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Posts posted by Bini

  1. If the gospel was not apart of your life and you had never been exposed to it, how do you think your life might be different? Would you be a hell-raising sinner? Mostly balanced with ups and downs? Or would you be naturally drawn to the gospel lifestyle, despite, not knowing of it? (Like, not drinking or smoking, and waiting for marriage before intimacy.)

  2. That's because she already had a plan to strangle each of you with your own intestines.  Don't you watch movies?  All young Oriental girls master ninjutsu about the same time as potty training and can take on up to a dozen clumsy foreigners without breaking a sweat.


    Japan sounds different. In China, there's little to no eye contact between you (being a foreigner) and locals, you're invisible unless you're wanting to buy something. Then suddenly, smiles smiles smiles :D

  3. I keep toying around with a "natural birth" (though I admit it probably won't happen) mainly due to my hippy-dippy friend with the mountain man parents and the little farm finally became a doula and is spouting stuff on Facebook.

    Ahh yes. Natural births are very on trend right now. Really on trend with all my vegan/crunchy mamas. I opted for it first go around but ended up needing cesarean, and you can't undergo c-sec without drugs.

  4. You always have your polar opposites. Pro vacc, anti-vacc, pro-circumcision, anti-circumcision, etc. Ultimately, parents teach what they feel is in the best interest of their kids, whether or not, they're sorely misguided. I haven't ran into anyone that promotes ALL STRANGERS = BAD. I teach my DD about "safe strangers" and "strangers", we also talk about what things should NEVER happen, even with safe strangers.

  5. I generally agree--a peck, no big deal--but I would also note, having taught in Primary, that I wouldn't so much as hold Just_A_Girl's hand in front of a class of kids under 12 unless I was prepared to lose complete control of the class for at least five minutes.

    I think it's good for kids under 12 to see affection, not bedroom affection, but hugs and kisses between loving couples. Not implying that's wgat you meant, just a thought I had upon reading your comment. Still, any affectionate hug/kiss was done AFTER Ms. X taught, so when the studio was in session - she was teaching, period.

  6. There are kisses and then there are KISSES...


    The ones where it is pretty quick don't bother me...   But then there are kisses that go on and I begin to think "Go get a room people" those do.


    I assume that the ones we are talking about were of the first type.

    Not even that, a peck.

  7. I am not a fan of the PDA (though I have been guilty of it on occasion). I have always made an exception for brief exchanges of affection, such as a kiss, between married people. With same-sex marriage now becoming legal in many states, I no longer have the stomach even for that.


    I doubt I would have been bothered by the situation you describe, but I see no harm in the policy of keeping your physical expressions of affection private.


    I don't know if this is the cause for how one was raised or not but I came from a family that was loving, however, hugs and kisses weren't bountiful like other families. Public affection was especially rare, even, between my parents. So I grew up feeling similarly, not feeling compelled to hold hands, embrace, or kiss. Even after marriage, I had a tough time with it. But over the years, I have become a lot more receptive to it, and I feel almost like something is missing if I'm not able to show my husband affection while we're out and about doing our thing - whether it's a hug or kiss. 

  8. How do you feel about unmarried teachers showing affection for a boyfriend or girlfriend? Is it offensive to you? Would it make a difference if the teacher was showing affection to a spouse?


    My daughter takes dance and just adores her teacher. Ms. X is a divorced woman with three girls and has been single for awhile. But earlier this year, a mysterious man showed up, and would drop by after she finished teaching. The gossip I heard going around from other dance mothers was appalling. How dare they kiss in front of the girls! Really? They're not climbing and pawing all over each other, he drops in after classes, and they give each other a kiss - mostly it's a peck. I have Ms. X on Facebook and know the two have been dating quite a while now but she had chosen to keep things private. I think some of the mothers are realising this isn't some summer fling, too, especially after Ms. X publicly announced they are engaged :) I am so happy for her, but gees, the gossip and assumptions people have.

  9. I just don't pay much attention to these things. There's so many folks that DON'T contribute their input, and therefore, their feelings are not accounted for. I'm atheist and I get along with my LDS family, friends, and neighbours just fine. Maybe that's because they knew me as a member first, I don't know, but I haven't noticed a difference in treatment at all.

    As for my view towards Evangelists, I don't know much about them. As long as people are kind and tactful, I tend to get along with them well enough, and if they're not - I zone out and give them little to no fuel to burn.

  10. I'm sure glad I never chose to try and use those LDS digs here.  My perception is that Molly and Peter were uptight and self-righteous, what we evangelicals would call "legalistic."  I'm wondering if it is more offensive when non-members use it, versus when it's employed strictly in-house?


    This is true, too, in my experience. People tend to stick "uptight" and "self-righteous" in there. But whether they are or not, it's still a dig, a dig towards someone who is choosing the road less traveled. I think one of us kids teased my dad about this once, for the very fact, that he is so passionate about Christ and the gospel - could seem uptight and self-righteous to some.

  11. Yeh... I always thought "Molly Mormon" and "Peter Priesthood" were good things, though, used mockingly to describe those that indeed are righteous and unwavering followers of the gospel. I remember in Young Women's, Molly Mormon was a way girls labeled other girls that were seemingly "goody goodies". Just wanted to add that.

  12. I am interested in the article and will read it soon! As a feminist, I just stand for the right for women to freely choose their path in life, without society shaming. So if a woman chooses motherhood - great! I did after years in nursing - or if a woman chooses career - that's great too! Or if a woman does both - fantastic! I don't believe there's a one size fits all. So, after my breakfast and run, I'll take a read :)

  13. Was a smoker once upon a time. It can be a trying habit to kick. That said, it's possible, but don't let relapses bring you down. It's helpful to surround yourself with support, but if that's not in the cards, make a game plan. There's plentiful quit-smoking resources out there. Even your doctor can help recommend something for you - if Chantix is no longer an option - consider new options. Btw, no LDS is perfect, and most people understand that converts are making lifestyle changes (no coffee/tea, etc.). The WOW was a tough one for me, but I figured it out, eventually :)

  14. The one thing that always bugged me with Church culture, is that so many people believe that continuously putting up with crap and being trod on for the sake of avoiding divorce, is what God intended. Thing is, it takes two to make something work, and if one party sits on their rump or is abusive - you gotta make a choice in what you're willing to live with. Do you stick around, regardless of your emotional and physical well being? Or, do you make the decision to progress, where you are able to grow as an individual and your children, too - in a healthy and safe environment?

  15. The topic of homosexuality never becomes a dead horse around here.


    From what I understood as an LDS, I agree with Anatess and her thought process, I believe a large majority of people sail in the same boat. Finding attraction of others, regardless of sexual orientation, is not sinful - however - acting upon it when (1) you are married or (2) you choose to engage in homosexual intimacy, then it becomes sin, in the eyes of the Church. So there is a difference.

  16. This is likely way out of the ballpark but I used to envision the second coming as thunder crashing and clouds going grey, causing complete and total chaos, nobody knowing what's happening in the moment. Then a voice speaking, and that voice speaking in whatever language is needed, for the listener to understand. Maybe that voice is speaking instruction? I don't know. The whole thing used to freak me out. Used to.