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I am new to this site. Let me introduce myself. I was born into the church, served a mission, got married in the temple, and was a pretty active member all my life. Some time ago, my wife and I felt there were some things about the church we would like to understand better. We believed a fuller understanding would lead to a deeper faith and conviction of the truthfulness of the gospel. Since then, we have studied more church history and doctrine than the rest of our lives combined. Additionally, we have fasted and prayed fervently, both together and individually, for guidance in finding answers to our questions. We didn’t set out to try and prove anything other than to answer some of the nagging questions we had. As we tried to answer them, even more questions came up.

Over the course of our study, we were very careful about the materials we used. We relied heavily on materials produced by the church, including the History of the Church, Journal of Discourses, The Diary of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the scriptures, conference talks, Ensign Articles, and other church publications, as well as books by individual church members and secular historians. We were careful to stay away from rabid “anti-Mormon” literature, especially the “Evangelical Christian” kind, because we could easily tell that many factual things in them had been distorted or exaggerated. In short, we have spent many hours honestly seeking answers out of the best resources possible. We have done this together as well as on our own to make sure that we came to our own individual conclusions. We also attempted to get some resolve from local leaders in the church who told us that we could believe whatever we wanted, as long as we didn't share our opinions with others in the ward. This made no sense to us...we wouldn't be able to answer the temple recommend questions honestly. The one thing we could do is be honest with ourselves.

Since then, we have been on many forums trying to work out our feelings and such. Why can't anyone, LDS or non-LDS provide honest answers without beating around the bush? They are brushed off as not being "official" doctrine or the typical resonse of "it doesn't matter" or "that's not what was taught."

Lastly, I am not looking to stir up confrontation here at all. There are many other forums that I could do that on.

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Guest tomk


I am new to this site. Let me introduce myself. I was born into the church, served a mission, got married in the temple, and was a pretty active member all my life. Some time ago, my wife and I felt there were some things about the church we would like to understand better. We believed a fuller understanding would lead to a deeper faith and conviction of the truthfulness of the gospel. Since then, we have studied more church history and doctrine than the rest of our lives combined. Additionally, we have fasted and prayed fervently, both together and individually, for guidance in finding answers to our questions. We didn’t set out to try and prove anything other than to answer some of the nagging questions we had. As we tried to answer them, even more questions came up.

Over the course of our study, we were very careful about the materials we used. We relied heavily on materials produced by the church, including the History of the Church, Journal of Discourses, The Diary of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the scriptures, conference talks, Ensign Articles, and other church publications, as well as books by individual church members and secular historians. We were careful to stay away from rabid “anti-Mormon” literature, especially the “Evangelical Christian” kind, because we could easily tell that many factual things in them had been distorted or exaggerated. In short, we have spent many hours honestly seeking answers out of the best resources possible. We have done this together as well as on our own to make sure that we came to our own individual conclusions. We also attempted to get some resolve from local leaders in the church who told us that we could believe whatever we wanted, as long as we didn't share our opinions with others in the ward. This made no sense to us...we wouldn't be able to answer the temple recommend questions honestly. The one thing we could do is be honest with ourselves.

Since then, we have been on many forums trying to work out our feelings and such. Why can't anyone, LDS or non-LDS provide honest answers without beating around the bush? They are brushed off as not being "official" doctrine or the typical resonse of "it doesn't matter" or "that's not what was taught."

Lastly, I am not looking to stir up confrontation here at all. There are many other forums that I could do that on.

Answers to these questions are to be had -- but just because there is an answer to our question, does not mean that we are ready to receive the answer. Think about that.

The Lord works with us bit by bit. Line upon line. Precept upon precept. Here a little and there a little. He also works foundationally. We must put Him first. I was rebuked by the Lord this morning for forgetting this truth. Obedience can only flow from an actual genuine love for God, not out of duty or to appear "righteous" unto others. We serve because we actually love God, not to have a perfect home teaching or visiting teaching record.

