The Wonders of Chat GPT


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I've been coming up with wilder and wilder suggestions for ChatGPT exercises, and have been constantly amazed: LIke

Please write a story which is a combination of Pride and Prejudice and War of the Worlds


The year was 1815, and the genteel English countryside remained blissfully unaware of the impending danger. However, strange sightings and eerie lights in the night sky began to stir unease among the villagers. Amidst this uncertainty, Elizabeth Bennet attended a ball at the grand estate of Netherfield Park, where she encountered the enigmatic Mr. Darcy.

As Elizabeth engaged in witty banter with Mr. Darcy, a bright light suddenly illuminated the night sky. A large metallic cylinder descended from the heavens, landing on the outskirts of the estate with a deafening crash. Panic erupted as the guests and residents of Netherfield Park scrambled to comprehend the bewildering scene before them.

With courage that rivaled even the strongest of men, Elizabeth approached the cylinder, accompanied by Mr. Darcy. The hatch of the cylinder creaked open, revealing a towering tripod-like machine, a marvel of alien technology. From within the machine emerged extraterrestrial creatures, towering over humans and exuding an aura of cold, calculated intelligence.

The aliens, driven by their insatiable thirst for resources, began to lay waste to the countryside with their advanced weaponry. As panic spread, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy found themselves thrust into a battle to protect their land, loved ones, and newfound feelings for each other.

Despite the chaos and destruction around them, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy formed an unbreakable alliance. Utilizing their wit and resourcefulness, they devised ingenious strategies to outmaneuver the alien invaders. Mr. Darcy's leadership and Elizabeth's bravery proved to be invaluable as they rallied fellow villagers to join the resistance.

As the war raged on, Elizabeth's perception of Mr. Darcy evolved. She witnessed his selflessness, courage, and determination, traits that transcended societal norms and prejudices. Mr. Darcy, in turn, admired Elizabeth's tenacity and intelligence, finding himself drawn to her in ways he had never anticipated.

Together, they hatched a daring plan to disable the alien invaders' central communication network. Guided by Elizabeth's ingenuity and Mr. Darcy's strategic insight, they led a team of villagers to infiltrate the heart of the alien operations.

In a climactic battle, amidst blaring sirens and flashing lights, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy faced the alien leader in a tense confrontation. It was there, in the midst of the chaos, that Mr. Darcy finally confessed his feelings for Elizabeth, his words carrying the weight of a world at war.

With their love and combined efforts, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy managed to dismantle the alien technology and drive the invaders away. As the skies cleared and the threat subsided, the English countryside slowly began to heal.

In the aftermath of the battle, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy stood side by side, surveying the land they had fought so hard to protect. Their love story, born in the crucible of conflict and strengthened by their shared bravery, had defied not only societal norms but also the very forces of the universe.

And so, in a world where love and courage prevailed against the most formidable of adversaries, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy's extraordinary tale was etched into history, a timeless fusion of romance and resilience.

Thanks! Now write me a version in which Mr. Darcy is a part-lizard alien from the planet Zog, and Elizabeth is a cave-woman brought from the distant past by a time machine invented by Mr. Bennet.


Mr. Bennet, a brilliant inventor from the 22nd century, had created a time machine that bridged the gaps between eras. Seeking a companion for his lonely existence, he set his sights on the past and brought forth Elizabeth, a spirited cave-woman from an ancient time.

Meanwhile, Mr. Darcy, an enigmatic and dignified part-lizard alien from the planet Zog, was on a mission to observe Earth's historical developments. With scales that shimmered in various shades of blue, he concealed his true identity as he interacted with humans from different time periods.

At a grand gathering organized by Mr. Bennet, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy crossed paths. With her tattered animal-skin clothing and curiosity about the modern world, Elizabeth stood out amid the guests. Mr. Darcy, with his unique features and advanced technology hidden beneath human guise, found himself intrigued by this unconventional woman.

Despite their differences, sparks flew between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. As Elizabeth navigated her way through the complexities of modern society, her resourcefulness and directness caught Mr. Darcy's attention. Elizabeth, in turn, saw beyond Mr. Darcy's composed exterior, sensing a depth and vulnerability that resonated with her.

While societal norms and misunderstandings added layers of complexity to their relationship, Elizabeth's genuine heart and Mr. Darcy's suppressed emotions drew them together. Through stolen moments and candid conversations, they began to see past their initial prejudices.

One day, as a storm raged outside, Mr. Darcy revealed his true identity to Elizabeth—a being from the distant planet Zog. Elizabeth's astonishment gave way to understanding and acceptance as Mr. Darcy shared stories of his world and his quest for knowledge.

Elizabeth, in turn, disclosed her origin and how she had been brought to the future by Mr. Bennet's time machine. Through shared stories, they found common ground despite the vast gulf of time and space that separated them.

Their love story was a dance through time and culture, challenging conventions and preconceptions. As they confronted the complexities of their feelings, they discovered that connection and understanding went beyond the boundaries of time and worlds.

In a breathtaking moment beneath the stars, with the time machine humming softly in the background, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy embraced their unique identities and the unconventional circumstances that had brought them together. Love, they realized, transcended not only prejudice but also the barriers of time and the reaches of the universe.

And so, in a tale that spanned centuries and worlds, the love of Elizabeth, a time-traveled cave-woman, and Mr. Darcy, an otherworldly part-lizard alien, was etched into history as a testament to the boundless nature of love that defied the constraints of time, space, and difference.

OK, now please write a story combining Pride and Prejudice, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (a version in which Augustus Gloop is the hero) and Treasure Island, which features the Brady Bunch, Noddy and Ego the Living Planet.


The Brady Bunch, having stumbled upon a peculiar portal, found themselves in a realm of enchanted possibilities. Joined by the intrepid Noddy and guided by the enigmatic Ego, the Living Planet, they embarked on a journey beyond their wildest imaginings.

