my patriarchal blessing is rehearsed


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Why is it terrible to have a blessing similar to one's sibling? I believe the Lord can give similar blessings to different people. In fact, we have prophecies in the D&C given to brothers that are verbatim (D&C 15, 16). Does that make these revelations of no value, just because they are the same?

Isaiah 2 and Micah 4 are extremely similar prophecies given by different individuals. Does that invalidate the prophecies, simply because they are alike?

I don't think so. If the Lord wishes to use similar or exact wording for two revelations He has every right to do so.

I think it interesting that you and your brother's PBs were done years apart, but somehow the patriarch was able to make portions of them the same! Either he uses certain phrases for all his blessings, or he was inspired to say the same things for both of you. I believe the latter is probably more likely.

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I want to know that wow...its just some sort of weird coincidence...or something that the blessings are so similar,

I want to know that regardless that my brothers is so similar to mine, that my blessing is FOR me...specifically for me

You mentioned in a previous post that this patriarch has given well over 1200 blessings. You've also said that your brother's blessing was given a few years before yours. Do you seriously believe that this "falling down old man" could have remembered exactly what he said in your brother's blessing and just copied it into yours? And why would he be stupid enough to do that? If someone was going to just be lazy and copy someone else's blessing, why copy it for a close family member?! They'd be virtually guaranteed of getting caught!

Your experience is further evidence to me that our patriarchal blessings DO come from Heavenly Father, that they are divinely inspired. With all the millions of church members who have received blessings, why is it so hard to accept that some of them will be blessed with very similar or even identical experiences? Especially members of the same family?

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Something i have noticed is that people want to feel individualistic. They are special because they are one of a kind. This seems to be a larger trend with younger generations. I don't know if it is how they are being raised today or if it just something that happens to all younger individuals.

Now I understand the frustration of thinking it was just for you and then seeing verbatim on another PB. If mine was verbatim all the way through, I'd be a bit shocked and maybe frustrated. I know and expect things to have some wording the same as the lord has more children than I can really picture. Just part of it.

sorry to see you sad and guessing your faith. Hopefully since this was a faith tester for you that you had a resevoir of faith built up for such a time.

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You mentioned in a previous post that this patriarch has given well over 1200 blessings. You've also said that your brother's blessing was given a few years before yours. Do you seriously believe that this "falling down old man" could have remembered exactly what he said in your brother's blessing and just copied it into yours? And why would he be stupid enough to do that? If someone was going to just be lazy and copy someone else's blessing, why copy it for a close family member?! They'd be virtually guaranteed of getting caught!

Your experience is further evidence to me that our patriarchal blessings DO come from Heavenly Father, that they are divinely inspired. With all the millions of church members who have received blessings, why is it so hard to accept that some of them will be blessed with very similar or even identical experiences? Especially members of the same family?

I am really enjoying your posts. I love the wisdom that shines through in your words.

Thank you for your willingness to see God's hand and "be believing." :)

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It's okay to QUESTION God and what happens in our lives. In fact, He wants us to question Him. Joseph Smith did -- and received a marvelous response from God in D&C 121. Surely we can "put up with" duplicated Patriarchal Blessings, since we're not being crucified or tarred and feathered or thrown into jail or fed to the lions or watching our family members get burned alive.

Instead of focusing on the fact that it is the SAME -- focus on the stated blessings and follow the counsel. You will be blessed for your obedience, even if the PB was a rubber stamp. Do you see where I am getting at?

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"The same might be said on the subject of Jacob’s history. Why was it that the Lord spake to him concerning the same promise, after he had made it once to Abraham, and renewed it to Isaac? Why could not Jacob rest contented upon the word spoken to his fathers?" Joseph Smith , Kirtland Mills, Ohio, September 26, 1833.)

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I would return to the Patriarch, but it is possible that you and your brother were closer than you think in preexistence just a thought you could ask someone else for a blessing of comfort, knowledge, and direction in this matter, I know my blessing is odd not because I have read many (my friends and I at uni shared ours, the 3 people I got mine with and my husbands) - and like President Hinckley's (it was nice to read that btw) mine is short its a little longer than his in being just a tiny bit over a page long.

I was a bit miffed when I saw everyone else's and the reems they got but over the years I have learned its mine and I have received comfort blessings and then when I met my husband there was a paragraph for me in his.

If your blessing is identical to your brothers several years apart but not identical to everyone else's in the Stake and given as people do share them I am sure he would have been caught out by now, and you can say he is a strong spiritual man- you can bet its meant to be like that for a reason.

You don't know your brother will never go on a mission, my husband has been on one, but the one talked about in his PB is clearly not the one he went on at 19. You do not know whether or not he will turn his life around.

You sound like both yourself and your brother have very low self esteem so maybe this is something that can draw you together. My brother is a nitwit has made many, many bad choices but basically he is an OK guy and I mostly get along with him.


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My blessing in many ways seems generic, too. You could give it to any young man and it'd seem to apply to him.