Research is great, and you are to be commended for that. But we must also learn to be DOERS also. Are you living what you believe?

You'll have to elaborate on what you mean by not being able to answer temple recommend questions "honestly". That raises a lot of red flags for me.

What questions do you have that are not being answered?

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Remember Yellowlight, using the General Authorities as an example, they are 24/7 Missionaries and witnesses of the Savior for the world. Some will know about the Creation [example topic] in greater details than what is written. Are they allowed to share this with membership? No. Even the prophet walks a fine line on what he knows and what he is allowed to share with the church as a whole. At times, you find a prophet go in great detail on a subject that maybe taboo to some. The answer is, it is being directed by the Spirit.

At times, by my own wife and by some here, I am reminded that written or talks given, are not current doctrine of the church. You know, they are correct. No matter if it was at the hands of the Savior or Joseph Smith, the doctrine of the church comes directly from the Prophet via the Savior for the masses. We need to keep reminding ourselves that what is doctrine given to us doesn't mean, it is doctrine for others around us.

Now, when a prophet is being quoted from his earlier speeches, written articles, on the same dialog or topic you are tasked with, then there is a reference point you could use. The hard part of using such friend, you will receive flack from those who are pure scriptures and nothing more. We have them within the church. You need to ensure your references are accurate and complete when asked. Sad part Yellowlight, if Joseph Smith lived by this principle, most of which we have today outside the norm Christianity world, would never be received or written. Our enlightenment would be at best, minimal. I for one, am grateful this courage prophet who faced the jackals of the church during his time.

As we enter the time span when the Savior returns, hidden mysteries will be revealed since the beginning of time to the very end by the hand of the prophets [see the sealed portion of the plates]. Do you have to wait to receive such knowledge? No. Again, it becomes part of you. It becomes embedded in your testimony. It becomes part of your spirit and intelligence [knowledge base]. Could you share it? Yes and no. If the Spirit is directing you, then do it. You will find that the same Spirit will be manifested through a confirmation sealing to the audience [those who can recognized it]. Otherwise, then no. It is given to you to benefit your edification and testimony.

Last, remember Yellowlight, your testimony is not built upon others but should stand independently with a collaborated voice that rings in unionship with the Godhead and the Saints since Adam's time.

Godbless my brother...

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'believe what you like' doesn't make much sense to me either.

I hope you will be able to find answers to your questions. One of the things which impressed me when I was learning about the church was that there were always answers to my questions where other churches had dismissed them as 'divine mysteries'. On the other hand I think there may well be some things that we just don't know yet and if it's impossible to answer them (like the name of Heavenly Mother or if Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene) then at least we can expect the honest answer of 'I do not know.'

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Yellow Light why are you seeking answers from men?

The Father Himself wishes you to learn and be taught of Him so that He can give you to Christ.

John 6:45 - It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of GOD. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.

Perhaps GOD has brought you to this crisis so that you would come to rely on Him for your teachings and answers. His Son has revealed and given us Heavenly promises concerning Asking, Seeking and Knocking.

Trusting in the arms of the flesh.

Moses tired of carrying Israel on His shoulders....one day said...

Numbers 11:29 - And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the LORD'S people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit upon them!

Now take courage if you have a true testimony of Jesus Christ you already have this Spirit for this testimony cannot come to you except by the Spirit of prophecy.

Revelation 19:10 - And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

The sooner you begin to learn to hear God in your heart...the sooner this day shall come.

There will come a day....where men shall shall not teach their neighbors or brothers saying.... to each other Know the Lord....

Hebrews 8:11 - And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.

