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Posts posted by Jamie123

  1. On 12/14/2023 at 3:12 PM, zil2 said:

    As far as we know, only three foreigners (and likely their servants / slaves) came, so it's not like this was common behavior - it seems pretty unique.

    We don't even know that there were three of them, any more than we know that they were kings, or that their names were Melchior, Casper and Balthazar. I think the idea that there were 3 comes from the gold, frankincense and mur (can't be bothered to look up the spelling) but we don't know that all of then didn't bring all 3.

    When I was in infants school I was in the Nativity play as Mur. I really wanted to be Gold, but they said no I could only be Mur.

    P.S. there are so many versions of this joke:


  2. 20 hours ago, zil2 said:

    v16-21: Lots of scary things prophesied for the time just before the Lord comes again, but remember, that there are great blessings, protection, and power promised to those who make and keep covenants with God.

    This brings back memories. 3 Nephi was the first part of the Book of Mormon the missionaries had me read. I couldn't believe the violent things Jesus seemed to be saying, and since I had also been reading about blood atonement, Danites and the Mountain Meadows Massacre, when they came back a week later I told them theirs was "a very violent and disturbing religion". I was somewhat aware even then of the violence in the Old Testament (which is far worse than anything in the Book of Mormon) but I never quite connected it with "gentle Jesus meek and mild". The sisters gave me the "same yesterday today forever" thing, but I couldn't really get that. I vaguely saw the "Gods" of the Old and New Testaments somehow in opposition to each other (an idea which you find in Gnosticism and William Blake) but I was an atheist back then anyway.

  3. 1 hour ago, Traveler said:

    What is a Carol Service?  How does one of the lessons relate to the Carol Service and why does any lesson rather than a specific lesson have anything to do your worship and personal sacrifice for what you believe?


    The Traveler

    I'm not sure what you mean by the second part of your question, but a carol service is an extra church meeting where the congregation sings carols. (Sorry its the autocorrect which makes it come up as Carol and not Carol. It thinks I'm talking about a person called Carol.) A christmas carol is a hymn sung at Christmas like  Once in Royal David's City or While Shepherds Wash their Socks...err...Watch their Flocks by Night or Hark the Herald Angels Sing or...well you know the sort of thing. The carols are interspersed by "lessons" which are usually Bible passages read out, or else other poems or readings to do with Christmas. Back in the day we had a choir and I used to sing tenor in it. ( It took me ages to learn the tenor lines, but once you learn them they stick.) Back in the day it was also by candlelight. The electric lights were turned off and everyone held a candle - we're not allowed to do that any more because the church is an ancient heritage site and there's a fire risk.

  4. Wife texted to say she's coming to the church Carol service next Sunday and would I have a problem with that? Then she tells me how important it is to her and she's coming whether I have a problem or not. I told her that she has as much right to come to church as anyone and I have never tried to stop her coming to church. Which I haven't. She has not come to church since May, but that is her choice not mine. I have not stopped her.

    But none of that changes the fact that I don't want to see her, so I've a good mind not to go, but if I don't go to the Carol service I will come over as a churlish ingrate who stays away from church Carol service just because he can't bear the sight of his wife. And anyway I am down to read one of the lessons.

    But a lot can happen in a week. Maybe I'll have an accident and spend next weekend in hospital. Not that I would pray for an accident but if God could arrange for me to have one without it being my fault and without me actually praying for it (which would be wrong) I would owe him a big favour.

  5. On 12/9/2023 at 4:29 AM, JohnsonJones said:

    World War 2 is closer to some of us than our younger generation thinks. 

    It does seem incredible to me that my father, who is still alive (and still drives even!) lived right through World War II and can remember rationing, evacuations, air raids and friendly American GIs sharing out their chewing gum with the kids. Yet even back when I was at school, Nazi Germany belonged to comics, war movies and history books. It was not at all connected with the colourful modern Germany that school trips sometimes went to.

  6. Only partially relevant I know, but I recently watched a video that argued it was not the bomb that caused Japan to surrender, but the fact that the Soviet Union chose that same moment to declare war. The Japanese knew they would need to surrender to someone (bomb or no bomb) and the Americans seemed like the softer option. The US promptly rewrote history to make their glorious bomb the big deciding matter. One could say that the Soviet invasion was triggered by the Americans' use of the bomb, but it was going to happen anyway whatever. Had Truman not given the order to drop it, that would only have delayed the inevitable.

    Another thing (not in this video): the Manhattan project was an international effort, not just purely American. There were British scientists at Los Alamos. After the war, Truman broke the agreement and made the bomb "USA only" - which achieved absolutely nothing except to make him look like a jerk. The British scientists just developed their own bomb at Harwell.



  7. 16 hours ago, Vort said:

    What with venturing into space and the likelihood of off-world colonies, we're headed back to the future.

    Btw, urine from a healthy person is almost perfectly sterile. Some people drink their own urine for supposed health benefits. Disgusting? Yes, at least to me. Unhealthful? Probably not. While I doubt there's any benefit to it, there is very little risk to drinking your own (fresh) urine. Repurposing such bodily fluids to harvest useful chemicals seems eminently reasonable to me.

    In Dune, the still-suit reclaimed all bodily excretions and recovered the water in drinkable form (which the wearer could sip from a tube around the neck). I've often wondered how that would work, and if anyone will ever invent such a thing.

  8. 34 minutes ago, Carborendum said:


    This is more like me at the moment:


    Long dreary text-debate with my wife this afternoon left me with little enthusiasm for life. Then thinking about the Gadianton robbers got me thinking about Adolf Hitler. Thinking about Adolf Hitler got me thinking about chocolate cake. Bought and ate an entire chocolate cake. Now feel very like the man in the picture (without the actual vomiting).

    The best I can say in my defence is I haven't actually turned to drink. That's even worse than chocolate cake. You wake up next morning with all your troubles still there, plus a splitting headache. You Latter-day types have the right idea about drink.

    P.S. Feeling a bit better now...

  9. 5 minutes ago, zil2 said:

    When the Lord comes again, the wicked will find his perfect righteousness so terrifying they'll wish the mountains would fall on them.  I'm not saying this has ever happened, except perhaps with the city of Enoch.  Those verses are about what will happen at or around the Second Coming.  And if we're going to theorize on the right way to do something, then our model should be perfection, even if we can't quite get there.

    Maybe you're right in theory. But if a robber were to break into my house in the middle of the night, I wonder what the best method of repelling him would be?

    a. Singing songs of praises, to fill him with the terror of the Lord.

    b. Fooling him into thinking I was a 6ft tall body builder and had an 18 inch machete in my hand. (Assuming, of course, I had a means to pull this off.)

  10. 16 minutes ago, zil2 said:

    D&C 45:66-71:

    Let the enemy be frightened by righteousness and songs of everlasting joy and the terror of the Lord.

    You've set me a bit of a challenge here - to find an example of where the unrighteous were "scared away" by the righteous for any other reason than their righteousness. I can't help thinking that two thousand sword-wielding, spear waving stripling warriors bearing down on you would have been a fearsome sight whether they were righteous or not... But you could be right.