For me, though I know that certain emphasis (based on the Patriarch's voice and the wording) on some parts really resonate within me.

But back to the point. It seems generic, could very well be.

But whatever it is... That's all EXTRA.

All a Patriarchal blessing is REQUIRED to have is declaration of your tribal lineage.

Anyway. Please DO go to the Patriarch. And if that yields nothing, talk with your Stake President!

I can't offer any advice other than that!

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Very well put MM. Couldn't have said it better myself.

I am really enjoying your posts. I love the wisdom that shines through in your words.

Thank you for your willingness to see God's hand and "be believing." :)

Aww, thanks guys! I don't think I'm that wise, I just have my moments. :P

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I received my patriarchal blessing this past summer. I thought it would be a good experience and I suppose it was. There were a few things in the blessing that gave me the sense of "the church is right, im worth something, maybe the lord kinda understands me"

Then i also sorta got the sense that the blessing was somewhat generic. That it could be applied to anyone. But i convinced myself that a few things in there really were meant specifically for me.

Eventually i came to kinda think my blessing was special and something sacred to me.

Until today. HA! now i dont know what to think

I got the genius idea to read my brothers patriarchal blessing today. Given by the same patriarch but several years earlier. Turns out, our blessings are extremely similar. So similar to the point that there are literally paragraphs verbatim or very close to it.

THere are specifics in my blessing, spit out literally verbatim in my brothers blessing as well. things i thought were very specific, literally freaking exactly the same as my brothers.

Entire paragraphs. Id forget whos blessing i was reading. my brothers or mine. It twisted my mind.

what is going on? WHY are they almost exactly the same?

Is this just a test of my faith? the faith that im never sure i even had? is it satans way of trying to push me away from the church...because i admit thats the first thing thats coming to my mind. To push away. I feel like this is disproving the church. DIsproving any beliefs that i thought i had. Or is it really ...just that. That patriarchal blessings are bullcrap?...and i ought to just take it as it is...silly me...having been brainwashed my whole childhood that the chruch is true...just cant grasp the fact that its not true...

of course i know what you members of the church will say....

but i guess im really just open to suggestions.

im not a praying/fasting person. and i know thats also advice ill get. i dunno. give me advice. ill see what i do with it. but at the moment, im about ready to burn the patriarchal blessing and then go harrass the patriarch next time i see him.


Let me tell you a true story. My stepmother recieved her Patriarchal Blessing as a young women. It was rather bland with no really special promises other than the standard ones that show up in most Patriarchal Blessings. Years later, her Uncle was called to be a Patriarch. One of the privelidges of a Patriarch is to give Patriarchal Blessings to their close relatives even though they may have recieved one from another Patriarch. Thinking she might get something more personal from her uncle, she asked him to give her a new Patriarchal Blessing. When she compared them later, she found that both of them were essentially identical with the same blessings, no more no less, and in many cases the same wording.

As others have already said, it should not surprise you that your brother should get the same blessings that you did and that they are personal to each of you as individuals. Remember that Patriarchal Blessing are revealed counsel for your use in carrying out and making life decisions. They are not fortune telling nor do they predict the future except as you use them to guide your life in order to make the promised blessings come true.

Larry P

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You said "Since I have joined the Church, no one in my ward has even suggested that I get a Patriarchal Blessing. My guess is that they are nonessential. Perhaps they are viewed less as a form of divination and more as a proforma rite for young adults."

Patriarchal blessings are very essential. I"m sad that no one in your ward told you about patriarchal blessings and what they are. There are books that you can read and learn about patriarchal blessings. I suggest you talk to your bishop to get one.

I hear what you and WillowtheWhisp have said. From what little I have read about them, they seem a bit like a written form of a generic fortune telling reading, that either is done on a boiler plate format or else is somehow personalized. I think that it may also be the place where you are sorted into your various houses, like Ephraim, Dan, Ravensclaw, etc.... :)

When I have heard LDS people reminiscing on their Patriarchal Blessings over the years, I have noted that they do seem pleased and excited when something talked about has indeed come to be, whether getting married, having children, or going on a mission. I have wondered whether I may be too old, and yet I realize I am just a spring chicken compared to the men filling the role of Stake Patriarchs.

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I have been re-reading my PB the past few days, and I noticed that a small pamphlet came with it titled "What is the Meaning of Patriarchal Blessings" by Dr. John A. Widstoe.

I don't know if you received the pamphet with your PB, but I highly encourage you to read it. It covers a lot of your concerns about your PB being a "duplicate" of your brother's.

They are "not" fortune cookies.

From that pamphet:

"To look upon a patriarch as a fortune-teller is an offense to the Priesthood; the patriarch only indicates the gifts the Lord would give us, if we labor for them. He helps us by pointing out the divine goal which we may enjoy if we pay the price."

also from that pamphlet:

"It may be added that the sacred patriarchal blessings are personal in their nature. They should not be talked about or shown about; they should be read frequently and pondered upon for our personal good. It is for that reason that each person receives a copy of his blessing."