I hope this helps

Peace be unto you



I am new to this site. Let me introduce myself. I was born into the church, served a mission, got married in the temple, and was a pretty active member all my life. Some time ago, my wife and I felt there were some things about the church we would like to understand better. We believed a fuller understanding would lead to a deeper faith and conviction of the truthfulness of the gospel. Since then, we have studied more church history and doctrine than the rest of our lives combined. Additionally, we have fasted and prayed fervently, both together and individually, for guidance in finding answers to our questions. We didn’t set out to try and prove anything other than to answer some of the nagging questions we had. As we tried to answer them, even more questions came up.

Over the course of our study, we were very careful about the materials we used. We relied heavily on materials produced by the church, including the History of the Church, Journal of Discourses, The Diary of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the scriptures, conference talks, Ensign Articles, and other church publications, as well as books by individual church members and secular historians. We were careful to stay away from rabid “anti-Mormon” literature, especially the “Evangelical Christian” kind, because we could easily tell that many factual things in them had been distorted or exaggerated. In short, we have spent many hours honestly seeking answers out of the best resources possible. We have done this together as well as on our own to make sure that we came to our own individual conclusions. We also attempted to get some resolve from local leaders in the church who told us that we could believe whatever we wanted, as long as we didn't share our opinions with others in the ward. This made no sense to us...we wouldn't be able to answer the temple recommend questions honestly. The one thing we could do is be honest with ourselves.

Since then, we have been on many forums trying to work out our feelings and such. Why can't anyone, LDS or non-LDS provide honest answers without beating around the bush? They are brushed off as not being "official" doctrine or the typical resonse of "it doesn't matter" or "that's not what was taught."

Lastly, I am not looking to stir up confrontation here at all. There are many other forums that I could do that on.

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YellowLight I think I know where you are coming from-I too started to do a lot of reasearch into the church to make sense of the temple which I found disturbing. I came across a lot of things that I was very confused about. I have been thinking of posting atopic similar to yours in order to get some answers too. What are your grievances? I personally have trouble with a lot of things about Joseph Smith, polygamy, Polyandry, the old temple rituals and how much they've changed over the years.

Bert10-No offense meant here but some answers are not going to come from the Lord-a 'warm feeling' is just not enough to explain in detail the complex and somewhat shady history of the church. When you have questions like that you need a real discussion with someone to try and make sense of it all. Am I right YellowLight? I too get annoyed at being fobbed off with things like 'you're not ready to understand' or 'we'll find out in the next life' or the old favourite 'that's not official doctrine'. If I asked you all, 'why did George Bush go to war with Iraq?' and you all said, Oh, don't worry about it, it's not relevant, Id be like, um, hello, an answer here please!!!

If you told us what issues you have YellowLight that would be great :)

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No offence, Aphrodite, God can answer all of our questions. That is the best advice we can give to anyone struggling with any problem in this life.

Sometimes the answers come by way of scripture, and sometimes by way of another person or by some other way. If the answers are from God, they will be accompanied by the assuring power of the Holy Ghost.

You will know it is the Holy Ghost, because you will be inspired to be better and to believe in Christ and in His Atonement.

Regardless of whether there is an indepth discussion about these things, prayer is the #1 ingredient. I would be suspect of any advice that teaches us not to pray:

And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing. For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.

But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul. (2 Ne. 32:8-9)



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I am new to this site. Let me introduce myself. I was born into the church, served a mission, got married in the temple, and was a pretty active member all my life. Some time ago, my wife and I felt there were some things about the church we would like to understand better. We believed a fuller understanding would lead to a deeper faith and conviction of the truthfulness of the gospel. Since then, we have studied more church history and doctrine than the rest of our lives combined. Additionally, we have fasted and prayed fervently, both together and individually, for guidance in finding answers to our questions. We didn’t set out to try and prove anything other than to answer some of the nagging questions we had. As we tried to answer them, even more questions came up.

