By The Associated Press

Winnie G

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<H1>Key Tenets of Mormon Faith

By The Associated Press – 1 day ago

Key tenets of the Mormon faith:

_Nature of God: God once was a mortal who became an eternal being after a great trial.

_Jesus Christ: Christ was God's first-born spirit child, his only earthly child and the only perfect mortal.

_No Trinity: Mormons reject the idea of the Christian Trinity — God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as one ethereal being. Instead, they believe the three are separate beings joined in a common purpose.

_Pre-existence and the afterlife: Before their mortal birth, humans existed in pre-mortality and were born in the spirit world to heavenly parents. Mormons also believe in the resurrection and teach that most people will receive some measure of salvation and have a place in a three-level eternal kingdom.

_One true church: Mormons say their faith is not Protestant, Catholic or

Orthodox but holds a unique place as "restored New Testament Christianity." Founder Joseph Smith said God told him none of the existing churches were practicing Christianity as it was intended.

_ A living prophet: Mormons believe the head of their church is a living prophet, seer and revelator who can communicate with God.

_ Book of Mormon: The text on which the church is based is said to have been translated from an ancient language inscribed on gold plates. Mormons believe it is an account of Christ's interaction with inhabitants of the ancient Americas before he ascended to heaven.

_ Second Coming of Christ: Smith believed the Garden of Eden was originally in North America, near today's Independence, Mo. Mormons migrated to Missouri in 1831 because Smith taught that would be the new Jerusalem, where Christ would return.

</H1>Why is it press core that is held in such I regared leaves things out importent thing, such as the Bible we belive int he bible.

What do you think of the above?

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It's only going to get worse Winnie.

Nature of God: God once was a mortal who became an eternal being after a great trial.

We believe in God the Eternal Father, in His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. God the Father and Jesus Christ have glorified perfected bodies. The Holy Ghost is a spirit and thus can dwell in our hearts.

_Jesus Christ: Christ was God's first-born spirit child, his only earthly child and the only perfect mortal.

Adam was also God's earthly child with a difference, Christ was his Only Begotten in THE FLESH. (Adam was born in a perfect terrestrial state)

_No Trinity: Mormons reject the idea of the Christian Trinity — God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as one ethereal being. Instead, they believe the three are separate beings joined in a common purpose.

Here the First Article of Faith should be quoted again.

I like how Joseph Smith defined the difference between Mormons and other religions, he said, "Mormons believe in the Bible!"

_Pre-existence and the afterlife: Before their mortal birth, humans existed in pre-mortality and were born in the spirit world to heavenly parents. Mormons also believe in the resurrection and teach that most people will receive some measure of salvation and have a place in a three-level eternal kingdom.

Latter-day Saints believe that we came from a pre-mortal sphere born of Heavenly Parents. We believe that through the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ all mankind will be saved by the saving ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Our Father's House are many mansions and we will receive a degree of glory based upon our FAITH in Jesus Christ demonstrated by our obedience to His commandments and by the further light and knowledge that we receive while in this probation.

_One true church: Mormons say their faith is not Protestant, Catholic or

Orthodox but holds a unique place as "restored New Testament Christianity." Founder Joseph Smith said God told him none of the existing churches were practicing Christianity as it was intended.

Our Father and Jesus Christ told him TWICE that their creeds were and abomination, that they draw near unto him with their lips but that their hearts are far from Him. As Joseph Smith said, unlike other Christian faiths, "We believe the Bible!"

_ A living prophet: Mormons believe the head of their church is a living prophet, seer and revelator who can communicate with God.

We are led by Prophets, Seers and Revelators. One head holds ALL the keys after a First Presidency is reorganized.

_ Book of Mormon: The text on which the church is based is said to have been translated from an ancient language inscribed on gold plates. Mormons believe it is an account of Christ's interaction with inhabitants of the ancient Americas before he ascended to heaven.

Once again, here we quote the 8th Article of Faith. ... that and Christ continues to interact with those who come to know Him.

_ Second Coming of Christ: Smith believed the Garden of Eden was originally in North America, near today's Independence, Mo. Mormons migrated to Missouri.

