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Everything posted by mikbone

  1. Of course not. Everyone knows that only white people can be racist… Be real.
  2. Guess how many times the term ‘fear not’ is used in the bible. I cheated and used ChatGPT.
  3. In the scriptures there are a few instances where Jesus used harsh words when dealing with people or groups who perceived themselves as followers of God. Vipers, lukewarm, etc. He also cleaned out the Temple grounds. But he was always very respectful of non-members and even the Romans. Can you think of any time he offended non-members? The fig tree comes to mind. 1 Corinthians 5:12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?
  4. Fence-sitter is also not found in the standard works. So I’m not going to use it to besmirch a group of people that don’t have my point of view. Lukewarm is a better term. But then again lukewarm is used in reference to members of the church. Fence-sitter is almost always used in LDS lexicon to describe a group of people in the pre-mortal existence that squeaked thru into mortality. It didn’t happen that way.
  5. Depends on who sent him. And your interpretation of failure. Cain came to Earth with a purpose. Korihor had a plan as well. So is everyone that dosen’t make it to the Celestial Kingdom a failure from your perspective?
  6. Reading comprehension I guess. Id rather be called rotten than perdition. To each his own.
  7. Welcome to the forum. yeah, the term fence-sitters is frowned upon due to its prior association with racist commentary. But then you have… Moses 5:24 For from this time forth thou shalt be the father of his lies; thou shalt be called Perdition; for thou wast also before the world. Wherein God is talking to Cain and states that He knew he was rotten in the pre-mortal existence. It seems that Cain was more of a double-agent that somehow managed to get a passport and visa to Earth despite his true intentions.
  8. NFL Offensive rookie of the year.
  9. How the Universe Works Season 9, Episode 8 Secret lives of Nutrinos
  10. Nucleosynthesis is crazy complicated. From what I gather, fusion of lighter elements into heaver elements in the core of stars is what causes them to create energy. It is a crazy balance between energy production and gravity. As you progress down the chain less energy is being produced and more compression from gravity is required. H -> He Main Sequence (Billions of years) 3He -> C (Million years) ->Ne (1000 years) ->Si (1 year) ->Fe (1 day) When Fe is produced it unfortunately consumes more energy than it produces, leading to core collapse. Then the upper layers of the star rush onto the core (23% of the speed of light) creating a compressional shockwave rebounding outward - the supernova and a gamma ray burst (GRB). But the supernova shockwave can only produce elements up to atonic numbers of up to around 28-56. To make Gold you actually need a Kilonova. Kilonova - merger of 2 neutron stars. Causing gravitational waves LIGO, -> Short GRB & Heavy Elements, Au (79), Pb (82) Rapid Neutron Capture. Several x the mass of Earth in Gold. Of course this is a just current theory. And a vast over-simplification. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2026110118#:~:text=Although supernova explosions%2C such as,most of these cataclysmic events.
  11. https://x.com/ramsnfl/status/1744139181109182816?s=46 Just broke the rookie receiving NFL record for receptions and yards.
  12. As long as your progression hasn’t been damned, the possibilities are endless. Of course with greater progression more responsibility must be shouldered. D&C 76:45-46 Trumps any commentary about the suspected possible future of the Sons of Perdition.
  13. “The book of Revelations is one of the plainest books God ever caused to be written.” Joseph Smith Jr https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/history-1838-1856-volume-d-1-1-august-1842-1-july-1843/166 What some people perceive as confusing or blurry, can be clear as day for others. The spirit of prophecy probably helps.
  14. The Rescue, Heather Theurer (LDS artist) https://www.ldsliving.com/how-one-lds-artists-inspired-work-is-helping-others-discover-god/s/80396 And I see this type of art throughout Deseret Books. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Kershisnik
  15. Priesthood is likely something we need as fallen humans to tap into the raw power that God wields by virtue of his knowledge, technology, honor, faith, experience, etc. Heavenly Mother and her daughters have access to the same. An ant hill probably can’t distinguish if the jet pilot that dropped a bomb on it was a male or female pilot. The priesthood as we know it is likely broken. The separation into Aaronic and Melchizedek was done due to the limitations of man not God. Then you have the Patriarchal and Levitical Priesthood, Priesthood keys, ordinances, etc. Likely Heavenly Father does not have to invoke the name of Jesus Christ in order to use his powers. If God’s power is priesthood. We don’t understand it.
  16. Zechariah 5:9 Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven. D&C 138:39 And our glorious Mother Eve, with many of her faithful daughters who had lived through the ages and worshiped the true and living God. https://bhroberts.org/records/jFuxrc-9SdpGb/zebedee_coltrin_recalls_an_account_of_joseph_smith_seeing_father_adam_and_mother_eve_in_a_vision
  17. https://x.com/pronounced_kyle/status/1742588127628361809?s=46 Round #2 And https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/first-ever-functional-graphene-semiconductor?utm_source=tldrnewsletter
  18. Just read the Wiki entry about him. Sounds like the hero. I’ll give the e-book a go. Thanks for the pronunciation guide.
  19. Do tell. I hear that the orange ones made in France are the best. Where can I find some? I love the reviews on Amazon. “cap is perfect for removing ear wax”. “writes 2 miles but poorly over asphalt” The ‘for her’ pastel color reviews are out of control.
  20. def calculate_easter_date(year): remainder_19 = year % 19 century = year // 100 remainder_100 = year % 100 leap_century = century // 4 leap_offset = century % 4 correction_term1 = (century + 8) // 25 correction_term2 = (century - correction_term1 + 1) // 3 moon_correction = (19 * remainder_19 + century - leap_century - correction_term2 + 15) % 30 century_leap = remainder_100 // 4 century_leap_offset = remainder_100 % 4 days_correction = (32 + 2 * leap_offset + 2 * century_leap - moon_correction - century_leap_offset) % 7 full_moons = (remainder_19 + 11 * moon_correction + 22 * days_correction) // 451 month = (moon_correction + days_correction - 7 * full_moons + 114) // 31 day = ((moon_correction + days_correction - 7 * full_moons + 114) % 31) + 1 return f"{year}-{month:02d}-{day:02d}" # Get user input for the year user_input = int(input("Enter the year: ")) # Call the calculate_easter_date function and display the result easter_date = calculate_easter_date(user_input) print(f"Easter in {user_input} falls on: {easter_date}") Any better?