memories are listening to Cosby records with my dad and we saw him live in NH before the scandal broke. His scandal crushed me. 

I can listen to him in small doses still. 

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14 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

That makes me feel much better, thank you. I always thought he was some kind of right wing hero. 

For example? 

Events in September 2017 saw a consumer revolt start wherein people began to criticize and eventually forsake the mainstream US comic book industry for its increasing lack of professionalism and the overall decline in the quality of product as prices rose. By Summer 2018, the consumer revolt - known as Comicsgate - had transitioned into "support indie creators as an alternative to the mainstream, and if you're feeling brave use crowd-funding to launch your own book". This led to a surge in indie creators on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and elsewhere. 

A few weeks back, Tate decided to launch his own graphic novel... at $95 a pop. 

Pretty much the entire indie comics scene responded by mocking him and calling him out for such an obvious cash grab, especially given how terrible the artwork was. I myself noted that for that price you could get multiple subscriptions to newspapers. 

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3 minutes ago, Ironhold said:

For example? 

Events in September 2017 saw a consumer revolt start wherein people began to criticize and eventually forsake the mainstream US comic book industry for its increasing lack of professionalism and the overall decline in the quality of product as prices rose. By Summer 2018, the consumer revolt - known as Comicsgate - had transitioned into "support indie creators as an alternative to the mainstream, and if you're feeling brave use crowd-funding to launch your own book". This led to a surge in indie creators on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and elsewhere. 

A few weeks back, Tate decided to launch his own graphic novel... at $95 a pop. 

Pretty much the entire indie comics scene responded by mocking him and calling him out for such an obvious cash grab, especially given how terrible the artwork was. I myself noted that for that price you could get multiple subscriptions to newspapers. 

Oh okay. Thank you, I’m not into comics. Didn’t know that. 

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57 minutes ago, LDSGator said:


Oh okay. Thank you, I’m not into comics. Didn’t know that. 

Back around 2008, Hasbro signed a deal with IDW Publishing in which IDW would license Hasbro's IPs to make comic books. 

Around 2015, IDW put a writer named Aubrey Sitterson on one of the two G. I. Joe comics that they were publishing. At the time, the bulk of the remaining Joe fandom were legacy fans, lifelong fans, and people who had ties to the US, Canadian, or British militaries. Sitterson, however, was an avowed socialist who had no love of or respect for the military, and by extension had no love or respect for the G. I. Joe franchise. Thus, he made it his mission to wrench the franchise to fit his personal sensibilities for how a comic should be. This included having long-time fan favorite character Conrad "Duke" Hauser be racist towards a character of Middle Eastern descent that Sitterson created because he objected to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, square-jawed dude of German descent being the main hero (this was Sitterson's excuse to write the character out), putting two characters into a homosexual relationship even though one of them was canonically straight, and turning a buff, bald, muscular white guy that Hasbro created back in 1990 into an obese Polynesian woman. For obvious reasons, the fans were not happy, and online sparring began. 

On September 11th, 2017, Sitterson took to Twitter to declare that as far as he was concerned, only those individuals who were in Midtown Manhattan during the attacks had any right to mark the occasion, and that everyone else was just being selfish by making the day about them. 

This led to such nuclear-level fallout that Hasbro itself would get involved, but Sitterson still wouldn't keep his mouth shut, and that November would fire off a 26-part Twitter rant that was an apologia for his creative decisions. Hasbro would ultimately order IDW to fire him and cancel that particular Joe comic outright in order to protect what was left of the Joe brand's brand value, and about 14 months later the entire "Hasbro Shared Universe" the book was a part of was brought to a screeching halt ahead of the scheduled license negotiations. 

Hasbro would permit IDW a renewal of the license, but soon made it clear that they hadn't learned a thing because they went right back to having their licensed books be full of controversial material. This led to Hasbro cancelling their Joe and Transformers licenses effective January of this year, and it's now believed that all other Hasbro licenses barring My Little Pony were cancelled as well. A new publisher, Skybound, has been slowly working Joe and Transformers material into their own in-house content, but I'm not holding my breath. 

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