Purpose of Ward Conference?


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I attended a Ward Conference recently. Members of the Stake as well as local members attended and all 3 Sunday meetings were held together in the main chapel..for Adults...Primary still took place in its own room.

We didn't have food afterwards :(

Siouxz, I think 'brill' is short for Brilliant! in the uk.

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The Stake Presidency will have a message they like to deliver for all the units in the stake to work on. Its a time for them to deliver that message and thru the auxillary Presidents to take the same message to their counter parts. The Stake leadership also offers training to the local leaders as well as trying to encourage and offer help with any issues they might be having etc. The reason for the food is this.....some areas travel a long way to these conferences....for example....I just came from a Ward Conference. I left at 7:30am to arrive just before 9am. Then its 3 hours for Church and them meet with local leadership and teach them, that usually goes for another hour. Lunch is usually served due to the amount of time for travel etc.

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our stake leaders can travel 2 hours or more for our branch conference. we travel 2 hours to the stake center, so anyone north of the stake gets added upon. we always have a pot luck. sometimes we even bring muffins and such for eating durring the before chruch meetings. lol even when i lived attending chruch in the stake center (in FL) we had a pot luck. maybe it's a southern thing. we like to eat and will have a pot luck for just about anything. which is funny cause we have so few ppl you can't bring "one dish for your family" type rule, we each bring at least 2 things and double what you would fix at home. we have been told by our stake leaders that when they can't all come they "bicker" over who gets to come to our branch cause we have the best pot luck in the stake. :) well worth the drive, not to brag or anything. lol

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Also, ward confrernce is a time and place where we are able to sustain our church leaders in a meaningful way. When we sustain the church leadership during general conference and they say "any opposed" it is just form, because clearly they are not scanning the audience for uplifted hands, and/or waiting for those watching on T.V. to call in their response. In ward conference we can sustain our leaders and/or oppose by the uplifted hand.

Obviously this isn't the only reason for ward conference, but it is a part that is often overlooked I think.

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our stake leaders can travel 2 hours or more for our branch conference. we travel 2 hours to the stake center, so anyone north of the stake gets added upon. we always have a pot luck. sometimes we even bring muffins and such for eating durring the before chruch meetings. lol even when i lived attending chruch in the stake center (in FL) we had a pot luck. maybe it's a southern thing. we like to eat and will have a pot luck for just about anything. which is funny cause we have so few ppl you can't bring "one dish for your family" type rule, we each bring at least 2 things and double what you would fix at home. we have been told by our stake leaders that when they can't all come they "bicker" over who gets to come to our branch cause we have the best pot luck in the stake. :) well worth the drive, not to brag or anything. lol

Our Ward used to have quite the reputation for food too. We don't need much of an excuse. :D

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lol this is so funny to me, i really thought pot lucks after ward/branch conference were standard throughout the chruch. something we've done my whole life. just goes to show ya how traveled i am. this is kinda off from the topic of ward conference, but staying with the food theme lol in the branches i've been in (not the wards) we often have a lunch mini pot luck between conference sessions on sunday. many branch members drive 30 min or more for the meeting and there isn't enough time to go home and back again between sessions (especially with gas prices these days). so between sessions we've eaten out on saturday (usually with our family, not as a whole group) and then worked with other families in the same situation for a lunchon on sunday. the missionaries are always offered lunch with those eating if we had any. so just wondering, anyone else ever done that?

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We don't have food these days because there's not much travelling involved so it's no different to any other Sunday. Back in the olden days when we used to all travel to a hired hall in a university for Stake Conference the different wards used to hire buses and pick the members up en route. That was a good old day out with picnic hampers and hymn singing on the bus! It was great.
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just had our ward conference this past sunday...is was amazing. I was also confirmed on that day. The Spirit was so STRONG. The Stake Pres did a talk in Sacrament meeting and in Priesthood/Relief Society. They were both so wonderful.

My mom, dad, and step mother came to church that day as well. They are non members. They stayed for the whole sacrament meeting. My mom and dad both loved the pres talk. He talked about the four principals we need for happiness. Hope, faith, diligence and patience. My dad loved it. He told me on the phone yesterday that he would like to come to church again...

And seeing as how I have been having trouble with my family because of my conversion, this was such a blessing. I cried.

In my opinion...ward conference is a blessing for all of us.

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There have been some very good posts. Some notes from my travels. Many wards have pot luck after regular Sunday meetings. It is a common practice in Taiwan. I tried to bring some unique American food all the way from America. I brought a case of beef jerky. The members did not like it much – they prefer squid jerky over beef which will cause most Americans to pass out. But the missionaries loved the beef jerky and ate it all.

Sustaining is a very important part of ward conference – which includes general, stake and ward callings. I have been present when there have been hands contrary and in the case in point the person was released after interviews with those that objected. No other information was given – but sustaining should be taken seriously.

It is also a time for teaching, training and feedback both from the stake to the ward and the ward to the stake.

The Traveler

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Back in the olden days when we used to all travel to a hired hall in a university for Stake Conference the different wards used to hire buses and pick the members up en route. That was a good old day out with picnic hampers and hymn singing on the bus! It was great.

That sounds like a hoot. It must have made you all feel a real spirit of togetherness. As far as the olden days go, my daughter thinks that encompasses all history pre-1990.

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just had our ward conference this past sunday...is was amazing. I was also confirmed on that day. The Spirit was so STRONG. The Stake Pres did a talk in Sacrament meeting and in Priesthood/Relief Society. They were both so wonderful.

My mom, dad, and step mother came to church that day as well. They are non members. They stayed for the whole sacrament meeting. My mom and dad both loved the pres talk. He talked about the four principals we need for happiness. Hope, faith, diligence and patience. My dad loved it. He told me on the phone yesterday that he would like to come to church again...

And seeing as how I have been having trouble with my family because of my conversion, this was such a blessing. I cried.

In my opinion...ward conference is a blessing for all of us.

Ooh that's great :) Lovely to hear. Hope your Dad does attend church again and who knows, you may be invited to his baptism. :)

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Living in a District are branch conference tend to have food considering the Mission Pres has to drive a little over 5 hours to get to the chapel.

The branch conference or ward conference is used just like stake or district conference and gen. conference. It is a time to have district and stake leaders work with the members to teach them the things that need to be taught.

It is key espically when you are a 2 hour drive from the district centre and alot of older members can't make it there for a distirct conference

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