urgent help please


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Hi my friend it's steve from chat room. I need to get a meesage to heather about someting pron that was sent to me. But I'm not on her friends list. how can I do this. message is very up setting. thanks steve

Because Heather is a moderator, you should still be able to pm her. Have you tried sending a pm to her?

She won't get it for about 4 to 5 hours, because it is the wee hours of the morning.

Did you get the porn here at lds.net? Or your home email?

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Thank you for your help. unable to get any mseeage to her at all. Yes the porn was from this site and from a member of this site. There was a message that come with to the words get lost all you mormons die just like your dead Prophet.

The seacond bad one nights in a row now. Thank you for you help steve.

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Thank you for your help. unable to get any message to her at all. Yes the porn was from this site and from a member of this site. There was a message that come with to the words get lost all you mormons die just like your dead Prophet.

The second bad one nights in a row now. Thank you for you help steve.


That person has been posting the same thing in the forum. By the time some of the moderators wake up in the morning and take a look at their messages ( I have sent one, just one will be enough), then that person will be eradicated off the forum.

Put in a friend request to Heather, then wait for her to reply yes, then you can send her a reply.

I know how awful that is, getting messages like that. Only I got it at my personal email, and it was not from a forum. Luckily my internet server took care of the miscreant! And my nerdy neighbor helped to clean up my computer of the virus that came with the nasty message.

PS, you can send a pm to Pam. She is your friend, and she is a moderator. Click on her name, or avatar in your profile and then click on send a message. That should bring up Compose. Try it and see if it works.

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just want to say thanks to everyone who takes the time to report nasty ppl like this. though the mods have the controls to actually delete/ban things/ppl it is active participation from all the members that keeps this a wonderful and safe place to be. when we stand together those that are here to make life miserable lose their power.

thanks again, keep up the good work.

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what do you need help with?

He needed help contacting Heather, or any moderator on the board. If you look at the time of the posts it was in the wee hours of the morning, when there are not very many moderators around.

He got the help he needed though.

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It is indeed not funny as these people tell me to join the true Church - that being the catholic faith - and direct me to many anti mormon websites.

I believe by prayer and faith that I will know who the true Church is.

My friend The only that you can join the church by a true conversion from the holy ghost when you pray about it. This is something personal bewteen you and your HEAVENLY FATHER no one else.

keep praying and dont give up. have happy easter Steve.:D

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