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Everything posted by pam

  1. And usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month?
  2. Another that gives me chills. Josh Groban - Don't Give Up And I'm seeing him in concert Tuesday night. I can't wait.
  3. Another article
  4. I want you to know...I never stepped foot in that bathroom again.
  5. I am also not paying for their college. I paid for mine when I went. Probably sounds harsh but I agree with you in that...if it's coming out of THEIR pocket they might be more motivated and dedicated to it.
  6. We did that to one person almost every Sunday for a month. That person really thought they were going crazy.
  7. Amazing we agree on something again Pale.
  8. SNORT SNORT SNORT SNORT SNORT :rofl: :rofl: SNORT SNORT SNORT SNORT SNORT THAT is the funniest dang story I ever read!! Elphie Edit: I think you should send that to The Ensign. Gotta go. I'm laughin' so hard I gotta pee. Sorry but I locked the door to the stall.
  9. yes he did....and there was an article about it in the Washington Post Pale how long ago? I really would be interesting in reading about it. Maybe I will just have to google it.
  10. I have told my kids that as long as they were attending school full time I wouldn't expect them pay rent etc. Right now they do pay for their portion of car insurance. But the moment they were no longer attending school and still living at home, then they would start paying rent/utilities/food etc.
  11. I haven't heard about that. It would be interesting to read about it if anyone has any resources they can post a link to.
  12. By Latter-day Saints or otherwise? Former, I'm fairly certain. It was on this board. Again..why am I NOT surprised.
  13. I've been called one. Why does that NOT surprise me?
  14. That song is probably my least favorite of all they have done.
  15. This is my all time favorite group. I was in love with Tommy Shaw.
  16. That was awesome. I saw them in concert in the early 80's. They were great. I have many of their CD's.
  17. Susie, I hadn't heard. Are you leaving Malaysia?
  18. And unfortunately at this point I make "too much" money to qualify for any state funded programs.
  19. I know what a dry Mormon is. do tell....we are all on the edge of our seats.......... In today's society it would be someone that follows all of the teachings of the LDS church but without actually getting baptized. Therefore the word "DRY" indicates never having been dunked. YOU ARE CORRECT!!!!!! win!!!!!............... I know I know. Check is in the mail right?
  20. Now I know who I can borrow some from. You can have the stinky rose stuff my SIL gets me every year. Elphie Uhhhh.....ummmm....hmmmmm.... that is really sweet but ummm...uhhhh.....hmmmmm NO THANKS
  21. That's one reason I wouldn't mind if my taxes were higher. However, it's not solely because I'm a Mother Theresa wannabe. For example, my daughter is one of the "working poor." She doesn't have insurance, and if she were to become seriously ill she wouldn't have the money to pay for her health care. She would likely stay out of work for a much longer period of time because she couldn't afford to treat her illness, and all the time she was out of work she wouldn't receive a paycheck. Therefore, she wouldn't be paying into the tax base. However, if there were a national health care in place, my daughter could have her illness treated in a timely manner, return to work, and begin paying back into the tax base sooner, which would then benefit me, as my taxes would not likely have to be raised again. I realize that's a very simplistic example. But you get the basic idea. The working poor who have no health insurance who are ill but can't afford to see the doctor are actually costing us more than if we had a health care system that could treat their illnesses in a timely manner. Plus it's just the ethical thing to do for our fellow human beings. At least that's MY opinion and I'm sticking to it! Elphaba Hey you can't use MY line. I don't know what my opinion is on this yet. Unfortunately with the job I have now it offers no benefits such as health insurance. Really scary thing actually. Fortunately most of my life I've been reasonably healthy but you just never know what may happen. My employer can't offer it. With the employee base we have and such a high turnover of employees (which is normal for this kind of business) it just isn't feasible for him to offer it.
  22. Those that have health insurance already subsidize those that don't. I have a friend who once worked in the billing department at a local hospital. She told me they charge those with insurance a much higher rate to cover those that don't have insurance. That way they at least recoup some of the money.