Over the course of our study, we were very careful about the materials we used. We relied heavily on materials produced by the church, including the History of the Church, Journal of Discourses, The Diary of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the scriptures, conference talks, Ensign Articles, and other church publications, as well as books by individual church members and secular historians. We were careful to stay away from rabid “anti-Mormon” literature, especially the “Evangelical Christian” kind, because we could easily tell that many factual things in them had been distorted or exaggerated. In short, we have spent many hours honestly seeking answers out of the best resources possible. We have done this together as well as on our own to make sure that we came to our own individual conclusions. We also attempted to get some resolve from local leaders in the church who told us that we could believe whatever we wanted, as long as we didn't share our opinions with others in the ward. This made no sense to us...we wouldn't be able to answer the temple recommend questions honestly. The one thing we could do is be honest with ourselves.

Since then, we have been on many forums trying to work out our feelings and such. Why can't anyone, LDS or non-LDS provide honest answers without beating around the bush? They are brushed off as not being "official" doctrine or the typical resonse of "it doesn't matter" or "that's not what was taught."

Lastly, I am not looking to stir up confrontation here at all. There are many other forums that I could do that on.

If you want to know doctrine. Seek these men out:

Bruce R. McConkie

Joseph Fielding Smith

Joseph Smith

Neal A. Maxwell

Ezra Taft Benson

Spencer W. Kimball

James E. Talmage

David O McKay

John A. Widstoe

Wilford Woodruff

Joseph F. Smith

Hugh B. Brown

LeGrande Richards

N. Eldon Tanner

Boyd K Packer

Not trying to give an order of importance, but these men just pour with doctrine. Especially down to Talmage.

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I am new to this site. Let me introduce myself. I was born into the church, served a mission, got married in the temple, and was a pretty active member all my life. Some time ago, my wife and I felt there were some things about the church we would like to understand better. We believed a fuller understanding would lead to a deeper faith and conviction of the truthfulness of the gospel. Since then, we have studied more church history and doctrine than the rest of our lives combined. Additionally, we have fasted and prayed fervently, both together and individually, for guidance in finding answers to our questions. We didn’t set out to try and prove anything other than to answer some of the nagging questions we had. As we tried to answer them, even more questions came up.

Over the course of our study, we were very careful about the materials we used. We relied heavily on materials produced by the church, including the History of the Church, Journal of Discourses, The Diary of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the scriptures, conference talks, Ensign Articles, and other church publications, as well as books by individual church members and secular historians. We were careful to stay away from rabid “anti-Mormon” literature, especially the “Evangelical Christian” kind, because we could easily tell that many factual things in them had been distorted or exaggerated. In short, we have spent many hours honestly seeking answers out of the best resources possible. We have done this together as well as on our own to make sure that we came to our own individual conclusions. We also attempted to get some resolve from local leaders in the church who told us that we could believe whatever we wanted, as long as we didn't share our opinions with others in the ward. This made no sense to us...we wouldn't be able to answer the temple recommend questions honestly. The one thing we could do is be honest with ourselves.

Since then, we have been on many forums trying to work out our feelings and such. Why can't anyone, LDS or non-LDS provide honest answers without beating around the bush? They are brushed off as not being "official" doctrine or the typical resonse of "it doesn't matter" or "that's not what was taught."

Lastly, I am not looking to stir up confrontation here at all. There are many other forums that I could do that on.


It's people like you that make me smile. It cheers up my day when people question, dig and demand some questions answered. I am NOT lds..BUT YOU DO DESERVE TO GET YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED HONESTLY...soo what are they?

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YellowLight I think I know where you are coming from-I too started to do a lot of reasearch into the church to make sense of the temple which I found disturbing. I came across a lot of things that I was very confused about. I have been thinking of posting atopic similar to yours in order to get some answers too. What are your grievances? I personally have trouble with a lot of things about Joseph Smith, polygamy, Polyandry, the old temple rituals and how much they've changed over the years.