The argument could be made that He has already returned... In the early spring of 1820, the week after the dedication of the Kirtland Temple etc. etc... And yes, the New Jerusalem will be in Independence, MO.

They'll never get it right unless they also come to know.

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You would think the Ap of all peaple could get it right not just a passing look, it is not like the Church has not put it out there for them to see, One call one visit to the LDS web site and they still do a half #@! job of it.

More good will come of this then bad even if Romney failes at his bide for the white house.

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You would think the Ap of all peaple could get it right not just a passing look, it is not like the Church has not put it out there for them to see, One call one visit to the LDS web site and they still do a half #@! job of it.

Are you kidding? The AP has a deeply invested interest in distorting the Church. AP is among our enemies.


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one thing i don't understand is why the articles of faith aren't used more. the question was posed concerning what we believe in and the articles were written and still used today. why can't the press or anyone else that is asked the question quote them; if they feel the need to discuss others beliefs. then add the disclaimer if you want clarification or more info go to the local chruch building or or any other site the chruch has set up to teach ppl. in my opinion the news should be reporting the news (what's going on with policy, etc) not preaching someone elses religion.

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one thing i don't understand is why the articles of faith aren't used more... ...why can't the press or anyone else that is asked the question quote them...

They have no desire to represent the Church correctly. They are setting out to distort from the word go. That is the WHOLE purpose of the AP. It is NOT an independent news organization. It is a corprate owned DISINFORMATION organization. It is designed to give more power over the news to those at the top.


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Nature of God: God once was a mortal who became an eternal being after a great trial.

We believe in God the Eternal Father, in His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. God the Father and Jesus Christ have glorified perfected bodies. The Holy Ghost is a spirit and thus can dwell in our hearts.

_No Trinity: Mormons reject the idea of the Christian Trinity — God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as one ethereal being. Instead, they believe the three are separate beings joined in a common purpose.

Here the First Article of Faith should be quoted again.

I like how Joseph Smith defined the difference between Mormons and other religions, he said, "Mormons believe in the Bible!"

_One true church: Mormons say their faith is not Protestant, Catholic or

Orthodox but holds a unique place as "restored New Testament Christianity." Founder Joseph Smith said God told him none of the existing churches were practicing Christianity as it was intended.

Our Father and Jesus Christ told him TWICE that their creeds were and abomination, that they draw near unto him with their lips but that their hearts are far from Him. As Joseph Smith said, unlike other Christian faiths, "We believe the Bible!"

I've quoted 2 of your answers above. Regarding the nature of God and the fact that the LDS are said to believe that 'God once was a mortal who became an eternal being after a great trial.' Perhaps more clarification is required regarding the quote 'As man is, God once was, as God is, man may become' so that there is consensus over the mortality or not of God, or whether that couplet just refers to the time when Jesus took on the mortal frame.

In the others that I've quoted, you mention that the difference between the LDS and Christians, and 'unlike' Christians the LDS believe in the Bible! Are you suggesting that other Christians do not believe in the Bible? I know your italic print is very small, but I think I've read the replies properly.

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This isn't the first time the AP (or Reuters for that matter) has completely blown something, and darn sure won't be the last.

Some AP writers don't even follow their own guidelines. With our church being in new a lot more now, mainly because of Romney, I still see many articles that simply refer to us as the "Mormon Church". Though according to one of my good nonmember friends (a grad school journalism major) I asked about says the AP style book basicly gives the same guidelines as listed on the Church's media site.

LDS Newsroom - Style Guide

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As to LDS believing the Bible and other Christians "not":

In my experience, other Christians who have shed the mantle of "fear of burning in a lake of fire forever and ever" do rather well understanding and applying the teachings of the Bible in the proper perspective in their lives. The ones who have yet to mature spiritualy seem to be the most outspoken, yet insecure Christians of any denomination I have seen so far IMOand have the least to say it seems.

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I was simply quoting the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Don't you just love his sense of humor?!!

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They have no desire to represent the Church correctly. They are setting out to distort from the word go. That is the WHOLE purpose of the AP. It is NOT an independent news organization. It is a corprate owned DISINFORMATION organization. It is designed to give more power over the news to those at the top.


