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Everything posted by piper

  1. 1. In general do you believe things are happining as they should? I think things are happening as they are...I'm no judge as to what should and shouldn't be on that scale 2. Is life bringing to you and mankind meaning and purpose? It's not Life's responsibility to bring my meaning and purpose, that is my responsibility to use what's been provided to bring meaning and purpose into my own life. 3. Are you excited and happy about how things are turning out? I'm just happy to be here - I'll take the good and the bad and make the best of it. 4. Is this the best world possible? I'm always striving to make this world just a little better so I believe improvement is possible. 5. If you could change anything - what would it be? Everyone would see others as they truly are. i.e. if someone's mean and cruel, they'd appear as an ogre etc. If they are good and honest etc they reflect that in their appearance.
  2. ok, did some looking on something I read once in the BOM. Had to look a bit but found it. With the disclaimer written that if there was no error in their calendar, Jesus Died 3 days after his 33rd birthday. Not knowing which year he died in, makes it somewhat problematic to identify the exact dates, but we know he died in the Spring. course i've been wrong before, but that's how I read it. Look at 3 Nephi 2:7-8 and then at 3 Ne 8:4-5. Just kind of interesting :)
  3. A gentle, talented, exceptional man. He will be missed
  4. piper


    Knowing something in no way takes away choice. I can watch someone and know that their actions will bring them pain, but that doesn't make them continue with that action. The choice is still theirs. I believe that most of the thoughts of Judas as being evil come from 2 things. first, betrayal is an act that most people find reprehensible, especially betrayal for personal gain. Since it was Jesue being betrayed, that makes if that much worse to christians. Secondly, Jesus in his prayer said we have lost none but that son of perdition. Many assume that meant Judas. I don't know for sure who Jesus meant by that statement. That judgement (eternal) on Judas is forbidden to us. One thing is fairly obvious, Judas was so distraught over what he had done and the results of it, that he committed suicide.
  5. That would be it. Right now, it doesn't look like she's going to finish it. She says she just doesn't have the heart to continure with it.
  6. Definitely not too late to start school. Hope it works great for you
  7. I would like to add to this sentiment. These are the two extremes, say nothing and look inward or let go with both barrels. I feel that there is a lot in between those two. Such as Offer gentle guidance and correction (as with a child) offer support and encouragement to someone (such as a brother who is destroying his and others lives with a devastating addiction). Protecting your family from someone who's acts you see are dangerous to them. At no time do you need to condemn the one who's acts you judged. As Miss Halfway said, Jesus said he who has no sin cast the first stone. He had no sin.... He did judge her but didn't condemn her when he said neither do I condemn thee but got the point in she should change.
  8. Ok, guess i'm a bit weird I like to cook. This is where I go for basic recipes of all kinds and I do mean all kinds lol. This site has tens of thousands of recipes all arranged by region, country, type etc. It's a great site and most of the recipes are very easy to follow. RecipeSource: Your Source for Recipes on the Internet They even have recipes from Star Trek
  9. I'd heard something about that program. It's really too bad if they scrapped it. We always set up so that our radios can be operated with battery power. Repeaters aren't even necessary always. It is sad that only a handful will work for something like this.
  10. I am an amateur radio operator. In my ward they are always talking about emergency preparedness and food storage etc. which I support 100% and encourage it. But I have found that when I mention emergency communications I get some blank stares and something about a block captains and a calling tree. I just moved to where i'm at recently, so am just getting involved in the local ARES/RACES groups which, fortunately are quite active here. But I am curious do any of you have active emergency communication discussions in your plans?
  11. As I read some of the posts here, I can see a common thread that I have have seen many times in the course of my professional career. Sometimes what adults think of as feeling guilty for not being able to care for a parent etc is not in a true sense guilt. What I have seen is that many adults have a great longing for approval from their parents (or parent). This often comes from never feeling like they could ever do anything completely right or to the measure required by a parent. Some people hold on to this their entire lives trying always to please the parent and get an expression of commendation from them. This can go so far as to impact their spouse and children negatively as they may neglect them while trying to get the approval from the parent and certainly results in feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness and loss. It is a very hard thing to realize that you can give everything you have to give and more and it may not ever be enough to gain this approbation. Especially if the parent shows no or little gratitude for the efforts you have put forth. It may even be harder to learn to say something like, If I could do anything more to help you I would, but I have done all I'm able. And realize at that time that you have helped them with what you can, i.e. love, compassion, perhaps food, clothing, shelter, support etc. The baggage they carry you may not be able to help them with other than to refer them to professional help if they will go. "Therein the patient must minister unto himself". And somehow, you must gain the peace in yourself to realize the good you do and have done. And if possible take comfort in the time you have been able to spend with your parent(s), This is a very difficult circumstance and I definitely feel compassion for you all that have expressed your hurt. My prayers are with you and I hope that you can find the peace you need. You can love and care for someone and yet not be able to take away their pain or meet all their perceived needs as you have seen. The Lord will give you strength to do what you need to do even if what you need to do is not what your parent thinks you should do. Take care.
  12. It is such a wonderful feeling and I thank Heavenly Father for a living prophet to help keep us from being blown around by every wind of doctrine (or popular opinion) that comes our way.
  13. For me, it refers to the weakness of the mortal condition. Separated from the presence of our Father and dwelling on this earth where we are weak in so many ways. Though weak, this is in fact an opportunity to grow. If we humble ourselves and seek Him in faith the atonement of our Savior will make, from all this weakness, strength unimaginable to us now. That's my take on it.
  14. I am aware of no scriptural reference in the bible that forbids communication with the dead. There are many that, as stated above, refer to using mediums, sorceries etc. to try and contact the spirits of those that have passed on. So, as I see it, if any contact is to actually be made between the dead and living, it will be initiated from the other side. mark
  15. What I've taught my children is that dating shouldn't begin until age 16 and then it should be group dating with several young men and young women that aren't pairing up if that makes sense. Going with someone to homecoming in my day involved dinner beforehand and then a dance after the game , yes, it was a long time ago. So to me, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably some kind of duck. I wish you the best on working through this with your son. Either way, if you tell him no, or if you decide to let him go, I would hope you do it in concert with him exploring all of your concerns, and his concerns so that you keep the path of communication open. mark
  16. The sad thing I have seen lately is the vast generalization of all women as they have been blanketed with statements that make us all seem like we love nothing more than belittling men. When a woman gets hurt....we get a little defensive of that woman. But that doesn't mean that we think all men are jerks. We love men. I think on the balance the women on this site are anything but "men bashers". I think that's the difference. If you trash someone attributing their actions to be a result of their gender you enter the realm of bashing and do nothing to hold them individually accountable. If you hold someone accountable for their actions simply because they are the one that did them not because of their gender, that's not bashing.
  17. piper


    Hello all. I'm new to this site, looks interesting so far. I live in Utah near Hill AFB. Hope to get to know many of you.:)