Bert10-No offense meant here but some answers are not going to come from the Lord-a 'warm feeling' is just not enough to explain in detail the complex and somewhat shady history of the church. When you have questions like that you need a real discussion with someone to try and make sense of it all. Am I right YellowLight? I too get annoyed at being fobbed off with things like 'you're not ready to understand' or 'we'll find out in the next life' or the old favourite 'that's not official doctrine'. If I asked you all, 'why did George Bush go to war with Iraq?' and you all said, Oh, don't worry about it, it's not relevant, Id be like, um, hello, an answer here please!!!

If you told us what issues you have YellowLight that would be great :)

First I wanted to thank everyone for their comments and such. It is nice to be able to discuss things in an open forum. Aphrodite, I think you hit the nail on the head with your reply. The majority of questions I have are about church history. I understand the concept that I can't understand or even come close to comprehending many of the mysteries of the universe and the gospel. However, from one little question I had some time ago, it seems that the church is not as candid with it's history as I thought. When certain concepts are taught in church, then you hear them being denounced in public, it make you do a double take. With a simple concept of how the Book of Mormon was translated, why was it shown to me since primary the two pictures of the translation. Both show Smith translating them, but in reality he used hte peep stone interchangably with the urim and thummim in a hat. Many times the plates weren't even in the room. This isn't a translation. This is confirmed by Daniel Peterson and the church does not deny it. Why did I find out about this from South Park? It is the simple things like that that led to even more questions. I could probably write them all out on here, but that might take a while.

Once again, I am not seeking the mysteries of Kolob and such, just actual church history the way it actually was. Thank you for listening to my ramblings as I can go for a while.

Temple recommend question #4: Do you sustain the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator and as the only person on the earth who possesses and is authorized to exercise all priesthood keys? Do you sustain members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators? Do you sustain the other General Authorities and local authorities of the Church?

I don't think so, not right now...that is why I had put that I could not honestly answer yes to the temple recommend questions.

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First I wanted to thank everyone for their comments and such. It is nice to be able to discuss things in an open forum. Aphrodite, I think you hit the nail on the head with your reply. The majority of questions I have are about church history. I understand the concept that I can't understand or even come close to comprehending many of the mysteries of the universe and the gospel. However, from one little question I had some time ago, it seems that the church is not as candid with it's history as I thought. When certain concepts are taught in church, then you hear them being denounced in public, it make you do a double take. With a simple concept of how the Book of Mormon was translated, why was it shown to me since primary the two pictures of the translation. Both show Smith translating them, but in reality he used hte peep stone interchangably with the urim and thummim in a hat. Many times the plates weren't even in the room. This isn't a translation. This is confirmed by Daniel Peterson and the church does not deny it. Why did I find out about this from South Park? It is the simple things like that that led to even more questions. I could probably write them all out on here, but that might take a while.

Once again, I am not seeking the mysteries of Kolob and such, just actual church history the way it actually was. Thank you for listening to my ramblings as I can go for a while.

Temple recommend question #4: Do you sustain the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator and as the only person on the earth who possesses and is authorized to exercise all priesthood keys? Do you sustain members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators? Do you sustain the other General Authorities and local authorities of the Church?

I don't think so, not right now...that is why I had put that I could not honestly answer yes to the temple recommend questions.


Now I am going to really learn something..thank you yellowlight.

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Guest User-Removed

Temple recommend question #4: Do you sustain the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator and as the only person on the earth who possesses and is authorized to exercise all priesthood keys? Do you sustain members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators? Do you sustain the other General Authorities and local authorities of the Church?

I don't think so, not right now...that is why I had put that I could not honestly answer yes to the temple recommend questions.

If your Testimony is that tenuous Brother, looking for answers online is like electronic Russian Roulette....

Thirdpersonviewer...gave you some wonderful authors who's words are a veritable feast of the gospel.

The answers you seek will come line upon line...precept upon precept...Thyey be found on your knees in solemn prayer...not googling for the spirit.

Read you Book of Mormon...and like Harold B. Lee, when you're finished reading it...start reading it again.

