Tucker Interviews Putin

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I'm slogging through it now.  

7 hours ago, Emmanuel Goldstein said:

"It is important for us to understand our enemy." I believe this interview is very important to watch for that reason.

I believe this interview is better thought of as "It's not exactly important, but still possibly useful, for us to understand what our enemy wants us to think about them."   I'm sure he also talks to China, India, the Arab world, the Persians, as well as every country in Europe.  When they ask them "how come you justified your invasion of Ukraine by saying you were reacting against a potential attack from the US", he gives a different answer to each one of them.  Each answer specifically tailored to their understanding of history, and their thoughts about Russia and the West and the US.

I can't fault him.  Every nation state in the world, from the beginning of human history through today, when talking to their neighbors, spin their conversations to individual audiences, to maximize their agendas.  We all do it.  It's how the earth is run.  It's been this way since we got booted from the Garden of Eden, and it'll stay that way until the 2nd coming when Christ returns in glory and takes over, killing everyone who won't bend the knee.

Edited by NeuroTypical
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  • 3 weeks later...

After listening to what Putin had to say – I thought to look a little deeper into things.  Of great concern to me was the Civil conflict (note that I did not call it the Civil War) In Ukraine in 2014.  It looks that the then president of Ukraine was quite corrupt.  He was cited as being a puppet of Putin, but he did not always go along with Moscow.  Seems he liked some things about the West.  However, he was not a good friend to the West.  It seems to me that Ukraine was both politically corrupt and as in who should hold the reins of government as the USA currently is.

It also looks like the West, primarily influenced by the USA gave strong support (lots of $$$ and perhaps arms) to the Nazi National Socialists (self-proclaimed Nazi, white supremacist) that were the most violent sector in the 2014 conflict.  For many reasons this did not go well with Russia that took the most deaths in WWII at the hand of the Nazi Party in Germany.

Since the civil conflict things have not been settled in Ukraine.  It would be hard to say with conviction that Ukraine is a democracy.   In addition, Ukraine is not known for dealing well with its own internal corruption.  And whatever efforts were made internally to deal with corruption have a direct link to Biden family corruption and direct link to actions taken by President Biden – then vice President – to keep his son on the payroll for the corruption being investigated.

NATO has not helped much with the problem with Ukraine in that nearly every treaty that NATO (USA) has made, has been deliberately and openly broken with Russia.

The conclusion that I have come to is that Putin has as much right to violently be involved in the overthrow of the government of Ukraine as the USA and NATO does.  Sadly, there are innocent Ukrainian citizens (especially women and children – the actual genetic kind) caught in the middle of this and not all of them support the current president of Ukraine.  Most importantly – I am not pleased with our news service – including Fox News – for coverage of the whole matter.   I honestly believe this current bloodshed could have been easily prevented – it seems to me that this current war is the result of either carful evil planning within our own government or possibly incredibly stupid policies from both political parties for at least a few decades.   I do not know where to put my trust.


The Traveler

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On 3/4/2024 at 4:39 PM, Traveler said:

The conclusion that I have come to is that Putin has as much right to violently be involved in the overthrow of the government of Ukraine as the USA and NATO does.  Sadly, there are innocent Ukrainian citizens (especially women and children – the actual genetic kind) caught in the middle of this and not all of them support the current president of Ukraine.  Most importantly – I am not pleased with our news service – including Fox News – for coverage of the whole matter.   I honestly believe this current bloodshed could have been easily prevented – it seems to me that this current war is the result of either carful evil planning within our own government or possibly incredibly stupid policies from both political parties for at least a few decades.   I do not know where to put my trust.


The Traveler

We will have to agree to disagree on this one.

In my time over on the opposite side of the World my initial impression was somewhat different than yours.  Russia, though corrupt and having different ideas on morality had a pretty strong stance against LGBTQ+ rights and individuality.  Ukraine on the otherhand was moving further and further towards full agreement with Western morality.  THIS was seen as a great danger by  many in Russia and that sphere of the world.  It was through Ukraine that many felt this influence on Russia and Russian culture was moving.  The idea that Ukraine would get even closer to the West and thus the influence of Western Culture influences into Russia becoming stronger could actually be seen similarly to a Nazi  type infiltration of Russia aka WW2 (during which you could see a similar pattern, even to the point that at first Russia wasn't actually opposed to Germany and cooperated with the Nazi's...until it became apparent it was to Russia's detriment).  [Edit:  It wasn't a perfect analogy, but from the viewpoint of Russia I could actually see how they could see parallels and similarities.  Hence, when they used the term Nazi's, they weren't meaning the genocide of Jews Nazi's, but that cultural influence and destruction of Russian people and culture type Nazi ideas.  Thus, when you understand that viewpoint, why they referred to Ukraine as Nazi and such makes perfect sense...as in that sense it was the entire cultural and social transformation that was occurring in Ukraine and thus eliminating the Russian culture and ideas that they were referring to.  This is one of the big things to go to war against the Nazi's in WW2...it wasn't about the Jews, it was about the preservation of Russia and the Russian culture].