In the heart of the mystical realm stood the extravagant chocolate factory of the charismatic Willy Wonka. Here, Augustus Gloop, often maligned for his gluttony, proved to be an unsuspecting hero. With a heart of gold beneath his plump exterior, Augustus joined forces with the Brady Bunch, Noddy, and Ego, setting the stage for an epic quest.

The chocolate factory harbored a secret, a hidden treasure map that led to the legendary island of "Pride and Prejudice." As the unlikely group deciphered the cryptic clues, they discovered that the treasure held the key to uniting their disparate worlds and saving them from impending peril.

In the sprawling sea, the crew encountered none other than Long John Silver, the cunning pirate from "Treasure Island," whose intricate schemes entwined them all in a race against time. However, Augustus's innate sense of fairness and the Brady Bunch's unity proved to be formidable adversaries.

Amidst the high seas and uncharted territories, friendships blossomed and characters learned to appreciate each other's unique strengths. Ego, the Living Planet, imparted wisdom and perspective, fostering empathy among the diverse crew.

In their quest for the "Pride and Prejudice" treasure, they encountered characters from Jane Austen's world. Elizabeth Bennet, initially skeptical of this motley crew, recognized the authenticity within them and forged an alliance. With her keen wit and Noddy's resourcefulness, they deciphered the final clue that led them to the hidden island.

Upon reaching the island, they discovered a chamber that held not just a treasure chest, but a portal capable of restoring balance to their universes. Long John Silver's greed gave way to the realization that true riches lay in unity and understanding.

With teamwork and newfound bonds, they unlocked the portal, merging the worlds of "Pride and Prejudice," "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," "Treasure Island," and more, into a harmonious tapestry.

As the universes intertwined, the crew of unlikely companions returned to their respective realms, transformed by their shared journey. Augustus Gloop, once dismissed for his appetite, emerged as a hero, his compassion and courage shining through. The Brady Bunch found that their unity was a strength that transcended time and space.

In the end, the power of understanding and friendship prevailed, weaving an enchanting narrative that celebrated diversity, adventure, and the magic of unity. And so, across the pages of this extraordinary tale, characters from disparate worlds united, proving that even in the most fantastical of settings, the universal values of empathy and cooperation remained the heart of their epic adventure.

Is there nothing beyond the power of this algorithm? (Admittedly it took progressively longer to write each story.)

Edited by Jamie123
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I find the story- and essay-writing features of ChatGPT interesting. Quite formulaic, but within the rather narrow bounds they prescribe, pretty versatile. Not exactly well done, but I'd say better than the average high school junior (not a high bar, I realize).

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@mikbone and I just finished weaponizing ChatGPT against each other.   Doesn't make a very good rhetorical weapon, IMO.


(By the way, my prompt was "Write an 8 or 9 paragraph essay about Frank Herbert's Dune books. The central theme should be that people who see allegories to christianity or Christ are wrong, and how the books are mainly about how humans use religion, politics, morals, ethics, and spirituality to influence events.")

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4 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

@mikbone and I just finished weaponizing ChatGPT against each other.   Doesn't make a very good rhetorical weapon, IMO.


(By the way, my prompt was "Write an 8 or 9 paragraph essay about Frank Herbert's Dune books. The central theme should be that people who see allegories to christianity or Christ are wrong, and how the books are mainly about how humans use religion, politics, morals, ethics, and spirituality to influence events.")

you lost btw.

And my prompt was simply,

500 word essay displaying Christ imagery in Dune.


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I told it to tell me about Alma the Younger in cowboy poetry from:


Alma's Redemption: Co


In the land of Zarahemla, a tale unfolds, Of Alma the Younger, a story oft retold. A wild and wayward soul, he once did roam, Like a lone cowboy, far from his home.

With rebellious spirit and heart led astray, He trod a path of darkness, night and day. But a voice from above, like a lonesome breeze, Called him to truth, his heart to appease.

As a thundering stallion, his conversion did come, Breaking his pride, like a bucking bronco run. From a life of sin, he turned his gaze, Finding redemption in unexpected ways.

Like a tumbleweed carried by the wind, Alma found grace, his soul to rescind. With courage renewed, he preached the word, A shepherd to lost souls, his voice was heard.

Through the wilderness of doubt and despair, He rode on the range, spreading a prayer. With the Savior's love, like a campfire's light, Alma's story shone, in the darkest of night.

So remember Alma, the cowboy divine, His journey of faith, like a winding vine. A prodigal son turned preacher so bold, In the annals of time, his story is told.

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17 minutes ago, Backroads said:

I told it to tell me about Alma the Younger in cowboy poetry from:


Alma's Redemption: Co


In the land of Zarahemla, a tale unfolds, Of Alma the Younger, a story oft retold. A wild and wayward soul, he once did roam, Like a lone cowboy, far from his home.

With rebellious spirit and heart led astray, He trod a path of darkness, night and day. But a voice from above, like a lonesome breeze, Called him to truth, his heart to appease.

As a thundering stallion, his conversion did come, Breaking his pride, like a bucking bronco run. From a life of sin, he turned his gaze, Finding redemption in unexpected ways.

Like a tumbleweed carried by the wind, Alma found grace, his soul to rescind. With courage renewed, he preached the word, A shepherd to lost souls, his voice was heard.

Through the wilderness of doubt and despair, He rode on the range, spreading a prayer. With the Savior's love, like a campfire's light, Alma's story shone, in the darkest of night.

So remember Alma, the cowboy divine, His journey of faith, like a winding vine. A prodigal son turned preacher so bold, In the annals of time, his story is told.


It's not Baxter Black, but it's also not half bad. 

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