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I do not understand why LDS members get so upset with the press when it does a story on the Church. It’s as if they want the press to promote the religion, and that is not the press’ job.

I don‘t think people realize that a newspaper article has a very limited amount of space, and frankly, in my opinion this article made good use of its space.

Winnie was unhappy that it did not include the fact that Mormon’s believe in the Bible. However, it did not say Mormon’s do NOT believe in the Bible. It didn’t address it one way or the other and I do not believe people are going to be struck by this, assuming Mormons don’t read the Bible.

Especially because the article DID say the Church believes in Jesus Christ! What book do you read to learn the story of Christ? The Bible of course!

I can almost guarantee you the author’s not mentioning the Bible was due to a lack of space. But you’ll notice he DID mention the Book of Mormon. He said it is the text the Church is based. That is the truth! Without the BofM, TCOJCOLDS would not exist.

So, here the author made a choice. He wrote that the Church believes in Christ, and that it believes in the Book of Mormon. I think that was a very good use of space. Why the need to use up more space talking about the Bible when it’s a given since he’s already mentioned Christ?

Also, to complain about the article leaving out the Bible is like leaving out the fact that the Church also has a sacrament, and also believes in the power of prayer, that blessings come from God, that the Church sings hymns, that it believes in the Ten Commandments, and that it believes etc., etc., etc. There is simply no way one newspaper article could write a comprehensive overview of everything the LDS Church teaches, and I read so many complaints from LDS about newspaper articles leaving “this” or “that” out, I wonder if they ever stop and think: “Is this really something a newspaper article should write about?”

Of course, the person complaining is going to say, “Yes it is!” But others not so emotionally invested might think a little more critically and realize it probably isn’t, as a news article is not a missionary tool.

As far as the Church being “persecuted,“ that is just insipid to me. Members of the LDS Church have not experienced persecution for over 100 years, and to call these newspaper articles persecution is to demean the very real and horrific persecution the first members, as well as the pioneers, experienced during the difficult beginnings of a Church that was destined to plant itself and grow into something beautiful. There is no persecution here, and to say there is demeans and insults the terror and sacrifices these incredible people suffered.

Regarding the AP Stylebook, when the Church put out its own Style, the AP was not obligated to adopt it, and decided not to because it felt people recognized the “Mormon Church,” but would not recognize “The Church of Christ.” (Or was it The Church of Jesus Christ”? I don’t recall exactly.) I believe the AP made the right decision in this regard. The average person would not recognize “The Church of Christ” as TCOJCOLDS.

However, the AP may have changed that since, so I don’t know what the Stylebook says today.

Finally, a-train, what do you mean the AP has a deeply invested interest in distorting the Church. AP is among our enemies? I’ve never heard anything about this.


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Finally, a-train, what do you mean the AP has a deeply invested interest in distorting the Church. AP is among our enemies? I’ve never heard anything about this.


Perhaps he means they do not tell their news like Faux News. Still, why would the straight story be an enemy?

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Perhaps he means they do not tell their news like Faux News. Still, why would the straight story be an enemy?

I agree.

But I know a-train really meant what he wrote, and I'm not trying to be flippant about this. I am sincerely interesting in why he thinks this. For all I know he has information I do not. Or I have information he does not.

A, I really am interested in your answer to the question.


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Aren't people going to read a newspaper article any way that they want you react depends on background experiences, knowledge and beliefs. People see what they want to see or are able to see. A biased story hardly appeals to someone who has already made their mind up.

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All points of view are biased...


But some try to be more open and balanced than others, depending on what they perceive as being open and balanced, their editor's opinion and audience.

Is that being judgemental? No, it has to do with my experiences with reading and writing and looking at matter how clearly you think you have communicated things so that everyone gets what you are saying, everyone still takes something different away with them when they read what you have written.

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All points of view are biased...


But some try to be more open and balanced than others, depending on what they perceive as being open and balanced, their editor's opinion and audience.

Is that being judgemental? No, it has to do with my experiences with reading and writing and looking at matter how clearly you think you have communicated things so that everyone gets what you are saying, everyone still takes something different away with them when they read what you have written.

I agree, as it is the same thing I wrote above.


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