Music and Confusion


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Ok so basically I'm now going to a Christian University, but they are not LDS Christian so there are a few things that are different. One thing is their music. They have all these songs towards God and such and I was just wondering if I should sing along to them or not?

Anyone got any ideas?

Yeah, if they aren't contradictory to your beliefs, and are not blasphemous or irreverent, there is no reason not to sing along. We share many hymns with many denominations.

My problem with 'Christian' music, such as it is on the radio and such, is that it tends to be either insipid or too irreverent for me, or both. I wouldn't sing along to such music myself. For instance, there are churches where I live that have set religious words to rock music. That can be great if done tastefully, but the other end of the spectrum trespasses on taking the Lord's name in vain.

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Much of modern Christian music displays traits of mass hypnosis techniques: A strong, repetitive beat, a short, repetitive chord structure, short phrases repeated over and over and over.

Does this mean I don't listen to it? No, I sometimes do. However, be aware of what the music is influencing you to do and how it is doing it. Much of it is designed to carry you away in the moment. They then call the excitement they induce the Spirit of God. The Spirit is a still, small voice rarely present in a rock performance.

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I've been listening to the Christian stations here and I love them. The music is upbeat motivating and I love that I can listen to in my car driving anywhere with my kids and not worry about the lyrics being inappropiate. I love hearing them sing along. It's exciting to hear them singing songs about Jesus. We were on our way into town one day and my oldest said, "oh Mom turn this song up it's my favorite".. It was the song, Blessed Be The Name of the Lord. I've noticed a lot of the songs are actually scripture versus put to music. I enjoy reading in my bible and seeing versus that I've heard in the songs. There will be some differences on what you have been taught and how you worship and what they sing about. I know alot of the songs on the stations are worshipping Jesus. I know when I was LDS the main focus in prayer and worship was to heavenly father in jesus' name. In alot of the music you'll hear a big focus on Jesus. Any ways, take care and good luck in school.

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I really don't see why not. I listen to Christian music all the time. It puts me in a really positive place, and certainly a better alternative to most secular music.

A song about Christ is a song about Christ. I'm happy to sing along no matter what denomination the band is.

I agree. Besides, how often do we sing along to popular music with worldly themes?

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You would also be amazed to see how many of the hymns in our own hymnbook are actually written and used by the people of different faiths. So my opinion would be the same as those above me. As long as they aren't contrary to your own beliefs...why not?

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