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Everything posted by pam

  1. I was being sarcastic....LOL!!!!!...... i think sarcastically is the only way to enjoy algebra...or geometry...or trig... Are all of those math? haha I'm sorry to say I haven't taken a math class since 9th grade. j/k I knew they were math. Just was NEVER one of my favorite subjects. Now that I'm thinking about enrolling back in school it is the part I am dreading. I might have to start a thread just to have help with math problems.
  2. Yed, Good for you in seeing this as it is. :) Wait! You want to get ALONE with him? hehe People of LDS Talk, try to realize that this is a privately owned website with 12 listed moderators.;CODE=leaders Not one of us can make a decision without the support of two or more moderators so it is a bit difficult to just jump on a problem. When the report this post button has been pressed all of the mods get a PM. We are not all here at the same time etc. Yes Yed is right we are all human with real lives. Even with that said...some decisions can be made only by Heather the site owner.
  3. What kind of dance classes Jason? Not ballet, but everything else? Awesome, I hope they enjoy them. My daugher who is almost 18 has been taking dance classes for quite a few years now. Everything from ballet to hip-hop. We are kind of hoping for a dance scholarship as she is a senior in high school this year.
  4. A-train...I am wearing green fuzzy slippers, a cotten pullover shirt and baggy jogging pants!!! ...the jogging pants are blue!! OH MY HECK YED!!! You Have Been MISSED! Good to know, Strawberry!!! I had to come back... ...I just can't abandoned my fans!!!! And don't forget your newest best friend.
  5. The song that comes to mind regarding this subject would be "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts. I love the words to the song. I even dedicated it to my daughter last year on her birthday. It says exactly what I was feeling at the time.
  6. My kids were excited to be back in school. They have some great classes. I'm basically homeschooling one. He is doing a program online. Much better for him. At least he stands a chance of graduating this way. I'm just now learning how expensive having a senior can be. haha
  7. So, can you get him to work on those spooky avatars he scares us all with? And reversion to napolean dynamite clips! Hey I like Napolean Dynamite. Now you've tempted me to look for some clips. I do too, except when I have to drive in it. haha love it. That's me exactly. Though actually I like the Snow on this board too.
  8. pam


    I personally don't care if there is credit given. I've posted a couple of things that I too received in an e-mail that I found uplifting. No idea who wrote it. I find many of the posts that Susie does gives me something to think about during the day. Not everyone likes all stories. I happen to enjoy Susie's posts and look forward to them.
  9. I used to play Spades alot. Years ago I entered numerous spade tournaments. Even won a couple of them. I had an awesome partner. But I haven't played it in years.
  10. Huh? Not sure what a song about a desert love affair has to do with this.
  11. On that I would have to agree with you Jason. What? Wait...I'm actually agreeing with Jason?
  12. So CK do you have an actual address for Outshined yet?
  13. Thanks for all your responses. I guess you always wonder about the "what if's?"
  14. Besides as someone pointed out to be Muslim you have to believe in God.
  15. pam

    Monday Is Special

    I've never really thought that FHE had to be all about lessons. To me it is a time that we put away the cell phones and do something just as a family. We are a family that loves movies. Unfortunately trying to find a time that we are all home is rather difficult. I have found Sundays seem to be the best days. We have many movie nights on Sundays. When one of my teenagers goes to respond to a text message they get "THE LOOK" from me.
  16. I understand, from what I was told yesterday, that he had many personal issues stacking up against him. We just never know what makes a person take that course of action. As Josie said above, luckily Heavenly Father knows what was going on in his mind and his heart and will take that into consideration.
  17. I had a situation happen in the last week that I'm having a hard time dealing with. As most know I manage a gas station/convenience store. We have one vendor that delivers to us every Friday. A very annoying sort of person. We cringe when he comes in. He's the sort that expects you to help him the moment he is ready. Doesn't matter if we have a line of customers etc. A week ago last Friday, he came in as usual. I was right in the middle of a huge shipment that had come in. As usual he wanted me to drop everything right that moment and check him in. I told him I would be with him in about 2 minutes. Unfortunately I probably came across a bit harsh. Well he didn't show up Friday for his usual delivery. Yesterday another gentleman came in. I questioned where our usual guy was. I was informed that he had committed suicide during the week. Now I know that my moment of harshness was not the reason he chose to take this kind of action. However I feel, in hindsight, that perhaps if I had been nicer to him on the Fridays that he delivered that might have made some difference. I know probably not...but you know how the mind works. I guess my point is...sometimes the little things or the ways we treat people on a daily basis could have some impact or influence on others.
  18. I will just have to take your word for it.
  19. When did this happen? That doesn't make sense.I was always allowed to see my daughter's information until she was 18. And man, let me tell you, I had a hard time with that! I was so used to being Mama Bear, I still wanted to see everything. I had to let go, shut up, and let her be an adult! I think someone is confused at your insurance company. That is not Utah law. Heck, in Utah they'd push it up to 30 if they could. Elphaba This was about 5 years ago. Seriously I was the policy holder and they would not answer ANY questions about my daughters claims when I called. What about since then? I haven't had them since the end of that year.
  20. When did this happen? That doesn't make sense.I was always allowed to see my daughter's information until she was 18. And man, let me tell you, I had a hard time with that! I was so used to being Mama Bear, I still wanted to see everything. I had to let go, shut up, and let her be an adult! I think someone is confused at your insurance company. That is not Utah law. Heck, in Utah they'd push it up to 30 if they could. Elphaba This was about 5 years ago. Seriously I was the policy holder and they would not answer ANY questions about my daughters claims when I called.
  21. Okay just a little twist on the subject. I found out when I called United Healthcare about some claims my daughter had...that because she was over the age of 12 I was not privy to that information. 12???? They informed me that was Utah law. The most ridiculous thing I had ever heard. I can understand 18 but 12??? But....I could have her go online and set up her own password etc so she could view them. So I did it for her. What the heck was the difference here?
  22. Actually I would rather not try and visualize Jason dancing in the nude.
  23. My daughter who is adopted was almost an aborted baby. Thank goodness the mother waited too long to have it done.