However, for all of Carlson's faults...he did clarify one thing with Putin.  The idea above and your idea have NOTHING to do with WHY they want Ukraine.  It boils down that Putin (and others) feel that Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and thus belongs to Russia...no matter what they citizens of Ukraine say, think, or feel.   Thus, as Putin so adeptly pointed out in his 30 minute spiel of why Ukraine is Russian Territory and belongs to Russia, it seems the truth is merely that Russia invaded Ukraine because Putin and others feel it is wrong for it to be separate from Russia and they want it back. 


Thanks Tucker. 

Edited by JohnsonJones
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17 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

We will have to agree to disagree on this one.

In my time over on the opposite side of the World my initial impression was somewhat different than yours.  Russia, though corrupt and having different ideas on morality had a pretty strong stance against LGBTQ+ rights and individuality.  Ukraine on the otherhand was moving further and further towards full agreement with Western morality.  THIS was seen as a great danger by  many in Russia and that sphere of the world.  It was through Ukraine that many felt this influence on Russia and Russian culture was moving.  The idea that Ukraine would get even closer to the West and thus the influence of Western Culture influences into Russia becoming stronger could actually be seen similarly to a Nazi  type infiltration of Russia aka WW2 (during which you could see a similar pattern, even to the point that at first Russia wasn't actually opposed to Germany and cooperated with the Nazi's...until it became apparent it was to Russia's detriment).  [Edit:  It wasn't a perfect analogy, but from the viewpoint of Russia I could actually see how they could see parallels and similarities.  Hence, when they used the term Nazi's, they weren't meaning the genocide of Jews Nazi's, but that cultural influence and destruction of Russian people and culture type Nazi ideas.  Thus, when you understand that viewpoint, why they referred to Ukraine as Nazi and such makes perfect sense...as in that sense it was the entire cultural and social transformation that was occurring in Ukraine and thus eliminating the Russian culture and ideas that they were referring to.  This is one of the big things to go to war against the Nazi's in WW2...it wasn't about the Jews, it was about the preservation of Russia and the Russian culture].

However, for all of Carlson's faults...he did clarify one thing with Putin.  The idea above and your idea have NOTHING to do with WHY they want Ukraine.  It boils down that Putin (and others) feel that Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and thus belongs to Russia...no matter what they citizens of Ukraine say, think, or feel.   Thus, as Putin so adeptly pointed out in his 30 minute spiel of why Ukraine is Russian Territory and belongs to Russia, it seems the truth is merely that Russia invaded Ukraine because Putin and others feel it is wrong for it to be separate from Russia and they want it back. 


Thanks Tucker. 

Thank you for responding.  I believe this is a most serious matter and needs a lot of discussion.  A few years ago, my wife and I spend some time in Saint Petersburg, Russia.  We had a guide that took us to several off the tourist grid places where we encountered a cross section of Russian citizens.  I was quite surprised to discover that Putin has more popularity and support in Russia than any President in the USA has had for decades among citizens here.   I realize this was hardly scientific but the feed back that I had was that the citizens enjoyed more freedoms and economic benefits than any of them ever realized in their lifetime.  Included in their freedoms was attending religious institutions of their choice and being able to walk (or jog – including young ladies) in public places (or ride public transportation) without fear of being molested or robed.   In general, it was my impression that Russians attribute their improved status (a significant rise in their middle class) to policies instituted by Putin.

I am not a fan of Putin – especially politically or of his methods and I have no desire to live in Russia.  But the people there have it better than they ever have.

According to my recent research – up until 2014 Russia either controlled Ukraine or relied on them (politically and economically) as a trusted ally.  Ukraine was an important economic and political partner to Russia.   At the time the President of Ukraine was a guy named Yanukovych that was most famous for corruption.  Under pressure from Russia, Yanukovych backed off from increasing trade with the EU.  As I stated earlier – and this can be verified by a Google search.  A movement started to remove Yanukovych from power because of his corruption.  The most violent element of the revolution was a Nazi movement (not my interpretation) that received monies from the USA and NATO.  My research indicates that Senator John McCain was involved in the legislation to obtain the monies to finance the Nazis and the Ukraine conflict.

Our involvement (USA) can easily be justified as means to curtail Russian influence and end a very corrupt regime.  However, there is little indication that the rampant corruption of Ukraine was in any way hampered – but Ukraine as a nation made moves towards Western (EU and USA).  Prior to the Russian invasion there are rumors that Zelenskyy’s administration did not deal kindly with opposition (including certain religious groups). 

It is my understanding that the mane means of Russian financing is through their petroleum industry and exports.  It appears to me that the current policy in the USA that governs the USA petroleum industry gives strong advantage economically to Russia (despite all other so-called sanctions).  Thus, it looks to me like the USA, either indirectly or directly is financing both side in the current Russia Ukraine conflict with increased petroleum costs.   


The Traveler

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