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Everything posted by annewandering

  1. I unfriend people that insist on trying to save me from my being a minion of satan for being liberal. I try to work with them for awhile but when they are on my friends list to harrass me then they go off it. I have had to not follow one friend because they have the foulest mouth in the world. I mean really really bad.
  2. Glad to know he is still on the earth! I was beginning to get worried.
  3. Where is Vort? He has dropped off the earth?
  4. i guess its easy enough to find something to read too much into. I just clicked through all the family vacation July 4th pictures on google and it is cute. Reminds me of the old 'cartoons' Walt Disney used to do. AND there are fireworks at the end!!!
  5. This is my number one pet peeve. I think its just one more really nasty way satan has to twist good to evil.
  6. Perhaps a file of photos that can be used for memes? Or even memes themselves for use on social media? I would like to see some links to music that are legal to use that does not involve the tabernacle choir. I like the choir but there are other forms of music that might be good to go with scriptures.
  7. I have a friend who broke up with a long term bf then found an old friend. He had been very depressed but happy to have renewed his relationship. It was very hard to decide what to say. In the end I told him that I was very glad he was happy again and not depressed, which I was. It isnt necessary to congratulate but a wish for happiness etc is a good thing in my opinion.
  8. Animals in the Garden of Eden and after the Fall behaved differently. We have been taught that after the Second Coming that the lion will once again lay down with the lamb, in other words reverting back to Garden of Eden behavior. Sounds like the veil was dropped on them to me. Still we sometimes see through the veil so I see no reason to not think animals might see through as well.
  9. I would like an app. Also ideas on how to reach out to nonmembers, particularly on the internet through social groups like facebook. We already use the facebook pages to help people understand us better. I would like some advice on what is good to share and what is not. At this time I do not share missionary encouragement. I review what I share and how it will affect the people I have on my friends list. Not sure sometimes so would like some sort of feedback. Could we have a secure forum so that our questions do not go out on google or other search engines? Missionary work is a very misunderstood thing outside the church and I have no desire to offend my friends.
  10. I have never heard anything on this either. If I were to guess, with no doctrine to back me up, I would say that they do not generally see beyond the veil. If they did then it would stand to reason that they would live celestial lives and eat a lot of grass.
  11. Are you kidding me? What reason is there to wait two weeks for a dead, decaying body to be expelled by natural labor? I actually have an aunt who's baby died and was NEVER expelled. She had health problems all her life and never had any more kids either. I will gladly insult any health care provider who is that uncaring. I dont know where you get the idea that I think its the medical profession that is in a war against women's rights. It is the far right politicians and their supportive constituents. There may be medical people in that group but that is not, specifically, who I am talking about and I never said it was.
  12. I am not stating my own opinion. It is what the church has stated. I already said it is between a woman, her doctor, and God. I am confused why you are wondering about that. The woman in your example is not discussing abortion. She is discussing infanticide a totally different question. I would call the woman a nutcase.
  13. Common sense is what is needed not political agendas.
  14. I am surprised there werent more than one. They were all so young from what I have seen, leaving young families alone.
  15. You know what? I had one of those. I had to have it. The baby was dead. Now if it had been a few weeks later according to the Texas law I would not have been able to. then there was my baby that died at 29 weeks. Would they have been able to take that baby? At the time I wondered why they waited for labor to start on its own. Was it because it would have been considered abortion? After all you dont KNOW till the baby is out if it really is dead. I am not the one painting it as man against women. It IS man against woman. Of course there are women who will agree with men on it but that doesnt change the fact that many women are feeling like they are being marginalized about something that concerns their own bodies. Yes it also concerns a baby. Please note I am not an abortion fan. Still it is between the woman, the doctor and God not a bunch of male politicians. As a side issue thanks so much for that graphic description. For some reason the reminder that my baby was undergoing a procedure like that is very upsetting even though he/she was dead. Do you enjoy trying to hurt people that way?
  16. If that was the simple truth then why all the crazy stuff? I do not believe women, in general, like abortion even when they support choice. It has gotten so crazy that these women are just pushing back.
  17. That was my thought as well!! Helps drive the point home though!
  18. There is another reason for the protests as well. Many women, including me, are just getting sick and tired of men trying to tell women how to run their lives. From the horrifying idea of raping women with ultrasound probes to telling them that rapists have the right to deny the victim an abortion it has just gotten beyond crazy. Calling a woman a slut because she wants access to birth control. What lapse of common sense happened there? I fall back on what the church says about abortion. Anything beyond that is wrong and often just sick minded. I often think the issue is more about control than abortion itself.
  19. Well there must be a special place in h ell for me then. Many, if not most, of the big problems come up after 20 weeks. To set an arbitrary date is wrong and dangerous for pregnant women. Another reason for the protest is the simple fact that these men are not LISTENING. They are ramming their bill through without listening to the women in their state. Apparently the only way to be heard is to yell. Even then they tried to cheat and illegally claim a victory on the ballot by changing the time of vote. Are these really people you would support and vote for? I would not go claiming the high ground on letting kids carry signs. Kids have opinions too and I have seen them carry guns to support their parents beliefs.
  20. I read that story this morning, Pam. My first thought was wondering who was arrested. The seat saver or the person wanting a seat. Seat savers can be very territorial and RUDE. If I didnt believe in the church so strongly, there was an incident where I would have walked out and never ever come back.
  21. There are a lot of good members of the church that are not skinny for various reasons. I know of at least one apostle that is not anywhere near skinny. Or at least he wasnt. We all have our 'crosses' to bear and weight is one for many of us but it is not the most important thing in life. Work on your spirituality. When we leave this life the only thing that is going with us is our spirit. Not one ounce of fat is making it to the spirit world. It is just not as important as we tend to view it. Not saying you should not work on being healthy but its not the top priority.
  22. Isnt he the one that has the old movie show on turner classics? Notice on his capitol one ads he is the abrasive know it all who gets his way?
  23. The excuse for Deen is that it was a long time ago. No doubt most of us have done and said things we would rather not be judged for today. Alec Baldwin is current. His jobs probably result from his attitude so there isnt much chance he would be fired for what he does.
  24. It is hard to keep up a demanding sex life with two women. Sometimes you just have to chose one over the other.