I also want to quote this part:

Character of Patriarch

"Necessarily, since patriarchs are but men, they are subject to human frailties. Their manner of speech and thinking is reflected in their blessings. Different men express the same ideas in different words. The Lord does not dictate blessings to them word for word. Likewise portions of the blessing may be emphasized by the nature or desire of the patriarch. Nevertheless, if the patriarch lives worthily, he is sustained by the power and authority of his calling, and will pronounce blessings intended for us. And we, if we live worthily, will comprehend the blessings and find deep comfort in them."

I hope you can find this pamphlet and prayerfully read it.

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Ya know, maybe i really am just a lost young soul.

Im in no way humble enough. In no way experienced enough to question the Lord. The similarities between the blessings of my brothers and mine, perhaps some of you are right in what you're saying. Perhaps i just need to get over myself. And whoever it was that said i need to feel like an "individual" or whatever you said...maybe thats all this is.

I need to just suck up all of the questions i have in my heart and start having more faith. I dont understand things at all right now, but maybe one day it will all be more clear to me.

And yes, as i said before, i plan on asking the patriarch about it. Though i still feel it wont give me any answers, its still worth talking to him.

Maybe one day ill get over my own pride and decide to kneel down and pray for myself. IM not going to ask for a blessing of comfort. Thats stupid. IM not spiritually prepared for that. I dont want one.

Elgama, dont tell me i have low self confidence.

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I've never even heard of that pamphlet. When did they start giving that out?

I don't know when they started giving it out.

Apparently (as I read the pamphlet) it is from a book called "Evidences and Reconciliations" p.321 - 325. I do not have a copy of this book.

I did a quick search online. Here is one link I found: / Books / Evidences and Reconciliations

There are several older books I wish I could lay my hands on from the early Brethren.

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Ya know, maybe i really am just a lost young soul.

Im in no way humble enough. In no way experienced enough to question the Lord. The similarities between the blessings of my brothers and mine, perhaps some of you are right in what you're saying. Perhaps i just need to get over myself. And whoever it was that said i need to feel like an "individual" or whatever you said...maybe thats all this is.


Elgama, dont tell me i have low self confidence.

Sorry we can only tell so much from a persons posts and you beat yourself up a lot in this thread, if its just over this issue I am sorry, didn't mean to offend you.

Priesthood blessings though are not dumb and are not even just for people who are LDS - I have some Non LDS friends who live their lives contrary to the gospel who when ill or confused will call my husband for a blessing. It is simply to put your mind at rest.


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It's not a bad thing to wonder FF! :) Soo many people say we have blind faith and blind obedience. But it's people like you that prove them wrong. You're finding out for yourself in your own way if this church is true. And that is a good thing.

By the way, Aphrodite, they ARE from God, not just "man".

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I need to just suck up all of the questions i have in my heart and start having more faith. I dont understand things at all right now, but maybe one day it will all be more clear to me.

And yes, as i said before, i plan on asking the patriarch about it. Though i still feel it wont give me any answers, its still worth talking to him.

It's okay to have questions! Yes, we must have faith sometimes when we just don't understand something, but that does not mean we are not supposed to ask questions and try to get answers. Talk to your patriarch, and maybe even your bishop. They may be able to allay some or all of your concerns. And if you still have concerns that they can't address, then that is where faith comes in. :)

Since I have joined the Church, no one in my ward has even suggested that I get a Patriarchal Blessing. My guess is that they are nonessential. Perhaps they are viewed less as a form of divination and more as a proforma rite for young adults.

A patriarchal blessing is meant to be a guide for you throughout your life, but you are right in that it is not essential. Usually people get them in their teens or young adult years. I joined the church in my early 20's and did not get my patriarchal blessing (at the urging of a friend) until I was in my late 20's. My husband joined the church over 2 years ago and has still not gotten his (he recently got the recommend for it, but just hasn't gotten around to calling the patriarch to set up the appointment.

They are meant to be a help to us, and it is to our benefit to get one. But it is not vital. I'm sure there are many church members who never bother to get one, and they do just fine.

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Ya know, maybe i really am just a lost young soul.

Im in no way humble enough. In no way experienced enough to question the Lord. The similarities between the blessings of my brothers and mine, perhaps some of you are right in what you're saying. Perhaps i just need to get over myself. And whoever it was that said i need to feel like an "individual" or whatever you said...maybe thats all this is.

I need to just suck up all of the questions i have in my heart and start having more faith. I dont understand things at all right now, but maybe one day it will all be more clear to me.

And yes, as i said before, i plan on asking the patriarch about it. Though i still feel it wont give me any answers, its still worth talking to him.

Maybe one day ill get over my own pride and decide to kneel down and pray for myself. IM not going to ask for a blessing of comfort. Thats stupid. IM not spiritually prepared for that. I dont want one.

You will get those answers you need. Father knows you!!! He knows your name, and you strengths, and your needs! And He will talk to you and deal with you in His wisdom. Be believing. Dispute not, because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. (Ether 12:6)

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