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Everything posted by pam

  1. I've played this game many times. Okay so here is mine. #1. I once sat at the head table with Bob Hope for a fundraising dinner. #2. I went to San Diego State University and studied History. #3. I've had the opportunity to fly out to an aircraft carrier. I've done the arrested landing (tail hook) and the catapult launch off of the carrier. Guess which one is incorrect.
  2. Well Elphaba's signature does say "Wicked Witch of the West."
  3. We have one in the SLC area. Currently it has 5 screens. We try to go when we can. You can even bbq there and you can find many people with a complete spread of food while enjoying the movie.
  4. pam


    Just keep in mind MH that there are many people of many faiths that come here. All are welcome and we love having everyone. It does make room for some disagreements at times so take some comments with a grain of salt. Welcome to the site.
  5. lol Pam, The only reason why I started that thread is because it was being questioned on another thread. As I stated in my OP (on that thread) I was just wondering if I was alone in it NOT bothering me that I didn't currently hold the PH. :) Whew I'm relieved. I didn't want to offend you.
  6. If not Mr. Olbermann, then perhaps Carl Jung? So, are you suggesting that such a costume worn by a bee is in anyway indicative of a failure to work well within the hive, and as such represented a curse that over time might be overcome with the production of a pure and delightsome honey? huh? I'm just taking it as some stupid ad that S&W did that would cause people to think it would have a much deeper meaning. People would then post it on a thread in a forum for all to question what that deeper meaning is.
  7. Wow good thing I didn't call my sister to find out what is bothering her husband. Here I thought this johndoe was my BIL. Come to find out it's another john doe. Not our beloved John Doe that we all know and love. Well most of us anyway.
  8. I read back through it and yes I over reacted. My apologies to Traveler. I misunderstood his meaning. Guess I was ready for a fight when none was there.
  9. Go pick up an equal number of candy wrappers and you shall be redeemed.
  10. Interesting - but I wonder???? When someone that is not LDS is about telling LDS what it is that we believe; what is to be gained in explaining to them what it is that we believe. I think part of the problem is that some people think men and women are equal. In math (my expertise) equal means exactly that = the same, no difference, able to substitute one for the other without changing the truthfulness or value or the outcome. Thus, many that think men and women are equal cannot understand why women do not hold the priesthood. And since they see the priesthood as a symbol of power they feel that everyone that is equal should share the same of it. Now my friend Snow, I am quite sure you understand that men and women are different and therefore not the same or equal. You also understand that when a man and a woman marry that their marriage is greater than ether or both of them and that they work as partners – together – without one having authority over the other. And I am sure that you know as I do that priesthood is not authority of one person over another – especially for a husband and wife. But it would appear that as much as most of us LDS understand this principle that most non-LDS do not understand this and often resent any LDS that would attempt to set them right. The Traveler Okay now you are bringing up another can of worms about equality. That's where I have a problem. Why aren't they equal? Yes we have different responsibilities but are you saying that one gender is superior over another. I beg to differ.
  11. I could live with an Oscar. But then I would have to watch little goldfish eaten alive. haha
  12. When my son was 3 years old, we were in a small grocery store. I was looking at grapes or tomatoes and he ran on down the same isle and picked up three cans of .15 cent soda (one for each of us). He was coming back smiling and happy and I was just a little angry. (maybe I was just so controlling that I thought I needed to be conferred with every decision small or large) I told him to take it back and that we would buy it next. He looked devastated and took it back. A grandma standing nearby told me that I had done a horrible thing and I do believe that she was right. After that, we both made a grocery lists at home. He drew pictures, usually cookies and cereal. When we went to the grocery store, he was allowed to choose his cookies and cereal (usually Chips O'Hoy and Captain Crunch). The only problems that we had was when he put super size packages in the cart. On another occasion, we had a freak week in February and it was 80F. Of course he had out grown his summer clothes so we had to wear jeans and t-shirts all week. A lot of kids were running around in shorts. The next week we were back in winter and it snowed 6". We were at Walmart and they had just put out their summer stock and he picked out some shorts and a shirt and brought them over. I think that I just flipped out. I handled these days so poorly. Next the other child was now older and we were having conflicts about Pokemon Card purchases and Video Game Units. Then there was the popularity of fast food and McDonalds and collecting beanie babies. Nearing 14 years old, my son said "you always make me feel bad when I buy something." I just felt like I was back in the pop can. Whenever they talk about buying a 40 gallon aquarium and a piranha, I say okay just save a few bucks. When they walk in the door a few hours later with a 2 gallon aquarium and a goldfish, I'm okay with that until they start talking about buying a 40 gallon aquarium and a piranha. Then I'm a little ticked off. These things have built some trenches between us. My hardest thing about being a parent is that I am not very materialist and they seem just the opposite. Oh well, whenever people talk about repentance, I think about this a lot. If my kids came home with a piranha I'd be a bit ticked myself.
  13. Thank you Snow. I was actually wondering why we were even debating whether women are unhappy or not. To me "who cares?" It's the way it is. (Sorry SF this is NOT directed at you but at comments on the threads.) I've never questioned it one way or the other.
  14. As moderator of this site: "Snow you now have the floor"
  15. Intent to cause harm. I think I agree. But we should probably define "harm". For example, If I make an argument about some issue in the church, and someone who is a member decides I'm right and leaves the church, (or becomes critical themselves, or whatever) have I caused "harm"? This is, I feel, opposed to the likes of "Saints Alive" who intentionally distort LDS teachings and practices for their own nefarious reasons. I personally think is goes back to that word intent. Was that your overall "intent" when making your argument? Just question not directed at you personally Jason.
  16. PC I think you may have worked in the legal system far too long. haha Again you have made me laugh.
  17. I'd probably be a giraffe. I'm terribly afraid of heights and giraffes are afraid of heights. Believe it or not but true.
  18. I was at work. I worked for an insurance company at the time. One of my coworkers said that a plane had hit one of the towers. We thought just a freak accident. Then we hear about the 2nd plane. Our office manager immediately brought out 3 tv's and turned them on different stations for the news. It was strange. You could tell that everyone across the country was glued to the news. Normally we would have taken about 50 calls an hour. Maybe 10 calls came in that entire day. Then to hear about the Pentagon and the plane crashing into the field in PA. It was just too unbelievable. The next 2-3 days was extremely odd. My desk faced the flight pattern for the SLC airport. It was very strange to not see ONE plane in the sky.
  19. I use alot. Here is just a tidbit of what I found about each of them. If someone asked what talents we have, how would we answer? Some of us might think we have no talents. We may not be creative in artistic areas like singing, dancing, or writing. But we may have abilities we do not recognize as talents. We may have special skills in organizing, making friends, bringing peace, teaching others, or caring for children. Spiritual gifts are blessings or abilities given by God to His children through the power of the Holy Ghost. Gifts of the Spirit are given to bless and benefit those who love the Lord and seek to keep His commandments. (See D&C 46:9.)
  20. Good thing I will NEVER have to worry about either.
  21. Avoid in any way possible the smell of kimchi.
  22. I didn't even notice the soup can. Now I'm totally lost.
  23. What's "boy voting"? Elphie Sorry, I should have enter some kind of What's "boy voting"? Elphie Sorry, I should have enter some kind of I hope my gramatical error doesn't mean I should be voting Democrat. LOL I thought you were a perv for a minute there! Elphie Only for a minute.
  24. What's "boy voting"? Elphie Sorry, I should have enter some kind of What's "boy voting"? Elphie Sorry, I should have enter some kind of I hope my gramatical error doesn't mean I should be voting Democrat.