The Truth is In There...(yeah yeah...with all due apologies to Scully and Mulder)

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If your Testimony is that tenuous Brother, looking for answers online is like electronic Russian Roulette....

Thirdpersonviewer...gave you some wonderful authors who's words are a veritable feast of the gospel.

The answers you seek will come line upon line...precept upon precept...Thyey be found on your knees in solemn prayer...not googling for the spirit.

Read you Book of Mormon...and like Harold B. Lee, when you're finished reading it...start reading it again.

The Truth is In There...(yeah yeah...with all due apologies to Scully and Mulder)

What about reading your bible too? Would not this be just as important skip?

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Yes, I have read the book of mormon over 10 times. However, I have only read the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice. MyDogSkip, you really think the answers I am looking for are in the Book of Mormon? I don't remember anything about the current questions I have coming from that. This is what I am faced with. I am looking for logical answers to real questions. These are questions of history. If I said, who was the 5th president of the U.S., you would say, James Monroe of course. It isn't a question of receiveing anything from the Holy Spirit and I won't find it in the BoM. Do you understand?

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Sometimes the honest answer is "I don't know", but I do think Heavenly Father can give us personal answers to the things that bother us. By church history, if you mean the behavior of leaders, you will always find fault because we all have faults. Everyone needed the Atonement, including Joseph Smith.

Last night after our Old Testament study, my husband was saying, "Man, how can some of these men be so good and screw up so badly at the end?" We were reading about King David. He stayed on the path for a long time and did one of the worst things a person could do. Then our son said, "Yeah, Solomon messed up too." My husband said, "No, he didn't." "Yeah, Dad. He did! Someone tried to get him to worship false gods and he started doing that." They went back and forth for a while until my husband looked it up and discovered he was right. :lol: I think that's a good lesson that anyone can mess up big, no matter how wonderful they seem.

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Guest User-Removed

. Do you understand?

To a point...although, you have yet to clarify what these seemingly daunting issues are?

Please remember though, there are people on this forum and through out ldschat.net who liein wait to deceive...

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To a point...although, you have yet to clarify what these seemingly daunting issues are?

Please remember though, there are people on this forum and through out ldschat.net who liein wait to deceive...

yep their are non lds on this site..so beware of people like me that might shed some light on another story. ..skip I am only razzing you..calm down..I know what you are thinking. :)))) but not to deceive you..just wanted to make that clear.

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Guest User-Removed

. ..skip I am only razzing you..calm down..I know what you are thinking. :)))) but not to deceive you..just wanted to make that clear.

Well...there are only two problems with you...One...you're married...so I can't ask you to dance...Two...You're Baptist, so you'd turn me down even if you were single to my offer to dance.....bwahahahahahahahahahahaha

Had we met as teenagers...we'd have been wicked at Cow Tipping....:roflmbo:

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YellowLight: I've been in your shoes, believe me. Could the church perhaps take a better approach at teaching it's history? In my opinion, yes. BUT I do not believe they did it with the purpose to decieve. It is a failing of the church (notice the lower case "c") not the Gospel, that some things aren't presented well. The church has a rather extensive history, with a lot of people doing great things, as well as people screwing up royally, and there's also a lot of historical back-story to things that we, almost two hundred years later, may not know or understand completely, because we weren't there. Of course Joseph Smith and other prominant leaders had flaws, and at times did some questionable things. All of us do. It is amazing what the Lord can do with such flawed creatures as us.

If you haven't already, I would highly recommend the book Rough Stone Rolling. It was one of the first books I read when I started questioning my faith, and really helped me to see Joseph Smith and the founding of the LDS church in a new, brighter, light. :)

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I don't want to post 2,000 questions here but my first one is this:

Why is the taught translation of the book of mormon different than that of how it was really done, with Joesph's peep stone and head in his hat?

If I can get an answer from someone, that would be a start.

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